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homeschool name?


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Our school is named The Frances W Orshaw Academy. After reading some posts re. naming your school, and talking with my kids, this is what we decided. Some of the posts warned against too juvenile of a name since it would be on your child's diploma when they graduate high school! Also I didn't want to use our last name in the school name as I thought that might look odd on a college diploma also. We ended up using my great-grandmother's name. If there was anyone I would like my girls to grow up like, it would be her. It's kind of a mouthful, but it works for us :)

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Taproot Academy


We just loved the image -- Gathers nutrients and delivers to plant, enabling it to thrive.


I figure a good education does the same.


(plus Michael Hedges' "Taproot" is one of my favorite albums)

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We're on our third and final name.

We started out at Evanlu Academy, I used the first two letters of each child's name. The kids hated it LOL

Then my dh came up with Voyager Academy since it sounded kind of adventurous and our dd's name comes from a character in Star Trek Voyager. Well when doing a search on the internet for something I realized there is a private school by that name in I believe SC, well we move a lot because we're military and Charleston SC is a possible place we could end up. We didn't want any confusion should we end up there so we began to think of name number three.

After really thinking about it and talking it over with the kids they said they'd like our mascot to be a Phoenix. My oldest suggested naming our school after one of their favorite Harry Potter characters Fawkes the Phoenix. Voila! Our new name was picked we had a mascot, our school colors are Crimson and Gold, and then I came up with our Motto. Soaring through home education.


Boy was that a long story LOL

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Off Road Learning Academy


We are for ever doing something off road. I know it is not professional or the norm, but hey it fits us. We did start off with S&T Academy, then S&T off road learning, then we just settled for Off Road Learning Academy. Now it will probably change again.

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We are Boxwood Gardens Academy. I wish there was a deep, meaningful reason but the short answer is because I like it.


I love boxwood and planted some in our yard as a hedge. I like the image it evokes; one of stately elegance (knot gardens on an English or French estate) but still a living, growing plant that needs to be tended and pruned (just like children).


I went wild with the idea and created a motto, school colors, school letterhead and set up an email account to use for homeschooling accounts, boards and orders.


ETA: We don't have to have a name for paperwork or anything. We just have one for fun.

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I think ours is kinda lame and I will need to come up with something more official sounding. It's Penny Lane Academy. Penny is my dog's name. :001_rolleyes: But we're also HUGE Beatles fans, which is why she's named Penny. We only looked to the Beatles for that kind of inspiration.:tongue_smilie: Anyways, there it is. It's not "academic" enough for high school transcripts I don't think but the kids refuse to let me change it.

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Prairie Academy is our school name. We named it when we lived on Prairie Ct..


We talked about changing it when we moved this past summer, but haven't thought of anything we like better yet. The local elementary school is Prairie Ridge Elementary, so people often ask my kids if they go to "Prairie". They always look to me because they aren't sure how to answer. :confused:

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not our school name, but my girlfriend's. She has two girls and two boys. The boys decided to name their school the "Git 'er done" school and the girls went for "Hippie Chicks". She said that would have been okay except they didn't even spell it right! We still laugh and laugh over these redneck names...guess you had to be there!

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Our name is pretty lame. It is, officially, "(last name) Country Academy" because we live way, way out on the country. Dh jokingly suggested "Institute of Rural Technology'" but I quickly shot down that suggestion. We do have a lovely view of a river valley, so we may change the name to something like "Valley View Academy" or "Valley View Classical School.' I know something in Latin, which we study, would sound cool, but the saying that would ring most true to me would be "Illegitimi non carborundum," though I think that is both grammatically incorrect and slightly inappropriate.

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I have been playing around with names for a year or so. First we were Homestead Christian Academy for Girls (we lived on Homestead Rd.) and now that we have moved to Germany, I re-named it (village name) Christian Academy for Girls.


I don't particularly like either, but have plenty of time to figure one out, as my oldest is only 8yo!

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I have been playing around with names for a year or so. First we were Homestead Christian Academy for Girls (we lived on Homestead Rd.) and now that we have moved to Germany, I re-named it (village name) Christian Academy for Girls.


I don't particularly like either, but have plenty of time to figure one out, as my oldest is only 8yo!



I love the name.....and we have all boys so I just mentioned that to DH, the school for boys part. His response----they will think they are in reform school :tongue_smilie:

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I love the name.....and we have all boys so I just mentioned that to DH, the school for boys part. His response----they will think they are in reform school :tongue_smilie:


Oh no! I think I agree with your DH :tongue_smilie: It does sound like a school for wayward girls...now I am definitely going to change it!!!

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Our Lady of Song Academy-it's kind of an inside joke, because it's what my first/middle names mean when put together, and it just SOUNDS like a Parochial School ;).


In practice, though, unless we leave TN, DD's diploma and report cards read "Home Life Academy", because that's our cover school.

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We are Wakefield Academy. Wakefield was the name of a street that had been plotted (back years ago) but never developed where we used to live. It would have ran straight through our property.


A few years ago at the height of his Star Trek obsession he asked to change it to Starfleet Academy so his diploma would show that's where he graduated. I vetoed that one.

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We are "Pannus Ardor Institute." Pannus Ardor is a loose more-in-spirit-than-actuality translation of "patchfire" into Latin. It amuses me. I'll probably let each kiddo choose their own school name (with assistance and ultimate veto resting with me) when it's time for high school. None of them will be in the high school years together so it won't be too weird to have three or four different names.

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Our school is named The Frances W Orshaw Academy. After reading some posts re. naming your school, and talking with my kids, this is what we decided. Some of the posts warned against too juvenile of a name since it would be on your child's diploma when they graduate high school! Also I didn't want to use our last name in the school name as I thought that might look odd on a college diploma also. We ended up using my great-grandmother's name. If there was anyone I would like my girls to grow up like, it would be her. It's kind of a mouthful, but it works for us :)



Love it!!!!!:D

I'm too embarrassed to share ours. I seriously need to come up with a new one...you guys put me to shame. :o



...I'm back. How does Five Smooth Stones Christian Homeschool sound? My dh came up with this, it's actually his fantasy football team name (he wanted to defeat Giant fans-lol). Anyway, it would work because I have 5 kids and David used an untraditional method (5 smooth stones) to do something big (defeat the giant)...and I believe my kids will grow up to do geat things. :) Is this corny? I will think on it, but I think it's pretty cool, especially since hubby came up with it. As for the homeschool part, I'm just proud of that! (and colleges will know anyway-lol)


...and our mascot can be a little David. hahaha. This is fun! :D Ok, I need some sleep!!

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In practice, though, unless we leave TN, DD's diploma and report cards read "Home Life Academy", because that's our cover school.




We've had a few, but dh and I have finally decided on Living Stone Christian Academy.


1 Peter 2:4-5 ~~ As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

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We are Building Blocks Academy because my boys love blocks and building. It was my idea since both boys are much too young to come up with one. Will we change it? Who knows! I did change it from "Arabian Desert Academy" after we moved from the Middle East. Another reason I chose Building Blocks is because I have a Greek background and am proud of my heritage. We loved going site seeing and so the other inspiration came from our photos from Ancient Olympia. One of these photos can be seen in our Homeschool Family blog (and one in our other blog also). Our motto is "Building Educational Foundations".

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