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If you have been married a long time and have no close friends

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What do you and your husband do together for fun?


So many of our friends have moved away or divorced.


My DH and I have been married 23 years, and there is really nothing to *do* around here. And we have different interests.


We used to spend a lot of time with his younger brother and wife. My SIL loved to dance, and my BIL hated that. So did my DH. So my SIL and I would dance while our husbands would just sit and have a few drinks and talk.


Now they are in the middle of a divorce. So that makes it hard.


So what do you do for excitement? Seems like the same boring stuff around here. Movies, the mall(hubby hates shopping and we do not have a lot of money anyway). We have done the watch a movie snuggle on the couch thing a million times. Not that it is a bad thing. But would love to find other things to do on the weekends.


It is so hard because we really have no outside friends any longer that live close by.

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We've been married for almost 11 years and really have no friends. We're both pretty quiet people and do not make friends easily. The only couple we ever really did anything with is a military couple and they were reassigned quite a few years ago. We do hang out with DH's cousin and her husband about once a month. They are a homeschooling family like we are, but they just do not seem to have very much free time to hang out.


Most nights we put the kids to bed and watch a TV show or two together. We like that time as our unwind time. We choose series that we both like. Occasionally we will ask my parents to watch the kids and we'll go out to dinner and a movie. But really, that's about all we do.

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What do you and your husband do together for fun?


So many of our friends have moved away or divorced.


My DH and I have been married 23 years, and there is really nothing to *do* around here. And we have different interests.


We used to spend a lot of time with his younger brother and wife. My SIL loved to dance, and my BIL hated that. So did my DH. So my SIL and I would dance while our husbands would just sit and have a few drinks and talk.


Now they are in the middle of a divorce. So that makes it hard.


So what do you do for excitement? Seems like the same boring stuff around here. Movies, the mall(hubby hates shopping and we do not have a lot of money anyway). We have done the watch a movie snuggle on the couch thing a million times. Not that it is a bad thing. But would love to find other things to do on the weekends.


It is so hard because we really have no outside friends any longer that live close by.


Dh and I have a bunch of things we'd like to do when the kids are a bit older. We think it would be fun to take ballroom dancing lessons together (though if your dh doesn't like dancing that might not be fun), dh wants me to learn how to golf so that we can golf together and I'd like to go out and see more live music (the symphony, jazz, etc.).

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33 years here. No couple friends. We do stuff with the kids. Games, tv, walks, bike rides. Church, lunch, movies.


My dh recently almost gave me a heart attack by mentioning he hopes a particular horse will suit him. He hasn't ridden for about three years. I'd love to have a riding buddy again.

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We are military and move around so frequently. I do have friends but I don't do much with them. I see them at tournaments, co-op, field trips, etc. Dh and I don't have common friends here. We have fellowship groups in our church but we are too busy to do that. We are too busy to do almost anything. My dh works such long hours and then he travels too. I manage both my and my kids' and pets' complicated medical conditions, homeschool, manage a house and finances, plan trips, retirement, counsel my students with college choices, etc. etc. What do we do together- we watch movies or tv shows sometimes, we read in the same area, we go to a museum or show. But many days are communications are very minor and brief. We both understand that this is a short period of our lives when we are so busy and in a few years, we will have time for friends and activities.

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No outside friends here. Don't think we'll ever make close friends in MN...they just aren't conducive to getting to know foreigners (from Atlanta, GA). :lol: We do a lot with the kids......camping, hiking, museums, gardening, etc.


Since having kids we have always done stuff with them......we can never find a sitter that we trust.... particularly since moving away from the family center with aunts and uncles, grandparents, etc. So it is always us and the kids until the kids don't want us around anymore.... then watch out! I have my eye on a motorcycle or two!! :D

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Dh and I have been married almost 20 years. We go to the opera or plays together for date nights. We take the kids to professional sporting events together.


