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All over facebook people are talking about how excited they are for their kids to go back to school. I am going to post a thread on there with out the names of the people.


Origional Post getting ready to go to the kids open house tonight! they are excited to meet their teachers! i am excited for school to start!!!!!



The following are the comments-- person number 1 is the origional poster


  • Person number 2
  • I can't wait for it to starts too! First year for 2 of them to go!! yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • Person number 1
  • peace and quiet awaits!!! its so nice!
  • Person number 2
  • counting down the days 6!!! It's time to party! LOL





  • Person number 3:
  • Thought I was alone & a bit ashamed to feel the same...lol, good to know that's not true 2 hours ago ·



Person number 1



  • every parent i know is ready to send them back. i mean we love them but please take them for 8 hrs a day! lol

I had to chime in and tell her NOT every parent she knows is excited for some stranger to take their kids for 8 hours a day!!!


Are people really like that?? Seriously? Is this the norm with public schoolers?

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In a way, I "get it".

While I wouldn't want my kids gone for 8 hours, 180 days of the year, I sure do get excited about having a few hours of peace and quiet now and then. If I were to send my kids to camp or Grandma's for a week, I'd probably be doing the same happy dance.


Since 8 hours/180 days is "normal" for most people, and any sort of compromise is a rare possibility, it makes some sense to be excited about the free time and accepting of the amount.


Still, I think it is kind of sad when looking at it from a hs'ers perspective.

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Are people really like that?? Seriously? Is this the norm with public schoolers?


Yep. It's all over my fb too, including a pic of a preschooler crying as he's about to get on the bus (he did end up having fun, and mom was proud of him, but it's still really sad).


My SIL just posted a comment like that, and how she has great respect for homeschoolers who don't get this to look forward to. I replied with something about not having to get them anywhere at 8 am every day, and another homeschooler replied about liking not having only evenings together. :D

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Yep. It's all over my fb too, including a pic of a preschooler crying as he's about to get on the bus (he did end up having fun, and mom was proud of him, but it's still really sad).



Mine to. A comment on one of my friend's status's was the offer to have the ladies over for mimosas after the kids were off to school. My friend was "so there" and bringing the OJ.:banghead: Yep, I'm judgy about that. OTOH my status today stated how nice it was to simply watch the school bus go by.:)

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Well, I understand what they are saying. I used to be shocked as well, until I realized that I can't wait for my kids to go to school, either. The only difference is that mine go to school in my basement and I'm their teacher (and I've got no plans to send my guys to ps) :D. But I love getting back into routine, and I'm sure ps parents do as well. My guys normally get along very well, but if we're off for more than a few weeks they use a lot of the brainpower they normally use for school work to come up with new and exciting ways to annoy each other. And honestly, if I had to face that 3 months out of the year, I'd be excited for mine to go to school as well, so I could enjoy them in the evenings. I think assuming any more than that isn't a good thing :).

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younger dd is so excited to be going back to school and I'm happy for her that she is. I'm sort of looking forward to being able to do some serious hsing with older dd as the season changes and my work schedule falls into a steadier routine. But I'll miss younger dd while she is at school and I hate having to rush through our evenings so we can fit homework in around the activites the children want to do.

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I don't think it's too shocking. It's all about getting back to a routine and having a little space to breathe without kids saying, "Hey, mom!" every 10 minutes (or less). I would like the peace and quiet, but at the same time, I don't want to send them away for so long. (Maybe if school only lasted 3 hours...but not 8.)


I feel like the other posters who say they're looking forward to school, too, even though it's homeschool. On Monday we start back up and we NEED the structure. We're all bored and edgy. I can't WAIT for school to start. We need structure in our day.

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I kind of understand....my kids were in PS for 7 years. It's partly getting your routine back.




I heard the saddest blurb on the radio yesterday, and it reflects the attitude. It was all about how now that the kids were back in school, it was time to get your life back. blah blah blah... It actually made me sad that MY kids heard that attitude, and they aren't even going anywhere :001_huh:

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I haven't been on facebook much lately, so not sure about the norm there for this area, but every year on the radio the announcers go on and on about it, and they play clips of (mostly) mothers talking about how glad they are to have the kids go back. We would always turn the radio off once we realized it was that time of year. I understand some people looking forward to the quiet and accomplishing things in a house alone, or whatever their thoughts are, but to go on and on about it... It's just... demoralizing.


