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Am I the only one who doesn't like leaving the house?

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I'm dashing out the door just now to a friend's surprise birthday party. I love her - that's why I'm going. But, truthfully, I just want to stay at home where it is cozy. (I took one of those quizzes at PBS about which Jane Austen man you should marry and I got Emma's father!!! OK, off I go.:D


ETA: Update on party on bottom on page 3.

Edited by Kathleen in VA
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I used to have to be out doing something as much as possible, but I have become more and more of a homebody over the years. I love my house and am an introvert, so that's probably why. Dh and I would both rather make a nice dinner at home and watch tv together or talk in the living room than go out somewhere.

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mememememe! ME! Ugh! I just want to stay home. Sometimes we've been home day after day after day and I want to get out for a wee bit, especially on dreary days when my house is dark. Now, though, we got new light bulbs and I want to stay home.


Some one asked me about "My perfect evening out" and all I could say was, "deciding not to out after all."


When I go out, I want it to be just me or my family and me.


This is not to say that i never go out. I actually feel that I'm out waaaaayyyyyy too much, though.

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Both DW and I joke about being exhausted just from going to church for a couple of hours...or if she runs more than one errand in a day (say, orthodontist w/ one DD, then grocery store later), I'll say, "My! you had a big day! You ought to go take a nap!" It always gets a laugh...


I work out of my house, so I'm really lovin' my introversion now.

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You are not alone. My idea of a vacation, is to have dh take the kids camping, and let me stay home curled up on the couch w/ a good movie, and my favorite junkfood. Or a good book (total brain candy of course). :D


Oh my word. Heaven! This would be heaven!


I have seriously tried to get DH to take the kids to Dallas to see his mom's family. I would love to stay home by myself for a few days.


And yes, I am an extreme homebody. I have to force myself to leave the home at times. I know if I stay home too much it gets harder and harder to leave. I'm not agoraphobic. I'm not afraid to leave. I just don't want to!

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Both DW and I joke about being exhausted just from going to church for a couple of hours...or if she runs more than one errand in a day (say, orthodontist w/ one DD, then grocery store later), I'll say, "My! you had a big day! You ought to go take a nap!" It always gets a laugh...


I have friends that are on the go constantly. Their kids are involved in several activities each. Honestly, it stresses me out just to talk to them about it, but they thrive on it.

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I love to stay home. I don't get to, but I love it.


It also doesn't help that I'm borderline driving phobic--and I'm not just saying that. I drove to the mall for the first time ever this week. Big road, posted speed limit of 45 mph (but people do 70!). My heart was pounding, but I did it. That really wiped me out. :tongue_smilie:

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I don't mind going out, on occasion, to someplace I want to go. I spent 6 weekends attending a Medieval Faire this summer. I don't mind the zoo and the park. But in general, no, I don't want to go out.


I like to be at home. I have many interests and hobbies. Going out is usually an inconvenience and an annoyance for me.

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Both DW and I joke about being exhausted just from going to church for a couple of hours...or if she runs more than one errand in a day (say, orthodontist w/ one DD, then grocery store later), I'll say, "My! you had a big day! You ought to go take a nap!" It always gets a laugh...


I work out of my house, so I'm really lovin' my introversion now.


My sister and I are the same way!

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I could stay home forever, as long as I have music, the internet, fresh air and quiet at night. Lock me up and throw away the key!


:iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree:This is me!!! BUt throw in good books and great tv/movies.


I used to be such an extrovert who NEEDED time with my friends. Now I limit it. I LOVE to be at home, the more the better! I'm out many days per week because I *HAVE* to be, but I really like to be home. I have a ton of animals, a huge, private yard, lots of wildlife. The husband and kids are welcome, too. :lol: The older I get, the more I want to be home.


Of course this all started when we moved to the country, but the older I get, the more I love to be alone, and love to be HOME!!!

