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I wish there was a forum for 6-8 grades only


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I love the elementary homeschoolers but I don't like having to search through 100+ threads on elementary homeschooling to find one thread about middle school. There is such a big difference between homeschooling K and homeschooling 7th and 8th. Why, oh why can't we have our own little forum????






ETA: I changed the thread title to reflect the idea of a logic stage forum and not just a middle school forum.

Edited by The Dragon Academy
changed the title to reflect the new idea
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Guest Dulcimeramy
That would be so very helpful.


OOOH, we could ask that it be







you know, three cycles of 4 years. :001_smile:


~christine in al


Even better!

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I understand that desire, but I confess that I kind of like this forum the way it is--I'm on another forum that is so divided up into groups that the traffic has become slow, and only a few people go back and visit other forums--so you lose a lot of the experienced voices by dividing up. I've been wishing that one was NOT so divided!


Merry :-)

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If it was by grammar/logic/rhetoric grouping then people could get their information from whichever level their kid was at instead of grade levels.


I like this better than going strictly by grade level. There is such a wide variety among students as to when the transition from one stage to another happens.

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I understand that desire, but I confess that I kind of like this forum the way it is--I'm on another forum that is so divided up into groups that the traffic has become slow, and only a few people go back and visit other forums--so you lose a lot of the experienced voices by dividing up. I've been wishing that one was NOT so divided!


Merry :-)


I agree w/ Merry--a K - 8 board means more traffic, more chances for voices of experience to respond.

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I agree w/ Merry--a K - 8 board means more traffic, more chances for voices of experience to respond.


I agree with this, too. I have a preschooler and a 5th grader and so far I've found this board great- it's active, lots of traffic, lots of good responses when you need one, etc. I think if it was divided up even more, it would just slow down this board and the responses it gets and when all is said and done, I think getting fewer responses to your questions/posts would be more frustrating than having to look for posts that pertain to middle school.

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I agree with this, too. I have a preschooler and a 5th grader and so far I've found this board great- it's active, lots of traffic, lots of good responses when you need one, etc. I think if it was divided up even more, it would just slow down this board and the responses it gets and when all is said and done, I think getting fewer responses to your questions/posts would be more frustrating than having to look for posts that pertain to middle school.


I don't see that happening. If people are going to respond to elementary level threads they are going to respond no matter where the threads are. I just find it frustrating and time consuming to look through so many posts about phonics and beginning math when I am more interested in algebra and essay writing.


And, admit it, not everyone posts the 'real' topic idea in the thread title. For example a thread asking about "Apologia Science" is going to look different to someone using the elementary series vs. someone using the upper levels. I can't tell you how many times I have opened threads touting "great ideas for Apologia" hoping to find good science info for junior high and the thread is about elementary lap books.



Maybe if there was a way to tag the threads for the different stages/grades (either way, it doesn't matter to me) so people with older students would know where to look.

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I don't read or answer thread about Phonics, early math, reading, handwriting.......I have been away from those topics for SO long that I would be providing information that is likely dated and I would be recommending materials that have likely been replaced with newer and better materials that others HAVE actually used and can speak about intelligently.


I do look for science, literature, pre-algebra and algebra, Latin (not the early levels) so some sort of delineation would be helpful. I find that I stay aware from the curric board (and I really like the curric board) b/c so much of it does not pertain to me.

Edited by MariannNOVA
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This has been addressed before. There was some reason, but I'm sorry, my old, tired brain doesn't remember it.


Something about the people with middle schoolers wouldn't check the younger board and answer BTDT type questions. Also, the people with K-5 wouldn't check the 6-8 board and see what's coming up. Silly, IMHO, but I've seen this suggestion come up numerous times in the past 8 years and it has never been approved.

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I agree that it would slow down. A lot of people just check the section they want to read. Many would likely tire of going into the K-4 boards if they have an 8th grader... but they are the voices of experience to help in those threads. We have a community here and communities inter-mingle. I've been on other forums as well where this was illustrated. For those wishing for a specific topic, the search feature (especially the advanced search) is a great tool to help locate specific topics/threads.

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How about instead of a separate or subforum, we do some self-selecting? I can see a couple possible routes for this.


1)For example, many people use the marker (CC) to indicate "Christian Content." How about at the beginning of your thread title marking it "LS" for Logic Stage. e.g. "LS: What on earth do I do about science?"




2) we could all be more diligent about using the tags feature already built into the board.




As an early grammar stage h/s mom, I really, really, would not like to see all you logic stage mommas leaving here! Your voices are desperately needed for encouragement, philosophy talk, and general knowledge. I don't belong over there, but I sometimes lurk on the High School board to get some of those conversations because they don't happen with such frequency here, and without you they'd not happen here! I know I don't post a lot in those threads, but I read them and learn and hope that one day I'll have the knowledge to post there.


MarilynNOVA, please don't think that your ideas are outdated! You've been there and done that. I don't need the newest and the trendiest, I need the best choice I can make, and if it is proven 10+ years, so much the better!

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Why can't we give it a trial run and see what happens? A new Logic Stage(5-8) forum could be opened for three-six months and we could see what would happen to the k-8 board. If there are dramatic changes in use then we could address why. My guess is that there would be a slight slow down but not to the extent that most people are thinking.


What about a subforum like the College forum under High School?

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I agree that it would slow down. A lot of people just check the section they want to read. Many would likely tire of going into the K-4 boards if they have an 8th grader... but they are the voices of experience to help in those threads.


But there are so many of us moms who have a wide age range that I think there would still be plenty of veterans on a Grammar stage board. By the time my 3rd child starts kindergarten, I will have presumably been homeschooling for 9 years. And I know there are those who have been HS a dozen or more years who still have grammar stage kiddos.

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