On the bright side, my kids would always say things like, "I'm so glad your my mom" when they would hear that stuff. So if nothing else it's good for contrast.:D




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I think it's about the return to a normal routine.

Most families spend nine months of the year getting out of bed at a certain time, having lunches made, backpacks packed, catching buses, planning dinner, helping with homework and making sure everyone is in bed on time. When summer arrives everything is out of whack. Add to the off-season schedule a vacation or family visiting for a week or more, and the entire household feels crazy.

I am a creature of habit. I can't blame anyone for wanting to get back to their normal routine.

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I completely understand what they're saying. There have been a few weeks of my life where I have had both kids in day camp 8 hours per day and it was VERY tranquil around here. I could think a complete thought and the house got clean. I was able to do projects that I had been putting off. I felt like a real person again.


I am very very tired right now. And we just started school two days ago.

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After awhile you will see how sick they are of homework, and running around like crazy, and not having any time with their kids, and they cant wait until summer (well some of them LOL)


I, for one, have never ever been happy about school starting. This is my first year HS'ing and my DD who would have started 3rd grade. I HATED dropping her off and waiting for her to come home everyday. I need time to myself, but like a 1/2 hour or hour a day. I get bored. My parents take my kids for a week every summer and while it is nice for like a day, after that I am bored and lost and I want them back.


I will never understand the happy feeling sending my kids away anywhere. I know how short life is and I only hope that these people will realize that before its too late. I know kids get annoying and all parents need breaks, but to throw a party because your kids are gone for 8 hours a day 180 days a year, just makes me sad.


DISCLAIMER *I am NOT at all saying that sending kids to ps is bad. At All. I am totally supportive of peoples choices. I am just saying I cannot imagine being so happy about sending kids away to anywhere.*

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Yup. Most of my neighbors shun me because I actually like spending time with my child. Every year about this time I unfriend a whole bunch of people because, inevitably, I get verbally assaulted because I'm not willing to ever send my child to PS. (And it's not like I antagonize them - I get the "you're ruining/babying your kid to much, he'll never be able to function" comments with absolutely no warning - but only at this time of year!)

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A couple of weeks ago before school started, pretty much all my FB friends were posting about how excited they were to send their kids back to school. Now the fussing about school supplies, teachers, homework, etc has already started. That stuff doesn't bother me a bit. What makes me sad is the mom, an acquaintance of mine, who posted today about taking her almost 2 year old school shopping today so he can start pre-school tomorrow. She is a SAHM, and he is her only child. I wanted to post and beg her to keep him home as long as she can. But I didn't. Two points for Nakia for keeping her big fat mouth shut. :D

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You guys can thinking I'm a cold hearted mom but yeah, I looked forward to school starting. Summer was relaxing and fun, but by the end of the summer, I was ready for the structure in our lives. I liked the peace and quiet and how easy it was to get things done with them at school and I enjoyed picking them up in the afternoon and catching up on our day and doing something fun. Spending all day every day with them, I don't get down time to recharge and be as fun. I'm not going to pretend I'm this endless well of joy and patience.

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You guys can thinking I'm a cold hearted mom but yeah, I looked forward to school starting. Summer was relaxing and fun, but by the end of the summer, I was ready for the structure in our lives. I liked the peace and quiet and how easy it was to get things done with them at school and I enjoyed picking them up in the afternoon and catching up on our day and doing something fun. Spending all day every day with them, I don't get down time to recharge and be as fun. I'm not going to pretend I'm this endless well of joy and patience.


I don't think you are bit cold hearted! I think you are honest. I am not a well of joy and patience either, and I think if I spent a little more time away from my kids, I would be a better mommy. That's something we are trying to work out around here. :grouphug:

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Meh, at this point in my life I crave a bit of that peace and quiet. So, I'm not gonna be judgy about it. ;)



LOL No kidding. I only have FB friends I like & respect, so I know what they mean, plus more power to them. A good amount of my friends are working- outside- the- home folks who are thoughtful parents with lovely children. Some even have work they love to do and are good at what they do. Rock on. I hs, they don't. How terrible! lol

Edited by LibraryLover
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Are people really like that?? Seriously? Is this the norm with public schoolers?



