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I could not believe DS had the nerve to ask..

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if he (14) and his 16 yr old friend could go drive to Chicago for a Pink Floyd concert? :svengo: I looked at him and asked "Are you new here?" ":lol:


"Under what circumstances do you think me, the mom who won't let you drive 1/2 mile to the movie theatre with this kid is going to let you drive 300 miles to Chicago to see a Pink Floyd concert?" He had the nerve to look shocked! Sometimes I wonderful he uses that head of his. I got to hear him call his buddy and grumble "No man my mom never lets me do anything..."




It is like an alien has eaten his brain and just left a pile of goo. What could possibly make him think I would agree to such a thing?

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So, ds was reading this over my shoulder (wearing his PF t-shirt, no less - you know, the one I can't get him out of? That one.). He screamed, "What? No way! There's a Pink Floyd concert in Chicago? Awesome!...HEY DAD..."




Sigh. I feel your pain. Because when Dad says no, it will be all my fault.

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I looked at him and asked "Are you new here?"



:lol:bGREAT RESPONSE! I will have to remember that for future use. 300 miles, eh? I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have had the guts to ask for that! I would never have been allowed to ride with a teenage driver at that age either.


WOW - he is very brave. Or something. Not a Pink Floyd fan here but I can't see me letting my teenager go either - DEFINITELY not unsupervised.


My dad took me and a friend to see Journey when I was 16 for my birthday. I look back and think what a sacrifice that was for him. I might be persuaded to that (for a band of their choice) - but not 300 miles away.


I am trying to picture what my parents would have said had I asked them the same thing. I think they would have either laughed, walked away in complete astonishment, or yelled/lectured (my dad, depending on his mood). And then I would have been watched closely due to my complete lack of common sense. :D

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Guest Cindie2dds
if he (14) and his 16 yr old friend could go drive to Chicago for a Pink Floyd concert? :svengo: I looked at him and asked "Are you new here?" ":lol:


"Under what circumstances do you think me, the mom who won't let you drive 1/2 mile to the movie theatre with this kid is going to let you drive 300 miles to Chicago to see a Pink Floyd concert?" He had the nerve to look shocked! Sometimes I wonderful he uses that head of his. I got to hear him call his buddy and grumble "No man my mom never lets me do anything..."




It is like an alien has eaten his brain and just left a pile of goo. What could possibly make him think I would agree to such a thing?


This is priceless! I needed a good, hard belly laugh. You can't blame him for trying. :tongue_smilie:

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I like your response too. I am going to use it. My oldest used to miss out on those kinds of things because I "never let him do anything" either. I guess he forgets all the youth trips he took with church, vacations we took him on, skate parks we drove him to etc., etc. Now he is almost 19, gainfully employed and he has flown to California by himself twice and Colorado once. I swear he does it just to see how I will react. The boy has no fear. His next big plan is to sky dive and I told him I don't want to know when and where and he can tell me all about it AFTER he survives it.

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My dh has sat behind our kids at several concerts. He said he didn't hate Green Day or Dispatch. He did nearly pull his hair out a boy band concert a few years ago when our niece wanted to go and her mother didn't. I can't remember what band...they used to be very big about 6 or 7 yrs ago.

I'd take my kids to a Pink Floyd concert.

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if he (14) and his 16 yr old friend could go drive to Chicago for a Pink Floyd concert? :svengo: I looked at him and asked "Are you new here?" ":lol:


"Under what circumstances do you think me, the mom who won't let you drive 1/2 mile to the movie theatre with this kid is going to let you drive 300 miles to Chicago to see a Pink Floyd concert?" He had the nerve to look shocked! Sometimes I wonderful he uses that head of his. I got to hear him call his buddy and grumble "No man my mom never lets me do anything..."




It is like an alien has eaten his brain and just left a pile of goo. What could possibly make him think I would agree to such a thing?


:lol: Great response!


BUT...I probably would see if a compromise such as attending the concert with dh and/or I would be an option.

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How soon is the concert?


