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Irresponsible, creepy dog owner rant

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What kind of moron tells a 12 year old boy about his dog killing another?:confused:


I believe I'd call.......someone? The non emergency police number? ASPCA? Someone?




There needs to be a paper trail on that owner's dog. Especially if he's already attacked another dog.


I'm sorry your DS had to witness that. :(

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I'd call the cops and file a report. Knowingly bringing a dangerous dog onto the street is usually illegal; if this dog has killed other dogs, it needs to have more reports filed to establish how dangerous it is.


Irresponsible dog owners are infuriating!

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DS went to take his dog for a short walk around our block and the block one street over. He planned on being gone for about 20 minutes. Ten minutes after he left he and his dog come running into the house. DS was covered in blood.


It appears that a strange man approached DS when DS reached the other street. This man started petting DS's dog, asking questions about him and told DS about how this man's pitbull attacked and killed a Golden Retriever a little while back. DS says his dog, a Belgian Tervuren who is DS's guardian and slightly intimidating, started to act funny - growling, pulling DS away, and raising his hackles. At that moment a young boy with a huge pitbull came out of nowhere. The pit started to attack DS's dog. DS turned and ran for his life.


As he made his escape he fell on the ice and sliced his knee, foot and hand, the reasons for the blood.


As far as I can tell the dog is not injured. BDS has been doctored and is sitting on the couch. He is going to be one very sore boy this evening.


I am so sad that DS can no longer walk his dog in the middle of the afternoon in what is considered to be one of the safest neighborhoods in our town. It never occurred to me that someone would approach him with an attack dog.


DS says he did not recognize the man or the boy. I am going to take a walk around and see if I can find them.

So, it was the man who was petting ds' dog who owned the pit bull that attacked them?!?


I'd call the police. It sure sounds to me as though he threatened your ds and then attempted assault and battery with a deadly weapon (as dogs that have been known to kill other animals are considered - here anyway).

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So, it was the man who was petting ds' dog who owned the pit bull that attacked them?!?


I'd call the police. It sure sounds to me as though he threatened your ds and then attempted assault and battery with a deadly weapon (as dogs that have been known to kill other animals are considered - here anyway).



:iagree: I would file a police report and I am so sorry that this happened!

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What kind of moron tells a 12 year old boy about his dog killing another?:confused:


I believe I'd call.......someone? The non emergency police number? ASPCA? Someone?



I would call the police and alert them to the situation since that sounded very threatening to say the least, not to mention a creepy adult saying those sort of things to a child:ack2:


:group hug:

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I would call the police and alert them to the situation since that sounded very threatening to say the least, not to mention a creepy adult saying those sort of things to a child:ack2:


:group hug:


:iagree: That gave me the chills and creepy crawlies just reading it!

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I would call the police and alert them to the situation since that sounded very threatening to say the least, not to mention a creepy adult saying those sort of things to a child:ack2:


:group hug:

:iagree: what she said. I'd call the cops - creepy guy approaching and threatening kids is bad enough. Adding the actual attack by the other dog is even worse. There needs to be a report. There is no way that he didn't have a bad motive, and I am pretty sure he will do it again with another kid and another dog.


Don't just think irresponsible; think creepy, wrong, and possibly criminal.

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And who will be the next victim? A smaller, younger child and less threatening dog?

The consensus is in, most of us would call the police and the sooner reported the better. This person may already have a criminal record.

I hope your son's nerves soon calm; for the rest of the world, look out, here comes a mom!:iagree:

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Your son was set up. This guy at the very least is sick, but more probably training the dog for pit fighting. Call the police, warn other parents whose children might be walking dogs.


:iagree: I just read this thread, and was planning to post that it sounds, smells, and feels like a well-planned set-up. Definitely inform the police AND animal control office.

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I'd not only file a police report - I'd also have a vet look over your dog - when a pit attacked our Labrador, Captain looked ok - the vet shaved him in several places and dozens of puncture wounds were uncovered!!!!! The fur on your dog may be hiding wounds that need attention (and antibiotics). If there are bite wounds, that information should also be given to the police for their report. They will after the other dog and owners to make sure it has ahd its rabies shots.

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DH is home now (Sunday morning) and we are going to take DS out to show us the exact location and see if we can determine if the man lives around here. DH doesn't want to file a report without knowing something concrete about the owner and the dog. He doesn't think the police will be able to do anything without an address.


We will be taking DS to the ER today as well. His big toe is broken and mishapen; probably needs to be reset. I don't know how I missed the extent of the injury last night. I guess I was too focused on the knee.


The dog will go to the vet on Monday for an exam.


I'm glad DH is home and so sorry that your son's injuries are going to require a trip to the ER --poor kid!


