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best curriculum that you have loved...


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What is the best curriculum that you have loved using and your kids have also enjoyed and have grown in learning? Particularly, math, reading, history and science.

Would love to hear the responses. I have used Rod and Staff and am looking into changing this year because it seemed like my 11 year old was bored by the end of the week since it is very textbook oriented.

Thank you in advance for your thoughts and ideas.


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I know you didn't ask for Language Arts but it's really the only one where I can say we all have grown so much and that is with MCT language arts, Island level.


Science - we've done a bunch of things, we're a science family. THe only thing that we all loved so much was reading Mystery of the Periodic Table. Also, all the topics we've covered in MCT language arts shows up in Mystery of the Periodic Table - connection words for paragraphs, poetic devices, similes and metaphors.

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We just finished using the Oak Meadow curriculum for 4th Grade, and we really love it. It's not dry or textbookish, it doesn't focus on worksheets or tests. It's very hands-on and creative. I'm very much looking forward to moving on to Oak Meadow 5 with my daughter in the fall, and starting Oak Meadow K with my son.





ETA: We'll also be using Teaching Textbooks for math from 5th grade on for my daughter.

Edited by NanceXToo
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The only history program that has been successful in my home is K12, an online program that can be done independently and not part of a charter school despite some who believe otherwise. :) My son absolutely loved their 2-year American History progrm. My daughter is completely indifferent to history in general, so no program lit a fire for further knowledge. I have her doing the same program I just mentioned and she's doing okay but she would happily drop it if that was an option.


The only math program that has elicited excitement for my dd is Math-U-See. That program is responsible for her loving the subject. My son has never been excited about any math program. He retains most of what he learns I suppose because he does fine in each level but I can't say any one program gave him a specific boost.


The only reading program we used was Hooked on Phonics when my youngest dd was 4 years old. She loved it so much that she cried when she finished her last book. We didn't use reading programs because my children just didn't need extra help in that area. For literature, we have found some great books in the Sonlight book lists.


Science has always been a complete bust. I have my dd12 doing science in a homeschool class outside our home. I never found a secular science program that suited our family.


Sorry I'm such a downer!

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For all of my kids it has been Apologia Science hands down! Both of my dd's dreaded science before we started Apologia and now that is by far their favorite subject!



Math varies by kid. They are all in different math so far (for the most part)



My oldest was very behind in math when we started homeschooling and BJU math has been a Godsend! It not only got her caught up 3 grade levels in 14 months without burn out but now she tolerates math very well! I can not say she LIKES math, but she does not dread it anymore!! She cheerfully does it!


My kindergartner has had AMAZING results with MUS! We will be adding in horizons also in september and he is BEGGING to do math because of MUS!


History for my oldest was also a huge struggle. We had used Abeka then I switched to All American History and Mystery of History and she LOVES both of those! (she actually confessed to me one day that she LOVES history) My other kids are to young for those yet so I am hoping they have similar reactions!


My 3rd grader just seems to be a natural in school so she is easy to make happy :001_smile: Just give her schoolwork and she is happy!!!!! (PLEASE let that attitude continue!)


Spelling Power has eased the spelling frustration for my oldest also! When we used Abeka spelling she would get well over half of them wrong, which turned into crazy frustration. Since we switched to spelling power and it breaks the words up into bite sized bits for her its gone so much bettter! She finished spelling power in January! She is one to get easily overwhelmed then when that happens the learning is done because she is to frustrated (she is a perfectionist :glare: so when things dont go the way she thinks it should she really does not handle it well)

Edited by wy_kid_wrangler04
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For all of my kids it has been Apologia Science hands down! Both of my dd's dreaded science before we started Apologia and now that is by far their favorite subject!



Math varies by kid. They are all in different math so far (for the most part)



My oldest was very behind in math when we started homeschooling and BJU math has been a Godsend! It not only got her caught up 3 grade levels in 14 months without burn out but now she tolerates math very well! I can not say she LIKES math, but she does not dread it anymore!! She cheerfully does it!


My kindergartner has had AMAZING results with MUS! We will be adding in horizons also in september and he is BEGGING to do math because of MUS!


History for my oldest was also a huge struggle. We had used Abeka then I switched to All American History and Mystery of History and she LOVES both of those! (she actually confessed to me one day that she LOVES history) My other kids are to young for those yet so I am hoping they have similar reactions!


