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2 of the Gosselin kids expelled from school....

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My DS was basically expelled from a private school (we were allowed to pull him out). (He was in 3rd grade.) Does that make me a terrible parent?? DS has Asperger's. School was sensory torture. I think it's terrible that y'all are judging her as a mother because of her kids' behavior. I've been there, and it's a horrible thing to go through.


To be honest, I've always kind of wondered if a couple of the Gosselin kids were on the spectrum. Not severely, but just a few things made me go "hmmm...".

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My DS was basically expelled from a private school (we were allowed to pull him out). (He was in 3rd grade.) Does that make me a terrible parent?? DS has Asperger's. School was sensory torture. I think it's terrible that y'all are judging her as a mother because of her kids' behavior. I've been there, and it's a horrible thing to go through.


To be honest, I've always kind of wondered if a couple of the Gosselin kids were on the spectrum. Not severely, but just a few things made me go "hmmm...".


I can't speak for anyone else -- only myself. ;)


I'm not judging her because of her children's behavior...I judge her based on HER behavior the short time I watched the show. A couple doses of her attitude (abuse) of Jon and the children was enough to make me sick. Why anyone watches the show is beyond me...

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I don't have cable, so I've only seen snatches of the show. I think it's a sad situation, with the divorce and all.


But what if she homeschools, and comes on WTM Forum, after someone says, "Hey, you ought to check out this neat homeschooling website! A lot of the ladies have been homeschooling a long time, and they are really welcoming and nice. You might get some great tips, and they give great support to each other, also."


What if that happened, huh?


Let's remember she's a real person, and not say anything ugly behind her back, even while remembering it's a caricature we see on TV, designed to provoke a reaction.


(Now off to get the log out of my own eye...:D)

Edited by Chris in VA
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"I have some connections to some of the "behind the scenes" people and have met some relatives, etc"....this is what I consider gossip. I often wonder about people who say they know this or that about a person but never come out and say what it is. I have to believe that those people just like to fuel the fire.....as in this case. If you know something....say it, if you don't want to say it then don't bring it up, my gosh, get over yourself. That kind of stuff makes a person as obnoxious as Kate.


Not to burn anyone on this board but I've read some posts on here from parents who have less than perfect kids....wouldn't that be calling the kettle black? Why oh why do you guys care so much about this family?

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I don't have cable, so I've only seen snatches of the show. I think it's a sad situation, with the divorce and all.


But what if she homeschools, and comes on WTM Forum, after someone says, "Hey, you ought to check out this neat homeschooling website! A lot of the ladies have been homeschooling a long time, and they are really welcoming and nice. You might get some great tips, and they give great support to each other, also."


What if that happened, huh?


Let's remember she's a real person, and not say anything ugly behind her back, even while remembering it's a caricature we see on TV, designed to provoke a reaction.


(Now off to get the log out of my own eye...:D)


I haven't said anything about her.


But, to a great degree, I believe people talking about you "behind your back" is a known quantity and to be expected. You can't have privacy and respect AND a popular reality show. ;)


She gave it up for herself, the kids and Jon and continues to make that choice with her contract.

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That's very true, she did leave herself and her family open. It wasn't directed at you.

I guess I need to remind myself to be careful not to say anything about someone I wouldn't say to their face, or at least offer grace to those who are struggling.

I've been known to gossip, and I tend to be more careful now.

If she ever did need help and joined here, I wonder how we'd welcome her, or if we would.

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I find it surprising that discussion has gotten this far. Fox News got this story from IN TOUCH magazine.....I hardly call that a reliable source.


I decided not to care about the Gosselin's a long time ago. From the beginning I thought the kids were exploited for the sake of the show and really thought TLC should be ashamed of themselves. Now I realize that this show is no different than Little People, Big World, Sister Wives and Hoarders.....America, me included (Hoarders inspires me to clean my house, so I watch it) is addicted to voyeuristic reality TV and of course there is money to be made producing these shows.


