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Something fun: the funniest names. . .

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you've ever heard of or known?


(I need to laugh today. Humor me)


My favorite radio show was having people call in with funny names. There were some doozies!!! My favorites were "Formica Dinette" and "Giep Tire" (Jeep Tire -get it?)


I even got up the nerve to call in my favorite;


My nephew's name is Atticus Geronimo.


The host laughed, and asked if his sister's name was "Scout Sitting Bull".




Anyone want to play?

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Just a heads up. We've had a thread like this and it ended up very offensive to a great many people. Something to consider.

I went to high school with a girl named Crystal Ball. What were her parents thinking :confused: ?

Just watched Krystal Ball up here get defeated in her run for office :lol:

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OMG! I should call my sister - the obstetrician -- when she was doing OB, she had moms use some of the most out there names ever.


One that sticks is 'Dystocia' -- that's right. The mom heard my sister use the word during the delivery and after the little girl was delivered and in her mother's arms, the mom asked my sister what the word was she heard her using during the delivery -- she named the baby 'dystocia.'


Better than 'Placenta' I guess.


I also knew someone named Virginia Beach.


If I think hard enough I know there are others, but I am not supposed to be here -- I have to get stuff done. Oh, you guys!:D

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One of the funniest I've ever heard was the name of one of dh's foreign co-workers. I'm sure his name had great meaning in his own language, but unfortunately, in English, it was not so good.


The first day dh met him, the young man came to a very important meeting with company execs and introduced himself, "Hello, My name is Chittibaboo. You can call me Chit."


Now here is the kicker...in his country the "ch" is said "sh". (Say that in your head.) He was just new here, fresh off the plane so to speak, and apparently hadn't had time to find out that this would not be an acceptable nickname and would, unfortunately, incur great giggles.


Dh excused himself and his new collegue, went into the hallway and discretely informed him of how that is said in America and what it means, and then helped him pick a mutually agreeable name for office use. The young man just couldn't say "ch" right away so Chet was out. I think they agreed on Bob.


He told me about it afterwards and I couldn't restrain myself from snickering. He said it was priceless because the Execs were trying really hard not to laugh and looked like they were strangling to keep it under control.



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One of the funniest I've ever heard was the name of one of dh's foreign co-workers. I'm sure his name had great meaning in his own language, but unfortunately, in English, it was not so good.


The first day dh met him, the young man came to a very important meeting with company execs and introduced himself, "Hello, My name is Chittibaboo. You can call me Chit."


Now here is the kicker...in his country the "ch" is said "sh". (Say that in your head.) He was just new here, fresh off the plane so to speak, and apparently hadn't had time to find out that this would not be an acceptable nickname and would, unfortunately, incur great giggles.


Dh excused himself and his new collegue, went into the hallway and discretely informed him of how that is said in America and what it means, and then helped him pick a mutually agreeable name for office use. The young man just couldn't say "ch" right away so Chet was out. I think they agreed on Bob.


He told me about it afterwards and I couldn't restrain myself from snickering. He said it was priceless because the Execs were trying really hard not to laugh and looked like they were strangling to keep it under control.





:smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5:DH and I have tears streaming down our faces.

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I knew a family with 7 children named:





You get the idea :D


My husband works with a Vietnamese man who just recently became a citizen. He decided to take an "American name" to go with his new citizenship. He told everyone that his name would no longer be Ha Nuyen, but would now be Harrison Fived....because Harrison Ford (Foured?) was taken, of course.


I worked with a doctor who did some internship/ residency work in some of the poorest, rural parts of the country. He encountered a couple children named Meconium and Aspirated (do you think they called her Ted for short?)


We have an ancestor a few generations back who was named Marvelous Flood because she was born during one of the biggest downpours in recorded history in that area.


Amber in SJ

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Well, there was Lemonjello. I've heard that there are several of these kids named Lemonjello and Orangejello.


When I work at the newspaper I had to ask my boss if it was a real name before I put it in with the kids who made the honor roll. Yup, it was.


I don't understand naming one's child with a name that makes people :001_huh: or :glare: or :lol:

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I have a family member named Rainer Dries. He's German, though, and when he says it, it sounds pretty cool. When you just look at it and pronounce it English-style, it's kind of funny.