Considering that several threads on this subject will crop up on these boards every single Aug/Sept without fail, then I'd say "yes" it is probably the norm. At the very least, it's nothing new, that's for sure.

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It's amazing how many people express joy and relief that the holidays are over and they can get their children safely out of the way again. But if anyone suggested that this was a factor in the decision to send them to school, these same people would insist that school is the best option for the child, and they need to be there to socialize, and so on. ;)

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Slackers! The elementary school bus doesn't even pick up here before 8:30. :D


Really?? That would be nice. One of the reasons that pushed me to start hs'ing was how it was so difficult to get my dd up and moving and out the door by 7:15. I felt like a drill sergeant. If I could send my kids off from 9 to noon, I'd probably do it. The constant demands of 4 children for 14 hours a day are really wearing on me right now. I keep trying to remind myself how much I disliked the ps schedule...

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I think it's one thing to be happy to have some quiet time to yourself. It's another to look forward to having huge chunks of quiet time to yourself 5 days week/4 weeks a month/9 months a year. Don't get me wrong, I *love* occasional time to myself. I think people need it sometimes, but in moderation, especially when it comes to the children we're raising.


When my boys were in PS, I *hated* all the time they spent away from home. HATED IT! I missed them terribly and on days that thoughts of PS enter my brain, I think of those days and PS thoughts quickly leave, lol.

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They pick up the high school kids first. Then the busses come for the littles. The academic day for a high school student (not couting whatever else they do) is only until 1:50. I don't know 14 hours here. Even my 16 yr old gets two hours after school before his music commitment. Maybe those smart kids in India, Japan, & S Korea have 14 hour days. I always had some help, too. Mother's helpers, dh, yoga, MIL etc. I am not into that level of insanity. ;)


Really?? That would be nice. One of the reasons that pushed me to start hs'ing was how it was so difficult to get my dd up and moving and out the door by 7:15. I felt like a drill sergeant. If I could send my kids off from 9 to noon, I'd probably do it. The constant demands of 4 children for 14 hours a day are really wearing on me right now. I keep trying to remind myself how much I disliked the ps schedule...
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They pick up the high school kids first. Then the busses come for the littles. The academic day for a high school student (not couting whatever else they do) is only until 1:50. I don't know 14 hours here.


I mean I have 14 hours uninterrupted with my kids. If they were in school, they'd be gone from 7:15 to 2:45. It's too much for them to be at school that long. But my days are too long right now with homeschooling. :001_smile:

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That just seems so sad.


I don't know those Ladies Who Lunch-- the Paris Hiltons of the world?-- and I think that's who you mean? The women and men I know are interested in contributing to their comunities and have work they care about. I am sure there are many Paris' 'out there', but I do not know anyone who sends their kids off to school and doesn't at least work in their kids' schools or contribute in some way. I know many at- home dads and moms who do the bulk of the work for the school harvest fairs, poetry and music festivals, and are the ones creating and hauling scenery for school plays and ballet performances. I don't know what we would do without them, really. Most people I know want to feel useful.


I should count myself lucky. I just can't think of anyone I know personally who doesn't 'do' anything worthwhile.



I think it's one thing to be happy to have some quiet time to yourself. It's another to look forward to having huge chunks of quiet time to yourself 5 days week/4 weeks a month/9 months a year. Don't get me wrong, I *love* occasional time to myself. I think people need it sometimes, but in moderation, especially when it comes to the children we're raising.


When my boys were in PS, I *hated* all the time they spent away from home. HATED IT! I missed them terribly and on days that thoughts of PS enter my brain, I think of those days and PS thoughts quickly leave, lol.

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I actually DON'T get it at all. I have 5 kids and I RARELY ever wish they were somewhere else. If I need quiet time, I take it. That said, I don't desire them to be somewhere else, just somewhere else in the house at times.


Thats me. Just playing quietly in their rooms for an hour or so. But still near me where I can hear them laugh and giggle and play.


Makes me sad to hear so many dont love to have their kids aorund them so much. I know people who have lost kids and would die for another second with them. I just dont see having kids, and then being happy they leave for so many hours, so people can get back to "their lives" MY KIDS ARE MY LIFE. I truly do not get the thinking of having them- just to be happy to get rid of them for so long :001_huh:

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I mean I have 14 hours uninterrupted with my kids. If they were in school, they'd be gone from 7:15 to 2:45. It's too much for them to be at school that long. But my days are too long right now with homeschooling. :001_smile:



But that works for you, so it's good. It wouldn't work for me, and I know people would judge me for it. However, I know myself very well and I know my personal needs.