From what I've seen of Kate....being on talk shows, writing those books, dancing with the stars, etc. She seems unstable, but I don't know her personally and really don't care enough to judge her.

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I feel bad for these kids. They are so young, and they don't know what to do, when they see their parents do things like this they will think it is okay to do it.


Now I don't know this family or Kate or anyone, but I mean look at what she does and how Jon has acted, it was sure to rub off on the kids sometime. Kids can only take so much stress in their lives and I think it came to the point where they couldn't take it anymore.


Again I don't know the family but from the news reports and from the show, I think Kate is the reason. (Their father Jon isn't the good guy in this situation either!)

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This has been a train wreck for a long time now. She was so much more a mom when she was in sweatpants and tees. What was her comment the other night? "I can't remember the last time I wasn't in high heels"? Well I can Kate. It was back when you lived in your little house, had a husband, and let life roll along. Vanity and greed took over and yes you look amazing but what have you gained?

If you have watched the show for years you know of all the times she left viewers kind of shaking their heads at her blatant lack of mothering skills. 8 kids is not the many, sorry. Would Michelle Duggar put her sick, puking child on the floor of the laundry room all alone to keep the mess all tidy and contained? I mean come one! The kid was 3!

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Can I just say, "Who cares?" I don't watch the show. This family holds no fascination for me.


But might I ask why those of you who watch the show and hope that the cameras/lifestyle don't affect the children too badly don't just turn it off? If there are no ratings, if no one gave a rats paootie who this woman and her family are they wouldn't have a show.


Is this woman famous for anything other than having 6 kids at once and 8 all together?

Other than her whining about having had a "small" house, whining about what she does and what her husband didn't do, whining about her stretch marks (I've had 11 pregnancies; no pity here!), and the fiasco of a marriage/divorce. Not exactly a shining reputation here locally. The thing that irks me the most about them being fairly local is that we will go into a restaurant they've been in, or whatever other place, people will comment on our large family size and then say, "kinda like that Jon & Kate, right?" Uhm, no, not like them at all, tyvm...and yes, I've said that.


Basically, I've always been turned off by them and feel for the kids. Personal opinion: I've never been a fan of having kids' lives shuffled in front of a camera on a regular basis (and kudos to the actors and politicians that try to keep their kids AWAY from all of that). I'm even less of a fan of doing it while your family life is in the middle of a train wreck...that's when it's time to turn off the cameras and move on (and downsize...but we'll leave that one alone, you get where it all goes).

Edited by mommaduck
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Personally, I think she's been off the deep end for a long time. I don't think she really cares about the kids, except as a way to earn her some money and fame. Someone needs to put a stop to the show, before it's too late for those kids. Very sad.



I agree. Certainly she has some degree of motherly love for her kids, but I do agree with you and the other posters who say it's gotten out of control. She sees fame and fortune. This is precisely why I've backed John/Jon?? and not Kate. They both have their issues, but it seems he was trying to "man up" and make some personal improvements.


Sheryl <><

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LOL. Since when is it gossip to discuss people who obviously WANT to be discussed. Frankly, we are doing them a favor. How else will they stay in the spotlight without drama, drama, drama? For THAT reason, I'm inclined to ignore the thread. Why feed their narcissism?


I'm not into roadside freak shows.

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.this is what I consider gossip. I often wonder about people who say they know this or that about a person but never come out and say what it is. I have to believe that those people just like to fuel the fire.....as in this case. If you know something....say it, if you don't want to say it then don't bring it up, my gosh, get over yourself. That kind of stuff makes a person as obnoxious as Kate.


Not to burn anyone on this board but I've read some posts on here from parents who have less than perfect kids....wouldn't that be calling the kettle black? Why oh why do you guys care so much about this family?


Regardless of what I or anyone else personally believes about Kate Gosselin, the bottom line for me is not about the "gossip", it's about the lack of child labor laws in place for the Gosselin children in PA. They have been robbed of their privacy and their lives have been put on display. They are not actors playing a role. This is their lives unfolding in the public eye. There needs to be more safeguards in place so that future children in reality shows will be protected.

