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Made up beds or not?

Do you and your children make their beds daily?  

  1. 1. Do you and your children make their beds daily?

    • Yes, we make our beds.
    • No, we do not make our beds.
    • Other, because things aren't always black and white.

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I can't stand a messy bed. So if dh is not home it gets made. As for the kids I am teaching them to make theirs, but it's not perfect. Also, I just straighten and pull up the sheets and blankets. I don't make my bed up perfectly like a hotel or anything. But my one OCD thing is the sheets. I can't sleep in a bed when the sheets are messed up. :tongue_smilie:


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Another thread mentioned kids making their beds. The only time we make our beds is when we put on clean sheets. A made up bed just isn't important to me, and I feel it's a waste of time. Am I alone in this? :)


Wellllll, for me it's a matter of "household" respect. To appreciate (respect) the belongings we have. Also, it just looks neater. My dd not only makes it herself, but first thing in the morning before she comes down to help "organize her thinking process for the day"...to wake her up. This is joined in her morning routine by: getting dressed, opening shades/curtains, brushing hair. :D

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I prefer beds to be made. But "making" my bed usually means making sure the covers are straight and pulled up loosely toward the head of the bed:) If I didn't make my bed during the day, I have to straighten it out before I go to bed. I also NEED my sheets tucked in at the foot or I'll pull them all up around my head during the night!

I voted "Other" because I'm not faithful about making them, even though I prefer it!

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What a way to introduce myself--- I have been lurking on these boards for more than 2 YEARS and with all of the great conversations I have read THIS is the one that finally makes me take the leap!!!!!! I CANNOT stand an unmade bed- it kind of stops my breath when I walk into a room. So, because we make beds about 2-3 times a week, I try to avoid those rooms!!!

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We make our beds M - F, but leave them unmade on the weekends, unless we are having people over.


A bed takes up 70% of a room usually, so I feel like it is one way to have 70% of the room "tidy."


This is what we do. At some point on the weekend the bed is made, only because that is when I change the sheets.

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I make my bed as soon as I get out of it in the morning. It takes about 30 seconds.


My son makes his every day, but my girls don't. I'd prefer they did, but it's not a hill to die on at my house. I just shut their door so I don't have to look at it.


I like my house neat and organized. If it isn't (including an unmade bed) I feel disorganized and a little out of control. When I start feeling out of control, that is not a good thing. Look out. :D


It's much better if I spend a few minutes making the bed and tidying up the house. Then I'm in my happy place and all is right with the world.

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My kids and I share a bed. It's a cotton and wool futon, not a chemically-treated polyester mattress, so leaving it unmade allows it to air out during the day. Every morning we strip the bedding, shake the comforters and stow them. This leaves our bed completely bare until the next bedtime, at which point we remake the bed for that night's sleep. It takes about 3-5 minutes both morning and evening. I don't agree that an unmade bed speaks to one's laziness; in fact, it almost seems more efficient in some regards!

Your bed is unique. Leaving it "unmade" is not the same thing as leaving it bare. :-)

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I posted other because I make our bed every morning. I can't stand an unmade bed. But my 15 yo dd does not. I would prefer she did, but I decided it wasn't a battle worth fighting. Her 19 yo sister in college doesn't make hers when she is home either and didn't when she was living at home. Drives me crazy because I like order, but they work so hard and are very dilligent in school so I let it go.


Funny story about beds. One time we were visiting my MIL (who I LOVED dearly) and I was making the bed in my husband's old room. He and I were discussing bed making and he said, "Why make it when you're just getting back in it later." And I drew my MIL into the conversation, figuring she'd be on my side. And she said she never made her bed because, "Why make it when you're just going to get back in it?" So I figure I'm outnumbered in my house, it's genetic. But I CAN make my bed :001_smile:



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Do we? Not usually. But I still think we should & feel guilty when we don't. (Which is most of the time.)


So I'd like to see a poll that says:


We should & we do

We should & we don't

It doesn't matter, but we do

It doesn't matter, but we don't.

When company comes/sheets get changed.

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The kids aren't allowed to leave blankets hanging off the sides of the top bunks, and dd#2 is supposed to pick hers up off the floor (not sure how they wind up there EVERY SINGLE DAY), but that's about it.


I feel compelled to mess up a freshly made bed when I climb in. Straight sheets and blankets make me feel like I should take a coffin position!

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I don't care if the kids make their beds so I said no. They do make their beds sometimes through the week, and always on Sunday (all bedrooms are cleaned on Sundays) or when sheets are washed.


I typically throw back the covers on my bed daily, but I don't make sure every wrinkle is out and the fancy pillows are all in place. I usually make it if I am spending some time in my room or watching dd3 take a bath.

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I can not sleep in an unmade bed. The sheets and blankets are not distributed evenly if the bed is not made and the pillows have to be turned when I make the bed.


