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Book a Week in 2011 - week one

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Okay gang, let's get this party started. I'm so glad you all are joining me again and welcome to all who are joining for the first time. The goal - to read 52 books in 52 weeks. How you get there is up to you. I'll be starting a weekly thread on Sunday's (generally, most of the time, except for times like these when I post late saturday night) :) so we can discuss books.


We have a blog - 52 books in 52 weeks. We have other folks joining us from all over the blogosphere so check there to see what they are reading. I'll be posting there on sunday's as well with Mr Linky set up so you can link to your most current reads. Whether you have a blog or not, tell us all about your weekly reads in the weekly thread.


The rules:




  1. The challenge will run from January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011.
  2. Our book weeks will begin on Sunday.
  3. Participants may join at any time.
  4. All books are acceptable except children books.**
  5. All forms of books are acceptable including e-books, audio books, etc.
  6. Re-reads are acceptable as long as they are read after January 1, 2011.
  7. Books may overlap other challenges.



The goal is also to have fun, explore new books, rediscover old favorites and just plain old enjoy your reading time.


What are you reading this week?

Edited by Mytwoblessings
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So we should report here what we plan to read this this week, but report (review) what we read in next Sunday's (not tomorrow) thread?


I'm getting started on Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet. I understand it's an amazing read.


I also began a new Bible reading plan where I will read through all of the Old Testament once, New Testament twice, and Psalms twice in one year. That will take up a chunk of my non fiction reading time.:D

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I started reading "Anna Karenina" this morning. Looks like it will be interesting. For some reason I have a hankering to read in alphabetical order right now, so fits the bill. My treadmill e-book is "Shadow Touch" by Marjorie M. Liu. Very compelling paranormal romance story. I discovered my nook fits quite nicely on the shelf of the tread mill. Makes 30 minutes pass very quickly.

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I decided to jump in this challenge and begin by reading books I have at home for as long as I can stand it. My first book is Sarah Palin's Going Rogue. My son gave it to me for Christmas and is very excited to see me reading it. And actually, since it was my only Christmas present this year I might as well read and enjoy it :)

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I decided to jump in this challenge and begin by reading books I have at home for as long as I can stand it. My first book is Sarah Palin's Going Rogue. My son gave it to me for Christmas and is very excited to see me reading it. And actually, since it was my only Christmas present this year I might as well read and enjoy it :)


I just finished this book yesterday. I am embarrassed to admit it is the first autobiography/biography I have ever read by choice.:blushing: But I really liked it and FINISHED it!


My choice for this week is Understood Betsy. I know it's a "kid" book, but it IS 223 pages long and a classic. And it's the only book I want to read that is in my house right now since I've exhausted my entire library supply due to the holidays.:D

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I'm choosing some of my books from an Amazon "Best of 2010" e-mail I received. I figured it would expose me to some books I'd never choose on my own. The one I'm reading this week is a perfect example. It's called The Big Short by Michael Lewis. It's about the 2008 stock market crash.

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Today I started The Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag by Alan Bradley. I very much enjoyed the first book in this series, so I'm anticipating enjoying this one too. Flavia is such a great character -- love her spunky attitude! Had to get started on this one as we're reading it in my book club & we meet next week, lol.



From amazon.com:


"From Dagger Award–winning and internationally bestselling author Alan Bradley comes this utterly beguiling mystery starring one of fiction’s most remarkable sleuths: Flavia de Luce, a dangerously brilliant eleven-year-old with a passion for chemistry and a genius for solving murders. This time, Flavia finds herself untangling two deaths—separated by time but linked by the unlikeliest of threads.




Flavia thinks that her days of crime-solving in the bucolic English hamlet of Bishop’s Lacy are over—and then Rupert Porson has an unfortunate rendezvous with electricity. The beloved puppeteer has had his own strings sizzled, but who’d do such a thing and why? For Flavia, the questions are intriguing enough to make her put aside her chemistry experiments and schemes of vengeance against her insufferable big sisters. Astride Gladys, her trusty bicycle, Flavia sets out from the de Luces’ crumbling family mansion in search of Bishop’s Lacey’s deadliest secrets.