I see an excellent opportunity for some growth for your teen. Have him figure out the cost of the ticket for two people (you or your dh and your teen), the cost of gas to go so far (about a five hour trip?), the cost of a motel overnight, the cost of meals etc. Then have him work to earn that money. If he did all that (and Pink Floyd was music that you generally allowed) then I would let him make the trip. His friend can figure out his own costs/logistics.

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if he (14) and his 16 yr old friend could go drive to Chicago for a Pink Floyd concert? :svengo: I looked at him and asked "Are you new here?" ":lol:


"Under what circumstances do you think me, the mom who won't let you drive 1/2 mile to the movie theatre with this kid is going to let you drive 300 miles to Chicago to see a Pink Floyd concert?" He had the nerve to look shocked! Sometimes I wonderful he uses that head of his. I got to hear him call his buddy and grumble "No man my mom never lets me do anything..."




It is like an alien has eaten his brain and just left a pile of goo. What could possibly make him think I would agree to such a thing?


He sounds like me when I was 14...only ...ummmm...I didn't ask and just went...



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My dad took me and a friend to a Shaun Cassidy concert when I was in 4th grade. That really had to be a sacrifice! :lol:


Probably as sacrificial as the Justin Beeber concert I am heading for in August. Thank GOD! My ds 15 loves Hot Tuna! and Phish...Love those shows!



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We don't need no education

We don't need no thought control

No dark sarcasm in the classroom

Teachers leave them kids alone

Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone!

All in all it's just another brick in the wall.

All in all you're just another brick in the wall.




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We don't need no education

We don't need no thought control

No dark sarcasm in the classroom

Teachers leave them kids alone

Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone!

All in all it's just another brick in the wall.

All in all you're just another brick in the wall.





Hey Bill ....saw that show in 1981???ish....It was really boring...so disappointed! (Oh, and it was REALLY Pink Floyd, not a cover band.)

Faithe (Who grew up in NYC and remembers Elton John in a Donald Duck outfit in central park warming up for Crosby Stills and Nash free concert...LOL)

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Yep...they didn't notice...not even the 4 day follow the Grateful Dead from one day to another...sigh....


I actually asked about that one. I met a "dead head" on the city bus when I was 12 (in Cincinnati) and he was trying to get me to go to the Grateful Dead concert. I actually did call my Dad and ask him, but he said no. I didn't go - had I been a couple of years older I would have gone without asking.:tongue_smilie:

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Just tell him that, without David Gilmour, it really isn't Pink Floyd, and get him a disc of Syd Barrett. I'd recommend The Madcap Laughs.


(otherwise, if he doesn't have Piper at the Gates of Dawn, well... I can't really help there)




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My parents authorized a trip to see Journey when I was barely 15. It was only an hour away though and my boy friend was 17. I used to go into (45min) Austin to a teen dance club at 14 with other teens. I know it isn't 200 miles, but still far enough


I don't know what I would say to ds. If the driver was responsible and 17/18 (and the concert hall wasn't in a bad part of town-incase they get a bit lost on the way) I would let them go...16yo driver/not happening. I would pay for a motel so they wouldn't be driving home after the concert though. The come down from the adrenalin and contact high may leave them a bit sleepy driving at 2am.



This is an interesting question for me to think through. Last week I said I wouldn't let him go wander the mall for fun, but I would let him travel for a concert. Hmmmmmm, I'll have to ask dh on that one. He used to go day/night skiing as a teen and that is far more dangerous than a concert. Falling asleep coming home is probably as much of a risk after 12 hours on the slopes than after a concert.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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What Asta said. Though at that age I probably would have gone anyway. If he's a good kid, maybe you should. I love Pink Floyd.


But boy oh boy, I remember those days. I took off across the states (at 16) with a car full of kids to see the Grateful Dead. I'd come home, get some school in and take off again. Heck, I even got rides TO The concerts with no rides home. And I now have an urge to listen to China Cat Sunflower.