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I don't get the vitriol toward Kate. If I was married to that passive aggressive childish pathetic excuse of a man, and trying to raise 8 children, I bet I would sound pretty shrewish/abusive. In fact, I bet my head would be spinning a la Exorcist within 3 months.


I also thought it was weird in the article that they said the kids didn't learn those words from Jon. Implying that (a) this is something known as fact and (b) they did learn them from Kate. Unimpressive journalism at best.

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Their childhoods and privacy are gone because their parents sold them to TLC.


Same goes for those Duggars. :glare: It's a really poor parenting choice to pimp out your kids for $$.

Edited by Audrey
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I think it's terrible that y'all are judging her as a mother because of her kids' behavior. .



No. Only HER behavior.:nopity:She started seeking the limelight when she was still married. She treated her husband like dirt - on camera - and became a single mom. (hello? she was a control freak!) Now, she's even worse about seeking the limelight. Now, her kids are paying for her vanity.

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No. Only HER behavior.:nopity:She started seeking the limelight when she was still married. She treated her husband like dirt - on camera - and became a single mom. (hello? she was a control freak!) Now, she's even worse about seeking the limelight. Now, her kids are paying for her vanity.

Yep, it's been her attitude from the get go...even before and while pregnant.

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Same goes for those Duggars. :glare: It's a really poor parenting choice to pimp out your kids for $$.


for real? They are trying to show the world how a good christian family runs and raises kids. They hope people feel inspired and maybe lead more lives to God. They dont let their kids on the Internet and block them from many more harmful things in the world that most parents do. they dont need the money, they own everything they have and have never been in debt. They are in no way pimping out their children. Sheesh.


No. Only HER behavior.:nopity:She started seeking the limelight when she was still married. She treated her husband like dirt - on camera - and became a single mom. (hello? she was a control freak!) Now, she's even worse about seeking the limelight. Now, her kids are paying for her vanity.


Being a control freak doesnt mean she turned herself into a single mom. DIVORCE works both ways. Jon did not move a muscle until she told him to, because he couldnt do a thing on his own. Jon knew how she was when her married her. Sextuplets is a MAJOR stressor and maybe caused her to go overboard. I cannot imagine raising that many kids at once that are the same age, with no help from my husband because he cant keep up. So, she had issues, so does EVERYONE. She doesnt deserve to be a single mom because she is overbearing.

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I kind of look at fame as a form of mental illness. It isn't normal to have everyone cater to you, stare at you, want to be near you etc. etc. That has to have an overwhelming effect on even the most grounded person. And if you're NOT grounded, well, we've seen many of the ill effects of fame.


Very sad for the kids. I can't imagine growing up that way.

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Same goes for those Duggars. :glare: It's a really poor parenting choice to pimp out your kids for $$.


Exactly! That, and I don't get having a baby and then passing it off to the oldest to raise. Isn't that how wolves do it??


I think ALL of these shows focusing on freaky kids' home lives whould be banned. No one growing up on camera is going to be "ok." It's gross.


These shows made it really, really easy to never use TV again. :D

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Exactly! That, and I don't get having a baby and then passing it off to the oldest to raise. Isn't that how wolves do it??



i've wondered why people say that about the duggars ~ i've never seen it that way...it looks more like a (very) large family working together. most of the large families that i've known have had similar type 'systems' in place - like the way the duggars do 'buddies' and such. my maternal grandmother & maternal grandfather both come from families with 13 & 14 kids in them (THEIR families as kids) - i've asked them about growing up and the responses are a lot like the duggars....they worked together, older kids helping with the younger kids. it's really not that 'weird' for a large family to run that way. :)


ETA: heck, my mother is one of five girls and even THEY did that to a degree...

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Same goes for those Duggars. :glare: It's a really poor parenting choice to pimp out your kids for $$.


I agree.


