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Did you lick the cake batter from the bowl/spoon when you were a kid if it had raw egg in it? I did all the time.


I don't let my kids do it if there's egg in it. Do you?


Heck, yes! Our eggs come mostly from our own chickens. On the whole I am not that worried about it especially since I have been doing it all my life and I am still here...for now. :001_smile:

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Did you lick the cake batter from the bowl/spoon when you were a kid if it had raw egg in it? I did all the time.


I don't let my kids do it if there's egg in it. Do you?


I did as a kid, all the time.


Still do, in fact. :D


I will let my kids if dh isn't around. He's freaked out about them eating raw egg, so I don't wannna be the cause of a freak out. So if he's home, I won't offer the lickin's to the kids. But if he's not here, I do.


(Dh hasn't explicitly asked me to not let them lick the bowl; if he did, then I wouldn't. Just to clarifly. :D)

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Yes and Yes.


My children are healthy. There is a slight chance that an egg is contaminated. If it is, there is a very small probability that the amount ingested by my children would be enough to harm them.


When they were younger, I bought pasteurized eggs for baking. Eating cake batter and cookie dough are part of childhood.


P.S. As a child, I frequently drank orange julius - a concoction of orange juice, raw egg, sugar, and vanilla blended together.

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At the time my kids were into licking batter, I let them do it.


We bought high quality eggs and, according to the CDC website at that time, only 1/20,0000 eggs had salmonella. I figured the risk was minute.

nm Edited by Perry
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If it has raw eggs in it, and they ask, I'll usually let them have one small lick (figuring they can't get *too* sick from just a fingerful, right?)


And then I have them leave the room and lick the rest myself... :blushing:


It's a good thing I only bake at the holidays and on birthdays.... :tongue_smilie:

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I did it all the time as a kid (and I still do...at least a little!) -- salmonella was just starting to be discussed when I was a kid -- but I don't let them. Poor them. But they actually don't seem interested -- I think the idea of raw eggs grosses them out.


If my kids really wanted to eat a lot, I'd probably just buy pasteurized eggs. Or make some eggless dough.

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Did you lick the cake batter from the bowl/spoon when you were a kid if it had raw egg in it? I did all the time.


I don't let my kids do it if there's egg in it.


Exactly. I did when I was little. I don't let my kids. Seemed like the right thing to do. Heck, I still do it - but I don't let the kids. Now I feel mean. I'm just a big hypocrite. Don't tell the kids.

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I'm a licker, and my kiddo is too! You can use yogurt in place of eggs in chocolate chip cookies (probably in others too) if you are worried. I was told somehwere along the way that the salmonella was on the shell of the egg and got in the egg part when you cracked it, so if you washed them really good then you were ok. Please don't burst my bubble if you know otherwise :)



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I love all manner of batter and dough. Sometimes I'd rather eat the baked good unbaked, to be perfectly honest.


When I was nine or ten, my mother started being concerned about salmonella. I did all manner of research to try to convince her that I'd be okay still having some batter. I finally wore her down when I transcribed my 8th grade science teacher talking about it and the reality of risk from the practice. Either that, or she was just tired of hearing me whine. ;)


I let the kids do it. With my oldest, I made her wait until she was older, but we've gotten our eggs locally for so long now that I'm not really worried about it.

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I ate batter/dough when I was growing up.


I let the kids taste a small amount when we are baking (not nearly as much as I eat when the aren't looking :tongue_smilie:).


Like a pp stated, the risk of salmonella in an intact egg is believed to be about 1/10,000 on the East Coast and 1/20,000 in the rest of the country. If I could buy whole pasteurized eggs I would buy them for baking/eating dough but they aren't available here or when I lived in KS. My sister can buy them in PA.

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I was a confirmed batter-eater..until I got salmonella. I was so very sick. Now I no longer eat batter and I have an empty spot in my heart that the batter flavor used to fill.:crying:


:grouphug: Oh - I understand this. It will probably take samonella to put me off "licking the spoon".

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I was a confirmed batter-eater..until I got salmonella. I was so very sick. Now I no longer eat batter and I have an empty spot in my heart that the batter flavor used to fill.:crying:


Just use the pasteurized stuff. The empty spot will fill right up! (I'm sorry you got sick.)

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If I could buy whole pasteurized eggs I would buy them for baking/eating dough but they aren't available here or when I lived in KS. My sister can buy them in PA.


The egg whites (like egg beaters) work just fine in cookie recipes. Honestly, I can't tell the difference. The only thing I use whole eggs for is a special cake I make.

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Did then.

Can't now if you want to be safe - unless you're getting your eggs from local producers who raise their hens free range and organically, etc.


I just heard a news story about Pillsbury heat-treating or doing some such thing to all their doughs because e. choli or something had been found in lots of them.....

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I love all manner of batter and dough. Sometimes I'd rather eat the baked good unbaked, to be perfectly honest.


Oh me too! And yes we are totally a family of batter and dough lickers. Sometimes what makes it to the oven is seriously depleated :rofl:


I do however make my kids have their helmets on, always have but C liked to push the boundaries and rode without his helmet sometimes even though the consequence was a week bikeless. Well he fell off and ended up in hospital with a head injury and a smashed up face. I do wish that it taught him a lesson, but it didn't. It did however confirm for me the fact that helmets have a very real purpose, and I continue to enforce them.

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I did as a kid, but I have not let my kids do it. My impression was that salmonella did not used to be inside of raw eggs, just possibly on the shell, but that some years ago, there was a mutation or something that allowed it to get inside the shell. Maybe I'm wrong about that.


Only since my kids are older have I allowed them to eat eggs with runny yolks--for the same reason. (I figure that since they're older, if there is salmonella, their bodies can better handle it.)

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My mom still makes the kids the occassional egg shake. I don't know if we have stomachs of steel or not, but I do know my boys have eaten many things not meant for human consumption (laundrey detergeant for instance) in large quantities (frothing at the mouth) with very little side effects. Then, I used to snack on worms as a kid so... raw eggs seem much healthier ;)

I was a confirmed batter-eater..until I got salmonella. I was so very sick. Now I no longer eat batter and I have an empty spot in my heart that the batter flavor used to fill.:crying:


This thread has to be killing you...

OH and also, raw hamburger meat! :eek:


My mom used to pinch off a bit and eat it and pinch off a bit and give it to me. Especially when she seasoned it with Lawry's Seasoning Salt. Isn't that funny? Neither of us ever got sick.


I don't do that now, or give it to my kids either.

I do... so does my sister... I don't share with the kids... the idea is... it's part of the priviledge of being the cook... we blame our French genetics... Both of us want to try the mostly raw beef dish my brother bragged about eating in Paris...

Another thought...


I saw on a package of frozen cookie dough the warning that "unbaked cookie dough is not fit for consumption." If that is the case I cannot imagine what it is fit for. Isn't that the only reason to buy the stuff.

I've heard that massive quantities of heat can cause the dough to harden into something like hard tack, but slightly more tasty :p

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