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Irresponsible, creepy dog owner rant

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Why did the OP delete all of her posts to this thread? :confused:


I guess she didn't like the advice that was given to her, but if you ask a question here, you have to be prepared to receive replies that you don't like.


I think that deleting all of her posts was completely uncalled-for, and entirely unnecessary.





You shouldn't vent if you arent prepared for opposing viewpoints, especially when the safety of children and pets in the neighborhood are at stake.

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She said she discussed it on the non-emergency number. The worker who fielded the phone call offered the option of actually filing a police report, which the OP declined to do. She may have since done so but we have no way of knowing that.

I'm not surprised that there were no other reports of pitbulls attacking if the non-emergency people are recommending that no report be filed because nothing will happen. of course nothing will happen--the point it for there to be that other report in the system next time someone calls. But of course, it's totally up to the OP what she chooses to do. :)

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I think she's done this for protection purposes and is wishing the thread would get buried.



I'm asking this respectfully but protection from who? I'm sure the crazy pit bull owner isn't trolling homeschool forums looking for her! Could it be someone in her own house who didn't want her to report it?

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I'm asking this respectfully but protection from who? I'm sure the crazy pit bull owner isn't trolling homeschool forums looking for her! Could it be someone in her own house who didn't want her to report it?


You have got to be kidding me. I choose to erase/edit my posts and now I am hiding from someone in my house? Really? How did you get from Point A to Point B on that one?

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You shouldn't vent if you arent prepared for opposing viewpoints, especially when the safety of children and pets in the neighborhood are at stake.


Opposing viewpoints are fine. I just don't like being told that what I did was not enough and that my apparent lack of filing an official report was equivalent to attacking these children and pets myself.

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We've had a couple dog attacks in our metropolitan area & threatening dogs are to be reported asap. They can send out people with trained tracking dogs. It's relatively easy for good tracking dogs to track other dogs - tho it helps if the trail is pretty fresh & if the dog got into a car, it makes things hard.



This apparent reluctance to contact the police reminds me of life in Eastern Europe before the fall of communism. There we'd really think a long time before calling the police for things because honestly, nobody trusted them. By the time they were done with you, you might be worse off than when you started.



My little community doesn't have trained tracking dogs. Those would need to come from Chicago. Knowing that the state of IL owes 2.5 million to our local school district, I think I would have a difficult time convincing anyone that flying the dogs and a trainer in to Sleepyville was worthwhile. I can only imagine the mob that would be encamped on my front lawn.


And reluctance to contact the police - my next door neighbor is a police officer, another police officer lives two streets over and the chief of police attends my church. All of these men know about what happened. When I include the call into the non-emergency number I think you can safely assume that I am not afraid of policeman.

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This is one of the weirdest stories I've read - & not just because of the strange man & dog's bhvr, but the response.


In my world,

1)I'd be calling the police immediately

2)I'd be calling the SPCA/animal control right after

3)I'd be taking ds to a doctor right after that (because we can no longer drive while talking on cell phone :) I'd have to wait to finish the call) for a check up

4)I'd be taking my dog to vet right after that for a check up



See, my first reaction was -

DS is bleeding let's take care of him first; try to ascertain the damage and determine if a trip to the ER was necessary.

My second reaction was to take care of the dog. Check for obvious bites, cuts, and determine if an emergency trip to the vet was necessary.

Posting it here in an effort to calm myself before I went out to find the S** was third.


My son is first, his most awesome companion is second, anything else falls far short. If that is a weird way to prioritize than so be it.

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See, my first reaction was -

DS is bleeding let's take care of him first; try to ascertain the damage and determine if a trip to the ER was necessary.

My second reaction was to take care of the dog. Check for obvious bites, cuts, and determine if an emergency trip to the vet was necessary.

Posting it here in an effort to calm myself before I went out to find the S** was third.


My son is first, his most awesome companion is second, anything else falls far short. If that is a weird way to prioritize than so be it.




Everyone reacts to stressful situations differently. IMHO, you took care of the top two priorities fine. Use it as a learning experience for your DS (stranger danger, dog danger, etc.).

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You have got to be kidding me. I choose to erase/edit my posts and now I am hiding from someone in my house? Really? How did you get from Point A to Point B on that one?


Defensive much?


IMO, by you failing to report this properly to the authorities you are as liable than the owner of the agressive dog, should that dog attack another animal or person in your neighborhood.


I'm finished with this thread.

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Opposing viewpoints are fine. I just don't like being told that what I did was not enough and that my apparent lack of filing an official report was equivalent to attacking these children and pets myself.


Well, I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm sorry if my posts offended you. I think some of us thought you were being quite casual about the whole thing, and apparently we misread the intent of your posts.


I know that when I read your original post, I got scared for your son. I read your description of what happened, and kept imagining what might have happened if your son hadn't been smart enough to run away. It seemed so clear that this man was a predator, and that his intention was to frighten and harm your son and his dog.


Personally, I am amazed at the casual response from the police. That's not the way they would have handled it in our area, and I'm very disappointed to hear that they didn't seem to take the situation seriously. You tried to do the right thing; I think their response was less than professional, and I wish there was something else you could do to help protect the other children and animals in your area. Perhaps you could write an anonymous letter to your local newspaper? It seems that there must be some way to notify area residents that there is a potentially dangerous person on the loose, and that they should be watchful.


Again, though, I'm very sorry if I offended you, and I hope you're not angry. I think everyone had the best intentions, and we're concerned that this won't be the last time a child is approached by this man. I still think it's sickening that the police didn't want you to file a report and to have your son look at photos of known offenders.





Edited by Catwoman
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I know that when I read your original post, I got scared for your son. I read your description of what happened, and kept imagining what might have happened if your son hadn't been smart enough to run away. It seemed so clear that this man was a predator, and that his intention was to frighten and harm your son and his dog.


Personally, I am amazed at the casual response from the police. That's not the way they would have handled it in our area, and I'm very disappointed to hear that they didn't seem to take the situation seriously. You tried to do the right thing; I think their response was less than professional, and I wish there was something else you could do to help protect the other children and animals in your area. Perhaps you could write an anonymous letter to your local newspaper? It seems that there must be some way to notify area residents that there is a potentially dangerous person on the loose, and that they should be watchful.


I think everyone had the best intentions, and we're concerned that this won't be the last time a child is approached by this man. I still think it's sickening that the police didn't want you to file a report. . .







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Perhaps you could write an anonymous letter to your local newspaper? It seems that there must be some way to notify area residents that there is a potentially dangerous person on the loose, and that they should be watchful.






DS and I have discussed this. We will be working on something in the near future.


When all is said and done this incident has been an interesting springboard for conversation regarding civic duty and responsibility.

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