I wouldn't care about an occasional show. Super nanny or wife swap are one time things, not every moment of their lives up for grabs. Tho I don't care for this either and have only rarely watched them. I have never watched the duggers or gosselins. I don't have cable. Guess I could netflix it, but don't really care for reality shows in general.


People are ALWAYS saying we should do something like that and I tell them all the same. I think it is horrible. I can't imagine every stupid or bratty thing I did as a kid being forever referenced and replayed against me for the rest of my life and I sure wouldn't do that to my kids.

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Off topic of Kate - but I find the Duggars to be a different category then Kate.

Yes they publicize their everyday life for everyone to see, but I do believe they have honest attentions...and hey if they can get paid for it too, then great! As far as them having more children because of the TV show...umm no. Its their religious belief. They don't believe in birth control and believe that they will accept any children God gives them. That's not an unheard of belief, actually. I'm sure there are some ladies here with that same belief.


Being a growing family, I've learned a lot from the Duggars. I love the way they do things. Michelle doesn't have a baby and hand it off to the oldest to raise. Not at all. In fact when she has a baby, she's pretty much attached to it the entire time its breastfeeding. She's always wearing the baby in a sling, even walking around and resuming homeschooling while baby is breastfeeding. Its true that the older kids help out, and are even assigned as "buddies" to the younger kids...but that's a great system! WHY shouldn't the older kids help out? Michelle is still the parent and does the disciplining...its just part of her older children's responsibilities to help a younger sibling. In fact, I think it was her book (?) that she said one of her son's was so excited to be a big brother helper, that he just couldn't wait until he was old enough to have a "buddy" (or whatever word they use for that). She "assigned" him to the new baby, so that he could be mommy's helper.


Anyway, I really like the Duggars and admire what they do and the information they share.


I'd rather have 100 Duggars in this world then 100 juvenile delinquents like most of the kids I see walking the streets at night around town. uggh We are trying to raise a smarter, more responsible generation right? The Duggars are just doing their part....

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I would not assume that all children learn negative behaviors only from their parents. My son has never seen his father or I hitting and he has never been spanked and yet there are times when he hits. We went through a period where he decided to call everyone and everything including himself stupid. Again, he did not learn this from us, it was actually from a Disney movie. So if he goes to school and calls a boy stupid and hits him, does that mean he learned that from his parents? No, it does not.


Also, these kids are around a lot of different people ... camera operators, producers, behind the scene assistants and whoever else. I'd be very surprised if they never let a swear word slip in front of the kids. As a parent, I do not swear in front of my son, but there was that time that I was running to get the phone, stepped on a lego, and said something I wished I hadn't. Luckily, my son did not pick it up, but what if he had? Does that make me a horrible parent?


Kids act out when their parents go through a divorce. This is common. It doesn't make Jon & Kate horrible parents. Maybe they are. I really have no idea. My guess is that they love and care for their children and only want the best for them, but are imperfect just like all of us.

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I'd rather have 100 Duggars in this world then 100 juvenile delinquents like most of the kids I see walking the streets at night around town. uggh We are trying to raise a smarter, more responsible generation right? The Duggars are just doing their part....


That's a false dichotomy. :001_huh: Those aren't the only choices.


The Duggars are no *less* exploiting their kids than Kate.

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Off topic of Kate - but I find the Duggars to be a different category then Kate.

Yes they publicize their everyday life for everyone to see, but I do believe they have honest attentions...and hey if they can get paid for it too, then great! As far as them having more children because of the TV show...umm no. Its their religious belief. They don't believe in birth control and believe that they will accept any children God gives them. That's not an unheard of belief, actually. I'm sure there are some ladies here with that same belief.