I also think it makes the whole bedroom look 100% better. It simply looks finished.


:iagree: This is my feeling exactly! And it only takes a few moments, too.


ETA: We skip this on Sundays as we try to observe a true Sabbath with as few chores as possible.

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I personally can't stand the sight of an unmade bed.it makes me think that my whole house is messy.

I'm the same way.:)


And I have to get dressed right away, too (although I don't put on shoes until I'm ready to leave the house). Somehow, if my beds are made and my clothes are on, I feel ready to meet the world...and for the world to meet me, lol. I hate it when I have had a jammie day and the UPS guy or the pastor's wife shows up at the door.:svengo:

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It takes 2 minutes or less. To me, in my home, it's a sign of sheer laziness and lack of concern for the state of the household to leave your bed unmade.


It comes in second on the lazy scale to coming downstairs in your jammies instead of getting dressed. The only time you're allowed to lounge in jammies is after bath time, and if you're sick.


We are totally slothful. :D


Well, I make my own bed most days, but because I fold laundry on top of it. So, you can never see my bed, anyway. The kids have duvets and just pull them up. We all wear PJS around the house on weekends, and *if I can*, until noon on other days. Most days I have to pick up Dd so there's no relaxing on that for me.


I actually grew up in a very strict make your bed get dressed wear shoes household, but when I got married and lived with my In laws, they did it different. They were professionals and when they got home, the sweats (relaxing clothes) went on. They never wore *dressed* clothes (even jeans) in the house unless someone was coming over. The first thing Dh does when he gets home from the office is put sweats on. :001_smile:


We only use duvets in duvet covers - no messing with top sheets, blankets etc etc (btw, I can barely sleep in beds with top sheets and blankets. SO uncomfortable....) so all it really needs is a good shake to lay out smooth on the bed. And fluffing up the down pillows.


But still it often doesn't get done until I'm ready to get BACK into bed. :)


Oh & I lounge around in my jammies too.


~going for the household laziness gold


I love duvets! You can have the gold, I'll be happy with the silver.


What a way to introduce myself--- I have been lurking on these boards for more than 2 YEARS and with all of the great conversations I have read THIS is the one that finally makes me take the leap!!!!!! I CANNOT stand an unmade bed- it kind of stops my breath when I walk into a room. So' date=' because we make beds about 2-3 times a week, I try to avoid those rooms!!![/quote']




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We make our beds every day except for Saturday. Well, I still make my bed on Saturday but the kids don't have to.


Just makes the whole house look better. Besides we have cats. An unmade bed is an invitation to a cat and I don't want all that cat hair in my face.

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I voted 'other'. Its important to Wolf that our bed is made. Personally, I never cared...wasn't raised with bed making being at all important. So, to please him, I make our bed when I can.


And for those that think its a 30 second job, do it solely with your non dominant hand/arm some time ;) :lol:

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Like Parrothead, I love the way made beds finish off a room, and I looooove crawling into a made bed! However, on the list of priorities, making the beds is at the very bottom simply because they'll just be messed up again soon when kids crawl in them to play or read or rest or jump on them. So if we get to them, then I'm happy, but if we don't, I don't mind at all.


:iagree: I answered other because it's a matter of "if we get to them" some days. It looks nice, and I always do mine, but some days the boys' rooms are undone.

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I voted OTHER because I don't make it 100% every day. I always pull up everything and make it look neat, but I regret buying 5,000 decorative pillows, and those usually only make it to the bed when we have guests over. I'm going to be buying a new bedding set and will keep decorative pillows to a minimum. Can you enter the poll again after I do that so I can check YES? ;)

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I voted "other." I do try to make my bead in the morning. I like looking at my room better if it's done. I do not make my kids make their beds unless someone is coming over and will specifically be in their room. If they want to, they do, if not, no biggie.

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Another thread mentioned kids making their beds. The only time we make our beds is when we put on clean sheets. A made up bed just isn't important to me, and I feel it's a waste of time. Am I alone in this? :)



I voted other...


I make my bed every day. I just can't stand not making my bed in the morning. If I don't, it drives me batty. But then I use the bed to fold clothes.


No one else makes their beds. Heck for some reason it is a miracle if they even have sheets on their beds... :glare:

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I voted other:



I make my bed for two reasons:


1. I have to walk past my bedroom all day long and I can't stand seeing it rumpled all day. It's like a big ball of clutter to me and drives me nuts.


2. I'm so exhausted when I fall into bed at night that I don't want to re-arrange the messed up sheets at night. It's easier to do it when I'm fresh in the morning so I can slide into the straightened sheets at night.


I do not make my children's bed for two reasons:


1. Their rooms are in the one room upstairs and no one ever goes up there except at night when the kids go to sleep.


2. They do not like straightened beds. As soon as they get into bed, they rumple the sheets and tuck them around themselves.

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