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Must be the dumbest Q: how should boys wear their socks today?

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Dh -- who admits he knows nothing about fashion -- wants to let our seven year old wear socks that the boy then pulls up and they come about 2 inches from his knees.


And he's still in shorts. He looks ridiculous.


I bought ankle socks that my other son wears and I think he looks great.


My husband says the ankle sock look is effeminate. :001_huh:


I just think the son with socks pulled close to the knee looks like something out of Saturday Night Live Gilda Radner skits.


I need advice!!!



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My son has mid-calf socks and ankle socks. My dh wears ankle socks (not the low-low ones, I think his are called quarter socks?) a lot because he's a runner, I think a lot of runners do. Most of the guys we know are runners and wear these types of socks. Most of the guys we know are also big, bad army guys so I do not think they look feminine.

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Dh -- who admits he knows nothing about fashion -- wants to let our seven year old wear socks that the boy then pulls up and they come about 2 inches from his knees.


And he's still in shorts. He looks ridiculous.


I bought ankle socks that my other son wears and I think he looks great.


My husband says the ankle sock look is effeminate. :001_huh:


I just think the son with socks pulled close to the knee looks like something out of Saturday Night Live Gilda Radner skits.


I need advice!!!



:lol::lol::lol: I thought the ankle sock look was effeminate also, but all of my sons and their friends are wearing them. My dh is the only one around here wearing the high white socks.:lol: I keep trying to get him to wear the short ones, he won't budge and it's hot here!

Cracks me up. We used to think anyone who wore white socks was a "greaser." Another word for hick, I guess. Picture Gomer Pyle.

I am used to the look now, our sons are adults, except for the 14 year old. And they all wear the short ankle socks, have been for a few years now.

"It is the style, DAD."

I know, it looks like the style of little boys waaaaaaaay back when...they wore knickers and little caps.

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I think the socks to the knee look like something out of the 70s unless they have shin guards under them and the wearer is on a pitch.


My son tends to wear the calf length socks and they crush at the ankles a bit. I have no idea if it is fashionable but it doesn't look silly. But I suppose I'd let him wear them to his knees if he liked it.


As a mom-my answer is really that a boy should wear socks with shoes-if they only wear socks you will only own black socks (even if they don't start out that way).:001_smile:

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I just think the son with socks pulled close to the knee looks like something out of Saturday Night Live Gilda Radner skits.




My 4 y.o. wears socks pulled to the knee with shorts and cowboy boots.


I ask him if he's sure he wants to go out like that and he gives a firm "yes."




My 16 y.o. will only wear the kind of socks you can't see. Even with suits. It drives me nuts, but I just don't look at his feet (and he does wear suits frequently during speech and debate season.)


The 5 y.o. wears whatever I give him.


Socks are not a hill we will die on.

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if your 7 year old finds the tall socks comfortable and enjoys wearing them, i'd just leave him be. :)




However, true ankle socks, the ones that cover the ankle, in my humble opinion, do not look effiminate at all. I like them. One of my sons prefers crew, the other prefers ankle.

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The reason I'm asking about such a "silly" thing -- I have to defend myself here -- is that my mom dressed my sister and I like dorks our entire childhood. And it was bothesome to say the least.


My sister had a "David Cassidy" hair cut and when, in a restaurant, she'd ask to be pointed to the restroom, she often got sent into the boys room.


So, I don't make a huge deal of my kids clothes, but I've always vowed that I'll make an effort to keep them looking fairly nice.


I admit: I was traumatized. I need therapy.


Still I'm glad to get the responses. I really appreciate it.



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The reason I'm asking about such a "silly" thing -- I have to defend myself here -- is that my mom dressed my sister and I like dorks our entire childhood. And it was bothesome to say the least.




Now, this, I understand.

It was a glorious day when I started working and could buy my own clothes!:lol:


The difference is that your son wants to wear socks a certain way~you're not imposing your fashion sense on him.

He's only 7~it won't be long before he starts noticing how other kids are dressing.

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You aren't the only one with that kind of hang up...really.


I grew up with a grandmother who bought me rust colored bell bottoms in the 80s, jeans with a car grill motif on the fly, granny underwear that hung out of my pants long past the young age where you can get away with it, granny bras that covered my entire torso, etc. I was mortified by what was gifted to me.


But then I have my experience making my own dressing choices. My mom allowed me to go to school with 5 different shades of blue in the same outfit. I was a bit older, and I got teased big time for being so dorky. I try to save my kids from the same negative experience.


