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Kids Won't Play Outside

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Okay...my children simply will NOT play outside. They are 12, 9, 5, & 4. They tell me "There is NOTHING to do." I have chalk, jump ropes, bikes, bubbles, stomp rockets, construction toys, and more. We just moved to the country and they have a large pasture out back to play in. They have always been monitored with their TV, computer times so I don't feel like they don't know how to play - they simply won't play outside.


Any thoughts???? :bigear:

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Oh, thank you! I was going to post this very same rant today! My two have to be forced out the door. They do love to go to the park, but when we go, they expect me to be their leader and chief idea person. These are children who can play for hours by themselves indoors. Why is this?! My parents never, EVER played outside with me when I was a kid, and I was an only child, for pete's sake!


Ugh, I'm sorry, I just jumped on your bandwagon with you, but honestly, it's one of my biggest frustrations at the moment! I'm :bigear: right here with you.

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My kids don't like to play outside, either. I tell them they have to go out anyway and that I don't care what they do. The first day, they sat on the porch for 20 minutes before building a dam in the gutter with leaves and sticks. I still have to push them out the door, but they're quicker to find something to do. It may not be traditional playing (last week they had an earthworm rescue operation set up to re-home the worms after all the rain we had), but they're outside doing something.

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Okay...my children simply will NOT play outside. They are 12, 9, 5, & 4. They tell me "There is NOTHING to do." I have chalk, jump ropes, bikes, bubbles, stomp rockets, construction toys, and more. We just moved to the country and they have a large pasture out back to play in. They have always been monitored with their TV, computer times so I don't feel like they don't know how to play - they simply won't play outside.


Any thoughts???? :bigear:


Put them outside. Lock the door. Tell them you'll only unlock in case of blood, broken bone, wild animal, or a severe potty need. Let them know that you'll let them back inside in X amount of time, so they might want to figure out something to do.

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My kids don't like to play outside, either. I tell them they have to go out anyway and that I don't care what they do. The first day, they sat on the porch for 20 minutes before building a dam in the gutter with leaves and sticks. I still have to push them out the door, but they're quicker to find something to do. It may not be traditional playing (last week they had an earthworm rescue operation set up to re-home the worms after all the rain we had), but they're outside doing something.





amazingly, they will find something to do if forced out the door.

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Guest TheBugsMom

As others said...make them. I would make my boys go outside for two half hour sessions when they were younger. If they came in to potty, the clock stopped. When they got older I made them go outside to read. If they complained of nothing to do I gave them jobs...picking up pine cones or burr balls, weeding, and so on. Funny, when given the option of work or play they would find something to do to occupy the time.


My dd has no problem with playing outside.

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Put them outside. Lock the door. Tell them you'll only unlock in case of blood, broken bone, wild animal, or a severe potty need. Let them know that you'll let them back inside in X amount of time, so they might want to figure out something to do.


I've done this before if they keep coming in to complain about how bored they are.

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A good friend of mine was once asked how she got her ds to play outside.


She said, "Put him in the back yard. Shut the door and lock it. Put your feet up with a book and a nice cold drink."



Edited: I see a pp is just as wise as my friend.



I can't keep my kids *inside*

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My kids have to do schoolwork or chores if they are inside :P


So, they live outside.....I can't get them in to clean my house, LOL.


My children are "threatened" with housework,too! Works wonderfully. Sometimes I can tell that they just want to be with me, so I'll go out with them or have them come in for tea, to read a book together, etc.

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Put them outside. Lock the door. Tell them you'll only unlock in case of blood, broken bone, wild animal, or a severe potty need. Let them know that you'll let them back inside in X amount of time, so they might want to figure out something to do.

:iagree: 'cept I don't know if I'd give them a time. Diva has a watch, and is perfectly capable of being mule stubborn and sitting on the porch until the time was up, no matter how long it was. My standard answer for when something will happen is, "In a while." so that's what I'd likely tell them.


My kids bug to go outside though. Princess will go out in the rain if I don't stop her :lol: (I don't if its a nice summer rain...but when its freakin cold, keep your butt inside!)


Man, Wolf would love the backyard ballistics book!

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Like some of the others, I can't keep my kids inside, no matter the weather. You have a pasture--get them a pet. They can help build a shelter and will have to care for the pet daily. Old riding mowers are a lot of fun (mower deck removed)--my kids would tie a tarp on the back and pull each other around. A huge pile of dirt can keep them busy for years. Attach a zip line between two trees. Build a fort. They can garden. Get some chickens--they are pretty easy to care for and fun to watch.

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My kids have to do schoolwork or chores if they are inside :P


So, they live outside.....I can't get them in to clean my house, LOL.


This is especially effective when I want some peace to clean the house. I kick them out, and tell them that every time they come in, they will have to do a chore.

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Oh, thank you! I was going to post this very same rant today! My two have to be forced out the door. They do love to go to the park, but when we go, they expect me to be their leader and chief idea person. These are children who can play for hours by themselves indoors. Why is this?! My parents never, EVER played outside with me when I was a kid, and I was an only child, for pete's sake!


Ugh, I'm sorry, I just jumped on your bandwagon with you, but honestly, it's one of my biggest frustrations at the moment! I'm :bigear: right here with you.


This sounds like I could have written it. My husband tells me all the time our kids should be out playing more, but the only one who wants to go out is our youngest. The older two tell me "my stomach hurts" (The oldest has IBS and spastic colon. It runs in my husband's family. I can never really know if the stomach ache is for real or a plot to get out of something. The one time I said "I don't care" it turns out he had diarrhea all.day.long. So I can never be sure.)

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Put them outside. Lock the door. Tell them you'll only unlock in case of blood, broken bone, wild animal, or a severe potty need. Let them know that you'll let them back inside in X amount of time, so they might want to figure out something to do.





