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If you could have a super power...

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Clone myself - one to get stuff done (that never seems to get done), one to sleep, one to workout, one to prepare healthy meals, one to chauffeur the kids and be with them, one to plan lessons, one to hang out here ... you get the picture. Not a day goes by that I don't dream about this superpower.

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I feel like I have the superpower of invisibility sometimes. :glare: But if I had to choose it would be the power to make things bloom, flowers, trees, children, adults. My world would be very pretty and people would reach their potential. Oh and I want a pegasus, a flying horse would come in handy. My dark side would want to be Batman and invoke justice where I saw fit. :D

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The ability to read, write, and speak any language (modern or ancient) with perfect understanding.



Oh! That's a good one!


Well....sort of. The older I get the more I say I hate people (I don't, but you get what I'm trying to say). If I could read, write and speak any language I'd have a whole lot more people to aggravate me on a daily basis.

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Clone myself - one to get stuff done (that never seems to get done), one to sleep, one to workout, one to prepare healthy meals, one to chauffeur the kids and be with them, one to plan lessons, one to hang out here ... you get the picture. Not a day goes by that I don't dream about this superpower.

:iagree: and one to work at a nice paying job. :D

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Peace- Ray Eyes.


One gentle zap, and everyone sings Kumbaya.


:scared: That brings back horrid memories of my childhood! My big sister used to pin me to the ground, sit on top of me, pin my arms above my head, and threaten to tickle me until I sang Kumbaya. To this day, I hate even hearing the word. How sad is that??

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:scared: That brings back horrid memories of my childhood! My big sister used to pin me to the ground, sit on top of me, pin my arms above my head, and threaten to tickle me until I sang Kumbaya. To this day, I hate even hearing the word. How sad is that??



OH! That's terrible! How about Lennon's Imagine?


I'll go change it just for you. :)

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I'm in agreement with the cloning idea but I don't need that many copies. I need one to homeschool the olders, one to spend time with the youngers, one to take care of the house, and one to just enjoy myself.


Either that or give me a time turner. And a funny about that...I mentioned wanting a time turner for my birthday to the kids and my son tells me that they have them at the Harry Potter Exhibit at the Pacific Science Center. He totally didn't get that I wanted a fictitious one that actually worked.

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I just adore some of these answers!


Bill, understanding every language would be awesome!


LibraryLover, that is just such a sweet wish for a super power! Totally made me smile. (See! You have a touch of it already!)


Night Elf, I just read something here that would make me *not* want your super power. Some things you just want to forget ever hearing/reading. But I'd take it if I could be selective with it. ;)


The cloning conversation reminds me of that movie with Michael Keaton. It seemed a little messy. lol!


I would choose teleportation, with the added ability to take anyone I'm touching along for the ride. I'd love to be able to just zap us all to anywhere in the world at the blink of an eye. Talk about a great educational tool!!

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Me: teleportation so I could live on a deserted island in a tropical sea without the hassle of not being able to see people when I want to or go to the store if I need something.


Dh: invisibility because you can get way with so much more if you're invisible.


Ds: the ability to turn into any dinosaur at any time, because it would be cool. :D

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The ability to clean the house by twitching my nose once.


Definitely!! :D


The ability to read, write, and speak any language (modern or ancient) with perfect understanding.



OOOH I would love this too.


Peace- Ray Eyes.


One gentle zap, and everyone sings Imagine. :)


:lol::lol::lol: That's too cute. :)



For me, I wish I had the power to play guitar like Joe Satriani. :)

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Definitely!! :D



OOOH I would love this too.




:lol::lol::lol: That's too cute. :)



For me, I wish I had the power to play guitar like Joe Satriani. :)


If we all teamed up we could have a really clean house, great music, and I could yabber with your husband in Dominican :D



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:iagree: and one to work at a nice paying job. :D

:iagree: I like the nice-paying part, especially :D.


I'm in agreement with the cloning idea but I don't need that many copies. I need one to homeschool the olders, one to spend time with the youngers, one to take care of the house, and one to just enjoy myself.

Yep. Dh often reminds me that cloning wouldn't be such a good idea - since, if you recall the movie "Multiplicity" - each one kept getting, how shall we say it, a little bit "slower" than the others ;)?


Either that or give me a time turner. And a funny about that...I mentioned wanting a time turner for my birthday to the kids and my son tells me that they have them at the Harry Potter Exhibit at the Pacific Science Center. He totally didn't get that I wanted a fictitious one that actually worked.

My ds is begging me for all the HP stuff, including a time turner. :D Whenever I wake up, I wish so much that I could freeze time for about 24 hours - 24 hours all. to. myself. and never need sleep. I could get soooo much done.


The cloning conversation reminds me of that movie with Michael Keaton. It seemed a little messy. lol!

I would choose teleportation, with the added ability to take anyone I'm touching along for the ride. I'd love to be able to just zap us all to anywhere in the world at the blink of an eye. Talk about a great educational tool!!

Yes, exactly, dh reminds me of the Michael Keaton movie ... :lol:

Teleportation - I've often thought of. Beam me up to Paris, Vienna, Brussels ... anywhere, anytime. Take my family and loved ones ... :)


I love all these answers and I'm really enjoying this thread.

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If we all teamed up we could have a really clean house, great music, and I could yabber with your husband in Dominican :D




:lol::lol: He actually speaks just plain old Spanish with a few "Caribbean only" words thrown in. It's more us Cubans who get super inventive with language and come up with our own. :D


The thought of having guests though makes me think I need to broaden my guitar-playing-awesomness power to Andres Segovia's standards as well since it's be really hard to have a conversation over dinner with me hooked up to a wall of amplifiers playing

:D :tongue_smilie:
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THE POWER TO FREEZE TIME! I have wished for this since I was, like, in college :lol:


This is mine too. I've had a recurring fantasy about it since grade school. The alarm would go off, and with my time freezing super power I would be able to go back to sleep for a few more hours. I'd have extra time to finish my homework, and I could steal all the money I needed while everyone else was frozen (not saying my moral standards were the very highest or anything). Now I'd like to freeze time in a different way. I wish my kids would stop getting older and bigger! I know these are truly the salad days of my parenting life, and I don't want them to ever end.

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Power to heal


This is mine.


Not needing to sleep.


I'd love this too!!


Ds 13: "Power to stop time. It would take the place of teleporting. You could go wherever you wanted when time was stopped. And you could pull the most amazing pranks!"


Ds10: Invisibility. When you're doing a sleepover, you could haunt people!!!"


Ds14 and dd5 are not available for comment.

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