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Why is searching/buying curriculum SO addictive???

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It's the hope that there is something out there that is PERFECT!


It is incredibly addictive -- I have cut WAY back -- finding something we all love for certain subjects has helped me cut back.


But...................history :glare:.........................well, that's another story ----------I have been searching endlessly for history for the coming school year. In fact, DH even believes me now when he asks what I am doing and I respond that I am searching for History curric.:lol:


Also, buying curric is so..............well, altruistic! You are buying it for such a good reason -- to educate your children.:D

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Also, buying curric is so..............well, altruistic! You are buying it for such a good reason -- to educate your children.:D


:iagree: I am frugal by both nature and necessity. I feel guilty when I spend on myself. My kids get such gorgeous clothes and toys as hand-me-downs and gifts that it feels silly to spend much there. The house is overflowing with books and we have access to a wonderful library system.... Curriculum is the one splurge that seems reasonable.

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Guest aquiverfull

I completely understand. Yesterday, I officially finished shopping for school next year. I feel so relieved yet a little sad that the hunt is over...lol. I don't think there's any hope for me. At least I can now put my energy into planning and that will be fun! :)

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I have officially "finished" buying all my curriculum for next year.......but I can't help buy sit back down at the computer to search for more, rethink, read reviews, look for used materials, etc.....


Anyone else have this problem????

For me it was because I was always looking for something that I really liked. I would think it was the perfect match and then a week, or two or maybe a month or two into it ....... I was back to looking.


I have finally found a curr. that works well for both my dc and me. CLE We have been using it now since Jan and still love it. I have much gathered for next year and an order in for the remaining.

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It's the thrill of the hunt! I've hs'd for..umm..about 10 years and I still LOVE to look at everything, try new things, see if there's something better... I haven't finished purchasing for next year, but I *think* I've finished the research. Well, until one of you mentions something that I just might ***need***.

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I love doing the research, making the pro/con lists, buying, then getting the shiny new thing in the mail.


I was so disappointed that things were "easy" for me this (upcoming) year because I knew what I was going to use.


Except for the fact that I still have no idea what I'm going to do for science. :confused: :lol:

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I think it is the grass is always greener in the next program. I think being broke has helped me. Also the years of buying have left me with stuff. I could go a year and not buy a thing and still have unused stuff.

Me, too! :lol:


I just bought everything for next year... I'm so looking forward to using it, but we won't crack it open until July. I love the idea of starting something new.


That said, I'm much better at planning than at implementing. ;)

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:iagree: my to buy list was not very long because i'm only buying for the older ones, now I only have planning to look forward to and not much of that because most of our stuff is already done for me. My younger one is using what we already have on hand, yet I still find myself looking at things for him. My only saving grace is that I have a small list of "wants" that I can buy as finances allow.

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I can be that way too, but right now I think my obsession is making my own stuff, lol. It has many of the same elements of curriculum searching...hunting down books, figuring out how things will work together, etc.

Just the other day I got all excited because I found a cool "living book" to use with the chemistry schedule I'm putting together for Otter.

I don't think it's any different than being excited about finding a new math program, lol.

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Also, buying curric is so..............well, altruistic! You are buying it for such a good reason -- to educate your children.:D


Exactly. I spend money but for a good cause.



For me, I think it's the same reason I like any type of research. I think I have some OC tendencies, LOL....


Yep. You should see my cloth diaper stash. I stay far away from cloth diaper sites. I am too weak.

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I am always looking for the "right fit". Just when I think I found it my children's educational needs change.


I loved school growing up. I was the kids that couldn't wait to get the new supplies (even more than clothes) and was EXTREMELY disappointed if we did not receive our new textbooks on the first day of school.


I'm addicted books!:001_wub:

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you too? my only is 2 and i'm like oohh what about this, could i use this, what can i find for "preschool" starting next next year, should i get this planner/organizing guide/etc. dh thinks i'm crazy


I actually spent a good deal of time while pregnant with DD researching HS'ing curricula. I've been obsessing over this stuff for like 7 years now, at least. The good news is, I've calmed down and pretty much know what I'm going to use for the next couple of grades. I have changed some things based on what was actually working with DD, and based on what we could afford. Now I'm just looking for the best deals on what I really want for next year.


You should see my cloth diaper stash. I stay far away from cloth diaper sites. I am too weak.


LOL. I've started planning for the next baby...so far I've resisted the urge. I am going to need new dipes, though, the ones I got for DD have been through 2 other babies since then (mom bought them for me, so it only made sense to pass them to her once I had her hooked on how great they are compared to 30 years ago when she had no choice but old fashioned flats with twins).

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Yep. You should see my cloth diaper stash. I stay far away from cloth diaper sites. I am too weak.


LOL. I've started planning for the next baby...so far I've resisted the urge. I am going to need new dipes, though, the ones I got for DD have been through 2 other babies since then (mom bought them for me, so it only made sense to pass them to her once I had her hooked on how great they are compared to 30 years ago when she had no choice but old fashioned flats with twins).