We don't meet up with other couples, but we do have friends we get together with for holidays or family events. Most of them are compadres (godparents of our children or we're their dc's godparents) and all are either Venezuelans or Colombians who don't have family in the US, so we're the substitute uncles and cousins for each other's kids. I'm not sure we need "couple friends", but I'm very grateful for our "substitute family" friends. It's so nice to have a crowd for special occasions, it's what makes them special for us.

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I love ROCK BAND. We sometimes have another couple that come over and play too.


My hubby loves Call of Duty, but I can't get coordinated enough to play it. So, I sit down on the couch next to him and watch. He has voice chat and I get to hear all the team chat and the folks he plays with are real nice (older people, farmers and retired policemen). There is is couple that play (their grown children join in too) that will break out in song now and then. They sing church hymns while they are killing people...:lol::lol: We have never met any of them in real life, but we'd love to (kinda like the people here). I love to watch the game play and find it real relaxing.


Our date nights consist of going to an ethnic restaurant (no chains!) or just coffee. We hit the local bookstore or TJ Maxx and look around (Window shopping) and then come home.


My hubby is social, so we have bonfires/fire pit socials in the warmer months. I serve coffee and hot chocolate and try to be as welcoming as possible. People bring their kids and we all hang out. My dh knows most of these people through his work. We've also got a young couple next door that have started to come over. They live together and are in their twenties with no kids. My kids love them and they are fun to hang out with too.


I am an introvert, so these socials were a bit much for me at the beginning. I have adjusted. I keep busy with hosting and then I don't have to talk as much beyond "do you need a refill on that cocoa?"!!:tongue_smilie: My dh is always recharged and happy after these socials, so it is worth it.

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We've been married for 21 years, and don't really have any couple friends that we do stuff with. When it's just the two of us (very rare) we will go out to dinner and then head to Starbucks for coffee. It's nice to talk without worrying about little ears, or dealing with constant interrruptions.

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So it sounds like I am not alone.


I just feel like there has got to be more then just dinner and same ole' same ole'.


Our kids are older, and I sometimes my DH doesn't have work, so I sit and think "Is this what retirement is going to be like"


We have to find some outside interests to do together. I would love to do Ballroom dancing but I am not so sure he can handle that. :lol:

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DH and I are avid Wow players. We do raids and battlegrounds together with our guild, with voice chat, and we are working on getting better gear so we can have our own arena team (that DH has already named 'The Missus and Me'). It is amazing how many people play that are over forty.

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DH and I are avid Wow players. We do raids and battlegrounds together with our guild, with voice chat, and we are working on getting better gear so we can have our own arena team (that DH has already named 'The Missus and Me'). It is amazing how many people play that are over forty.



My dh's clan tag is OTHG (Over the Hill Gang) and he's the youngest (at 43).

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We've been married almost 16 years, and we don't have any friends, especially since we moved. We did know some folks where we used to live, but it was hard to get together with them because we all had kids and were so busy.


Since moving, I'm incredibly lonely. We've joined a homeschool co-op, and that's been great, but still really no people to hang out with, if you KWIM, and certainly I've not met husbands or made couples friends.


We don't do much together. Dh is a computer nerd. I like to use the internet and email, and I do school stuff on the computer, but I am never going to be fascinated with networking. I think he would love it if he could talk work with me, but it makes my eyes glaze. :lol:


We like to watch movies. We like to go to the bookstore. I have tried a couple of times to cultivate family activites, but he's been quite resistant. I will have to try again, though, because it's pretty depressing.

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23 years here. Are there any hobbies that your dh has that you can tag along with? My dh is a car guy, so that's hard. But when he's in the garage I will sometimes just pull up a chair and read. He likes that I'm willing to simply be close by while he's doing his thing. Our lives are still pretty revolved around the kids and their activities, but we do like to do things together that we all like. Air show, museum, antique store, book store, car show, gardening, home improvement, etc. Is there a web site that will list fun things going on in your area? Sometimes that can be a fun way to find some things to do.



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What works for us is to dive into an activity that we can enjoy together, even though our particular activity started out as "his" and became "ours."


