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Sort of a S/O What junk food do you have in your house?

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My comment about the Twinkies and TV dinners got me thinking about how much junk food I actually have in the house. Then I wondered how much other people have.


I've got a bag of potato chips sitting beside me, and there is some pre-made pudding cups in the 'fridge. I think there is some processed applesauce also. We have pancake and sausage on a stick and dh's favorite corndogs. There are probably some other things in the freezer, and I know there are a couple cans of Mt. Dew in the fridge. I swore off it, but I want the caffeine while I'm battling this cold.


What kind of junk do you have? Or are you able to be totally junk food free?

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I must admit, since I've been sick for about the past six weeks (first a cold, then a sinus infection, now horrible allergies), there is more convenience food around then there should be.


Let's see...

Fiber One bars

baked tortilla chips

root beer

cereal bars


oatmeal chocolate chip cookies

a few frozen Lean Cuisine meals

frozen chicken nuggets and fries


Most of this is "natural", but still processed food and not the most nutritious. (Could be worse, though.)



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I try not to buy too much of it because I'll eat it - and I really don't need to be eating it... :glare:

We do have some potato chips, Cheez-Its, mini corn dogs, and ice cream for the kids; but I don't really eat that stuff. My problem is with cookies and chocolate, so I don't buy those. Oh, and donuts... have to stay away from those, too...:drool:

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Coke, Dr. Pepper, yum. For me, not the kids. Always try to give it up but no diet coke makes me a very mad girl.:)

Beef jerky, light popcorn, string cheese, 2 boxes of thin mints (do you hear them calling to me), really old box of sugar free jello, hot chocolate mix, nutella, flavored sparkling water, powerbars, powerade. Um, does wine count as junk food?

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I was thinking Katy had the right idea. We're bad about eating junk <sigh> Of course, we eat EXTRA good also. Sooooooooooooo....


So junk currently in the pantry/fridge:


I think there is microwave popcorn. (ETA: I looked, there is one left which means we ate however many were in the box)

We have hamburger helper <gasp>

Nature's Own bread

Coconut Pecan icing

Crystal Light


BBQ sauce

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Right now, we have Ice cream and girl scout cookies. Occasionally, we have chips. I have fixins to make dips for chips or veggies. The pop is in the garage (I don't allow pop in the house:).) Dh has his stash of Diet Pepsi (in lieu of coffee) and we have a small stash of root beer for the occasional treat for the kids.


I have to say that they biggest "junk food" is cereal. Most people would not consider Nature's Path Hemp Granola to be junk food. We only buy whole grain, high fiber, relatively low sugar cereals. However, in our house, they are like Lay's Potato Chips - no one can have just one bowl. When my kids (and me) are eating too much, dh buys what he calls "curb your enthusiasm O's", which are Trader Joe's unsweetened O's.

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Homemade vanilla frosting that we're just sort of picking our way through (I doubled a recipe and then didn't use the second half)

A gigantic bag of chocolate chips, especially delightful when combined with the frosting!

A big container of leftover, B-list candy (all the good stuff has been eaten, this stuff is just kept around so no one can complain that we don't have any candy)

Marino's Italian ices


I think that actually might be it! Since my mom hasn't been coming, the junk food quotient has gone waaaay down. Desserts lately have consisted of the occasional Italian ice, one piece of candy, or a "chippy spoon" (a baby spoon with frosting or peanut butter on it and 3 or 4 chocolate chips stuck on it), and fruit after that.

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Nope, alcohol is not a junk food.


PHew!!!! I was worried about that one.


I'm in the if-I-buy-it-I'll-eat-it camp. So, we rarely have junk food in the house - or processed food, really.


Right now, I have:


pretzels (they're organic - but they're white flour and processed)

ice cream (but, it's been in my basement freezer since Christmas, so does that really count?)

Ramen noodles (I went shopping hungry!!)

Onion soup mix (again, I've had this since Christmas)

Potstickers from Trader Joes (remember I went shopping hungry last week!)


That's it. No wonder I've been craving junk food lately!!!

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Currently we have regular ice cream (not the $8 gallon kind), Kettle chips, and Annie's Mac & Cheese (borderline). We also have all the ingredients -sugar, butter, chocolate chips etc -to make cookies. ETA: If Dirty Ethyl is calling the Peace Hemp cereal, and 365 Peanut Butter Crunch cereal from Whole Foods junk, I need to add that. We have both those cereals in our cabinet.


I am not opposed to sugar at all. I am only opposed to little kids and experimental/chemical foods and growing brains.


If we didn't have such big problems with autism, learning disabilities, ADHD, Bi-polar , diabetes etc in little kids in this country, I would have no food toxin concerns at all.


A few Twinkies (I prefer Little Debbie, never was a golden cream filled center fan lol) here and there are fine, imo.


It's the daily diet of bio-engineered foods that are frightening to me.


PS I am wishing a had a Diet Coke right now.

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A bag of Tostitos, Diet Coke, Gatorade, Cadbury Mini Eggs, Salt & Vinegar potato chips...


