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Poll: Homeschooling Conferences

Would you be interested in a seminar, in Virginia, for high school students w/ SWB?  

  1. 1. Would you be interested in a seminar, in Virginia, for high school students w/ SWB?

    • Yes, this is exactly what I've been looking for!
    • Definitely interested, but not necessarily able.
    • I like the idea, but my kids are younger.
    • Not interested.
    • I have a better idea...

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We are trying to determine the level of interest in a multi-day seminar, held in Williamsburg, where students of high-school age studied a particular topic or skill with Susan Wise Bauer.


THIS IS NOT YET A DEFINITE EVENT; we are merely assessing the interest in an event like this. No dates or details have been determined yet.


Would you and your students be interested in such a seminar?


If there is sufficient interest, we may conduct follow-up polls dealing with more specific aspects of the event.

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Define "high-school age" .

Locally, that's 12 yo. My son is turning 13 real soon, but is doing grade 9 work in certain areas. He would be on the young side, but would he be old enough?

And yes, I would drive down from Montreal.


It would also depend on the subject. In Writing, he's not American high school level. I would pass if that's the subject.

Edited by CleoQc
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I love the idea, and from NC it wouldn't be that bad of a trip. The only thing that could snag me, would be cost. Since I would obviously be doing a hotel, I would want to make sure that everything, all combined, didn't break our budget. But yes, it would make for an interesting trip. There is so much to do in the area with the other children, I could definitely make the trip worthwhile for the entire family.

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We are trying to determine the level of interest in a multi-day seminar, held in Williamsburg, where students of high-school age studied a particular topic or skill with Susan Wise Bauer.


THIS IS NOT YET A DEFINITE EVENT; we are merely assessing the interest in an event like this. No dates or details have been determined yet.


Would you and your students be interested in such a seminar?


If there is sufficient interest, we may conduct follow-up polls dealing with more specific aspects of the event.


I voted yes and not necessarily able. If it happens after February, I would be there. ;)

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I'd love this. But, my high schooler graduated last year. My next oldest child is currently an "8th" grader by age although doing some high school work. If this event was held next summer and would include those beginning the 9th grade at the start of the school year instead of having completed 9th, I'd definitely make an effort to bring him.


We live in Michigan so I would hate to make the trip and not bring the other children to see Williamsburg. Would their be time built into the event for families with students in a wider age range, to see Williamsburg?


Thank SWB and her staff for thinking of this. I think it would be a wonderful opportunity.



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Our original idea was something along the lines of a college prep. seminar for students who would be starting college within a year or two, but we weren't certain how many parents had students around that age. Your feedback is most appreciated and helpful.


To those of you with younger students, at what age do you think a younger student would benefit from a conference specifically organized for them? In other words, how young do you think is too young? Which kids would you take with you to the conference and which would you make other arrangements for during the day?


For those of you who mentioned online web conferencing, this is a option we have considered before and may be a possibility.

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Our original idea was something along the lines of a college prep. seminar for students who would be starting college within a year or two, but we weren't certain how many parents had students around that age. Your feedback is most appreciated and helpful.


To those of you with younger students, at what age do you think a younger student would benefit from a conference specifically organized for them? In other words, how young do you think is too young? Which kids would you take with you to the conference and which would you make other arrangements for during the day?


For those of you who mentioned online web conferencing, this is a option we have considered before and may be a possibility.


I love-love-love the idea of a college-prep conference for juniors.


I also wonder about a high school prep conference for 8th graders. There could be some hints of college prep in there too so that they understand the motivation behind the structure of high school. Such a conference, aimed directly at middle schoolers, will feed in nicely with their emerging sense of independence and desire to have ownership over more areas of their life.


My own dd absolutely LOVED attending two conferences as a 7th grader. The summer before 7th grade, she had her first "teen" experience (as opposed to participating in the children's program at a local conference we enjoy) with the Harris' Do Hard Things conference. It completely inspired her, and we've seen the fruits of that all year and especially this summer. She also loved the teen track at the Cincinnati convention toward the end of her 7th grade year.

Edited by strider
grammar correction
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I love-love-love the idea of a college-prep conference for juniors.


I also wonder about a high school prep conference for 8th graders. There could be some hints of college prep in there too so that they understand the motivation behind the structure of high school. Such a conference, aimed directly at middle schoolers, will feed in nicely with their emerging sense of independence and desire to have ownership over more areas of their life.





My son would greatly benefit from a non-parental authority discussing such things.

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I also wonder about a high school prep conference for 8th graders. There could be some hints of college prep in there too so that they understand the motivation behind the structure of high school. Such a conference, aimed directly at middle schoolers, will feed in nicely with their emerging sense of independence and desire to have ownership over more areas of their life.


Yes, yes and yes!!!


I would love the like of this! In short "now that you've reached high school, here's what expected of you, and here's how to achieve it".

Organisational skills, research skills, exam taking skills are all possible subjects. Also something along the line of discovering themselves, thinking through possible majors, how to get information on majors, so that the teens can orient themselves without always depending on mom and dad.



My son would greatly benefit from a non-parental authority discussing such things.


Same, same, here!

I would travel across the border for this! Especially if it's kept secular.

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The online option would be perfect for us. I mean, we live only a few hours away, but my daughter has ballet class every day. Please, please consider this!


(P. S. I have a rising 8th grader, and both of us would benefit from a pre-college talk.)

Edited by Rebecca VA
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I love-love-love the idea of a college-prep conference for juniors.