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I haven't been on facebook much lately, so not sure about the norm there for this area, but every year on the radio the announcers go on and on about it, and they play clips of (mostly) mothers talking about how glad they are to have the kids go back. We would always turn the radio off once we realized it was that time of year. I understand some people looking forward to the quiet and accomplishing things in a house alone, or whatever their thoughts are, but to go on and on about it... It's just... demoralizing.


On the bright side, my kids would always say things like, "I'm so glad your my mom" when they would hear that stuff. So if nothing else it's good for contrast.:D





My 7th grader said that to me today after reading over my shoulder some of the other comments we read on FB today. :thumbup1:



A couple of weeks ago before school started, pretty much all my FB friends were posting about how excited they were to send their kids back to school. Now the fussing about school supplies, teachers, homework, etc has already started. That stuff doesn't bother me a bit. What makes me sad is the mom, an acquaintance of mine, who posted today about taking her almost 2 year old school shopping today so he can start pre-school tomorrow. She is a SAHM, and he is her only child. I wanted to post and beg her to keep him home as long as she can. But I didn't. Two points for Nakia for keeping her big fat mouth shut. :D


That poor baby (yes, an almost 2 year old is still a baby)


Good job Nakia! :thumbup:

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Don't get me wrong, I completely understand getting back to a good routine! I LOVE that. I also love back to school time, but not because I can "get rid of my kids for 8 hours a day". Its the comments like "they are their teachers problem during the week now" and "it is so peaceful without them here" Stuff like that. Its just sad. And the comment I posted about in my OP about being glad they are out of the house for 8 hours a day 180 days a year. I commented on that post put on here and said


" Not all the mom's are glad to get rid of their kids! Remember, we homeschool and I wouldnt change it for anything!" You should see some of the comments that have come in since then (not by my friend, she has not commented- but the other people on her friends lists. The flames have started (turned into bashing because my kids live under rocks and dont get the "S" word.)

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Slackers! The elementary school bus doesn't even pick up here before 8:30. :D



7:20 a.m. here and that's if the driver doesn't show up early. Every morning when it rolls by my house I smile and think that I'm so glad I don't have to be on the PS schedule anymore. It's also nice that I don't have to be back by a certain time in the afternoon if we're out and about and doing something.


Heck, I'm just thrilled that we aren't going to have to do any fundraising this year!

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I think each family will have their particular needs. Over the years (my oldest is nearly grown) I have seen thoughtful families pull off quite a variety of interesting work/family dynamic combos. I have to say that there is no one magic bullet for having a loving, healthy family years down the line. It's quite interesting to see who has a good relationship with parents and who doesn't. Full time SAHM care doesn't really seem to be critical from my vantage point, nor hsing. It's really quite astounding. I think families should do what works for them and not worry about the choices others make. SAHM/ hsing works for our family, right now, but I know it would not be right for everyone.

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I commented on that post put on here and said


" Not all the mom's are glad to get rid of their kids! Remember, we homeschool and I wouldnt change it for anything!" You should see some of the comments that have come in since then (not by my friend, she has not commented- but the other people on her friends lists. The flames have started (turned into bashing because my kids live under rocks and dont get the "S" word.)


Next time, just don't go there. It really will make you feel better. I am learning, as I get older (lol) that most things aren't worth it. And don't take their comments personally. They are probably doing the best they can. And really, it just makes it worse to argue or get defensive. Hang in there and put her on ignore on FB. I've done that to so many people lately, and FB is so much more enjoyable. :D

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I think each family will have their particular needs. Over the years (my oldest is nearly grown) I have seen thoughtful families pull off quite a variety of interesting work/family dynamic combos. I have to say that there is no one magic bullet for having a loving, healthy family years down the line. It's quite interesting to see who has a good relationship with parents and who doesn't. Full time SAHM care doesn't really seem to be critical from my vantage point, nor hsing. It's really quite astounding. I think families should do what works for them and not worry about the choices others make. SAHM/ hsing works for our family, right now, but I know it would not be right for everyone.


