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Secret stash

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Where do you keep your secret stash and what type of goodies do you have stashed?


Right now I have mini M&Ms in my jacket pocket in my closet.


Terry's chocolate orange. Nice quality European dark not-very-sweet chocolate bar. Russell Stover sugar free chocolate truffles.


In the master bathroom in drawer where I keep electric razor, hairbrushes, and combs.

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I laughed so hard when I saw this topic. My 'stash' is fabric/yarn/notions, and it is definately a secret because my dh keeps rolling his eyes and saying 'more fabric?" I keep buying more at walmart ($1/yd), or yard sales or craigslist, etc. I keep within a sensible budget but my supplies to finshed project ratio is pitiful.


I was going to declare 2011 as a 'work from my stash' year but I already bought some supplies today.:glare:


Anyone else admit to that kind of secret stash?

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Terry's chocolate orange. Nice quality European dark not-very-sweet chocolate bar. Russell Stover sugar free chocolate truffles.


In the master bathroom in drawer where I keep electric razor, hairbrushes, and combs.


Nice hiding place.


I have not been able to find Terry's chocolate orange this year.

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I do not need to hide my chocolate because my husband does not like it and my children know it is expensive special allergy food. (They are actually pretty yummy, though, and I do share with the children occasionally, but they know there would be severe consequences if they ate any without permission since it is a long trip to the store that sells it and it is expensive.)


Also, they know it is one of the few yummy things I can eat, so they do not mind not being able to eat it often.


I do have a stash of tape in my top dresser drawer with my socks, my children use a lot of tape. I meter it out but hide a stash to make sure there is some when I need it. I also stock up and buy extra when it is on sale.

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Mr. Goodbars......not hidden because no one in the house would ever dream of touching them on pain of death. Heck, they BRING me Mr. Goodbars so that I am not moved to murder them in their sleep. Even the ones that don't live at home anymore......:laugh:


Yarn stash-bottom of the bed in a huge storage box cleverly covered with a quilt to look like a fancier storage box.


Fabric stash-bedroom closet.

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My husband got made that his potato chips were eaten last night. I told him he should stash them somewhere. He told me that was horrible and one of his stepmothers used to do it.


Oh well no chips for you buster:tongue_smilie:




Lindor Truffles...oh, baby! I don't have any right now, and I don't keep a running stash, but if I score some of those puppies, they will not be anywhere a kid can know. :drool5:


I have a little set of drawers in my master closet that has hair stuff, small purses, slips, bathings suits...and my chocolate.

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Oh my. Let's see... there's a giant Toblerone in the upper pantry, hidden behind some tablecloths. There's a box of Glossette Peanuts in the den behind my volumes of The Story of Science. There's a box of mini Coffee Crisp and Kit Kat bars in the den closet, in a puzzle box. Oh yes, and my purse testifies to my guilty pleasures as a few wrappers are crammed where the cell phone ought to go.


I find it funny that half my stash is in the den. Half the den is occupied by my treadmill. :tongue_smilie:

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I have random spots for chocolate (usually around my desk somewhere) and twizzlers.


There is nothing secret about my fabric stash - it is all over our bedroom and makes my dh crazy. I have been pretty good about not buying more...however since starting to make doll clothes for dds a few years ago, I have taken to recycling material from outgrown or unwanted clothes, those those have also been added to the many piles and totes in my bedroom. :tongue_smilie:

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My 'stash' is fabric/yarn/notions, and it is definately a secret because my dh keeps rolling his eyes and saying 'more fabric?" I keep buying more at walmart ($1/yd), or yard sales or craigslist, etc. I keep within a sensible budget but my supplies to finshed project ratio is pitiful.


I was going to declare 2011 as a 'work from my stash' year but I already bought some supplies today.:glare:


Anyone else admit to that kind of secret stash?


Yes, that would be me. I LOVE quilting fabric, and have amassed quite a stash....but, it hasn't stopped me from adding to it when I see something that really catches my eye.


I, too, need to start using what I have before purchasing more.