My .02 on this: The individual in question (the awful adult who spoke to your son) would almost certainly be placing himself in neighborhoods where no one knew him....at least it would seem to make more sense than to perpetrate this type of activity in an area where folks could point the finger at him immediately, kwim?


I think that while your report may not lead to the apprehension of this individual as you do not have 'much' as you see it, reporting it to the police may go a long way if it happens again AND IF it has happened to someone else in the past and that individual has reported it. You would be giving them info that would enable them to put the pieces together.


Let us know how everyone is doing - hope the dog is okay too!:grouphug:(and you MUSt know that I am NOT a hugger! ;))

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DH doesn't want to file a report without knowing something concrete about the owner and the dog. He doesn't think the police will be able to do anything without an address.


Why would your DH think you need to know the guy's address? If you were attacked on the street by a stranger, would you not bother calling the police unless you knew the exact identity of the attacker and his home address??? All you need to give the police is a good physical description of the man, the boy, and the dog. How will it make your son feel that his parents want to just brush this under the carpet and not report that he was attacked?


What if your son had "frozen" instead of taking off and running as fast as he could? What if the next kid doesn't run? This pit bull has already killed another dog. How will you feel if you read in the paper next week that a kid was mauled and severely injured by the same dog? Maybe this guy does this all. the. time. and no one wants to "bother" notifying the police. Then if this creep does get caught, they'll think it was a "first time offense," and write it off as an accident, when in fact this guy is clearly stalking people.


PLEASE report this incident to the police. Your boy was stalked, attacked, and injured. I can't even imagine not reporting this!



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Also touching on the young child with the dog-someone mentioned it might be a predator situation, but what if that boy was his child? What kind of life must that poor child be leading if it is his father who has him out preying on other kids/dogs with his dog. Please report it.

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Also touching on the young child with the dog-someone mentioned it might be a predator situation, but what if that boy was his child? What kind of life must that poor child be leading if it is his father who has him out preying on other kids/dogs with his dog. Please report it.


:iagree: That child probably needs a new home:(



I hope they put out a media alert to alert other parents.

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DH doesn't want to file a report without knowing something concrete about the owner and the dog. He doesn't think the police will be able to do anything without an address.





Report it to the police! Tell the staff at the emergency room what happened!


For all you know, the police may have several other reports about this same man! Your son could have been KILLED!!!


Why have you waited so long to report this??? This man is a predator, and WILL harm others!


Your lack of action on this could very well lead to another child and more animals being seriously harmed or killed.


PLEASE go to the police!



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My .02 on this: The individual in question (the awful adult who spoke to your son) would almost certainly be placing himself in neighborhoods where no one knew him....at least it would seem to make more sense than to perpetrate this type of activity in an area where folks could point the finger at him immediately, kwim?



Or he's just a rip-roarin' pig-ignorant yayhoo didn't lurn no manners from his Maw-maw. There are more of those out there than we of the Classic Homeschooling type realize.

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Why would your DH think you need to know the guy's address? If you were attacked on the street by a stranger, would you not bother calling the police unless you knew the exact identity of the attacker and his home address??? All you need to give the police is a good physical description of the man, the boy, and the dog. How will it make your son feel that his parents want to just brush this under the carpet and not report that he was attacked?


What if your son had "frozen" instead of taking off and running as fast as he could? What if the next kid doesn't run? This pit bull has already killed another dog. How will you feel if you read in the paper next week that a kid was mauled and severely injured by the same dog? Maybe this guy does this all. the. time. and no one wants to "bother" notifying the police. Then if this creep does get caught, they'll think it was a "first time offense," and write it off as an accident, when in fact this guy is clearly stalking people.


PLEASE report this incident to the police. Your boy was stalked, attacked, and injured. I can't even imagine not reporting this!




Maybe this incident will be the final piece of information to stop him. If it's true that his dog recently killed another dog, hopefully there will be a report already.

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Why would your DH think you need to know the guy's address? If you were attacked on the street by a stranger, would you not bother calling the police unless you knew the exact identity of the attacker and his home address??? All you need to give the police is a good physical description of the man, the boy, and the dog. How will it make your son feel that his parents want to just brush this under the carpet and not report that he was attacked?


What if your son had "frozen" instead of taking off and running as fast as he could? What if the next kid doesn't run? This pit bull has already killed another dog. How will you feel if you read in the paper next week that a kid was mauled and severely injured by the same dog? Maybe this guy does this all. the. time. and no one wants to "bother" notifying the police. Then if this creep does get caught, they'll think it was a "first time offense," and write it off as an accident, when in fact this guy is clearly stalking people.


PLEASE report this incident to the police. Your boy was stalked, attacked, and injured. I can't even imagine not reporting this!




I agree. It makes no sense not to report because you don't have some specific information.


File the report. This is not an ambiguous issue. This was a crime, and this man and his dog represent a clear danger to other children and animals.


File the report.