Being a growing family, I've learned a lot from the Duggars. I love the way they do things. Michelle doesn't have a baby and hand it off to the oldest to raise. Not at all. In fact when she has a baby, she's pretty much attached to it the entire time its breastfeeding. She's always wearing the baby in a sling, even walking around and resuming homeschooling while baby is breastfeeding. Its true that the older kids help out, and are even assigned as "buddies" to the younger kids...but that's a great system! WHY shouldn't the older kids help out? Michelle is still the parent and does the disciplining...its just part of her older children's responsibilities to help a younger sibling. In fact, I think it was her book (?) that she said one of her son's was so excited to be a big brother helper, that he just couldn't wait until he was old enough to have a "buddy" (or whatever word they use for that). She "assigned" him to the new baby, so that he could be mommy's helper.


Anyway, I really like the Duggars and admire what they do and the information they share.


I'd rather have 100 Duggars in this world then 100 juvenile delinquents like most of the kids I see walking the streets at night around town. uggh We are trying to raise a smarter, more responsible generation right? The Duggars are just doing their part....



Exactly and :iagree:.


FYI- it seems some people here believe the cameras are there 24/7 and that is simply not true. Don't quote me but I recall reading they are there on average 1 week a month.

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Off topic of Kate - but I find the Duggars to be a different category then Kate.

Yes they publicize their everyday life for everyone to see, but I do believe they have honest attentions...and hey if they can get paid for it too, then great! As far as them having more children because of the TV show...umm no. Its their religious belief. They don't believe in birth control and believe that they will accept any children God gives them. That's not an unheard of belief, actually. I'm sure there are some ladies here with that same belief.


Being a growing family, I've learned a lot from the Duggars. I love the way they do things. Michelle doesn't have a baby and hand it off to the oldest to raise. Not at all. In fact when she has a baby, she's pretty much attached to it the entire time its breastfeeding. She's always wearing the baby in a sling, even walking around and resuming homeschooling while baby is breastfeeding. Its true that the older kids help out, and are even assigned as "buddies" to the younger kids...but that's a great system! WHY shouldn't the older kids help out? Michelle is still the parent and does the disciplining...its just part of her older children's responsibilities to help a younger sibling. In fact, I think it was her book (?) that she said one of her son's was so excited to be a big brother helper, that he just couldn't wait until he was old enough to have a "buddy" (or whatever word they use for that). She "assigned" him to the new baby, so that he could be mommy's helper.


Anyway, I really like the Duggars and admire what they do and the information they share.


I'd rather have 100 Duggars in this world then 100 juvenile delinquents like most of the kids I see walking the streets at night around town. uggh We are trying to raise a smarter, more responsible generation right? The Duggars are just doing their part....




I used to watch J&K, when it first came out. When they appeared to be a team and had their challenges. When I would enjoy cheering them on and seeing the kids growing. Then, well, it took a turn for the ditch and it hasn't recovered. My heart breaks for those kids.


The Duggars - totally different story. Nary a change in their lives since the first special (minus the house - which they built and paid for and was graciously decorated for them - and which has not changed since the day it was revealed). Same kids being kids, same religion, same values, same, same. LOVE them. Love the attitudes and the teamwork. Love the silliness. Love the kids running around. Love the relationships they all have with the TLC crew - one of mutual respect and appreciation. I think it's apples and oranges.

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For real. They are all pimping their children for money. The number of kids they have IS the reason they're on tv, not for anyone's attitudes or inspirations. Producers know viewers like strangeness, oddities, extremes, etc in their "reality" shows, so that's what they look to produce. The "weirder" the better. I highly doubt the Duggars are doing it to promote their religious beliefs, because they sure as heck negotiate hard for that money! The families see the money and how it can benefit them and their kids. Perhaps a bit naive and gullible, but imo, they become nothing more than media prost!tutes. Kate and Jon are just a bit more transparent than the former. The children are always the ones to suffer the hardest.



Ridiculous-They didnt have 19 kids to get a show. They do that for religious reasons. They have talked about why they do the show and it is not for the money. They have worked their tails off for what they have and they were never in debt a single day before the show started.


Of course they negotiate their money...my husband does for his job. He negotiates his salary and bonuses every year. They should get the most money they can for what they do. How in the heck is that wrong?

