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My son fell through the ice!

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Today after ds11 and dd10 left their friend's house, they decided to go check out the lake by our home instead of coming straight home. They thought since there was lots of footprints across the lake that despite the signs warning of thin ice and my reminders EVERY winter that it is not safe that they could walk across it anyway. They got about 3/4s of the way across and started hearing the ice crack and after 1 more step ds11 fell through. Dd10 managed to help pull him out, and a couple walking by who saw him fall ran to them and got to them just as both kids made it to shore. Turns out the couple was an off duty cop and an off duty EMT. They checked the kids out quickly and drove them home, all the while admonishing them for ignoring signs and reminding them about not going with strangers unless they could prove who they are(the woman was the cop and had her badge on her and showed it to the kids before bringing them home). Both were cold, and ds definitely had hypothermia but they are both safe and warm again.


The weather has been very warm these last 3 days and everything has started melting. DD was in tears apologizing to DS for everytime she wished he was dead when they fought. DS was in tears realizing what his foolishness could have resulted in. Every year I warn them around all bodies of water not to trust the ice especially when they are without an adult. That unless an adult has tested for safety(such as in ice fishing with the scouts or cadets etc), they were not to assume the ice is safe no matter how many footprints or other people are on it. Until today they have always listened. I am so thankful that dd was able to help him out, that when he fell it was close to shore so only waist deep, that the people who saw him were rescue personelle, that he was with dd at all(he often heads to the lake alone), and that both are home safe and sound and warm right now.


This boy is going to give me a heart attack one of these days with the situations he gets himself in. He is one of those people that has to learn everything the hard way and I hope that this experience was hard enough for it to sink in that you can not assume the ice will be thick enough to be safe.


Off to pray and thank God that I have all 4 of my children home tonight, in any of the factors today had been different, I could be making funeral arrangements for my son right now, rather than alternating between being mad at him and being relieved.

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I just had this talk with one of my children this afternoon while walking by our pond!! I will have her read this!!


PLEASE do! That is exactly what I am hoping with me posting this. If anyone has not had a take about ice safety yet this season PLEASE do so today. And even if you have do it again. Have your child read this if need be. I remind my kids every year, we just talked about it a week ago when they say people using snomobiles on the river. It is simply not safe. We are slowly headed towards warmer weather and the ice is weakening quickly. Just the thought of what could have been terrifies me and if sharing this can protect another child from making this same mistake with a tragic outcome it will be worth it.

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I am so glad he is okay. We have a lake out back in the common area of our subdivision and I have been running kids and teenagers off the ice all winter. I am so afraid I am going to find one out there too late. I keep telling my own son, it is never cold enough, long enough in Virginia to walk on the ice ever.


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Today after ds11 and dd10 left their friend's house, they decided to go check out the lake by our home instead of coming straight home. They thought since there was lots of footprints across the lake that despite the signs warning of thin ice and my reminders EVERY winter that it is not safe that they could walk across it anyway. They got about 3/4s of the way across and started hearing the ice crack and after 1 more step ds11 fell through. Dd10 managed to help pull him out, and a couple walking by who saw him fall ran to them and got to them just as both kids made it to shore. Turns out the couple was an off duty cop and an off duty EMT. They checked the kids out quickly and drove them home, all the while admonishing them for ignoring signs and reminding them about not going with strangers unless they could prove who they are(the woman was the cop and had her badge on her and showed it to the kids before bringing them home). Both were cold, and ds definitely had hypothermia but they are both safe and warm again.


The weather has been very warm these last 3 days and everything has started melting. DD was in tears apologizing to DS for everytime she wished he was dead when they fought. DS was in tears realizing what his foolishness could have resulted in. Every year I warn them around all bodies of water not to trust the ice especially when they are without an adult. That unless an adult has tested for safety(such as in ice fishing with the scouts or cadets etc), they were not to assume the ice is safe no matter how many footprints or other people are on it. Until today they have always listened. I am so thankful that dd was able to help him out, that when he fell it was close to shore so only waist deep, that the people who saw him were rescue personelle, that he was with dd at all(he often heads to the lake alone), and that both are home safe and sound and warm right now.