A (too) young local mom just named her kid Jazzlyn Sparks. I feel so sorry for that little girl. It's like she's been doomed to be a pole dancer forever. :001_rolleyes:


The funniest name I knew when I was a kid was my kindergarten friend Barbie Dahla. She was a sweetie and I still think of her every now and then. :001_smile:


There are many incredibly long and strange French names in my husband's family tree. We have a theory that there was some mercury poisoning going round the area from 1870-1890 because between that time the names are things like Philomènethène and Hérmenégilde, but after 1890 it's stuff like Robert and André.

Edited by Audrey
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I had a friend in college, first name was Richard but went by Dicky, last name was Putz - Dicky Putz. He was a senior in the corp so the underclassmen had to call him "Mr. Putz".


Another bad name for being in the corp at Texas A&M, freshman do not use their first name; they are called "Fish Last Name". A friend's last name was Head, so his whole freshman year he was called "Fish Head". At least he didn't have to put up with that one for life.


A girl I knew in high school had the name Paige Turner.

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I always find it odd when you look in a phonebook and see "William Williams" or "Richard Richards" as an entry.


I worked with a woman whose husband was Ed Edwards. Not his given name--he changed it to that as an adult because he hated his given name so much. His wife was sworn to secrecy, so we never found out what this horrible name was.


Just one explanation.



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Terry Bull


Terry Ball (and his daughter Tara Ball)


Crystal Waters (the mom drew the line at giving her the middle name Clear like the dad wanted)


Bambi Hunter (yes, that was her real first name and was not a nickname, and Hunter was her married name, at least!)


Christmas & Easter (sisters my husband went to school with)


Pastor Slaughter and his wife Nurse Slaughter!

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Baby naming is a weird business. I wrote about some of the funny ones DH and I discovered while trying to figure out what to name our youngest. There is some freaky stuff out there.


The worst name I ever heard was "Dick Swett," a congressman in NH from 91-95. Honestly, if you had that name wouldn't you choose to use Richard, at least for professional purposes? Not this guy - there were signs with DICK SWETT in big bold letters all over the state. :confused: Sheesh!

Edited by LibertyH
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The worst name I ever heard was "Dick Sweat," a congressman in NH from 91-95. Honestly, if you had that name wouldn't you choose to use Richard, at least for professional purposes? Not this guy - there were signs with DICK SWEAT in big bold letters all over the state. :confused: Sheesh!


I lived in NH then, and this brought back some funny memories! :D


I used to be an administrative assistant for a construction materials company, and I'll never forget the day a customer called in (I was still fairly new) and asked to speak with our project manager who was unavailable. As I asked for his name to take the message, he said, "Shannon Peed". I thought he was joking so I asked for him to spell it, and he did (just as I wrote). When the mgr returned, I asked if this was truly a real customer, and he said, "Oh yeah! Great guy! We've been working with him for a while." I felt bad for him because being male, it wasn't like he could get married and lose the last name.

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Our last name is South and I joked with my dh about naming our kids





I had a high school science teacher who joked about what he wanted to name his kids: when his wife was expecting their first, a boy, he suggested Atom. Then when she was expecting her second, a girl, he suggested (or we suggested, can't remember anymore) calling her Inertia.

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Beverly Hill...my sister. My mom said she really wanted to name her Wendy but didn't want her to have a name people would laugh at. :001_huh: I saw a Sandy Claus on Wheel of Fortune once.


Growing up that was my best friend's mom's name. (Did she ever live in Michigan? :lol:)


ETA: Of course this was her married name--nevermind. :leaving:

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I went to college with a Crystal Shanda Lear and an Amanda Mercedes Benz.


And there was a race car driver when I was growing up in WI whose name is Dick Trickle.


I always find it odd when you look in a phonebook and see "William Williams" or "Richard Richards" as an entry.

I know someone named George Georges.


Strangest ancestral name I've come across is "Marmaduke Milton Myles".


A friend of ours told my husband that he has a recommendation for our child since it's the eighth (I hate name rec's). I saw this one coming and I was right...he recommended Octavius. Thing is, that name is not odd to me because I have a relative that is named Octavius.

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