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s/o "She's dumber than a bag of hammers, bless her heart...."

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Dh's favorites:


"His elevator doesn't rise to the top."


"She's a few bricks shy of a load."


My mother's: "That person is as dumb as a fence post."


Mine: "These people are sheep!" (If you've ever raised sheep or been around them for very long, you will understand this one.)


Oh and I met someone the other day that was just so dense that this thought, though not very nice, popped into my head (thankfully, I have been taught manners and did not say what I thought), "Wow, she makes my ducks seem like Mensa candidates!"


And on economics (dh likes to say this when the checkbook is very low), "We're tighter than two coats of paint!"



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"She's as ugly as homemade sin." I have no idea what that means, exactly, but I'm pretty sure it's darn ugly.


Yep, heard that one.


My dad *always* says "six to one, half-a-dozen to the other" meaning two choices are just about equal or he doesn't care. I heard it so much growing up I never really thought about what it meant. LOL!


My brother has a ton but I can't seem to think of any right now. If I can come up with them, I'll be back. :)

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I worked as a teller in a bank in a small Arkansas town one summer during college. I greeted a customer with "Hi, how are you?" one day, and his answer was, "Finer than a frog hair split five ways!"


I think my favorite not-quite-all-there phrase is "a few french fries short of a happy meal!"

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I worked as a teller in a bank in a small Arkansas town one summer during college. I greeted a customer with "Hi, how are you?" one day, and his answer was, "Finer than a frog hair split five ways!"


My mom says that all. the. time. LOL


Some sayings that make me laugh:


Quit blowing smoke up my arse! (Quit lying to me).


She's not exactly the brightest crayon in the box...


You can't ride two horses with one ass! (Meaning, make up your mind already).

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When something is going fast - "Like sh*t off a shiny shovel"


"About as much use as a trapdoor in a canoe"


"About as much use as a chocolate teapot/fireguard"


"I'll go to the foot of our stairs" - Used as an expression of amazement or to be astounded by something.

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"Not the sharpest tool in the shed"


"Not the brightest bulb in the chandelier"


"A couple slices short of a whole loaf"


"Dumb as a stump"


"Not playing with a full deck"


I know there are more dh and I say but that's all that have come to me tonight.

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"my heart is pumping peanut butter" - meaning they were not concerned about the situation


"you'll argue with a fence post and when it won't argue back, you'll pull it up argue with the hole" - said when someone won't "drop it"


"half again as big" - I don't think this one is odd as I grew up with it. My my husband is just perplexed by it. It means x + x/2. So any number plus its half


"Good Lord have Mercy if that ain't something I'll hush my mouth" - by those southern women who are thunderstruck by an event


"I'm scaring 40" - about to turn 40 years old


Driving "like a bat out of hell"

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"He doesn't have the good sense God gave a goat." Translation = he's dumb.


I love a line from Driving Miss Daisy which is similar to this.. "She doesn't have the sense God gave a lemon!" Esther Rolle delivers it BEAUTIFULLY! :D

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His elevator don't go all the way to the top


He's as mad as an old wet hen


Finer than frog's hair


Fish or cut bait


Don't be ugly


Dumber than a box of rocks


Like 2 peas in a pod


Not the brightest crayon in the box


Don't count your chickens before they hatch


You're barking up the wrong tree


Dumb as a fence post


Well shut my mouth


Like a bump on a log


He/she fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down (or change ugly to stupid)


I'm gonna beat you with a wet noodle


You're getting to big for your britches

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dhe's got the personality of a wet rag (none)

I've been rode hard and put up wet (working hard)

I'm gonna fock a nart outta you! (I'm going to punch you)

it was as big as Texas and twice as dusty (really big)

I'm plum tuckered out (very tired)

I'm fixin to cloud up and rain all over you! (you'd better straighten up before I "get onto" you!)


that (dress, whatever) is as ugly as sin (really ugly)

fox is the finder, stink lays behind her (same as he who smelt it, dealt it)

you bet, G.I. (ok!)

he is smart as a whip/dumb as a stump

he's a tall drink of water (real tall)

cold as a witch's t*t in a brass bra in Nebraska

hot as sar (very hot)

Rub a dub dub, 3 men in a tub phew! how unsanitary! ..(this is actually how I learned this and thought it went till i was an adult! lol)

that's all i can think of off the top of my head,

this is fun, gotta go to bed now though so

good night, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite!:D

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My dad was full of them.


"Best thing since sliced bread."


"That makes as much sense as useful as peeing on a forest fire."


"Slicker than snot on a brass door knob."


"Colder than a well diggers butt in Montana."


"Cold enough to freeze the hub caps off a snowmobile."


"He's a can short of a six pack."


"It's colder than a witch's t*t in a brass bra."


"He's as useless as t*ts on a boar hog."


"He's dumber than a speed bump."



From dh's grandmother


"Well, every pot has to sit on its own bottom."

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Some of my mother's favorites: Can't never could do nothin'


Ain't seen hide nor hair of him (can't find him anywhere)


Well, I'll be! (when my son was little, he asked me if I'll be was a cuss word)


So ugly she'd have to sneak up on a glass of water to get a drink.


Don't y'all be in there a-messin' and a-gommin' (to this day, I don't know what gomming is).


Don't dispute my word! (don't argue with me)


I'll pay you back when I shear my frogs (I guess this one goes along with finer than frog hair).


A hoopin' and a hollerin' (making lots of noise)


In case you didn't notice it, my mother was a major hick! :P



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I trust him as far as I can throw him.

If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.

If you can't listen, you'll have to feel.

Can't never could.


there are so many more, and they are backwoods country so when I can remember I will post more.

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I forgot some....


I'm gonna knock a wart on you a bullfrog can't hop over!


My mother always used to threaten to "Tie our tails together and throw us over the clothesline"


Nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.


I'm gonna knock you a-windin'! (I'm noticing a slightly violent trend here. LOL)


I'm gonna skin you alive! (Yep, definitely violent)



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"not the brightest penny in the pack"

"happier than a tick on a dog, or a pig in s*it"

"like white on rice"

"beauty is only skin deep, ugly goes straight to the bone, and it looks like a dog's been gnawing on yours."

"dumber than dirt"

"when God was handing out (brains, looks, sense) s/he/you forgot to get in line"

"beat you like a red-headed step-child"

"doesn't know s*it from shine-ola"

"doesn't know his a** from his elbow"

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