I also wonder about a high school prep conference for 8th graders. There could be some hints of college prep in there too so that they understand the motivation behind the structure of high school. Such a conference, aimed directly at middle schoolers, will feed in nicely with their emerging sense of independence and desire to have ownership over more areas of their life.




I am also very interested in both of these things, but especially for high school right now, as my oldest is going into 8th grade. We would be willing to drive down, although cost of the hotel would be a consideration! Wonderful idea!

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I would love this but might not be able to do this if this is in Virginia. So it really depends on the location and the costs. If this was done in Cincy during the midwest convention then yes we would be able to do this. Virginia is a long way off for us in regards to traveling.



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Our original idea was something along the lines of a college prep. seminar for students who would be starting college within a year or two, but we weren't certain how many parents had students around that age. Your feedback is most appreciated and helpful.


To those of you with younger students, at what age do you think a younger student would benefit from a conference specifically organized for them? In other words, how young do you think is too young? Which kids would you take with you to the conference and which would you make other arrangements for during the day?


For those of you who mentioned online web conferencing, this is a option we have considered before and may be a possibility.



Yes. We'd love this.

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Since the oldest of my next "batch" of children is going into 7th grade, I would love to see one for that age and up.:) I think kids at that age can benefit greatly from the vision of what's to come.


Also, could you do an online/live combo? We live in VA, but hours away from W-burg. It's nice to have options.


Thanks for considering this!


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Just because everyone seems to be posting a preference for online, I have to come back to this thread, and say I would MUCH prefer a on-site, in person, activity, even with the added cost and the travel time from Montreal!

It would have a lot more impact on my child than online.


I agree 100%!

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Yes, I would attend especially if the focus was for middle school or those entering high school. The great books study and the WTM approach is such a departure from what is taught locally, I would really like something to motivate my rising 9th grader. I really feel the need for her to know the why of what we do.

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Yeah, that! I would love an option for homeschooled teens that wasn't about "worldview" and wasn't about replicating high school!




I voted yes, but not necessarily able. We live on the other side of the country. Something online or having the seminar available afterwards on dvd would be great.

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Our original idea was something along the lines of a college prep. seminar for students who would be starting college within a year or two, but we weren't certain how many parents had students around that age. Your feedback is most appreciated and helpful.


To those of you with younger students, at what age do you think a younger student would benefit from a conference specifically organized for them? In other words, how young do you think is too young? Which kids would you take with you to the conference and which would you make other arrangements for during the day?


For those of you who mentioned online web conferencing, this is a option we have considered before and may be a possibility.


I like the college prep seminar idea, though my kids won't be ready for it for another few years.


For younger kids...I think my 12yods *would* enjoy a conference. I went to the WTM Anniv. conf. last year, and told ds about the Beowulf workshop Susan did with 7th-12th graders, and he perked up at that. I am finding the whole changing from grammar-to-logic stage thing kicking in a lot these days, and ds likes to be around seemingly more important conversations about the bigger things in life. Dd9 probably wouldn't enjoy this at this point.


Just because everyone seems to be posting a preference for online, I have to come back to this thread, and say I would MUCH prefer a on-site, in person, activity, even with the added cost and the travel time from Montreal!

It would have a lot more impact on my child than online.


:iagree: It's the being around other homeschooled kids thing that my son would esp. enjoy, because he'd see we aren't the only "different" ones out there, studying Latin, logic, and grammar! LOL


And you and I could meet in New England and caravan down I-95 together! :D (P.S. I was in PEI last week and kept seeing RVs like yours everywhere)

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We are trying to determine the level of interest in a multi-day seminar, held in Williamsburg, where students of high-school age studied a particular topic or skill with Susan Wise Bauer.


THIS IS NOT YET A DEFINITE EVENT; we are merely assessing the interest in an event like this. No dates or details have been determined yet.


Would you and your students be interested in such a seminar?


If there is sufficient interest, we may conduct follow-up polls dealing with more specific aspects of the event.


I'm highly interested even though my homeschoolers are still grammar age. It helps tremendously to know the direction we're headed by buying the audio recordings from such events.


I voted "better idea" because VA is all the way on the East Coast; is there a chance of holding one in the Northwest, too? I'd be likely to attend if it were for logic stage students, or if it remains for high school students but is also done when my now 4th grader is a Freshman, and is in WA, AK, BC, or the Yukon (haha).

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Yes, oh yes! I would love something like this for both our new 9th grader and 7th grader. Any and all topics Susan chose to speak on for high schoolers would be wonderful. We would fly up there but I have to agree that a webinar type set up would be even better. :)


However I did enjoy what little of the area I saw last year in May and we would be open to making it a whole family trip just to get this opportunity.

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We would love to have you!!!!

Here are just a few reasons: We have a great community here, lots of families use your books, homeschooling is government funded, people are willing to travel for lectures/conferences due to necessity, homeschooling is growing in numbers and respect, most people use American curr and have heard of SOTW and WTM even if they dont use the. The scenery is beautiful and the people fantastic. More food and baking then we expected, local and creative. I am even friendly with the company that brings in overseas speakers and arranges the venues - no it's not me. Last but not least, we would love to have you.


Alicia in New Zealand

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pay for a workshop


I know you were replying with the overall context of travel and accommodations, and I know that prices won't always be the same with conferences that PHP puts on, but I just wanted to note that the actual cost for the WTM Anniversary conference last year was only around $40! This was for two FULL days of workshops. We were there from breakfast til supper both days, with 15 min. breaks between workshops and maybe an hour for lunch. I could not believe how inexpensive it was for what we received - it was a huge blessing to me. I think the PHP crew works really hard to keep costs down, provide excellent teaching, and support homeschoolers.

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