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Will you start school later this week?

Will you start later because of the time change  

  1. 1. Will you start later because of the time change

    • Yes
    • No
    • We live in an area that didn't spring forward
    • Other

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Due to the time change, will you alter your starting time at all? Please tell me I'm not the only one. We start about 30min - 1 hour later after spring forward. We do that for at least a week to acclimate ourselves.

Edited by elegantlion
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No, for two reasons. One is that 3 of us have light colds, and so we all slept in this morning instead of going to church. We changed our clocks today, and it doesn't feel any different than any other day.


Second, I don't usually get started with lessons until later in the day, usually after lunch. So the time we get up in the morning won't make much difference. The kids get up when they wake up, and I get up when I wake up. :001_smile:

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I voted no. I feel like we already start too late and now I'm sick. One of these kids (all healthy now) gave me their cold. Once I'm up and being miserable, they can get up too. :D


That and eldest has spring break this week, and we better get everything done we can while I don't actually have to leave the house. I'd like to get ahead on some things and catch up on others.

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Guest Dulcimeramy
I voted no because I think of the adjustment like I think of pulling off a bandaid: just get it over with, quick and painful. :D





Also, DH will be still looking for supper at 5, taekwondo will still start at 6, and Civil Air Patrol will still start at 7.


I can't start my day later unless I find a way to start my evening later, too.



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I loathe Daylight Savings Time. Pick a time and stick with it!

It's a rough adjustment for my body clock.


However, it worked out well for us this year. We school year-round & are taking this week off :) So I voted "other".

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I loathe Daylight Savings Time. Pick a time and stick with it!

It's a rough adjustment for my body clock.


However, it worked out well for us this year. We school year-round & are taking this week off :) So I voted "other".


Sticking out my virtual tongue at you. You were smart in your planning! :001_tt2: Making a note to check the time change for next spring. :D

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*sigh* We don't have a set time. We start after we wake up and eat breakfast. So that will technically mean later but not on purpose. We will eventually get back to getting up early.


The it will start staying light out later. I really hate the time change.

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While I guess that technically you could say that I'm giving my kids "spring break" this week, we're just really going to be learning other lessons: teaching my dd to finally ride a bike, taking the dog to the dog park daily so she realizes she can't take on every dog there is, taking lunch supplies for the week to a member of our church with a new baby, etc. All great lessons but not necessarily written in any curricula! Plus, the spring in Central Arizona is SHORT so we need to get outside while it's still PLEASANT. :^)

(Oh, and by the way, we're the only state in the Union that doesn't observe Daylight Savings Time.)

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Due to the time change, will you alter your starting time at all? Please tell me I'm not the only one. We start about 30min - 1 hour later after spring forward. We do that for at least a week to acclimate ourselves.


I voted no because I don't plan on starting later, but my ds is very slow to wake up most mornings, and so I'm expecting things to move even more slowly for a couple days at least. I'm still going to push (gently) for the normal starting time, but we probably won't make it.

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Yes- it will likely take a week for us to adjust to time change. DD7 slept in until 9:15 :D Of course, DS3 was still up at 7:30, but I was happy to let her sleep in. I have littles, sleeping in is still novel. :)


We started school at 10:30 and finished by 12:30 and had lunch at 1pm. Yep, just an hour late all around. :)

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