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Original Star Trek for 8yo?

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Love Star Trek. Jim Kirk is my hero--and I think he's pretty upright, funny, brave, and scrupulous. Not bad for an 8yo to watch.

I'd put his amorous exploits in the "character flaws" dept, but there's nothing inappropriate shown, and when he does fall in love, he shows himself to be a pretty good guy.

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The Original Star Trek is actually perfect for that age group. There worst you are going going to get, is a smooch or a longing look. There are a few that are a bit weird, but 60's TV was pretty heavily regulated for inappropriateness .


Capt. Kirk does get a lot of action from different alien and human girls, but it is not anything an 8 yo can't see or handle. You shouldn't miss the great stuff that your son will love for a few seconds here or there of a "love interest".


We only have the second series... but these are a few of our faves


The Trouble with Tribbles

The Doomsday Machine

The Changeling

A Piece of the Action (where a whole planet acts like Chicago gangsters, due to a book accidentally being left on the planet by previous "star fleet visitors")

Immunity Syndrome


There is one that my kids hate, which is an alternative planet to Earth where Rome never fell, and although they had no war, they had slavery and televised "gladiator-style" fights. It makes you think, which is better war & freedom vs. peace & slavery....Interesting food for thought.


Anyway, there is never any blood, main characters never die, a few fistfights, there is occasional smooching or implied stuff, but not even close to being shown, all around a very good show if you are wanting to avoid all that. You might enjoy it too, for different reasons. It can be very funny.


If it seems too much for you then wait a year, but it is more than fine for an 8 yo in my opinion. :D

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The Original Star Trek is actually perfect for that age group.

Thank you so much. It does sound perfect. I'm ok with love interests and smooching that is brief. I'm not ok with heavy panting and bedroom scenes for an 8yo.



but 60's TV was pretty heavily regulated for inappropriateness
You are right and I did not think of this.
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A Piece of the Action (where a whole planet acts like Chicago gangsters, due to a book accidentally being left on the planet by previous "star fleet visitors")

I love the card game that Kirk makes up in that one. I always think about "Fizzbin" when I'm trying to do negative numbers in math; the negative number rules make about as much sense to me as the card game rules.:lol: From Wikipedia:


Kirk's explanation of the game included a claim that it is played by inhabitants of the planet Beta Antares IV, Spock replied that he is familiar with the inhabitants; Kirk quickly cut him off to prevent his science officer from professing ignorance of the game.


The rules of Fizzbin were intentionally very complex. Each player gets six cards, except for the player on the dealer's right, who gets seven. The second card is turned up, except on Tuesdays. Kirk dealt the henchman two jacks, which are a "half-fizzbin." When the henchman said he needs another jack, Kirk warned that a third jack is a "shralk" and is grounds for disqualification. With two jacks, one wants a king and a deuce, except at night, when one wants a queen and a four.


At this point, Kirk dealt a third jack, but to keep the ruse going, he ignored the disqualification rule he had just made up. He explained that, had a king been dealt instead of a jack, the player would get another card, except when it is dark, in which case he would have to give it back. The top hand is a "royal fizzbin," but the odds of getting one are "astronomical": when Kirk asked Spock what the odds are, Spock truthfully replied that he had never computed them.


Kirk called the last card a "kronk" and then purposely dealt a card such that it fell on the floor. As the henchman being taught reached down, Spock nerve-pinched him while Kirk and McCoy attacked the other guards, allowing the three to escape.

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Well, sorry to disagree but at 8, this awfully conservative mom said no to Star Trek . . . and I still havent' said yes. I think the themes are entirely too adult and while it may not compare to what they could see on network television today, I don't allow that either so it isn't my standard.


I do like the series but there is, in my opinion, too much salaciousness and adult scenes that are hard to take: tense scenes, difficult topics, et c. not to mention violence (yes, I know, nothing compared to current network but that just isn't my standard).


Now that my girl is older I'm thinking that the tension may not be so much more than I'm willing to allow but I'd have to rewatch to decide. Still, though, that show was created during the height of what has become (accurately or not,w/ the benefit of hindsight) as the s3xual revolution and that is more than adequately reflected in the content of that show.

Salacious hussies, I say!


But then, that's just me.


There are some isolated episodes that are good and I let my girl watch a couple but then had to hear about how much she wanted to watch more and it b/c a battle. I'm sure when she's older yet I'll think that the episodes as jumping off points for discussion of some meaty topics would be appropriate and the material in general will be okay but for now, while her self-image is developing and . . . well, no.


just me, though.

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I think you will be fine. My kids don't watch TV here because nothing is redeeming on it but we have the entire original series of Star Trek on DVD and these are some of my kids favorites.


Actually one of my favorite memories of my youngest hapeened when she was about 3. We asked what her favorite character was, thinking she would say Barney or Elmo. No. Her answer was ..... James Kirk. We knew then that we had been watching too much Star Trek lately. At nine she still asks to watch these regularly.