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Would Michelle Duggar put her sick, puking child on the floor of the laundry room all alone to keep the mess all tidy and contained? I mean come one! The kid was 3!


Nah, Michelle would probably call the kid's "buddy" to come take care of it.


I think I've seen maybe 3 episodes of Jon and Kate. I think I've seen maybe 2 episodes of the Duggars. I never got into either show. I'm not a fan of the concept of either show, parading your kids on television constantly etc.


On the episodes I saw of Jon and Kate (which I saw because a visiting niece wanted to watch it), I thought, "Wow, that woman treats her husband like carp." So I wasn't all that surprised when the marriage didn't last, although I haven't really been following any of their story since.


After reading a lot on parenting forums and so on about the Duggars and then reading the Duggars website, I DO agree that she tends to hand her kids off to one of her older kids to raise and that she's given her older children a LOT of responsibility- now, granted, kids should have responsibility. And kids should be able to help out NOW AND THEN with things you wouldn't expect them to have to do regularly. But I remember being surprised by the AMOUNT of responsibility they gave their kids- and thinking wow, when do they ever get to BE kids themselves?


And IMHO, kids shouldn't have to become little mommies and daddies and housewives and so on because the real mom had more kids than she could POSSIBLY care for on her own on a regular basis.


I realize that may not be a popular opinion with everybody here, but there it is.


I don't think either one of those woman and their "show" is "better" than the others by any means. I think they're both making some bad parenting choices. I know, don't we all? But they make theirs public for cash.

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And IMHO, kids shouldn't have to become little mommies and daddies and housewives and so on because the real mom had more kids than she could POSSIBLY care for on her own on a regular basis.




:iagree:and I've seen it play out in our homeschool group. It didn't appear that the older kids were having a super-fun time changing babies and lugging toddlers around while their same-age friends were enjoying themselves and mom sat at the picnic table nursing the latest addition.


Not a J&K or Duggar fan.

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Apparently you are not comprehending my statement. I did not say they had 19 kids to get on TV. I said that they are on TV because they have that amount. I'm sure their god knows why they do it, so that's really all that matters to them. I lump all reality show characters in one group, tho, just pimping their "odd" lives out for the big bucks.


:iagree: that is what I meant too.


One can argue the duggers are better parents or better Christians or better with their money or their reasons for the show, but the bottom line is they are doing a reality show with their kids long term same as the gosselins.

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Haven't read all the pages, but I have an interesting insight from my dd:

I don't know why they might have bullied, but I can guess. If I run into someone outside of school and something stupid happens, like I trip or I'm wearing clothes I would not wear to school, by the end of the next week EVERYONE knows about it. It has to be way worse with your life, and only the good for tv bits, being shown nationally. I mean, they don't even have to mess up AT school, but everyone already knows all their business. Their parents divorce, their dad's behavior, their mom on tabloid covers... what else do people need to make their lives miserable?


And from ds:

If I had to live like that, I'd be a bully too.
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Can I just say, "Who cares?" I don't watch the show. This family holds no fascination for me.


But might I ask why those of you who watch the show and hope that the cameras/lifestyle don't affect the children too badly don't just turn it off? If there are no ratings, if no one gave a rats paootie who this woman and her family are they wouldn't have a show.




It's ridiculous and hypocritical for people to go on and on about "those poor kids, they're so exposed and exploited," and then cite details from the show and the gossip circuit as evidence. If you consume Gosselin family information, you are part of those kids' media fishbowl experience. It doesn't somehow make you less a part of their exploitation because you deplore it.


I don't approve of this kind of situation, so guess what? I don't watch it. I don't know anything about these people because I don't follow them. Easy as that.

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It's ridiculous and hypocritical for people to go on and on about "those poor kids, they're so exposed and exploited," and then cite details from the show and the gossip circuit as evidence. If you consume Gosselin family information, you are part of those kids' media fishbowl experience. It doesn't somehow make you less a part of their exploitation because you deplore it.


I don't approve of this kind of situation, so guess what? I don't watch it. I don't know anything about these people because I don't follow them. Easy as that.