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I'm dashing out the door just now to a friend's surprise birthday party. I love her - that's why I'm going. But, truthfully, I just want to stay at home where it is cozy. (I took one of those quizzes at PBS about which Jane Austen man you should marry and I got Emma's father!!! OK, off I go.:D


I'm a homebody, too, Kathleen, and I don't really feel that badly about it (most days). ;) I have come to see that what it really means is that I am content at home, even with all its limitations of space and finances. It's still home, and I am so glad to be here, instead of out in the rat race. My two cents. Hope you enjoyed the party. :D


Edited to Add: It just dawned on me -- my husband and I are having a "date night in" this evening. We don't have a television, but sometimes I get a DVD from the library and we sit on the love seat and watch that on the computer (how romantic! LOL!). We are watching "Foyle's War" tonight (Plan of Attack), a great British murder-mystery series starring Michael Kitchen. Wonderful way to spend an evening, if you ask me! The girls are fed and tucked in bed. The kitchen is cleaned up, the laundry is folded and put away, and we are in our own pajamas -- again, how romantic, LOL! -- and ready to watch Detective Chief Superintendent Christopher Foyle crack another case. Yeah!

Edited by Sahamamama
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I'm dashing out the door just now to a friend's surprise birthday party. I love her - that's why I'm going. But, truthfully, I just want to stay at home where it is cozy. (I took one of those quizzes at PBS about which Jane Austen man you should marry and I got Emma's father!!! OK, off I go.:D


Oh Kathleen, I'm with you girl friend!

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I'm a homebody, too, Kathleen, and I don't really feel that badly about it (most days). ;) I have come to see that what it really means is that I am content at home, even with all its limitations of space and finances. It's still home, and I am so glad to be here, instead of out in the rat race. My two cents. Hope you enjoyed the party. :D


Edited to Add: It just dawned on me -- my husband and I are having a "date night in" this evening. We don't have a television, but sometimes I get a DVD from the library and we sit on the love seat and watch that on the computer (how romantic! LOL!). We are watching "Foyle's War" tonight (Plan of Attack), a great British murder-mystery series starring Michael Kitchen. Wonderful way to spend an evening, if you ask me! The girls are fed and tucked in bed. The kitchen is cleaned up, the laundry is folded and put away, and we are in our own pajamas -- again, how romantic, LOL! -- and ready to watch Detective Chief Superintendent Christopher Foyle crack another case. Yeah!


Wow! So many kindred spirits! I'm glad to know I'm not alone.:D


The party was a blast actually and I'm really glad I went. It was for a dear friend I've known for 25 years and she turned 60. Her actual birthday was in August so she was absolutely, flabbergastedly, altogether surprised!! It was glorious. She was so amazed to see everyone and she grabbed her daughter (30yo) and buried her head in her shoulder and just sobbed. She got lots of great gifts - tons of chocoloate - and a money tree covered in $20 bills to help pay for improvements to her house (badly needed). I'm really glad I went - I usually am. It's just that first step out the front door that's hard for me.:D


The party was at another friend's house only 1/2 mile away so at least I didn't have to drive far. I'm also a drive-a-phobic or whatever you call it. I hate driving. I took along an unexpected passenger too - a quarter-sized spider clinging to the passenger side ceiling. OH. MY. WORD.:scared: I thought I was going to drive off the road into a tree or a pond or something. It took every last ounce of my self-control to keep driving calmly. As soon as I got there I jumped out of the car and my friend's dh killed the spider for me. When he reached for it it started to drop on it's thread and I thought I was going to faint.:svengo:


We're big Foyle's War fans here, too:) - we've watched all the ones they have at our library and are now waiting for the last season to become available.


Anyway, I'm glad to know I'm in good company with so many of you here. Sometimes I think I must be agorophobic or something, but I guess if I actually went to the party I haven't got there yet, huh?

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Definitely a homebody here. I also tend to have extreme anxiety when I go somewhere where I don't know the routine or what to do, such as the whole airport routine, or ordering for 4 kids in an unfamiliar fast food place or having to decide while I'm in line at a museum about which extra tours/exhibits we should do, or having to decide right there on the spot which portraits I want to purchase. Don't even get me started on driving in unfamiliar territory!!!


Guess I really do need to get out more!!

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I used to like going out a whole lot more than I do now. The longer I homeschool, and the more children I have, the more I like being home. I find if I go out, it wrecks my school day, and gets me behind on cooking, cleaning AND school. It isn't that I am not social. I go to church anytime the doors are open. We are in 2 co-ops. I meet with friends probably once every couple weeks or so. I go grocery shopping. We go to ballet once a week, and scouts once a week.