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My dad took me and a friend to a Shaun Cassidy concert when I was in 4th grade. That really had to be a sacrifice! :lol:



LOL Yes! I just asked my kids what concert my dh had to suffer through for my sister's dd so many years ago...it was InSync. Dh said it was painful. LOL But that is love, kwim. ;) :lol:

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My answer to his request would be 'no'! But, I would drive him and attend the concert with him. If he didn't like that, I'd go without him.


Your so has good taste in music. :001_smile:


:iagree::iagree::iagree: I would SO love to go to a Pink Floyd concert!

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"Mom since you don't trust Sam to drive there, could he fly us?" (His buddy just got his pilot's license last week!)


So after I stopped laughing hysterically I took someone's advice on the board and told him him to find the tickets and see if his dad would take off from work to take him. I have taken him to concerts (much smaller venues) but never so far away.


My DS and his friend have a way of finding trouble. While they are generally good kids they make stupid, stupid decisions. There is no way I would trust them to drive across town much less to Chicago. They would wind up in Vegas married to showgirls, or join a cult for the free cookies.

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if he (14) and his 16 yr old friend could go drive to Chicago for a Pink Floyd concert? :svengo: I looked at him and asked "Are you new here?" ":lol:


"Under what circumstances do you think me, the mom who won't let you drive 1/2 mile to the movie theatre with this kid is going to let you drive 300 miles to Chicago to see a Pink Floyd concert?" He had the nerve to look shocked! Sometimes I wonderful he uses that head of his. I got to hear him call his buddy and grumble "No man my mom never lets me do anything..."




It is like an alien has eaten his brain and just left a pile of goo. What could possibly make him think I would agree to such a thing?


Probably he was thinking "No guts, no glory"

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Just tell him that, without David Gilmour, it really isn't Pink Floyd, and get him a disc of Syd Barrett. I'd recommend The Madcap Laughs.


(otherwise, if he doesn't have Piper at the Gates of Dawn, well... I can't really help there)





David Gilmour, Roger Waters, they were appearing together, at least that's what wisenheimer 18yoadorableson says.


I would so love to see and hear them in concert too! Dh mentioned "they're" coming to Dallas....yes, Nov. 21, 2010. He saw them way back, you know, then.

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David Gilmour, Roger Waters, they were appearing together, at least that's what wisenheimer 18yoadorableson says.



Ok, in that case, I wouldn't have asked either. I would mysteriously been at a sleepover at someone's house. And they would have been at a sleepover at mine. We'd have taken the bus if all else failed.





(who saw the Who for the first time at 11...)

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"Mom since you don't trust Sam to drive there, could he fly us?" (His buddy just got his pilot's license last week!)


So after I stopped laughing hysterically I took someone's advice on the board and told him him to find the tickets and see if his dad would take off from work to take him. I have taken him to concerts (much smaller venues) but never so far away.


My DS and his friend have a way of finding trouble. While they are generally good kids they make stupid, stupid decisions. There is no way I would trust them to drive across town much less to Chicago. They would wind up in Vegas married to showgirls, or join a cult for the free cookies.



What is it about Pink Floyd? I haven't heard much of them for years and then today DS is blaring Another Brick in the Wall out of his iPod.

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"Mom since you don't trust Sam to drive there, could he fly us?" (His buddy just got his pilot's license last week!)


So after I stopped laughing hysterically I took someone's advice on the board and told him him to find the tickets and see if his dad would take off from work to take him. I have taken him to concerts (much smaller venues) but never so far away.


My DS and his friend have a way of finding trouble. While they are generally good kids they make stupid, stupid decisions. There is no way I would trust them to drive across town much less to Chicago. They would wind up in Vegas married to showgirls, or join a cult for the free cookies.




My oldest can be that way and he WOULD join a cult for free cookies!:tongue_smilie:

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"Are you new here?" ":lol:


Oh, I am definitely going to have to save that for future reference. Unfortunately, I don't know that I will ever find much use for it. My kids ask questions like that all the time and somehow they sucker dad into going to see a really wide range of bands. Of ourse, he pays them pack by taking them to see Lord only knows what. But Pink Floyd? I would have volunteered in a heartbeat. I am ashamed to say that I have only been to two conerts in my lifetime but one of them was Pink Floyd. :D

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