DH is a musician and belongs to two bagpiping bands. When his work hours got oppressive, we had less and less time together and he never got to see the kids anymore, so I've joined his bands as a bass drummer, which they both happened to need at the same time. They offer lessons, so I didn't need to know how to play before I joined. We have band practices twice a week (the little kids come and watch movies on a laptop), and we practice together at the dining room table several other nights during the week. Starting the spring, we'll be joining him on weekend trips to competitions and performances. There are people and families of like minds in the bands, so it's a good place to find friends for all of us as well.


Other than that, we watch our favorite British TV shows, play Wii bowling, and cook together.


Good luck! I hope you find some good solutions!

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Do you have a GPS? How about searching for a geocache together?



My husband and I have learned many nooks and crannies in our area that we didn't know existed - which led to other trips and activities.



Other things we do:

Watch movies - as in marathon. Which means you must have the snacks and drinks prepared before you begin and a babysitter if you need one. Lots of blankets and such. We been known to bring a bed into where the big screen TV is. :tongue_smilie:


Blanket outside during late spring/early summer before the bugs settle in. At night. Look at the stars together. I would love to have a double hammock for just this purpose.


Plan a (gourmet?) meal and cook together. My husband like to cook - me not so much. BUT I do love to have him in the kitchen with me for a change so this one is more fun that I originally thought it would be ;)


Massage - buy a good book on massage and take turns pampering each other.

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We've been married for almost 11 years and really have no friends. We're both pretty quiet people and do not make friends easily. The only couple we ever really did anything with is a military couple and they were reassigned quite a few years ago. We do hang out with DH's cousin and her husband about once a month. They are a homeschooling family like we are, but they just do not seem to have very much free time to hang out.


Most nights we put the kids to bed and watch a TV show or two together. We like that time as our unwind time. We choose series that we both like. Occasionally we will ask my parents to watch the kids and we'll go out to dinner and a movie. But really, that's about all we do.

I could have written this post word for word, right down to the almost 11 years of marriage, if you took out the military couple and changed DH's cousin to my cousin!

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Dh and I went out to dinner sans kids last week for the first time in... years? By the time the meal was over, I had a migraine from the stress of trying to keep the conversation going. Seriously, it was like an interview. The man does not talk. That's a "date" we won't be having again anytime soon. :tongue_smilie:

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DH and I had gone to a marriage class a few months ago just to check it out.

We learned a lot. We are like you , but we now

go out to eat breakfast on Saturdays. no kids.

We take a walk by ourselves in the neighborhood afterwards.

We do spend time together in church and at get togethers our SundaySchool class has.

If you are happy the way you are not doing things together I do not see anything wrong with it.

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A while back, I realized I was just going to have to cultivate an interest in his activities. He enjoys playing Dungeons and Dragons (Nerd!) so I got into it. I wound up having fun. He loves Rush (the classic rock band) so we go to concerts when they are on tour. I have even gone so far as to learn a little game design (hence the name) so we can discuss his work. I don't really enjoy playing the kind of games he plays, but I like to watch him. I don't expect him to take an interest in my activities and that's okay. Although he has mentioned that one day he'd like us to take dance lessons. :blink:


Other than that, it's the bookstore and watching TV. Once or twice a year we go see a broadway musical or go spend the night somewhere.


OH yeah, as a family we are all going to take Tae Kwon Do classes. Hubby and I are really excited about that.

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No close friends here either after 22 years of marriage. Besides the watch a movie together date, we like to play Wii games or card games like cribbage. Dh has recently taken an interest in helping me with dinner so that has been a together time when we are chopping veggies together for the salad! A lot of the time we are together-separately - each doing our own thing on our computers!

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We like to do things with the kids, but as far as personal interests, dh and I are way too different to actually pursue a hobby together.

We do have date night 2-3 times a month and easily spend that many hours talking over dinner.

Dh hates to read, but he'll listen to me tell him about what I'm reading. He loves politics, and he'll fill me in on where the country's heading.