Personally, I think desiring to be home is a good thing. Taking care of one's home and family, keeping it running smoothly, having the time to care for each other without all the chaos interfering, these are GOOD things. For me, running around often takes the focus off of my main job, which is to love and care for my family.

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I would never leave my house if I didn't have to. Never.


You are not the only one. :)





I reluctantly agreed to coach one of my dds' soccer teams this fall. They really needed someone and called the evening before the coach's meeting. I truly love soccer, love kids and have a great bunch to coach. But it feels like such a chore to have to leave home two more times each week. :tongue_smilie: Once I'm there I really enjoy it, but I've probably spent as much time this season dwelling on having to leave my home as I have on actually coaching. :D

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The party was at another friend's house only 1/2 mile away so at least I didn't have to drive far. I'm also a drive-a-phobic or whatever you call it. I hate driving. I took along an unexpected passenger too - a quarter-sized spider clinging to the passenger side ceiling. OH. MY. WORD.:scared: I thought I was going to drive off the road into a tree or a pond or something.


I had a spider living in my mini-van for the longest time. He would sneak out, be swatted at (while barely managing to keep it between the ditches), then disappear again. We called it the Arachniford. :D It didn't help my feelings about driving much I tell you. :glare:


I think it was still there when I traded it in. The only thing worse? Driving with a hornet in the car. :svengo:

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Anyway, I'm glad to know I'm in good company with so many of you here. Sometimes I think I must be agorophobic or something, but I guess if I actually went to the party I haven't got there yet, huh?


no, just aracnophobic. ;) I'm RIGHT THERE with you!!! I've had TWO spiders that were HUGE recently, one in my house and one in my garage. I'm saying, inch and a half? Two inches?:scared::svengo:

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I think it was still there when I traded it in. The only thing worse? Driving with a hornet in the car. :svengo:


I had one fly into my sunroof while going 40 MPH and it crashed into my forehead! I've never heard of such a thing! Thank GOD I didn't lose control of my car!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't get stung either, but I pulled over and chased it out.

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I had one fly into my sunroof while going 40 MPH and it crashed into my forehead! I've never heard of such a thing! Thank GOD I didn't lose control of my car!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't get stung either, but I pulled over and chased it out.


That would most certainly have been the end of me. I would have started screaming (quite loudly) and smacked right into something for sure. I stand in awe of you.:)

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I had a spider living in my mini-van for the longest time. He would sneak out, be swatted at (while barely managing to keep it between the ditches), then disappear again. We called it the Arachniford. :D It didn't help my feelings about driving much I tell you. :glare:


I think it was still there when I traded it in. The only thing worse? Driving with a hornet in the car. :svengo:


I wouldn't have gotten back in that van until I was SURE that spider was dead!!!!

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Glad the party was fun! I'm much the same. I hate going out, but usually have a fair time when I do. It's always stressful though, even when it is fun, and not something I seek out.


I've always been introverted in the don't-like-to-go-out sense, but now that I have kids and homeschool I find myself also falling into the don't-want-to-go-out category. I am pretty sure it's because I have people around me talking non-stop all day. The thought of more talking in the evening just about kills me. I usually stay up an hour or two after dh goes to bed, just to be completely by myself. They are my favourite hours of the day, even though I'm usually just watching TV and trying not to fall asleep. They're essential to my sanity!

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I've always been introverted in the don't-like-to-go-out sense, but now that I have kids and homeschool I find myself also falling into the don't-want-to-go-out category. I am pretty sure it's because I have people around me talking non-stop all day. The thought of more talking in the evening just about kills me.


:iagree: A lot of women get refreshed by being around other women. I get refreshed by being around NO ONE.

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Oh my. That is me to a "T" -- been like this all of my life. But I do have issues too. (Not suggesting those who are inclined are like me. LOL ;)) I know I deal with agoraphobia -- years ago, before meds -- it was so bad, I would panic and burst into tears if I were outside.


Today, I like my nest. LOL I'm a homebody. But it is hard to get me outside on a beautiful day. Hubby tries. When by chance he succeeds... I put up a fuss... but then look around and admit it is a beautiful day. :D I find I have to force myself out to do errands or appointments. Hubby knows I hate driving and does errands for me -- but often I tell him I HAVE TO GO OUTSIDE. I don't want to. But I have to. Once I am out, I enjoy the time!

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