ETA: I just read that chocolate doesn't count. :)


ETETA: I just remembered that I also have Newman O's and Nutella... I should go look and see what we have...this thread is making me hungry :)

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Hubby brought home Newman O's last night so I have some of those.


Bag of potato chips from Trader Joes (Unopened. We save for homeschool park day to share)

Diet Caffeine Free Dr. Pepper (Yeah, I know. What's the point).

Organic homemade trail mix for the kids

Trader Joe's dark chocolate squares.


That's it. Not too bad. I'm the same though. If it is in the house, I'll eat it.

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ETA: If Dirty Ethyl is calling the Peace Hemp cereal, and 365 Peanut Butter Crunch cereal from Whole Foods junk, I need to add that.

Now, I'm wondering what is quick to have in the morning.


Diet Caffeine Free Dr. Pepper (Yeah, I know. What's the point).


:lol: I had the same thought.



Some of the things being listed I wouldn't consider junk food. It is fun to see what happens in different families sometimes.

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Now, I'm wondering what is quick to have in the morning.



:lol: I had the same thought.



Some of the things being listed I wouldn't consider junk food. It is fun to see what happens in different families sometimes.


My kids are total PITAs about breakfast. They hardly ever eat cereal. They eat leftovers from dinner or burritos or things like Amy's Broccoli Cheese pies if there are no leftovers. They like eggs, and we have lots of them, but the schooler esp doesn't have the time to make eggs. Sometimes his Dad will. I don't get up at 6 to cook. ;) The hemp cereal is dh's and the Peanut Butter Crunch is for the youngest. She puts them in containers with nuts and other things-- trail mix ingredients. lol

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My dd made homemade peanut butter caramel today, but that is not junk food. Hubby is our junk food offender - there is Dr. P, potato chips, twizzlers, m&m's, ramen and cheetos for him right now. I think the kids have some jello cups and some spagetti o's. Beef Jerky (the real stuff) isn't junk food btw. disgusting, yes, but junk no.


My migraine diet eliminates my ability to have junk - so my bad things are some terrific dark chocolate that I dip in peanut butter. yum. I don't snack or do convience other than pb&j on whole wheat or spelt. Hummus on a spelt tortilla isn't a junk food is it? :( I miss junk food. I really like junk food. When I was expecting ds, I ate doritos and yoohoos almost daily. yum.

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We have some chips in the pantry. I think there may be some candy in there, as well. My husband buys frozen pizzas anytime they're on sale.

I think that's about it. We eat pretty healthy but I'm not opposed to a bit of garbage now and then :001_smile:

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Hershey's syrup

one bag of bbq potato chips (for dh)

boxes of instant jello in the pantry

boxed mac & cheese (that no one eats anyway, so??)

ramen noodles

Most of the *no-no* foods in the house right now aren't really junk like Twinkies, but not healthy either:

New York cheesecake

Flourless Chocolate Cake

Key Lime parfait

Raspberry cake dessert-white cake, drenched with raspberry sauce, topped with homemade whipped cream

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Aside from the canned Frankenmeals we've got in our emergency kit :D, we've got:


Annie's Organic Cheddar Bunnies

Duncan Hines Brownie mix for those last minute "I need something to bring to ____ " times

Ghiradelli Hot Cocoa mix

Niman Ranch Hot Dogs

Morningstar Farms Veggie Burgers

Mike's Hard Lemonade Light

Kraft Honey BBQ sauce left over from when my FIL turned up his nose at the Trader Joe's stuff

lots of soda in our garage for when guests come


Something I wouldn't normally have on hand but do at the moment is several packages of Dots gum drops. These are left over from when we built the allotropes of carbon as an activity in Ellen McHenry's Carbon Chemistry. How's that for a good excuse for having junk in my house? :tongue_smilie:

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Guest Katia

Red Baron Frozen Pizza.....we are eating them right now for supper. :D


A lot of things people are listing here are not what I would consider "junk food". Chips; yes, but Nutella; no.


I think we have a box of chocolate covered cherries, tortilla chips, Ritz crackers, and chocolate chips.


I don't think our peanut butter is junk.....and we have a lot of convenience foods that I keep around for when my dad stays with us and frozen dinners, but we don't eat it, LOL; he does!


I guess I just make a real distinction between "junk" food and "convenience" foods. To me, junk food is something you snack on and convenience food is stuff you fix for a meal; not necessarily a healthy meal by any stretch of the imagination, but a meal none the less.

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Breyers Vanilla Ice Cream (which will be gone shortly because we are having it for dessert :))

organic blue chips

Full Circle cereal bars

Lay's Natural Cheetos

Back to Nature Classic Rounds and Crispy Wheats


I think that's it because I ate all the almond Kisses yesterday.

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I have an old bag of chips from the super bowl that should be chucked and once in a while we buy cheeze its.


I make cookies, cakes and tea breads occasionally. Lately we've been having ice cream sodas on the weekends after dinner but our family is so big we use a whole gallon of ice cream for one go round and now there's none in the freezer. Tortillas for when I make quesadillas. Ramen noodles, cereal (yes, to me that's junk food:D). Jello. I'm mentally going through cabinets here...I think that's it.

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Okay, most of you people are waaaay too good. What you consider junk food, to me is healthy!


