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I know it is shallow, and someone will be appalled but..

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...I've got to say it once. I've been watching the trailers for Sorcerer's Apprentice and I really think Nicolas Cage is HOT!


The older he gets the hotter he gets. And I don't mean in a way that I want to get wild and crazy with him. I simply like to look at him. And maybe drool a little bit.


Okay, I'm done with the shallow for the evening. Thanks for listening.

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...I've got to say it once. I've been watching the trailers for Sorcerer's Apprentice and I really think Nicolas Cage is HOT!


The older he gets the hotter he gets. And I don't mean in a way that I want to get wild and crazy with him. I simply like to look at him. And maybe drool a little bit.


Okay, I'm done with the shallow for the evening. Thanks for listening.



I'm going to bed...I've lost all hope for humanity... :)

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Guest Cindie2dds
It might be the hair. I've always had a thing for guys with long hair.





Oh, I do think Sean Connery has been looking good for the last 20 years.



Okay, I actually like the hair. My dh is growing his out, just because he can. I never thought I would like it, but there's something about it. ;)

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I thought he was hot in Face Off too. You're not alone. :D

I think that movie was when he crossed my radar.


I've tried to pin-point it. I like the new look (hair, black and leather):drool5: and I like to listen to him speak.:w00t:



(and I really hope he never has occasion to read this thread. ):blushing:

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In the last movie I saw him in he played an antisocial homeschooling dad. And I don't mean shy like people mistakingly use antisocial when they relaly mean unsocial, I mean in the original psychiatric sense, like out-to-kill-people, warped, demented, psychopath kind of antisocial. So, no, not feeling it right now. Wizards in general, though, usually pretty hot.

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I don't think you're shallow, just wrong. :smilielol5: Nic Cage has had too much work done for my liking. He looked good when he was younger (except for you know, the whole tragedy of the 80's look), but now? Nope.


Now Johnny Depp, on the other hand, gets better looking every minute. :001_wub::drool5:




I really like Nicholas Cage in (good) comedies like Raising Arizona, but he as been churning out some crappy movies in recent years. It seems like he's going for quantity, not quality.


Johnny Depp, in addition to being gorgeous, seems to be picky about movie roles. I will see any Johnny Depp movie because I know he will do something interesting with whatever character he plays.

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Just give me Viggo in LOTR... :drool:


:iagree: Strider is YUMMY!


Speaking of LOTR Orlando Bloom was a sexy Elf but a waaaaaay sexier Pirate! Hands down the sexiest Pirate ever!


Something about the rugged, scruffy look :drool5:



Now Nick Cage - no strong feelings either way - and I must be living under a rock lately cuz I have no clue what this new movie is :blushing:

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It might be the hair. I've always had a thing for guys with long hair.





Oh, I do think Sean Connery has been looking good for the last 20 years.



:iagree: I've been a fan since Valley Girl. I do think he looks much better with the longer hair.


We won't discuss Viggo. :drool: It's too early.

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It might be the hair. I've always had a thing for guys with long hair.



I have to agree...he's gotten better looking as he's gotten older. And the longer hair looks good on him ;) It's ironic, I like longer hair but I'm married to a man that chooses to shave his head bald and wear a goatee (I really think hubby would look good with longer hair, but he has to get past the afro stage of his thick hair before it could get there...and that stage drives him crazy, which is why he shaves his head).

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I've tried to pin-point it. :blushing:


I know exactly what it is. It's the nose.....:lol: I know, I'm a freak. But for me, the nose makes the face. A cute guy can be ruined by a bad nose. I like the roman kind. Nick's is AWESOME! Next is the eyes and the attitude. All together, it's a great combination.


Con Air and Family Man are two of my all time favorites!

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I rented a movie with Nicolas Cage in it (something about vampires) right after reading all of the Twilight books. That movie has ruined NC for me for the rest of my life. Every time I see him all I can think about is that stupid, stupid movie and I feel dirty. Ew!


The Family Man

Con Air

National Treasure

It Could Happen To You

The Rock



Nick Cage has been in some duds. But these are all wonderful movies!

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The Family Man

Con Air

National Treasure

It Could Happen To You

The Rock



Nick Cage has been in some duds. But these are all wonderful movies!

I should have a Nic Cage movie night and get some of those in from Net Flix. I've never seen Moonstruck or It Could Happen To You.

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...I've got to say it once. I've been watching the trailers for Sorcerer's Apprentice and I really think Nicolas Cage is HOT!


The older he gets the hotter he gets. And I don't mean in a way that I want to get wild and crazy with him. I simply like to look at him. And maybe drool a little bit.


Okay, I'm done with the shallow for the evening. Thanks for listening.



Funny...I've always liked Nicholas Cage, Ethan Hawke and some others that I'm not thinking of at the moment. Kevin Bacon while not a Clark Gable is a cutsie still.

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I think there's something attractive about Nicholas Cage. But then again, I also like Hugh Laurie, and nearly swoon over Harrison Ford. I have weird taste, I guess! :svengo:
Not when it comes to Hugh Laurie. :D
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...I've got to say it once. I've been watching the trailers for Sorcerer's Apprentice and I really think Nicolas Cage is HOT!


The older he gets the hotter he gets. And I don't mean in a way that I want to get wild and crazy with him. I simply like to look at him. And maybe drool a little bit.


Okay, I'm done with the shallow for the evening. Thanks for listening.


Hey, scootch over and let me in the shallow pool, too. I've always thought he was a hottie.


Patrick Dempsey? Makes me think of Leprechauns.


Sean Connery? He's just OLD.



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Sorry, but you all have the wrong guy! Now, Richard Gere, he is getting hotter every year!!!! There is just something about that grey/silver head of hair he's got!! Did I just say hotter? My dd (13) would probably die of embarrasment if she saw this thread!:D

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I think there's something attractive about Nicholas Cage. But then again, I also like Hugh Laurie, and nearly swoon over Harrison Ford. I have weird taste, I guess! :svengo:


There is nothing weird about Harrison Ford - if you can ignore the fact that he went for Calista Flockhart. He's a hottie and is the only thing that makes the first Star Wars watchable.

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There is nothing weird about Harrison Ford - if you can ignore the fact that he went for Calista Flockhart. He's a hottie and is the only thing that makes the first Star Wars watchable.

I think that may be why I missed early Nic. But I don't think Harrison is holding up well.


For a guy that is 80, Sean Connery is still a hottie.


One of my fav movies of all time is the 3rd Indie move because both Harrison and Sean were in it.

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The only vintage Nicolas Cage I'll accept is 'Valley Girl' Nicolas Cage. Sorry :).


"I'll stop the world and melt with you......."


I've never found NC attractive (NEVER), but I did find him charming in Moonstruck. Sweet and funny.




I really dislike the grimy, long haired look ala Johnny Depp in Pirates. I like a well groomed man.

Edited by Stacy in NJ
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