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I came out of my homeschool closet and my girls made the front page!

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I called the news desk of our local paper last week hoping they'd run a political story in relation to the proposed HS regulation in IL. Later that afternoon, the legislation was tabled-- so they asked if I would let them do a "general interest" homeschooling story instead. I took a deep breath <in--out> and agreed.


With all that has been going on in IL about regulating homeschoolers, many of us are deciding to "go public" <deep breath> about what we do all day. They're scared we aren't educating our kids. I was scared of showing them my basement. :D


Here's the story.


I knew they had a video camera when they came-- but when they asked me what our typical day was like, I had NO IDEA they were filming me. I don't like the camera angle at all-- but the later footage shows me doing FLL with my two older girls!!

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Great video, Sharee!




(The truancy officer had to rely on HSLDA to provide him with case law? He didn't understand the law prior to this?:confused:)


Glad I wasn't the only one alarmed by that! He is there to enforce the law-- yet he doesn't know what the law is?!?!?!?

Edited by Mother Superior
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