This boy is going to give me a heart attack one of these days with the situations he gets himself in. He is one of those people that has to learn everything the hard way and I hope that this experience was hard enough for it to sink in that you can not assume the ice will be thick enough to be safe.


Off to pray and thank God that I have all 4 of my children home tonight, in any of the factors today had been different, I could be making funeral arrangements for my son right now, rather than alternating between being mad at him and being relieved.


So glad with you that they are both safe and sound. Peace be with all of you.

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As someone who has had to be resuscitated after a near drowning, I am very glad to hear that your kid is alright.


Coincidentally, I was just reading about this last night and found this:

Mammalian Dive Reflex


Drowning suffocation causes a lack of oxygen, resulting in death in only a few minutes. An exception to this rule appears in victims who have been suddenly and rapidly submerged into ice-cold water (<32F, 0C). Some of these people have survived up to an hour underwater without any resultant physical damage. This phenomenon is known as the mammalian dive reflex, which is activated when the face and body plunge into ice-cold water, resulting in the slowing of body metabolism as well as diverting blood only to the heart, lungs, and brain. If someone gradually becomes hypothermic (gradual lowering of body temperature), then this reflex does not apply. With the slowing of body metabolism as the body cools, the body uses less oxygen to survive. The goal is to rescue these victims before their oxygen is used up. This reflex is most often seen in children and may gradually be lost with aging.

(from emedicine)


Definitely a plan in there somewhere vis a vis boys/ponds/ice (as in, a built in protective mechanism).


Hang in there mom.




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It's terrifying to have the limits of parenting brought so much to the forefront. On a good note, I'm sure your children have learned valuable lessons from this (not to mess with ice, life is fleeting). It's always hard, though, to be retaught how little control we have over our children's actions.






Thank God everyone is okay, if shaken.

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We live on a small lake and so we have "the discussion" with our boys every year. Our situation also includes 2 Labs-one of which loves water beyond life itself- and my husband has repeatedly told the boys should Sadie accidently fall thru the ice...they are NEVER to attempt to rescue her but to come get us immediately. We watch her when ice thaws and keep her off of it but she still gets on it when playing. I wouldn't bear to lose her-we are major animal lovers-and I know how hard it would be if my boys had to decide not to walk on the ice but that is my fear as I know that would be tempting to them even though they know not to endanger themselves.

Glad you had a good outcome...hug them and remind them that we all have had our moments when our brains didn't stay turned on as they should!

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Swellmomma - I'm glad everyone is ok. We've pulled a teenager (not ours) out and we've pulled our dog out and those have been the worst moments in my entire life.


Asta - My sister and her friends heard about this in their college biology class. One of the boys had the brilliant idea of testing it by holding an icecube to his forehead. He had to stop when he nearly blacked out. They were all very surprised. Designed with a protective mechanism is perhaps right...



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They got about 3/4s of the way across and started hearing the ice crack and after 1 more step ds11 fell through. Dd10 managed to help pull him out, and a couple walking by who saw him fall ran to them and got to them just as both kids made it to shore. Turns out the couple was an off duty cop and an off duty EMT.


Wow. That is unbelievable.

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Brandy, I hope you will not have to report this to any kind of agency since they just gave you so much grief.


As a kid who grew up in areas where rivers and lakes froze, the best tool you can provide on top of repeated warnings is to teach them how to behave when something like this happens.

I am sure there are videos or at least detailed descriptions of what kids can do when a person breaks through ice. Seconds can count.

My dear grandma scared me so silly with stories from her youth growing up near a river and watching them pulling people out (mostly in the summer from swimming accidents), I was so careful because I was scared - but she also taught me and re-iterated what to do if I saw someone fall in.