We occasionally get together with other couples, but I really look forward to our alone time. I think all the talking we do helps up keep tuned in to how the other person is thinking and sometimes...changing.

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DH and I are avid Wow players. We do raids and battlegrounds together with our guild, with voice chat, and we are working on getting better gear so we can have our own arena team (that DH has already named 'The Missus and Me'). It is amazing how many people play that are over forty.


Dh and I play WOW, too, and have a great guild. A few times a year, I'll take a couple weeks off from playing, and dh always loves it when I decide to play again :)


He's the social one and has a lot of business social engagements that I could go to, but generally choose not to, so we really don't do much exciting. We rarely even get out to go to dinner by ourselves. But we just enjoy spending time together, and other than WOW, we have a few TV shows we watch together.

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WOW!! I thought it was just DH and I that are homebodies. Partly as when the kids were little, it was too costly to pay a sitter, so we'd rent a movie.


We don't mix well with others. Our values are so far removed from everyone else, it seems it's always a grilling session. You have FOUR kids? Why do you expect x from the kids(as in acceptable behaviours)? You homeschool?


Also, most people our age have tiny kids, while we have one soon to graduate. So again, nothing in common. Or they are all about newest, latest and greatest. We live on a modest income. Well, so do they, but they don't live that way. We don't care for the conversation that comes up. We are very granola in compared to people we know, baby wearing, breast feeding, co-sleeping(we've out grown the stage but we did it), SAHM, etc. It's easier to keep them as acquaintances.


We occasionally go out to a movie or supper. But not often. We don't have anyone we hang out with. We camp as a family every weekend from May to September. Our social life is life at the arena during our sport seasons.


We just don't worry about it. We're happy. During the summer we'll play cards with MIL and FIL. That is one thing I miss, I wish we knew other couples that played cards.


But life it good. We needn't surround ourselves with people to be content. We appreciate who we have(each other), and if we meet some one we enjoy, it'll be a bonus, not a requirement.

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New restaurants you haven't tried, museum days, plays, coffee shops, bookstores. Take a class together or separate and share, try your hand at new hobbies together and apart (Dh and I have loved our art nights with dd and will continue those for life!). We've always wanted to write together and someday hope to pick that up as well. We really are best friends- we were married young and it was hard to make couple-friends for some time. This later we both feel turned out to be great for our marriage since we turned to each other for conversation and entertainment instead of friends.


Just try new things- get a community ed catalog, a library events brochure, a local college classes catalog, etc. Involve yourself in some activities together or apart and your lives together will be enriched. You never know what new passions lie dormant, whether for yourself, your dh or both together!

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Once he can fix his bike we'll go back to riding together, and I can't wait!!!!


For now, we've started dating :p Every once in a blue moon we end up with the kids all at other houses and we both get dressed up and head out. It's a lot like when we were dating, we don't know where to go or what to do. We usually drive up to the burg and park. Then, just walk around and window shop. Sometimes we'll get something to eat. Sometimes we do something really exciting and go to Lowe's to drool over stuff for the house :lol:


Imo, it doesn't have to be exciting. It just has to be the two of you with a chance to talk.

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What about a hobby together? Gardening? Bike riding? (Limited by season, sure...lol) What about kayak rentals? (You can also get fairly cheap kyaks that are totally servicable at Dicks and other such places).


Dh and I use his hotel points about once a month. We go to a local nearby big city and find an indy theater with off- the- beaten- path movies. We usally go to a bookstore to browse, and a museum as well. It's fun to do city things every now and again. We try to keep it on the cheap, so we tend not to have resturant meals, but we do like little funky places and deli food. NYC has Koreatown, and Boston has Chinatown; you can find cheap eats there.


We would mostly stick to Boston day- into -night trips if we didn't have hotel points. (Pretty much the only perk to dh's frequent travels). I think we live in the same state? If so, one of our favorite cheap dates is to got to a Korean place in Somerville for lunch (there are several), and then to walk the bookstores in Cambridge. Much nicer on warm day when the street musicians are out, of course.