The dc rarely get junk food. I eat mine in secret (although I'm starting WW, so most has been tossed), but dh will eat chips in front of them, and they might get 3 or 4.


Okay, here's what we have:


100 cal snacks: choc covered pretzels, sweet and salty mix, and oreo sticks.


Sun Chips


All natural tortilla chips


Chicken egg rolls


Raspberry Toaster Pastries (hidden)


That's what I can think of off the top of my head.

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Well, we have some organic sodas and chips. There are some frozen pizzas and pizza rolls. That's probably about it for foods I'd class as "junk".....



Oh no, I forgot! Someone brought a junk box of cereal into the house over the weekend. I think it's Cocoa Puffs or something like that.....

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pudding cups - since it is one of the few foods SillyAutismBoy will eat. Also generic pretzels. Angel food cake which I made from a mix.


Would my jelly jar of wine count? ;)


Oh, and a case of Diet Rite soda (with Splenda) - SillyAutismBoy gets ONE can each afternoon. No one else is allowed to touch it.

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well I have teen boys, so whatever sweet or salty thing get purchased they devour within 24 hours, so I stopped buying, I tell them they need to control their impulses, so when we want sweets, I usually just make something homemade.


The only sweets we have tonight is a homemade yellow cake with peanut butter icing. It was made at 3:00 pm it is now 8:00 and the thing is half gone:glare:


I do have a couple of frozen pizza they haven't found yet!

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Cream soda and vanilla ice cream. The guys had Soda Floats for dessert last week (though we ALWAYS have vanilla ice cream--my husband eats a bowl Every Night)


Girl Scout cookies (two boxes--flavors I don't care for. That's why they still exist)


Ginger cookies that my mom's friend sent home for my boys.



What I DON'T have are tortilla chip and salsa...two of my favorite things in life.

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I'm surprised at what some people consider "junk food" - Nutella? Granola? Hamburger Helper? BBQ sauce? Even veggie burgers?? :001_huh:


"Junk food" here = things like chips, candy, chocolate bars, etc..


As for what we have.. there's a lot of chips in the cupboard [mostly belonging to dh because he takes bags of them in his lunch]...some leftover Halloween chocolate bars & candy...ice cream... some dunkaroos... that's about it right now, I think.


Unless my diet pepsi counts. :tongue_smilie:

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I'm surprised at what some people consider "junk food" - Nutella? Granola? Hamburger Helper? BBQ sauce? Even veggie burgers?? :001_huh:


The Kraft BBQ sauce counts as junk to me because it contains High Fructose Corn Syrup. Anything with HFCS I consider to be junk food.


The veggie burgers in my freezer are highly processed and also relatively high in saturated fat because they contain cheese. I also happen to think they taste a whole heckuva lot better than healthier varieties I've tried ;)

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The Kraft BBQ sauce counts as junk to me because it contains High Fructose Corn Syrup. Anything with HFCS I consider to be junk food.


The veggie burgers in my freezer are highly processed and also relatively high in saturated fat because they contain cheese. I also happen to think they taste a whole heckuva lot better than healthier varieties I've tried ;)


I agree. HFCS makes it junk. And GMO soy and hydrolyzed protein...which is mostly GMO soy. Or GMO corn.


Some folks considered items junk that I don't. I don't think baked chips are junk, or even homemade cookies...

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We don't have much junk food here. Most of it is for my SO for work (so much easier for him to take to work). Let me think. We have cheddar cheese crackers, potato chips, 5 more Cherry Pepsis left (we aren't buying anymore after these are gone so I'm enjoying them), burritos and jar cheese, crackers and cheese in a can, ramen noodles, and a slice of cheesecake.


What I do need is someone to send me Thin Mints. Yes, a proper freezer should contain a box of them and my freezer is lacking them right now.:tongue_smilie:

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Not much. I have changed our eating habits dramatically. We do have Rosemary Pita Chips from Whole Foods, unsweetened applesauce, and fruit leather. I made chocolate chip cookies last week though. The changes have really paid off. The kids are not craving junk like they used to and I have lost over 50 pounds!

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I'm also impressed with the healthiness of you all!!


I don't even think I could list all the junk in our house. I shall walk away from this thread with my head hung in shame, LOL.


It isn't me willingly being healthy. Food intolerances/allergies force me to be healthy so my sons can see that it isn't horrible to miss out on all the good stuff (ok so it's processed and not really good for ya but some of it just tastes so goooood). At night though, sometimes, just sometimes, I break and eat something junk foody but I really try not to.

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It isn't me willingly being healthy. Food intolerances/allergies force me to be healthy so my sons can see that it isn't horrible to miss out on all the good stuff (ok so it's processed and not really good for ya but some of it just tastes so goooood). At night though, sometimes, just sometimes, I break and eat something junk foody but I really try not to.


I fear this may be in our future. Not such a bad thing as far as overall health, but I think my poor husband will think he's dying.


DD2 has an undiagnosed metabolic condition that will likely affect her diet someday when we finally figure out WHICH condition it is, and I think DD1 may have some food allergies or intolerances causing major diarrhea issues.

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