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I called the non-emergency number and was told we could file a report but more than likely nothing would come of it because we cannot identify the man or the boy. There have been no other reports in the area regarding pitbull attacks on other dogs and or children.


We can choose to have an officer come speak to DS and let the officer decide if an official report is necessary which would probably be a "No" because the man did not directly threaten DS, either verbally or physically, and DS's injuries were caused by DS as he ran away, not from the pitbull.


I still say file the report. I also would not allow a police officer to determine whether or not it's valid. Just file the report. I also disagree that the man did not threaten your ds--I would say that that's open to interpretation, and that there most definitely was a threat in his words to ds.


I have had to deal with authorities who minimize incidents many times. Do not accept that. Just file the report. If anything further happens to your ds or to another child that report needs to be there.

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No truthfully I don't thinks its harsh and if you feel that way sorry.


I had a dog, a black lab no less, come into my yard and come after me and my three kids while I was pregnant with my fourth. If my husband wasn't there and hit it with a rake I'm sure it would have bit one of us. It was a neighbor's dog and a week earlier it had gone after another neighbor and his child and chased them up their treehouse. They didn't bother to report it. You better bet your bottom dollar I reported it--and although I felt terrible about it because I am a dog lover there was no way I was going to let another family go through what my kids went through. That was two years ago and they are still terrified of black dogs.


So feel free not to report it, but how are you going to feel the next time you hear a similar story in your neighborhood?


You have nothing to lose by reporting it. I just don't understand why you are not.

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What you don't seem to understand is that information needs to be gathered and on file for this man. If no one will file against him then he can keep it up. It needs to be on record. It will in no way endanger you or your child to report.


And it wouldn't be a bad idea to get your son a little thing of spray, just in case there is some other incident.

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What you don't seem to understand is that information needs to be gathered and on file for this man. If no one will file against him then he can keep it up. It needs to be on record. It will in no way endanger you or your child to report.


And it wouldn't be a bad idea to get your son a little thing of spray, just in case there is some other incident.



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She actually said in her now edited post #43 that the situation had been reported and the police were working on it.


I guess she edited since the conversation continued on without her post being completely read.


I saw it last night and wondered why the questioning continued after she said she reported it.

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My guess is that what the OP considers "reporting" is much less than what other people have defined as "reporting." The situation, as described, arouses strong thoughts about what should be done in an attempt to protect other people from further harm, so it could be understandably hard for people not to offer observations. . . . I also understood the OP to say that she does not wish to hear anything further regarding the matter.


She actually said in her now edited post #43 that the situation had been reported and the police were working on it.


I guess she edited since the conversation continued on without her post being completely read.


I saw it last night and wondered why the questioning continued after she said she reported it.

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She actually said in her now edited post #43 that the situation had been reported and the police were working on it.


I guess she edited since the conversation continued on without her post being completely read.


I saw it last night and wondered why the questioning continued after she said she reported it.


She said she discussed it on the non-emergency number. The worker who fielded the phone call offered the option of actually filing a police report, which the OP declined to do. She may have since done so but we have no way of knowing that.

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This is one of the weirdest stories I've read - & not just because of the strange man & dog's bhvr, but the response.


In my world,

1)I'd be calling the police immediately

2)I'd be calling the SPCA/animal control right after

3)I'd be taking ds to a doctor right after that (because we can no longer drive while talking on cell phone :) I'd have to wait to finish the call) for a check up

4)I'd be taking my dog to vet right after that for a check up


We've had a couple dog attacks in our metropolitan area & threatening dogs are to be reported asap. They can send out people with trained tracking dogs. It's relatively easy for good tracking dogs to track other dogs - tho it helps if the trail is pretty fresh & if the dog got into a car, it makes things hard.



This apparent reluctance to contact the police reminds me of life in Eastern Europe before the fall of communism. There we'd really think a long time before calling the police for things because honestly, nobody trusted them. By the time they were done with you, you might be worse off than when you started.


So I'm left wondering if the trust in the police forces has been so eroded?


Or is it some misplaced civic disinclination to 'bother' them? I'm really curious. And I'll out myself that I have the non-emerg police # programmed on my cell phone. I've called them lots of times about suspicious activity around the neighbourhood, vandals etc. I never think twice about calling the non-emerg # and then letting them decide whether & how to pursue it. I walk my dogs through my neighbourhood 2-3 times a day for 30-60 min each time. I'm out there a lot & I see lots of things....


And I'm sad about pitties and mastiff types getting such a bad rap again. In good hands, they are such wonderful wiggle butt dogs.

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Why did the OP delete all of her posts to this thread? :confused:


I guess she didn't like the advice that was given to her, but if you ask a question here, you have to be prepared to receive replies that you don't like.


I think that deleting all of her posts was completely uncalled-for, and entirely unnecessary.



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