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We're supposed to do stuff together? :001_huh:


Lol, kidding...mostly. Hubby works so much that when he's off, we mostly hang out at home or do stuff with the kids.


Occasionally it's fun to try new restaurants, but there's not much to do around here either. Most of our close friends moved away over the years, as it is too expensive to live here.


You're not alone!

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We play a lot of games (Ticket to Ride, Carcassone, Dominion, etc.) after the kids are in bed. We also watch movies and sometimes just chat. Every once in awhile we have friends over to play the aforementioned games together and we enjoy that, too. But, mostly it's just us because 1) we don't have that many friends and 2) the friends we do have mostly have small kids and no one can afford a sitter.


I sometimes bemoan the fact that we don't "date" anymore. But I really enjoy what we do do together. I have faith/hope that this is a stage in life (kids from 14-5) and that we'll go "out" more when they're a little older/gone/or when I stop homeschooling.....:tongue_smilie:

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We're supposed to do stuff together? :001_huh:



lol I think so. At least sometimes. My dh works lots and travels, and a few to 24 hours away is so special. We work so hard to take care of the kids & our home. It's nice to have a some time to not think about all the other stuff. I love that there are no piles of laundry or mail in hotel rooms. There is such a lovely, if fleeting, freedom in that. lol


Of course, when the children were little, we took less time. We had nurslings for years and years. I wouldn't offer the same thoughts to a mother of tiny ones...but the OP is out of that stage. :)

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We don't go out much but we do hang out a lot. Most of the things we do have already been mentioned, but I just want to encourage you to try some things he likes (and vice versa). You don't have to love something to enjoy being with someone, and listen to them. I know my eyes glazed over for years before I got half the computer stuff he's tried to explain to me, but he appreciates it. And he listens to my literary diatribes and adds a strong back to my gardening (not his favorite).


We read aloud/read together in bed.


We play board games (from more complex games like Reef Encounter to simple flicking games like Crokinole. In fact, Crokinole is almost the perfect tired couple game. You spend a lot of time trying to whack each other off the board..lots of fun!)


We talk about the news. We talk about education, and books, and organization, and software.


We do projects around the house.


We cook together. Sometimes we'll pick something really different and band together to conquer it.


We veg out to television or a movie. We'll lay in the dark and listen to whole albums and talk about the connections between songs or between artists.


We wander through grocery stores, hardware stores, and specialty stores, just talking. Or play hide and seek. Or have a contest taking arty pictures and see who takes the best one.


We bike, walk the dog, kayak (when we get the chance), take the boys to the beach/lake.


We play video games together (vegging out to Dr. Mario is an old favorite).


We're trying to invite more people in to our home. Dh loves being a host. I'm getting used to the idea. :tongue_smilie: We're also trying to find more areas where we can both serve others. Still working on that (youngest still has issues which make it difficult for us to be places on set days/times).

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Many, MANY of our friends we used to do things with are now divorced, or moved away. We never go out by ourselves, in fact, I don't think we've had more than five actual dates in more than 10 years. We have a special needs child so we can't trust any babysitters and every time we're out socially (church, for example) he takes up all of my attention so I don't make friends very easily. My husband is VERY extroverted, and I am not, so I actually encourage him to do things without me, since we can't both go to these things anyway. It works.

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Well I like to do things outdoors. And where we live it is cold 3/4 of the year. BLECK.


In the summer, we are going to try camping and kayaking. We have a tent. I think we can borrow a kayak.


We also like to walk, swim, and ride bikes.


The winter is soooooo hard. Other then get out and go to flea markets, movies(rarely) or dinner when we can afford it, we are stuck in this house.


Guess all there is left is teA....:lol::lol:

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Well I like to do things outdoors. And where we live it is cold 3/4 of the year. BLECK.


The winter is soooooo hard. Other then get out and go to flea markets, movies(rarely) or dinner when we can afford it, we are stuck in this house.