Of course it will work for people to not have their kids home and getting all kinds of alone time. Sending my kid to public school "worked" just fine. But I was not at all happy about it. It wasn't about school either, it was just about her being gone. People will always do what works for them and who I am I to tell them different? I just CANNOT wrap my brain around being happy they are gone.

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I've seen others on this board talk about PS moms making such comments in the fall. So I was quite surprised when I started seeing messages on FB from PS moms stating how they were sad to see their kids going back to school. All the PS moms I know love their kids just as much as I do. We've just chosen different educational paths, I guess.

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Of course it will work for people to not have their kids home and getting all kinds of alone time. Sending my kid to public school "worked" just fine. But I was not at all happy about it. It wasn't about school either, it was just about her being gone. People will always do what works for them and who I am I to tell them different? I just CANNOT wrap my brain around being happy they are gone.



Exactly. It's not for you. What grows loving families is not going to look the same in every home.

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The Sunday before our school started, I was out shopping and had two female cashiers practically jumping for joy and gushing over how excited they were to "have their house back!" It seriously makes me want to ask, "Well, if you don't want them that much that you are telling a complete stranger that you can't wait for them to be gone, may I have them?"


We went out for breakfast this year, to celebrate our "NOT back to school day." Half of the restaurant had been reserved by a local group of ladies that were literally celebrating and giving each other "high fives" for "making it through another summer w/o killing their children." :001_huh: (Yes. They were so loud everyone in the place could hear their comments.)


DH used to work with a bachelor that couldn't believe that I would "want" to stay home all day with my child. He asked DH, "But I thought all moms hated being around their children? That is what you hear in the media and that is what my mom and all her friends said."

My response -- What a sad, sad image of motherhood that mothers are passing on to their children!!


As someone who would give anything to have more children, but physically can't, it makes me extremely sad and angry to hear those comments.

I struggled to conceive and nearly lost my baby at birth. I consider myself extremely blessed to have my one child. But to have other mothers so openly and loudly proclaim that they can't wait for their children to be gone all day? I personally think it is a sign of a sick society.

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I think it's one thing to be happy to have some quiet time to yourself. It's another to look forward to having huge chunks of quiet time to yourself 5 days week/4 weeks a month/9 months a year. Don't get me wrong, I *love* occasional time to myself. I think people need it sometimes, but in moderation, especially when it comes to the children we're raising.


I agree. I truly need some Mommy quiet time each and every day and I find a way to get it. It makes me a better Mommy, because as someone previously said on this thread, I am not a well of joy and patience. I wish I were, but I'm not.

What I don't get is parents who not only look forward to being away from their kids so many hours a day, but who loudly proclaim it in front of their children. What kind of message does that send? I am not talking about those who are just wanting to get back to routine, but I know a few in my neighborhood who truly cannot wait to be away from their kids. They are posting on facebook and also discussing it at the playground while their kids are well within earshot.

Many I know have kids going from half-day p.s. kindy to full day 1st grade and the general sentiment is, "Good. Finally." I kid you not. In our district that is 7 hours a day plus travel time. For 6 year olds. No thanks.

Everyone makes a choice that's best for their family. I get that. Structure and routine are a good thing, yup. Being overjoyed to be apart from your young kids and letting them know it, not cool.

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I think the sentiment that children are annoying, parasitic burdens is extremely sad!


I get how getting back to routine, and even some time alone is good....good for the family, good for the kids. I build that routine and quiet time into our day here...not a bad thing. Granted, I get a lot less time alone than I would if I sent mine to ps.


I've got one person on my fb, in particular, who is always making rude comments about how her kids annoy her. At back-to-school time the pace of the comments and the venom just reach a fever pitch.:glare: I'd like to smack her upside the head and tell her that THIS is exactly how her dc are going to treat her/talk about her when they are teenagers and young adults....

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I remember seeing all of that last year and then again it appeared this year. One of my friends posted over and over about needing her 'me time'. That just drove me batty. Yes, I like a little time to myself, but if 'me time' were so important, I wouldn't have had children.


DS takes some enrichment classes outside the home. His classes on Friday are from 9 until 1 so I am at home by myself from 9:30 until 12:30. It is amazing that I can get the house clean, some laundry done, a few errands run and have some 'me time'. Maybe I just don't get all the 'me time' people talk about.

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