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Whooping Cough - Please Pray!

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I know I've asked for prayers a few times lately. The chances are now more than likely that we have whooping cough. The lab results are not back yet but I went to the doctor today and that is what they suspect. They put me on a ton of meds. Then just a couple of hours ago my husband (who has also been coughing for weeks) woke up with a coughing fit that left him unable to BREATH. He was gasping for breath and finally vomited.


He has a dr appt today and hopefully will not have another episode before they can get him on some medication. I'm also going to ask for preventative antibiotics for my daughter (who is also sick and old enough that she needs the booster shot).


Please, please pray for our family.


And please if you live in CA, consider getting the Whooping Cough booster. I have never seen anything like this terrible cough.

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I'm sorry. And, I agree....there is nothing more sobering than a whooping cough attack. If your dh is physically able, it helps a little bit to hold your ribs when coughing....they often crack with the coughing spells. Vomiting is very common after the coughing attacks as is cyanosis. Watch for bluing around his lips and get him to the ER if he feels like he can't get any air. OTC cough medicines won't help and aren't recommended. It may be easier for him to sleep sitting up. The attacks are worse at night and sitting up can sometimes help. The antibiotics are to prevent the spread to other family members, but unfortunately, by the time you start the whooping stage (second stage), they don't really do much for the person affected. Be prepared for this to last six weeks....sometimes ten. If your dh was vaxed at any time during his life, his case should be milder, but it will still last just as long...unfortunately.


Watch for complications such as pneumonia, and be alert for dehydration as well. Sometimes the patient won't drink enough because of the constant coughing. I'm really sorry...this disease is a bear. Hope he feels better soon and that your other family members stay disease free.

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Ooo WC sux!!!! I had it 5 years ago. It took about 3 mths to get through the main coughing and then about a year for the lingering cough. It was several years before I felt back to normal and when I get sick now, I still feel like my lungs are weaker than before.


The thing that helped me the most.... a very good B Complex with C and A, vitamin. It really helped me to feel better every day that I took it. IF I missed it, I immediately new.

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Ok, just to let you know, I'm glad my son and daughter had it... and now it's over. Only if I had a baby would I prevent it. I was able to give my son the antibiotic and he was over it much faster and less serious than my daughter who had it and no one knew it was whooping cough. I actually got it, too, and had been vaccinated as a child. (I got antibiotics, too.... )


Praying for a speedy recovery.... BTW, if your daughter does start to get it, you might think about if a booster is needed...

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Vaccination AND acquired immunity is only a few years. Being vaccinated as a child gives an adult ZERO protection!


I had this horrible disease a few years ago-- my cough lasted way more than 100 days-- more like 120+!


I will be getting a booster this spring when I renew my tetanus because I'm at the end of my immunity period.

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Eight of us here had Whooping Cough between August and December of last year. I caught it 7mo pregnant and the coughing caused my water to break 16 days early. Thankfully baby didn't catch it, but my 2yo had a long rough time of things.


The test might come back negative if you've already had it weeks. That's something I didn't know when ours came back negative. It only comes back positive for a few weeks as it tests for the bacteria that causes it. WC lingers because the bacteria destroys cells in your passageways, not that the bacteria is still alive.

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