Now my daughter tries wearing the worst combos. DH isn't much better. He chose to have business uniforms made for himself. They are a dark cold gray and black golf shirt which he wears with navy and tan khakis.


But they won't listen to me...

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ugh. just let the kid wear whatever darn socks he wants ~ does he really need to be worrying about what's "cool" or whatever at seven years old?


[or ever.]


:iagree: Let him set the statement for his own fashion not follow everyone else. If he is comfortable and confident with what he wears why change him? I think this is a good thing to lead and not follow. ;) But the fashion world seems to dictate that young men/ boys should wear ankle or crew socks. :lol:



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My son (7) would do the same thing when he was wearing socks with sneakers this Summer. I would always tell him that he needed to 'fix his socks' - which meant that he needed to push them down. I do think that we have to teach our kids this stuff. It's the same thing as telling him that his shorts are twisted around his body and he needs to 'fix' them.


(And yes, my mother dressed me horribly as a child and I do feel compelled to make sure my kids look somewhat decent when we leave the house. If there are obvious things that stand out - like tall socks or twisted shorts - I will fix them.)

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My ds's are 15 and 12 and they like to wear ankle socks during warm weather and crew socks when it's cooler. I never knew some people thought ankle socks were effeminate. I notice a lot of guys wear the low, no-show socks but my ds's don't care for those. Dh, who grew up in the era of tube socks will only wear crew socks.



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Dh -- who admits he knows nothing about fashion -- wants to let our seven year old wear socks that the boy then pulls up and they come about 2 inches from his knees.


And he's still in shorts. He looks ridiculous.

Wants to let? So is that how ds wants to wear them?


Now, this, I understand.

It was a glorious day when I started working and could buy my own clothes!:lol:


The difference is that your son wants to wear socks a certain way~you're not imposing your fashion sense on him.

He's only 7~it won't be long before he starts noticing how other kids are dressing.

:iagree: Also consider if your ds wants to wear them a certain way he may be uncomfortable with they way you think they should be worn, whether it is the fashionable way or not.


The reason I'm asking about such a "silly" thing -- I have to defend myself here -- is that my mom dressed my sister and I like dorks our entire childhood. And it was bothesome to say the least.


My sister had a "David Cassidy" hair cut and when, in a restaurant, she'd ask to be pointed to the restroom, she often got sent into the boys room.


So, I don't make a huge deal of my kids clothes, but I've always vowed that I'll make an effort to keep them looking fairly nice.


I admit: I was traumatized. I need therapy.

You are not dressing him like a dork you are allowing him to dress in the way he is comfortable. I think it would just as bothersome to be forced to dress in a way you don't like whether or not what you prefer is in.


Don't listen to me though, I never even heard of no show socks. My teen son doesn't wear shorts unless he is swimming because he prefers pants with crew socks and shoes even if it is 100 degrees. :tongue_smilie:

Edited by Happyhomemama
rewording attempt
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Shoot, I let my son wear barrettes in his hair in public when he was little (our bald vet said, "If you've got it, flaunt it, baby."), and I was thankful when he would wear any clothes at all.



And may I just interrupt you regularly scheduled programming here to say how lucky you are to be wearing shorts this late in the year? It was only warm enough one day this summer for me to wear a skort. My youngest son didn't wear his shorts even that one day. (And I had to donate all of them, because he grew six inches this past year.) Enjoy your warm weather!

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Our youngest ds wears both the ankle socks and the socks that go almost to the knee--depending on his mood. He has been known to wear his ankle socks with hiking boots and the long socks with shorts. ;) Whatever he wears, he definitely owns the look. If we tried to change his mind at all regarding his clothing decisions--he would revolt. He does NOT want his *look* to be similar to anyone...

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I would never, ever look at a child (or anyone for that matter), and, think to myself, "those socks make him look effeminate."


I really can't imagine someone doing that.


I'm definitely in the "let the child wear the socks he feels most comfortable with" camp.


I've never looked at a kid and thought his socks made HIM look effeminate, either. However, my girls wear ankle socks all the time, so I DO think that particular clothing item looks girlie. I guess it's my perception.


I also think it looks dorky to wear socks with sandals, but lots of guys do it. If my husband insisted on walking down the beach in sandals with socks, he'd do it without me. :tongue_smilie: It's flip-flops or nothing, baby. :D

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neither of my sons will wear ankle socks or mid-calf socks....they will only wear "no-show" socks only.


yes, mine, too!


I've also noticed boys on DS's volleyball team wearing black calf length socks during games.


DH and I thought that was an older man (over 80?!?!) look. :lol: But trends change so maybe dark socks are making a come back.

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