I agree that some people that are so against it, sure know a lot about it, and are spending a heck of a lot of time arguing about it ;)

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Because on the show, she was the bully and he was the one being bullied.



:iagree: Hubby and I saw the pilot episode before TLC created Jon & Kate Plus 8 -- and hubby said after we watched it, "That woman has him by the balls." I agreed that she was very mean spirited and controlling. She wore the pants and was in charge. Jon was meekly following orders.


I stopped watching the show once the divorce was announced. Before the news of their divorce, rumors were rampant that Kate knew of Jon's cheating and had him sign a contract to "pretend" to be married for the show's $$$ sake. He agreed to a point. Then Jon rebelled and immaturely acted out when he left Kate. Both parents are idiots. I feel horrible for those poor children. And very angry at all of us (me included) for being lookie-loos into their fishbowl existence.



OFF TOPIC: The recent Miley Cyrus behavior and Disney's Demi Lovato drama have me just ready to turn off the boob tube. I have a teen son who could care less about watching either of these shows -- but I watch them. I love Wizards of Waverly Place! (Am shocked at the behind the scene issues. What if I had a ds watching this? Makes me realize it is good to control the TV and not let them.) I am not surprised to see Hollywood & TV executives do this type of pressure for stardom to kids and the parents of these child stars allow it. Aaauuuugh. :glare: (Okay... threadjack over. LOL)

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For real. They are all pimping their children for money. The number of kids they have IS the reason they're on tv, not for anyone's attitudes or inspirations. Producers know viewers like strangeness, oddities, extremes, etc in their "reality" shows, so that's what they look to produce. The "weirder" the better. I highly doubt the Duggars are doing it to promote their religious beliefs, because they sure as heck negotiate hard for that money! The families see the money and how it can benefit them and their kids. Perhaps a bit naive and gullible, but imo, they become nothing more than media prost!tutes. Kate and Jon are just a bit more transparent than the former. The children are always the ones to suffer the hardest.

:iagree: Puh-leese. All of them are in it for the $$$$. Octomom was trying to do that and now she is dirt poor and her doctor lost his medical license.

Look at that couple who recently filed for separation -- the husband was arrested for threatening to beat his FIL and verbally abused his wife in front of officers. Their TV show (The couple of episodes I saw) had the SAME spouse declare to the camera, "We are not like Jon & Kate." Hmmmm? Uh-huh. Whatever. ;)

Edited by tex-mex
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That's a false dichotomy. :001_huh: Those aren't the only choices.


The Duggars are no *less* exploiting their kids than Kate.



That's my point. The mere fact of trotting their family out on telly like that is exploitation. I don't watch either of these shows, but you can't quite miss the commercials for them if you watch any cable tv. Just seeing the commercials gives me the heebie jeebies. They're supposed to be families, not freaking peep shows. While there are many choices parents make on behalf of their children, I think making a decision to put their lives on televised display is crossing a big line.

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So I'm curious how many here who feel that Kate is emotionally abusing her children now (and yes, I used to watch sometimes - not a Kate fan) are currently tuning in?


Because, it's ironic to me that people continuously discuss what a wretched witch she is and then tune in, pushing up ratings, and encouraging TLC to keep going on a show they should obviously cancel.


Really, if you're currently tuning into the show, how could you possibly criticize her and not feel that you shouldn't be turning it on?


Just sayin'.

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So I'm curious how many here who feel that Kate is emotionally abusing her children now (and yes, I used to watch sometimes - not a Kate fan) are currently tuning in?


Because, it's ironic to me that people continuously discuss what a wretched witch she is and then tune in, pushing up ratings, and encouraging TLC to keep going on a show they should obviously cancel.


Really, if you're currently tuning into the show, how could you possibly criticize her and not feel that you shouldn't be turning it on?


Just sayin'.


I've never watched. You can't help but know what's going on just by going through the check-out at the grocery store and seeing the tabloids.

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