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Lindor Truffles...oh, baby! I don't have any right now, and I don't keep a running stash, but if I score some of those puppies, they will not be anywhere a kid can know. :drool5:




My dc gave me THREE bags of Lindor Truffles for Christmas: one dark chocolate, one extra-dark chocolate, and one chocolate hazelnut. Come on over, and I'll share!

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No stash here. Not really a need for one, lol.


Dh & ds are chocoholics. Chocolate (really *good* chocolate) is a staple food in our house. Yes, a staple food. A big section of our pantry always has good chocolate. :lol: Dh & ds are safe because dd & I aren't really candy eaters. She & I like salty food. (But, since sweet-toothed dh does most of our grocery shopping, we rarely have salty food snacks. :001_huh: I love salted almonds or nuts of any kind, but I don't have to hide them when I have them because nobody else eats them.)


My grandmother said she used to hide a bag of potato chips in the washing machine. :lol: (She had 5 sons.) Needless to say, in those days ;), her stash was not found because the guys definitely weren't the ones doing the laundry.

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Oh snap. I'm too suggestive.

I knew I shouldn't have come back to this thread. Now I'm craving (and must have) salted almonds and potato chips. And I just told my husband I'm too suggestive. I can go 2 years without a glass of milk. But oh, if I see a commercial with that white liquid goodness? I'll guzzle a gallon in 2.2 seconds and have a 20 minute lust affair with the stuff! His response? "Boy, you should watch some commercials about cleaning supplies." :glare::lol:

Naaah, I'll just sit here and eat bonbonsthankyouverymuch! :D

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Mine is empty now, but I usually have a Ghiradelli's Twilight Delight or Midnight Reverie in stock on the very top kitchen cabinet. Not that I need to hide it really...the only person in the house that will eat dark chocolate besides me is my 5 yr old (I've been giving her bits here and there since she was a toddler, and she's really taken to it). But if the kids see me eating it, they ask where their candy bar is.


Also, I sometimes stash dark chocolate Raisinettes. Love those!

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I have a box of Belgian Chocolates that I bought myself before christmas. It is in top of the pantry with the misc overstock items like flour.


Dh sometimes buys boxes of sugar cereal like Lucky Charms. He stashes them in the cupboard over the fridge. Where we keep coffee supplies like paper cups and napkins.


Even my kids have their own stashes in their rooms so it is just expected here....LOL

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Green & Black 70% Dark Chocolate, on top of the fridge


So it is not exactly hidden, but inconvenient for the kids to get to.

And everyone has been made aware that it is "all by myself's mine". :D


Sometimes I could just weep with joy at being a grown up.

:iagree: :lol:

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Now I feel weird because I don't hide anything :laugh:


We just keep all the food in the kitchen and if anything belongs to any one specific person, it's known and nobody else eats it.


I used to do this too.....but then if someone asks....reallly nice, I will give away my stash. Then, if I want some....it is alllllll gone. :(


My kids are chocolate snobs. They don't really like Hershey's or Nestle, they like Dove, See's, Lindt and other creamier brands. So, if they have Halloween candy, and see my better chocolate, they will ask for mine instead. If they only have Halloween chocolate...they will eat that. They know I have a stash, but if it is out of site, they know not to ask. If I buy a bag of Dove and toss it in the panty, they know it is fair game.

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I have a "sometimes" stash in my bedside table drawer. The problem is, I sometimes forget it's there. Once I splurged on some homemade peanut butter cups from a candy shop, ate one, and forgot about the rest for several months. When I found them, they were stale and icky. :ack2:


I'm glad I saw this thread, because it reminded me that I had one Anastasia's Confections Coconut Patty left in there, and I am eating it now. :)

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Right now, I have a secret stash of TJ's Peppermint JoJo's. I just pulled them out of the deep-freeze and they are now stored in the cabinet above the refrigerator (that no one goes into because it always blocked with stuff!


I forgot!! I have a box of these left!!! Last year, I purchased the ones dipped in chocolate. Yum!! :) SO glad there's a Trader Joe's moving into town... :)

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