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Send well wishes and prayers for DIY-DY (for labor!)

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How wonderful!! Sending continued progress your way, Dy. My brother's birthday is today (March 23), and in all his 48 years, he's never had his birthday fall on Easter Sunday. So memorable! I'll be checking back for updates.



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Is it a girl? She absolutely MUST name her Anastasia! Or maybe Zoe.


No, it is another boy, and they are having a time coming up with another J name. I have been in touch with her all week, and she is so anxious to have this little guy in her arms.


Come on Dy!! Come out little fella, I can't wait to meet you in a few short weeks!! Y'all know I get to go to Alabama this May and kiss all those babies in real life, right? Are ya' jealous yet?:D

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that's the same boat we're in! How funny! All our boys are J.M's. We had the toughest time coming up with another J name we could all live with! Had to drop the M for the middle name b/c nobody could agree, but we've finally come up with a J name we all like...but I'm not telling til he's born!

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Dy had her baby!!!! His name is Jason Thomas, and he is a long one at 22 inches. She had him around 10:45 this morning, and they both slept the whole day away today. She just called me, so I am letting you all know asap. She said she would post photos on her blog tonight after her big kiddos went down.

Yay! It was a good birth, and she is very happy to meet her newest little man, and glad it is over!


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Dy had her baby!!!! His name is Jason Thomas, and he is a long one at 22 inches. She had him around 10:45 this morning...







Welcome Jason!


Congratulations to you all!!



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It looks like she might be having that baby today! Join me in sending her lots of love for a wonderful delivery and a healthy baby!



THANK YOU! :001_wub: Gosh, you just made my evening with all your sweet words. (And I'm glad I got to read it b/c he's up! So this'll have to be short!)


He's here. He's healthy. I'm not pregnant anymore. Life is good. (LB, thanks for posting a quick update earlier! Love you!)


I put up a few pictures, but it's so late b/c I had to wait for the children to get to bed before I could venture to the computer (Oh, my kingdom for a laptop!) Will put up more tomorrow.


After all that waiting, would you believe he caught us *completely* off-guard? :blink: But I won't complain. Not. One. Bit.


Zorak asked me tonight, as he ambled off to bed, "So, um, the kids' teacher is officially on maternity leave, right?" Oh, yeah!



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Dy had her baby!!!! His name is Jason Thomas, and he is a long one at 22 inches. She had him around 10:45 this morning, and they both slept the whole day away today. She just called me, so I am letting you all know asap. She said she would post photos on her blog tonight after her big kiddos went down.

Yay! It was a good birth, and she is very happy to meet her newest little man, and glad it is over!




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THANK YOU! :001_wub: Gosh, you just made my evening with all your sweet words. (And I'm glad I got to read it b/c he's up! So this'll have to be short!)


He's here. He's healthy. I'm not pregnant anymore. Life is good. (LB, thanks for posting a quick update earlier! Love you!)


I put up a few pictures, but it's so late b/c I had to wait for the children to get to bed before I could venture to the computer (Oh, my kingdom for a laptop!) Will put up more tomorrow.


After all that waiting, would you believe he caught us *completely* off-guard? :blink: But I won't complain. Not. One. Bit.


Zorak asked me tonight, as he ambled off to bed, "So, um, the kids' teacher is officially on maternity leave, right?" Oh, yeah!




I'm so happy for you guys! Congratulations :D!

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I saw you posting on other threads and I figured you must not have had the baby yet. Wowzer, you da woman!!!

I can't believe you gave birth and you're already up and posting. Woohoo!!


Congratulations on the new addition to your family! Take good care of yourself, get some rest, and sniff that baby's head for me! :001_smile:


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