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Knock me over with a feather. It's a girl.

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I just went in for my 20 week prenatal ultrasound. The boy-pack tagged along. It took the whole appointment for the baby to finally move into a position where the tech could determine whether it is a boy or girl. And it looks like, after 3 boys, we're going to get to figure out how to raise a girl. I thought we only made boys. :lol:


This is the first pregnancy that God planned without help from us :tongue_smilie: and I guess He knew who we were missing. And I finally get to use the girl name I've had picked out for over 10 years....

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I know several people with *4* boys and a girl (just met a couple Monday evening, in fact), but I've been told that statistically the chances of having a girl after 3 boys is pretty slim (oddly, it resets after 4 boys). Not necessarily the *technical* chances, just statistically.

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I know several people with *4* boys and a girl (just met a couple Monday evening, in fact), but I've been told that statistically the chances of having a girl after 3 boys is pretty slim (oddly, it resets after 4 boys). Not necessarily the *technical* chances, just statistically.


Huh, how interesting! We are ones who have 4 boys, and then we had our first girl (I was also completely shocked at our ultrasound!). And now we have kept on having girls--we have 3! Ever since we moved to VA we've had girls, so we tell people something about VA makes it a pink state for us. The boys are ready for us to move, LOL. They think it's time for more boys.

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I just went in for my 20 week prenatal ultrasound. The boy-pack tagged along. It took the whole appointment for the baby to finally move into a position where the tech could determine whether it is a boy or girl. And it looks like, after 3 boys, we're going to get to figure out how to raise a girl. I thought we only made boys. :lol:


This is the first pregnancy that God planned without help from us :tongue_smilie: and I guess He knew who we were missing. And I finally get to use the girl name I've had picked out for over 10 years....


:grouphug: Congratulations !


It took 3 sons and 12 years before God sent our daughter. I know very much of how you feel, I think ! She received the "girl name" I had in readiness long before for the first child.

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You're giving me hope! 3 boys here and hoping to try for another within a year.... honestly, I guess I'm not really HOPING that I'll have a girl, but it'd be nice to buy pink, too. ;)


So, any names that you've been waiting 8 years to use? :D


I wasn't holding my breath for a girl and I would have adored a boy (just as I adore my 3 boys now), but I'm *really* looking forward to having this little girl.


Favorite girl names (minus the one we're using :001_smile:):


Sylvie, Stella, Hazel, Violet, Lark, Elle, Wilder, Wren, Adelheid, Ilex, Willow, Annika, and Rilla.

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Congratulations! I'm in the same boat: three boys (8, 5, 2) and surprise pregnancy with a girl. We still don't really believe it. It is so weird going on the 'pink' side of a store. I've gone from being someone who couldn't imagine having boys to someone who has no idea what I'm going to do with a girl. I'm sure we'll figure it out.;) At least you have names! We've never been able to agree on a girl name.

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When we had the 20wk u/s with our little girl, I was so certain it would be a boy that I asked the tech to look again and make sure, lol! She was a long time coming (7 yr age gap between our younger son and our girl) and a total suprise, we honestly thought we couldn't have anymore children.


The boys adore their little sister and are super protective of her and spoil her rotten. ;) Dh says he's not worried about boys when she's older, he says he'll just let them try to get past her big brothers, lol!

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Hmph. I'm still pulling for Laverne!!!


Um, probably not Laverne... But A+ for effort. :lol:


We are probably going with Lola Colette. Colette is the name I've had picked out since before #1 came along. I didn't originally plan to go with all Ls. I also didn't ever imagine myself with 3 boys, and once we got started we couldn't stop (since we thought Leif would be the last kiddo).

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Our lone girl came smack dab in the middle of the three boys. (She has a twin brother.)


If I could offer one small piece of advice: Try not to get your heart too set on pink twirly dresses after the age of two. Mine won't touch pink or dress with a ten-foot pole. I think it might have something to do with the three brothers. :glare:

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We just had our fourth child, first girl, in March. Even the midwives told us they thought we only made boys:) She's only 2 months but it's already so different than having the boys. I am loving it! Congratulations!


LOL! :lol: you gotta update your sig line!


Welcome to your little girl!

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I know several people with *4* boys and a girl (just met a couple Monday evening, in fact), but I've been told that statistically the chances of having a girl after 3 boys is pretty slim (oddly, it resets after 4 boys). Not necessarily the *technical* chances, just statistically.




My mom had 4 older brothers, then her, then another brother.


My grandma called my mom "Daughter" most of the time. People have told me Grandma was so tickled to have a girl that she couldn't stop calling her "Daughter" -- it was like my mom's nickname!

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:party: My first daughter came after three boys. Be careful - they'll spoil her!! This is my dd who didn't walk until she was 17 mo. even though she was speaking in complete sentences. The physical therapist explained to us that she had us very well trained.:001_smile:


I'm excited for you!

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Yay for you!


We had a boy on #4 after three girls. WE were so "sure" that we would've had another girl that dh considered not even coming to the ultrasound with me. He said "I know what it's going to be..."




Dh almost didn't come, either (trying to save his time off for when the baby actually GETS here), but instead he came and helped with the three boys. I am *so* glad they all came and got to experience that ultrasound, especially since this little girl will be our last.

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