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I have many discussions with myself about the worldly content to which my children will have access. On one hand I see the value in maintaining their innocence as long as possible. But I also weigh that against keeping them in the innocent bubble that I grew up in which I feel did not serve me well in many respects.


If only children came with a manual....

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We watched that as kids with my Dad. I hated them. I still hate them. I think they are completely demeaning to women. Alpha Male Kirk always wooing the scantily clad (by 60's standards) air-headed piece of eye candy.




But I'm sure they are tame by today's standards.

Edited by Daisy
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Daisy, I think you are right, now that I think about it, about ST demeaning women. There are just a few episodes when the woman is strong and not in need of rescue--and even most of those women are pretty scantily clad. Perhaps, OP, you could find a few online and preview--knowing the fashion of the time was short skirt and hi boots!

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We watched that as kids with my Dad. I hated them. I still hate them. I think they are completely demeaning to women. Alpha Male Kirk always wooing the scantily clad (by 60's standards) air-headed piece of eye candy.




But I'm sure they are tame by today's standards.


They're certainly of their time but then, that's the same of most classic shows, novels, etc. We're currently reading Little Women and The Odyssey and I Catherine and I often have to share an eye roll or two over the women and their roles and expectations in both works.


Yes, there's lot of sexism but it's a product of the 60's. There were also many impressive female characters in fairly unconventional roles. And yes all the girls fall for Kirk but frankly, Kirk comes by it honestly. He's an Odysseus himself, the golden boy leading his ship through often hostile waters with Calypsos and Nausicaas falling for his charms at every turn. Kirk is simply the continuation of a classic epic character.


I'd watch it. It's such an important piece of pop culture that not only relflects so much of the Western tradition but also has become a foundation for a lot of pop culture today. I really think the original series is one the true classics of the past century.

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They're certainly of their time but then, that's the same of most classic shows, novels, etc. We're currently reading Little Women and The Odyssey and I Catherine and I often have to share an eye roll or two over the women and their roles and expectations in both works.


Yes, there's lot of sexism but it's a product of the 60's. There were also many impressive female characters in fairly unconventional roles. And yes all the girls fall for Kirk but frankly, Kirk comes by it honestly. He's an Odysseus himself, the golden boy leading his ship through often hostile waters with Calypsos and Nausicaas falling for his charms at every turn. Kirk is simply the continuation of a classic epic character.



Possibly my own hang-up but I just felt Star Trek took the concept so much farther than most classical pieces of literature do. But maybe it was because my Dad was shaking his empty glass at me expecting me to refill it with sweet tea while he watched the show. :lol:


I don't consider myself a feminist but vintage Star Trek has always just rubbed me the wrong way. Hubby loved it. He remembers all the fighting and space ships, and thought Kirk was funny. I just wanted to smack Kirk and be done with it. LOL.


Previewing is always a good idea.

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My favourite part of the original ST is the make-up on the men. Lovely eyeshadow techniques in smoky violet. Kirk sometimes goes for bluish tints but Spock is faithful to violet. :D


I'm a feminist but I'm ok with them. Our youngest was 11 when we pulled them out. I think he would not have like the tension and 'scariness' before that but he's a terribly sensitive child.

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Love Star Trek. Jim Kirk is my hero--and I think he's pretty upright, funny, brave, and scrupulous. Not bad for an 8yo to watch.

I'd put his amorous exploits in the "character flaws" dept, but there's nothing inappropriate shown, and when he does fall in love, he shows himself to be a pretty good guy.


Yep, Kirk is a perfect gentleman....and honestly you never ever want to be his "girlfriend"....they always die!


He does "get the girl" quite often, but most of the time it's a lot of longing looks and the times that they do kiss it's the hokey grab her and plant your lips on her upper lip kind......unlike today's movies where you wonder if she can still breathe! Ewww.


If he finds the bad acting and very 60's sets and old technology to be unappealing, don't give up on the Star Trek franchise.....Star Trek Next Generation is a wonderful show that tackles a lot of ethical and moral dillemas....a bit hokey at times, but much better acting than the Original series. There are a couple of episodes that you'll probably want to skip, but I'd say less than a dozen over the course of 9 years of the show, and the descriptions will tell you which ones to avoid. Some of it may go right over his head even if you let it slip through. Voyager is another in the series that probably has even less romance. Deep Space 9 isn't so bad except the episodes with Quark's "bar" and his "dabo girls and the holosuites".

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We LOVE Star Trek--although the original series is NOT our favorite... our girls could never make it though most of them--they loved the Tribbles though--but that was because it was 'revisited' in another series (DS9 I think).


