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Jiminy Christmas, how much time do you waste (er, spend) on this forum?

How much time do spend on the WTM forum every week?  

  1. 1. How much time do spend on the WTM forum every week?

    • Less than 1 hour
    • 1-2 hours
    • 2-4 hours
    • 4-6 hours
    • More than 6 hours

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Guest ToGMom
I tell my kids, "this is how mommy learns how to be a good homeschool teacher. :)"


:lol: Can I borrow this?? :lol:

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I stop by for about 1/2 hour to 45 min with my morning coffee. 15 min in the afternoon with my coffee :D and about another 1/2 hour in the evening. If dh and I are out doing a lot of driving (he drives ;)) then I'm on here on the iPhone. Yup. Probably way too much time, but it's that time of year where I'm needing the K-8 board.

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I didn't vote. I honestly do not think any of my time is wasted on this board. I can always find something to do whether it's watching tv, reading, sewing, gardening, etc. Being on this board is no different than the other things for me. I'm not required to be doing something for 16 hrs. a day, since I sleep 8 hrs. a night. I don't have a job so I'm not required to be working for 8 hours a day, which would still leave me with an extra 8 hours a day. And I'm absolutely positive I do not spend 16 hours a day on these boards, and fairly positive I don't spend 8 hours on here either. But I do spend way more time than some people here, and that's cool with me. Different lifestyles.

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I don't consider it wasted time, though. I learn things here. A lot of things. And some of it I even use to teach the kids!


In fact, I'm quite certain I've grown as a person just by being exposed to all of the different conversations and hearing well thought out opinions that oppose my own. No, it's not wasted time. Mostly. :tongue_smilie:

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I have found so many worthwhile suggestions, I can't classify my time spent here as a waste!


Someone really needs to invent a device that would allow the computer to operate only if it could be powered by a stationary bicycle or treadmill. I'd get a very good workout every day.

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Spend? 6+/week


Waste? less than 1 hour/week.


This place is my planning, research, current events, teachers lounge, gathering at the fence post, and expand your thinking spot. I might a few minutes here or there peering into a thread on something not relevant to my current life, but most of the time here is productive in some form or fashion.

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I have found so many worthwhile suggestions, I can't classify my time spent here as a waste!


Someone really needs to invent a device that would allow the computer to operate only if it could be powered by a stationary bicycle or treadmill. I'd get a very good workout every day.



I've thought this same thing!!!

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I didn't vote. I have the forum 'on' while I'm teaching my kids. If they are doing something that doesn't need me I will often read a bit of a thread, as soon as they need me, I turn to work with them.


If I am having a bad health day I spend more time here than on good health days. On a bad health day this is the most I can do physically. On a good health day I'm off doing all the physical things that have piled up.

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Spend? 6+/week


Waste? less than 1 hour/week.


This place is my planning, research, current events, teachers lounge, gathering at the fence post, and expand your thinking spot. I might a few minutes here or there peering into a thread on something not relevant to my current life, but most of the time here is productive in some form or fashion.


:iagree: I think most of the time I am on here is productive. I do have days when I hide here instead of dealing with unpleasant aspects of reality, but I try not to make that a habit.

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I'd like to invoke my 5th amendment rights please. :D


YES!!!!! Forget my first response - instead :iagree::iagree::iagree: WHAT SHE SAID!!! :D


ETA - No waste time! Leisure time? Lots. Learning time? Lots. Wasted time? No - but should I be doing something else?


I plead the 5th.

Edited by Denisemomof4
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:iagree: I think most of the time I am on here is productive. I do have days when I hide here instead of dealing with unpleasant aspects of reality, but I try not to make that a habit.



I've found the habit is lifting now a certain small person has traded his day long nakking habit for FOOOOOOOOOD and more FOOOOOOOOD. I was just thinking the other day I was feeling better than I had for a couple of years. I'm getting a decent night sleep more often than not, and I no longer have a baby attached to me every minute of every day! (Or what felt like it.) Every minute this forum has kept this mamma company through sleep deprivation was a minute she wasn't screaming or crying at anyone. Not a waste.



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Good thing I read the poll thoroughly. I was just about to select "2-4 hours", but then I realized it said per week not per day. Oops. ;)

Break time has been computer time for me for quite a while now. I spend about an hour in the morning before we start school, another 30 min. to an hour at lunch (most of us eat with a computer on our laps), another hour or so after we finish school and before starting to cook dinner, and another 30 min. to an hour in the evening before bed. Not all of this time is spent here, but checking my e-mail and researching curriculum as well.


I have belonged to several Yahoo groups for many years, but lately I was reading through all my e-mail and still wanting more intellectual interaction. I have found that here, so this is where I am whenever I have a spare computer moment.

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I chose 4-6 hours because it sounded better than >6 hrs.


I check here first thing in the a.m. and last thing before I turn off my computer for the night.


I pop in and out during the day. Sometimes it is a reward for doing chores for X amount of time. Sometimes it is to recover from teaching math. Sometimes it is to avoid being otherwise productive.


Right now I am waiting for my oven to preheat, and I have finished teaching and tutoring my HS kids for today. After dinner, it will be time to deal with PS kids & their schoolwork/after-schooling. Oh joy. A WTM forums chill out moment will be in order once ( conservative estimate) again.

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I don't ususally participate for more than a few minutes at a time, but I do like to check in frequently. My hsers are very independent, so yk, there I go. My post count is pretty darn high. I can cram a lot into a day. lol

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