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Poll: Have you read TWTM?

Have you read TWTM?  

  1. 1. Have you read TWTM?

    • Yes, and it has been very influential in my homeschool ever since.
    • Yes, but I didn't quite identify with it.
    • Ummm...part of it...
    • Nope.

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When I started homeschooling I had a lot of trouble figuring out what to do. I knew I didn't want to use just text books (though, I now know that it would not be a "sin" to do so.:001_smile:), but everything I read sounded closer to unschooling, or unit studies (which are not me!!).


TWTM changed how I thought about homeschooling and about books. It gave me a solid direction to go in, and showed me how to do it.


I still use a lot of the ideas from it, like the notebooks, outlining, etc... even though I use other curriculum ideas.

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I've had the first edition for years. I devoured it at first and then read through it again. I followed it pretty closely for a few years but less so now. It gave me a structure and form as I ventured into putting together our curriculum. I still keep it close at hand for times when I need to refocus or am just feeling disorganized.

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I fit in between poll option 1 and poll option 2. I did read it. I did take a few things from it to use but there were definite parts that I just didn't identify with. It DID broaden my horizons as a new homeschooler, though, and I'm grateful for that.

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I didn't fully identify with all the choices, so here is my own:

Yes, I did read it for all the age levels that pertained to me at the time. It has influenced many of my homeschool decisions, but it has been one of many sources that influenced my homeschool decision, so I don't use it to a "T".



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Yes. I refer to my copy of the first edition regularly. I don't follow it exactly, but it changed my outlook on my dc's education as I was just beginning to hs. It was pure joy when I first discovered it, and then pure terror when the implications of pursuing this path sunk in! ;)


I don't have the second edition, but I do have The Well Educated Mind. Dh bought it for me for Christmas.

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What I especially liked about it was the approach to history. As I began homeschooling, I knew there had to be a good systematic way to study history, I just hadn't figured it out for myself. When I read about the chronological 4-year cycles, I said, "Yes! That makes perfect sense!" I also use several of SWB's and JW's other suggestions. And SOTW is a perfect fit for us.



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My poor TWTM book has been scribbled, highlighted, notes on pages, sticky-noted, etc. It's the most referenced book I've used since college. Even DH knows it's verboten to move from my library :) I've read it at least 4 times--and have only hs'ed for a semester!


I guess I don't understand how someone would be on this board and not have read and followed it, and at least roughly used it as a homeschool guideline (unless they prefer not to follow classical curriculum).

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I have copies of both editions, plus a lending copy of the new edition. I also bought copies for all of our parents and siblings so they would have a better idea of how we homeschool.

I used to reread it every year... now I tend to refer to certain sections as needed. We don't do everything exactly as WTM says, but it is certainly our inspiration!

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Yep, I've read it. I have both the older version and the newer edition.


I used to refer the them often and I can usually get that same excitement back that I got when I read it the first time.


For me it was a great intro to homeschooling and it helped me explain to my husband what I was about to embark on. For a newbie it gave me a basic outline that I could refer to and feel confident in picking my own curriculum but having a basic guide to follow.


I don't actually use the book all that much anymore, but it did give me the confidence I needed, so I value it a lot.

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I chose the second option, but it's not quite accurate. TWTM was the first book about homeschooling I read. This was when the book first came out and before I even had a child. It had a terrific impact on me in two ways: (1) it convinced me that I could indeed homeschool and (2) set me on the road to researching classical education.


As a result of that research, I have moved in a somewhat different direction, but I credit TWTM with getting me started, and I still recommend it to people all the time.

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Just curious! :D


I read the first edition back around 2002 or so and got overwhelmed. Read the 2nd edition in 2004, bought it, started implementing it, and have been happy with our homeschooling direction ever since. I re-read it or parts of it regularly throughout the year, and continually find "new" things in it - or connect with something I didn't understand before. My copy is starting to get worn and I recently dared to start underlining and making my own notes in it!!:D

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Guest fish mummy

Yes.....many years ago, closer to the start of our homeschooling journey..

And now working thru a newer copy( I sold the original) reviewing our thoughts on what works in our home...


I look forward to participating here...


thanks, wendy

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It was pure joy when I first discovered it, and then pure terror when the implications of pursuing this path sunk in!


:iagree: When I first read it, I realized that I had options beyond a boxed curriuculum (not that there is anything wrong with a boxed curriculum - I just didn't realize that there were more options available!)


For me it was a great intro to homeschooling and it helped me explain to my husband what I was about to embark on. For a newbie it gave me a basic outline that I could refer to and feel confident in picking my own curriculum but having a basic guide to follow.


:iagree: Ditto for me.


I just pulled it out again this morning to read over some parts. :)

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I'm in the ummmmm..... section.


Been hanging out here for several years after hearing about Story of the World from Sabrina in NY at a homkeschool meeting up that-a-way, and have very slowly been assimilating WTM-ish things into our school day.


I finally broke down and bought a used copy a few months ago, but haven't sat down and read it --just a bit here and there at the park or waiting for TKD.


hm. "Waiting for Tai Kwon Do."

that has a nifty ring to it.....



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Guest Katia

Yes, I have read and re-read both versions. However, no matter how much and how often I read it, it just didn't hold the information that "clicked" for my family and our homeschool.


The one part that I have found useful was the section on writing high school papers. My dd has read it several times and finds it "better than writing curriculums". She really identified with reading a lot of books on a subject first and then being inspired from all the reading with a thesis, instead of trying to come up with a thesis first and then reading. Guess it was worth all my reading and re-reading to find this one helpful part of the book.


But, I still like the idea of TWTM :001_smile: I like these forums and I like all the ideas generated here. I like the sharing that occurs.

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Yes, but only the parts I need. I don't think I've ever completely read the high school section, mostly because I don't have a child near that age. So I chose the "ummm...parts" option.


I'll get around to reading those high school parts in the next couple of years.

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I needed to be able to click two categories (or more).


When I first read TWTM, I was very turned off. I'm sure a lot of that was my child development background, how beautifully unschooling was working, how we had used (or looked at) some of the materials and were disappointed trying to adapt them for my oldest who was several years advanced academically.


But when I picked it up a couple years ago, it was a whole different story. I LOVED it :) We incorporated some neat stuff into our homeschool and really enjoyed it.


And then we moved away from it somewhat though we have a quite traditional homeschool curriculum for each kid now.


So, I've been all over the place with it. And if I ever were to have another child, I'm sure I would incorporate most of it, at various times, in various ways.

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I've read both a few times. I have highlighted many passages. I have read and used many of the book recommendations with my children. I've learned a lot myself. I enjoy any and all discussions about Classical Education and WTM.


I didn't vote because while it's been helpful, we remain fundamentally unschoolers. So I would have needed an 'other'.

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I have both the old and revised, and they're both full of sticky notes. I've actually been rereading the Rhetoric section and WEM for the last week or so, and just letting it gel.


The Rhetoric section sure looks different now! I remember reading that when I first got the book, and thinking how I was grateful it was so far off. But we're here!


I work towards aligning what we're doing with it a little more each year. I have to admit I've struggled with it, but it's all starting to finally make sense. I feel like I finally get it now, more than just bits and pieces. That's a good feeling!

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