No kidding! I think I'm finally over my cloth addiction though this new baby has me wishing for some of my old stashes. I'm definitely more addicted to curriculum now but I was into the cloth scene for so long I ended up admin on one of the main cd sites :lol: Same username as here ;)

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Definitely do that here! I have just about everything for dd for next school year. I just love searching around and finding new things, even after 12 years of homeschooling! I'm not sure WHAT I'll do when I'm done with homeschooling! :(


However, I do have a rather nice stash of scrapbooking papers and things! :D

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I can't seem to stop researching.




I feel terrible for hijacking this thread, but your avatar brought tears to my eyes. I have an almost identical picture like that of my daughter (the outfits looks eerily similar...I think ours came in a kit). She's my baby, but she will be 10 in a few weeks. I saw your avatar and thought about how quickly both of my children are growing.


Off to give them a kiss.


Tamy Davis

Growing With Grammar


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No kidding! I think I'm finally over my cloth addiction though this new baby has me wishing for some of my old stashes. I'm definitely more addicted to curriculum now but I was into the cloth scene for so long I ended up admin on one of the main cd sites :lol: Same username as here ;)


:seeya: Hi! I recognize your name! I haven't been to the DP in ages! I'm sorry to say I haven't been very faithful to my cd stash with my youngest. I have some Tinkle Traps we have long outgrown. I have some Dream Eze that don't seem to fit her cubby body as well as my skinny ds. She loves nothing more than to put on and pull up her older brother's "scooby-dos" so I'm tempted to get her some imse-vimse trainers. I'm so tired of compression leeks in sposies! Ah.... I still have the thread saved on what "religion" of CD are you, LOL.


ETA: Congrats on your new expectancy!!!


And now back to curriculum.....


I have a nice chart (Excel) - subjects down the side, children's names across the top. Actually I have several charts.... because when I change something I like to see how it effects the overall picture. FUN! A friend asked if I knew of some "school in a box" options for K.... I sent her links for SL, VP, MP, LBC, Easy Classical, HOD, MFW, etc.etc. I found out a couple days later that she ordered MP and she's done.... WAIT - it's not that easy..... newbies.... when will they learn the art of curriculum obsession? :D

Edited by Another Lynn
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I can be that way too, but right now I think my obsession is making my own stuff, lol. It has many of the same elements of curriculum searching...hunting down books, figuring out how things will work together, etc.

Just the other day I got all excited because I found a cool "living book" to use with the chemistry schedule I'm putting together for Otter.

I don't think it's any different than being excited about finding a new math program, lol.


This is me. :iagree: I love finding books I can use for MY kids...and no one else knows about them...bwahahaha!!!!



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For me, it's the thrill of something new. It doesn't matter how much I'm enjoying what we're currently using; there's just something about a new beginning. In college, my biggest distraction while studying for midterms was the course catalog for the next semester. I could spend hours reading all the course descriptions and planning out the perfect schedule. :blush:

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I've always been a book worm and book collector. I admit that as much as I try not to desire "wordly things", I've often dreamed about having an entire collection of Easton Press books. :001_tt1:


But researching curricula is different for me because it is for my children's education. Somehow, this makes my hunt seem more noble. ;) I'm not just collecting books for myself, I'm searching for the best tool to teach my children.


I must admit to the thrill of the hunt, too, for I do frequent thrift shops and library book sales with a crumpled booklist and an beating heart. :blush:

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I am obsessed, too. And quick question...you are finished buying your curriculum for next year? Can I ask why so early? I usually research right up to the end and order in, oh I dunno, July. Is that too late?



I'm finished because unfortunately, I didn't have that much to buy and because since i'm putting together my own program and I found much of it used at excellent prices so I snapped it up. I do know that most us use our income tax returns to buy curriculum as well.

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. . . because we want to be perfect. :D


. . . because we want to be fire-proof insulated against any attacks from anti-homeschoolers.


. . . because we misplace something we bought already.


. . . because we bought new bookshelves and want them to look handsome.


. . . because we have $$ to burn. :tongue_smilie:

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No kidding! I think I'm finally over my cloth addiction though this new baby has me wishing for some of my old stashes. I'm definitely more addicted to curriculum now but I was into the cloth scene for so long I ended up admin on one of the main cd sites :lol: Same username as here ;)


Kris, when I started thinking about homeschooling you directed me to forums and I haven't looked back. All the energy I had channeled into building a perfect diaper stash has been directed into building curricula - which, to be honest, is a lot more productive ;) In fact I put my toddler in disposables last fall when schooling got busy and the dipes got stinky, and just yesterday I put him back in cloth. I have to justify all those diapers I bought somehow.


I have to have a hobby or "obsession" - if it wasn't curricula it would be something else. At least this one is very easy to justify. Won't somebody think of the children? :lol:

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Well, I hs'd one generation of kids, then adopted 4 more at the same time, sooooo, it was like starting all over again and there were so many more options, choices, good stuff out there, that during the year I was waiting to get the kids home to the US I kinda went nuts on the used boards and thrift store to build a reference room in my house. So much fun, now I get to use it, for.the.next.12.years!

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