My 3rd grader just seems to be a natural in school so she is easy to make happy :001_smile: Just give her schoolwork and she is happy!!!!! (PLEASE let that attitude continue!)


Spelling Power has eased the spelling frustration for my oldest also! When we used Abeka spelling she would get well over half of them wrong, which turned into crazy frustration. Since we switched to spelling power and it breaks the words up into bite sized bits for her its gone so much bettter! She finished spelling power in January! She is one to get easily overwhelmed then when that happens the learning is done because she is to frustrated (she is a perfectionist :glare: so when things dont go the way she thinks it should she really does not handle it well)



Not to highjack but what grade on BJU math did you use and which teaching method?

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History - TOG

Literature - TOG

Math - MathUSee

Have to throw in writing - IEW all the way!!

But you can tell all this by my sig line :tongue_smilie: !


BTW - I am very excited about my 10yo DS upcoming science for this year - we found this at homeschool convention and it looks great! It is called Exploration Education Physical Science - very hands -on, and looks awesome to me... and I am not a science person!

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BTW - I am very excited about my 10yo DS upcoming science for this year - we found this at homeschool convention and it looks great! It is called Exploration Education Physical Science - very hands -on, and looks awesome to me... and I am not a science person!


I saw that there too and plan on buying it at the next convention! It looks awesome and the guy was great.

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Math: Singapore Primary Math


Science: Apologia Exploring Creation series

My daughters read these on their own.


Language Art: MCT Town just arrived today. Both my daughters have been reading the poetry book for enjoyment. My younger DD took it in the car instead of her usual fun read. I'm hoping the rest of the program will create the same level of interest.


History: Mystery of History

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Math: Saxon K - above that level we haven't found anything we all love. We will be switching to McRuffy Color Math this year though, and I am confident we will hate it the least.


History: SOTW (without the AG), Ancient Egyptians and Their Neighbors, Ancient Israelites and Their Neighbors


Science: Noeo


Reading: oldest ds enjoys MBtP literature units

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math: kids love and request Saxon (me, not so much)

history: youngest loved BF Intermediate. MOH vol 1 was a hit with oldest

science: youngest loved NOEO chem 2, oldest liked Apologia Physical.


Around the World in 180 Days has been a major hit!

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Guest Cindie2dds

Oak Meadow. No matter how much I look around, I still really enjoy it. I'm looking through the 1st grade Syllabus and getting excited for the fall. :)

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Not to highjack but what grade on BJU math did you use and which teaching method?



She started in 5th grade but we had to backtrack all the way to 3rd grade. I just used some of the TE teaching suggestions but the rest we did ourselves. We did use manipulatives (I LOVE my base 10 blocks :001_wub:) We did alot of hands on with our math. So we used BJU math grades 3-6.

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Reading/Literature, History, Math, Science: K12


My oldest daughter has grown tremendously all around with K12. I chalk her growth up not only to K12, but also to consistency. She also likes the curriculum very much, especially the literature, history, and art.

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We love, love, love TOG at our house, so that covers history, literature and composition. I cannot believe how much my dd learned last year!! It has been amazing for us both because I'm enjoying learning with her, and found it such a joy to watch her download so much information and be interested in it.


As for math, it has to be TT, hands down. What a lifesaver for my dd and our family.




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What is the best curriculum that you have loved using and your kids have also enjoyed and have grown in learning? Particularly, math, reading, history and science.

Would love to hear the responses. I have used Rod and Staff and am looking into changing this year because it seemed like my 11 year old was bored by the end of the week since it is very textbook oriented.

Thank you in advance for your thoughts and ideas.



Math - Singapore

Reading - Explode the Code

History - SOTW and (currently for high school) America: The Last Best Hope

Science - haven't found one yet



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Math: MUS, Saxon

History: SOTW cd's, and Sonlight

Writing: IEW

Grammar: Abeka!

Learning to Read: Abeka! I've tried it all and went back to Abeka.

Science: Apologia

Reading, and Spelling: Phonics Road, but started when my kids are in 2nd. My kids would've been too overwhelmed with this program in 1st grade.

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Math - Singapore, LoF, trying Miquon now

Reading - I don't know. I've never figured out what to do w/ this. We just read. Sometimes discuss. But mostly, my kids read. So I can't discuss. :confused:

History - SOTW & Steve Sheinkin's books (Two Miserable Presidents, etc.)

Science - NOEO. Be still my heart.

LA - MCT cult member, liking BW so far. Could be the beginning of a very serious relationship. :lol:

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