Does the madwoman who lives in Gibbet Wood know more than she’s letting on? What of the vicar’s odd ministrations to the catatonic woman in the dovecote? Then there’s a German pilot obsessed with the Brontë sisters, a reproachful spinster aunt, and even a box of poisoned chocolates. Most troubling of all is Porson’s assistant, the charming but erratic Nialla. All clues point toward a suspicious death years earlier and a case the local constables can’t solve—without Flavia’s help. But in getting so close to who’s secretly pulling the strings of this dance of death, has our precocious heroine finally gotten in way over her head?"




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Just finished Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger (Time Traveler's Wife) for our January book club pick. I enjoyed it.


I will be counting the kid lit that I read--I need to keep up with what I assign my 10 yo! So I have just started The Phantom Tollbooth. I need to read The Children's Homer also.

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When I go to bed tonight I'm going to start A Mother's Rule of Life by Holly Pierlot. I've been meaning to read it for some time, in fact ever since Jeanne (CAthmom) mentioned it years ago! I finally got the book about 6 months ago but still haven't touched it. I just skimmed it and think I will enjoy it. I"ll let you know next week. LOL

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I started the first book in the Chronicles of Narnia last night and I hope to have it finished tonight-I didn't realize it was going to be such a quick read. I'm also reading Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, this will take me a little longer to read though. Off to check out How to Read a Book, that sounds interesting.

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I will be counting the kid lit that I read--I need to keep up with what I assign my 10 yo! So I have just started The Phantom Tollbooth.


I actually decided to do this challenge WITH my 10 year old daughter. So we are going to read 52 books in 52 weeks together, reading aloud to each other.


We, too, selected The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster for our first book for the challenge.


In addition to that, I am finishing up Rose by Martin Cruz Smith on my own, but I'd already started that prior to this new year. And my daughter is reading one of the Nancy Drew files books on her own.


And, lastly, for school reading, my daughter and I are also starting Ben and Me this week.

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I'm reading The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes.


I'm not sure how to handle "books" that are actually collections of shorter works: the Bible, short story collections, drama, poetry ... so I'm going to just use my own common sense as to what will constitute a "book." In the case of Doyle, I'm going to count the traditional collections of his stories as "books" (since they're book-length anyhow).

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I believe I am going to read "Meeting Jesus Again For the First Time". I may also read "The Candy Shop War". I started it, determined I don't want to read it to our 7 yo, but I might finish it anyway. I am also halfway through "Shut Up About Your Perfect Kid - A Survival Guide for Ordinary Parents of Special Children".

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I'm going to finish reading Robert Fulton Boy Craftsman by Marguerite Henry today. It's a pre-read for my boys, so I am not going to count it. I have two more readers to pre-read this week, I'll have to finish them before I decide whether they count or not.


I also plan on starting The Help tomorrow. We will also start reading Johnny Tremain aloud tomorrow. I'm excited about getting started on the challenge!

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I'm juggling a few too many books right now. :glare:


The Five Gospels (barely started) and The Lightening Thief (halfway through) are holdovers from last year.


Yesterday I started The Brothers Karamazov and then, because DH read it and wants me to talk about it with him, a not-yet-published book about elephants in Africa.


I'm also reading the third Harry Potter book to my 5yo, but I don't really count that one. Not entirely sure why. I guess because I'm reading it mostly for him, not me, and I've read it before.

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I am reading Pathfinder by Orson Scott Card. I was going to count oit as my last book of 10, but since I already made my quota, I am counting it as this year's first book. I am also reading Carry On, Mr. Bowditch to my kiddoes, but since I am enjoying it more than they are, I am counting it too.


I think I may have posted this already....LOL.....but I am too sleepy to read the rest of this thread.