BLECK is right. Winter is fine until say Feb 5th. ;) For some reason I thought you lived in MA. I can barely take the MA winters, I would not make it through 3/4 winter. I have friends more north, VT etc., and they do the whole cross country ski thing to stay sane. I keep thinking I should take that up. It's not costly like downhill, and you can do it anywhere. However, maybe we had snow this year, but some years not so much, and you can't xcountry in slush!


Are there any good book stores near you? Lots of times I've heard free talks from authors at bookstores. You don't even have to buy the book to listen. We also have those local short program thing-y for adults...you know jewlery making, photopraphy, cooking etc. Name escapes me. ;) Doh. Like short term extention classes... but more recreational, and not so costly as college classes.

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Well I like to do things outdoors. And where we live it is cold 3/4 of the year. BLECK.


In the summer, we are going to try camping and kayaking. We have a tent. I think we can borrow a kayak.


We also like to walk, swim, and ride bikes.


The winter is soooooo hard. Other then get out and go to flea markets, movies(rarely) or dinner when we can afford it, we are stuck in this house.


Guess all there is left is teA....:lol::lol:

I'm going to say your dh would be totally alright with high tea consumption throughout the winter months.... just be careful he doesn't try to move to Siberia ;)

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We have lots of couple friends. We find them at church and through 4H. We have so many couple friends that we don't have the time we would like to spend with each of them but we do get together regularily at church funtions and community group dinners and 4H activities. We also invite individual couples out for dinner/ movies or over to our farm to ride or hike.


However, for a suggestion of what to do when the two of you are alone I would say, take up hiking. We LOVE to hike. We love nature, outdoors and God's beauty. Almost all areas have scenic areas in which to hike or at least parks with trails. It'll help keep you both healthy and trim while you spend time together.


edited: Ooops, I see you stated that you live where it's winter 3/4 of the time. Sorry. That makes hiking difficult.

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Games, like Othello, Mastermind, checkers. We found a bunch of games at Ollies that are two player. We bought them, but haven't played them yet because we're watching a tv series on tv in the evenings.


And, even though it was cold, one of my most favorite memories with DH was when we went walking on a nature trail in the dead of winter when it had just snowed. I still remember the beauty of it. So, maybe you can swing a walk or two even in the winter.

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What dh and I do is : go for walks, go to a coffee shop (he loves coffee), go to the beach (and then a coffee shop), go out for a cheap meal (and then coffee :) ), just sit and talk, or go for a motorbike ride (he has a Harley, I am the blonde on the back :) ) We occasionally go to a movie together, but rarely watch movies at home together. We also have spas together in the back yard.

Last night we went for a walk after dark, after going out for a meal, and lay down on the grass and looked for satellites. That was fun.

We don't socialise a lot together but we do have some mutual friends. The way I made that happen was to make friends with people and socialise with them on my own until dh wanted to join in. I think the woman often has to take the lead with that- although years ago it was dh who took the lead. We do have separate friends too- people we would go out for coffee with on our own but rarely with each other. It keeps life interesting for us that we have our own social lives separately, as well as together. It gives us something to talk about apart from the kids :)

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What do you and your husband do together for fun?


So many of our friends have moved away or divorced.




I know. It makes my heart hurt. One of our "couple" friends divorced a while back and one of the couple is getting remarried. I am dreading the wedding because I still hurt so badly about the divorce.


My dh and I are introverts, so we do ok with this, but still I totally understand.

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We've been together for 27 years with no friends really other than each other. For us it has always been this way. We spend and extraordinary amount of time together 24 hrs. a day year in and year out.


Fun? We go to baseball games- high school and major league. We all go to the movies. Last nigh we played LIFE with the kids. For us, special time is when we bring each other coffee in bed in the mornings before the house wakes up. We see neighbors every so often, but not socially.

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I read through all of your suggestions. There are some I never would have thought of.


I do feel better that I am not alone, but not a fun club to belong to.


I also found out yesterday that my cousin and her DH are getting a divorce after 25 years of marriage.((sigh)).


I guess being married a long time these days is not the norm either.


Thank you everyone for the help and advice!

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