Until they learn to love it, throw them out there. This is the way I started, now I have to yell to keep them in.

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My 12yo is beginning to get that way, but he's taken up jogging a bit, and that HAS to be done outside. ;)


The others want to be out all the time, which is a real issue this rainy week. :glare:

Their favorites- climbing trees, catching bugs/frogs/salamanders and making me look them up online, having water fights (ballons, guns, buckets, whatever... though I often have to put a stop to that due to temperature), building things with rocks and bricks, playing soccer or baseball (creatively, with such small teams and varying ages), my girls like to pretend they're on a nature show (they're getting a video camera for Christmas!), and they all LOVE to make their own lunch and take it outside for a picnic.


Once in a while, they will complain, and I just tell them to take a book and read it under a tree or something. Sometimes they'll do just that. Many times, they find something much more interesting to do!


I have a feeling that one of the biggest factors (for my kids) is my giving up on all my dirt issues. They get muddy and gross and that's just fine. They bring "indoor" toys out and get them filthy, or scatter them all over the yard, and that's fine. They swipe my tupperware and fill it with gross creatures. They step in my garden. I don't care, just get out there!

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Mine don't like to play outside, either. I think it's because they want to be where I am, but good grief... So, I make them play outside. I just won't let them come in. It's not like I"m torturing them. They have a nice place to play, a fort, bikes, sidewalk chalk, bubbles.

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This sounds like I could have written it. My husband tells me all the time our kids should be out playing more, but the only one who wants to go out is our youngest. The older two tell me "my stomach hurts" (The oldest has IBS and spastic colon. It runs in my husband's family. I can never really know if the stomach ache is for real or a plot to get out of something. The one time I said "I don't care" it turns out he had diarrhea all.day.long. So I can never be sure.)


"Oh Honey, I'm sorry. Go on upstairs and lie down...I'll wake you at 2. No, no book...if you're sick you should be sleeping." That usually cures mine.



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My 4 year old, who is a holy terror, has one goal in mind when I send them outside. Get the hose, squirt the sister. Nothing deters him from this. EVERY single time he goes outside, he gets in trouble and has to come in. He throws everything out of our shed, he tries to get the lawnmower out, anything he can think of that he is not supposed to do, he does. We have a swingset, climbing thing, teeter totter, sand pit, mudpie station, porch swing, balls, bats, etc, and yet all he wants to do is cause trouble.



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My 4 year old, who is a holy terror, has one goal in mind when I send them outside. Get the hose, squirt the sister. Nothing deters him from this. EVERY single time he goes outside, he gets in trouble and has to come in. He throws everything out of our shed, he tries to get the lawnmower out, anything he can think of that he is not supposed to do, he does. We have a swingset, climbing thing, teeter totter, sand pit, mudpie station, porch swing, balls, bats, etc, and yet all he wants to do is cause trouble.




I would put the hose in the shed and get a padlock for the shed. And I would be out there with them every minute (which I know is a pain but I do think is necessary for some kids at this age.)

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the statement, "I'm booooored" whether indoors or outdoors should immediately met with a long chore list...leaf-raking, weed pulling and sweeping come to mind right off the bat.


Laundry, dishes, heck...if everything is caught up, make them iron the bedsheets.;)


:iagree: Your kids will play outside if the ONLY alternative is work you assign.

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Mine don't like to play outside unless they have friends over. I force them out there. I have officially turned into my mother with my constant refrain "It is a beautiful day, get outside." They have always been this way. They eventually find something to do when they are out there.


Truthfully, I hated to be outside as a kid. Too hot, too cold, too many bugs.

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I literally used to kick mine outside. 1 hour daily. Regardless of heat and yes, I sat outside with them. They eventually started riding bikes and playing tag and using the chalk and other toys. it took time but doing it daily helped.


We have moved and aren't outside as much now and they beg to go outside!


Only now we are going hiking or letting them play in a wooded area. It's different but fun in a new way.


Just keep going and trying

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My ds doesn't like to play outside either. Granted it can get boring as an only child. Sometimes I make him take out the dog, go pick up branches, or we go out together.


A few years ago we started nature study. It has given a purpose to our outside activities. We have abundant nature in our yard. Sometimes we walk around, discuss the nature or have him draw something. Lately I've been giving him the digital camera and having him take pics, he chooses the most interesting things. Could you send them out to do nature study? Give them some art books and colored pencils and give them an assignment.


We also put a hammock outside, which is great for hanging out.

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5 kids, a big pasture, and plenty of outdoor toys? Kick 'em outside, every single day. I personally truly do believe that plenty of fresh air and sunshine is important to a child's health, so I have no problem at all forcing the issue. I kick you out of the house because I LOVE YOU, sweetheart :D


If you shut the door, you won't even hear them complaining.

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I have an "out for an hour" rule. Unless it's below 20 degrees, thundering, or pouring buckets, mine must go out for an hour a day. It's amazing how once it becomes part of their routine, it can be almost impossible to get them to come back inside. I am ok with them spending that time just sitting outside reading or drawing, or doing something they would usually do indoors.

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Put them outside. Lock the door. Tell them you'll only unlock in case of blood, broken bone, wild animal, or a severe potty need. Let them know that you'll let them back inside in X amount of time, so they might want to figure out something to do.



This is what my mom did. We were allowed back in only to eat lunch and dinner in addition to the above. :D

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5 kids, a big pasture, and plenty of outdoor toys? Kick 'em outside, every single day. I personally truly do believe that plenty of fresh air and sunshine is important to a child's health, so I have no problem at all forcing the issue. I kick you out of the house because I LOVE YOU, sweetheart :D


If you shut the door, you won't even hear them complaining.


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