God has a special Guardian Angel working for your kiddos - busy little angel!


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Thank you everyone! After having a night filled with nightmares I am feeling much better today, though still not great. I was told that I could start writing cautionary tales children's books based on my kids and scrapes they get themselves in. I am so proud of dd and the way she handled herself and pulled my ds out. Despite the fact she was grounded due to behaviour earlier this week and was not supposed to come with me today, I broght her with me for the adventure of house viewing, and lunch out. She was so excited! I also rewarded her with her first set of dangly earrings. I told her that because of the way she kept her cool and helped him get out without panicking she proved she was mature enough for "teenage" earrings. She is in trouble for going on the ice in the first place, but the fact is she is only 10 and managed to respond to an emergency situation with a calm and collected attitude and that is something I want to promote.


I am telling you though ds is going to be the death of me. Between fires, and ice, and jumping off roofs and all the other things he has done it is no wonder I have so much gray hair, and people at my support group thought I was a good 6 years older than I am. He is sending me to an early grave.


And you all are right, the cop and EMT were not there simply by coincidence, they were placed there at that moment to protect my children and bring them home safe again. My son has used up most of his apparent 9 lives, his guardian angel works a lot of overtime with him.

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Today after ds11 and dd10 left their friend's house, they decided to go check out the lake by our home instead of coming straight home. They thought since there was lots of footprints across the lake that despite the signs warning of thin ice and my reminders EVERY winter that it is not safe that they could walk across it anyway. They got about 3/4s of the way across and started hearing the ice crack and after 1 more step ds11 fell through. Dd10 managed to help pull him out, and a couple walking by who saw him fall ran to them and got to them just as both kids made it to shore. Turns out the couple was an off duty cop and an off duty EMT. They checked the kids out quickly and drove them home, all the while admonishing them for ignoring signs and reminding them about not going with strangers unless they could prove who they are(the woman was the cop and had her badge on her and showed it to the kids before bringing them home). Both were cold, and ds definitely had hypothermia but they are both safe and warm again.


The weather has been very warm these last 3 days and everything has started melting. DD was in tears apologizing to DS for everytime she wished he was dead when they fought. DS was in tears realizing what his foolishness could have resulted in. Every year I warn them around all bodies of water not to trust the ice especially when they are without an adult. That unless an adult has tested for safety(such as in ice fishing with the scouts or cadets etc), they were not to assume the ice is safe no matter how many footprints or other people are on it. Until today they have always listened. I am so thankful that dd was able to help him out, that when he fell it was close to shore so only waist deep, that the people who saw him were rescue personelle, that he was with dd at all(he often heads to the lake alone), and that both are home safe and sound and warm right now.


This boy is going to give me a heart attack one of these days with the situations he gets himself in. He is one of those people that has to learn everything the hard way and I hope that this experience was hard enough for it to sink in that you can not assume the ice will be thick enough to be safe.


Off to pray and thank God that I have all 4 of my children home tonight, in any of the factors today had been different, I could be making funeral arrangements for my son right now, rather than alternating between being mad at him and being relieved.




Brandy, Well, all I can say is God is good! The off duty police personnel is way beyond coincidence. PTL for the good outcome! :grouphug:

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I am telling you though ds is going to be the death of me. Between fires, and ice, and jumping off roofs and all the other things he has done it is no wonder I have so much gray hair, and people at my support group thought I was a good 6 years older than I am. He is sending me to an early grave.


:grouphug: I have one of those. He's still little, but the glimmer of mischief is always in his eye. I've started teaching him "safe" ways to experiment with things (for instance, always have Mom or Dad with you, NOT an older sibling). I keep hoping I can find a safe venue for his need for risk...... My uncle was like this and he's turned out to be a very successful man with five handsome sons a plethora of grandkids and an all around decent life. Ironically, his love for risk taking ended up being a financial boon for him. My gramma still shudders when she talks about raising him though :p

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