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I'm reading The Well-Educated Mind, because I want to do the WEM mini-challenge this year (3 books from each of the 5 categories). The other mini-challenges I hope to do are Irish literature (6), "Chunksters" (6), Classics (24), and maybe the Mind Voyages/Nebula Winners (3). "British Social Satire" is my first theme for the year, so when I finish WEM I will start with either She Stoops to Conquer (Goldsmith, 1773) or The School for Scandal (Sheridan, 1777).



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I want to do this challenge this year!


I have a question, though. We are currently reading aloud A Tale of Two Cities. I don't see us finishing this book in one week! We can read smaller books in one week in addition to this. Anna Karenina is a big book. How do you finish it and big books like that in a week?


In other words, can you tell me how you budget your daily reading time? Do you split the chapters into 7 days of reading, or do you read smaller books in between and count the bigger books when you finish them?

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It's called Nine Lives and it's about different religious traditions in India.


This is on my list. I'm curious to hear what you think.



I'm also reading Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, this will take me a little longer to read though.


Yet again another book on my list from you. :001_smile: Let me know what you think of it.




Just started




and loving it so far. :)


I've been wanting to read that for awhile.



I'll be reading Twelve by Twelve. It fits in with my simplify my life theme I'm working on this year.


My DH loved Alone in the Wilderness and the DVD is great. I bought him both the book and DVD. Twelve by Twelve sounds like he would like it. Adding it the my list.



At this rate my list is long enough for about 2 and half years.

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I want to do this challenge this year!


I have a question, though. We are currently reading aloud A Tale of Two Cities. I don't see us finishing this book in one week! We can read smaller books in one week in addition to this. Anna Karenina is a big book. How do you finish it and big books like that in a week?


In other words, can you tell me how you budget your daily reading time? Do you split the chapters into 7 days of reading, or do you read smaller books in between and count the bigger books when you finish them?


The goal is 52 books in one year. The average then is one book a week. However, some books will take longer than a week and other books not. So all your looking for is an average, not an actual one book every week.



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I want to do this challenge this year!


I have a question, though. We are currently reading aloud A Tale of Two Cities. I don't see us finishing this book in one week! We can read smaller books in one week in addition to this. Anna Karenina is a big book. How do you finish it and big books like that in a week?


In other words, can you tell me how you budget your daily reading time? Do you split the chapters into 7 days of reading, or do you read smaller books in between and count the bigger books when you finish them?



I don't budget my reading time at all. I just read and don't worry about it. As I mentioned before, enjoy your reading and don't worry about the numbers. It all averages out in the end. Sometimes I do end up reading smaller books in between depending on my mood and how in to the book I am. And yes, count the bigger book when you are done and don't forget to give yourself a big pat on the back for it. Some of these classics aren't easy reads.


Not a helpful answer and I'm sure someone else can give you a better idea.

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I believe I am going to read "Meeting Jesus Again For the First Time". I may also read "The Candy Shop War". I started it, determined I don't want to read it to our 7 yo, but I might finish it anyway. I am also halfway through "Shut Up About Your Perfect Kid - A Survival Guide for Ordinary Parents of Special Children".


Just added Shut Up About Your Perfect Kid to my wish list. I have a couple people I'd love to give this too. ;)


This week I'll be starting The Widow of Larkspur Inn, by Lawana Blackwell. I'm also reading Sense & Sensibility - the graphic novel - but I'm not sure if that counts as a "real" book, or not.


Yes, graphic novels count.


I am reading Pathfinder by Orson Scott Card. I was going to count it as my last book of 10, but since I already made my quota, I am counting it as this year's first book. I am also reading Carry On, Mr. Bowditch to my kiddoes, but since I am enjoying it more than they are, I am counting it too.



I read Carry On Mr Bowditch with my son as well. I counted it too. It isn't easy reading it out loud, but I did enjoy it. Great book and taught James a few things about emotions.

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I am on the 5th Vampire Diaries book so it is book one.

Not my first choice in reading but I have to read 20 new authors.

Doing the challenge with a friend so I've mixed it up with new, old, YA, classics, you name it. She likes stuff like this and it isn't terrible. They are readable anyway.

Here is my 2011 Reading Challenges Page with my lists on it.

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