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If you can... Show the real you!

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I am loving this thread. Those of you who have referenced your avatar for us to see -- we would love to see a larger photo. ;) This has been great to put faces with names.


Thanks everyone for taking the time to participate.


Am I the only one that wants to see the hunky husbands. ;) I'll post one of mine if you post one of yours.



Trying to attach this. Hubby and I on a homeschool field trip last week.


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Here's me. It's obviously my wedding picture so it's a year and a half old but it's rare for me to be in front of the camera. When I am in front of the camera it's usually because some kid has gotten ahold of it and is taking pictures of me doing something glamorous like making breakfast without makeup on or doing laundry. Yea. I don't want you guys to see me like that. :001_smile:



Edited by aggieamy
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This is the real me, (on days where I'm awake enough to do makeup, hair and look this awake)




You are absolutely stunning! Love love love your hair! I have always loved funky short hairstyles on women who can pull it off!


I love all the pictures! Every woman on this board is gorgeous!!!

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I think you can post a link to your FB page?


I had the pic on my desktop.


Click "post reply"

then click on the paperclip above the reply space

click browse to find the pic on your desktop

scroll over a little in that window where it says "upload" and click

wait until you see a link line appear in that window

then close the window and click submit reply



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I'll play, but I don't know how to post pictures. Looked on the how to board but I couldn't find an answer. From facebook would be easiest. Speak slow and use small words. Thanks!


Go to the FB page with the photo that you want (in your album, where the pic is by itself and big). Click and drag your mouse over it so it's selected--all in blue. You may want to practice this, as you don't want to also have oodles of other things on your page blue, but just a few things are okay.


Once you have the stuff blue, including your photo, press CNTL C to copy it.


Go to the Reply to Thread page here at WTM. In the big space where you can type, press CNTL V to paste in your picture. It will be bigger than a thumbnail. Delete any of the extra stuff that you may have accidentally pasted here. You're all set!

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Well, we'll see if this works. I am technically challenged.


This is from 2008 at my 20th HS reunion, but it the best photo of me that is available (i.e. on FB). I am basically the same except that I have a sassy little magenta bob right now. Trying really hard to not feel 40. :D


That old goofball is my husband. I don't know who that willowy girl is.


Come on, Korin! Where's the great shot of the goddess with the guitar?:D 40's nothing, girlfriend!

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Guest mrsjamiesouth

This was a little over 2 years ago, I can't find a more recent picture. My sister got married on the 22nd and I have been trying to wait to get ahold of those pictures, but I will just send this one. I look pretty much the same, except the hair. I changed the color and cut it differently.





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even though I don't know if I've even posted enough for anyone here to recognize my board name or avatar. My DD is in my avatar. Here goes my try at a picture of me on a hike with DH last fall. It's a little dark.




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