We were watching Deep Space Nine when middle dd was three (almost 4). One day at the store she looked around at all the people and she innocently asked me 'Mommy, are Ferengies real?' when I told her no she started to tear up--then sniffled out--'So that means Klingons are not real either...' it was a defining moment in her existance!:lol:


As I type this youngest dd7 is watching a Voyager eppisode with her dad. They do this most evenings after dinner.


We just finished watching the WHOLE Next Generation series... middle dd purchased it last year with her birthday money. We were ALL so sad when we got to the last eppisode... extra nice without commercials to skip...


Our pets also have Star Trek names... our first two dogs were Kira and Sisko (DS 9) our cat is Mr Neelix (Voyager). Our current dogs are Data and Geordi (pronounced like Jordy) both names from The Next Generation.


FYI we did send dd 7 out of the room for 3 or 4 of the TNG eppisodes... and she has not seen DS9 yet--but will sometime this year. She has seen all of the Voyager eppisodes (she did get bored with a few of them) and I'm fairly sure she has seen all of the Enterprise eppisodes. We will not let her watch any of the Star Trek movies until she is a teen.

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just the thought of previewing it makes me shudder. I am thinking of the series and I am thinking in terms of adult intimate moments.


We're watching these now with dc those ages.


I watched Star Trek reruns on tv when I was in grade school.


When I saw a couple episodes as an adult, I was surprised. As I kid, I didn't connect the dots ... Kirk was kissing a girl, it went to commercial, it came back and he was pulling on his boots ....






They're very tame by comparison to what's available today. I remember cringing at a couple of the fight scenes where he got hit with something, but that's in comparison to Lassie. They're even a bit cheesy because some of the props/staging are pretty lame, but the stories were interesting and give some history reference too!

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I hated hated loathed detested ST when I was a kid.


But as an adult I very much enjoy anything ST.


In fact, I have been falling asleep to my new DVD of the latest Star Trek movie


Speaking of, do any ST fans know why Leonard Nimoy is so prominently featured but there is not hide nor hair of William Shatner?

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I think they'd be fine for an 8 year old. Some of the plot lines are really funny.


Some of them even have historical content you can teach about later such as:

"Patterns of Force" (they go to a planet that is exactly like late 1930's Germany)

"Spectre of the Gun" (OK corral)

and the aforementioned "Piece of the Action".

There are probably some other ones that I can't remember right now.



There are also 6 movies that continue the original series, some are better than others. (You may want to preview some of those.)

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My son is 6 1/2 and there is no way I'd let him watch Star Trek when he's 8, probably more like 10. It's true that there isn't anything really scary (mainly because the sfx are so dated lol), but there's a lot of grossly oversimplifying difficult concepts. Eg there is an episode where the rulers of a planet make the decision to deliberately introduce a fatal infectious disease in a desperate attempt to curb rampant overpopulation. Also, even though it is never actually gory in terms of violence, it still gets intense, eg several episodes cover torture. I also consider the portrayal of women as problematic. Women are almost exclusively young, voluptuous and scantily clad (I believe Spock's mother is the only woman in the entire first series who I would call modestly dressed). They are for the most part in need of male assistance, infatuated with Kirk and co, irrational etc. Uhura is the only female in a main role and she is often timid and/or obsessed about her appearance. There are several episodes with jokes about the capriciousness of women.

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My 12 yr old DD just finished watching the first season of the series on Netflix watch it now. DS 9 saw a few of the episodes, but he wasn't as into them as DD. I think some of it is a little slow for him, but DD loves it, and is looking forward to the second season. She also wants to watch the movies.


I forgot about the Next Generation, I'm going to have to see if those are on Netflix! I could never sit through either series as a kid, and I just couldn't get into the original when DD was watching...maybe I'll like the Next Generation better. I've always been more of a Star Wars fan. :tongue_smilie:

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When I saw a couple episodes as an adult, I was surprised. As I kid, I didn't connect the dots ... Kirk was kissing a girl, it went to commercial, it came back and he was pulling on his boots ....




Had I known this, I migh have watched those reruns.


I just googled Uhura. Wow. Those boots, that bare belly button, making out with Kirk? That had to have people screaming back then.


We haven't had a who's hotter, Kirk or Jean Luc? thread yet, have we?

Edited by LibraryLover
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We were watching Deep Space Nine when middle dd was three (almost 4). One day at the store she looked around at all the people and she innocently asked me 'Mommy, are Ferengies real?' when I told her no she started to tear up--then sniffled out--'So that means Klingons are not real either...' it was a defining moment in her existance!:lol:


Dd8 used to like to cuddle with older girls when she was really little (preschool age). She called them her "Cling- on" friends. We had to do a lot of explaining to the teens that she really wasn't calling them Klingons!

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for an 8yo it would depend on the child. It's really pretty mild but some episodes are intense or just a bit weird and might be confusing. I have the 3 dvd box set myself (can you say Trekkie?)and my kids have seen (and loved) a handful of the episodes but there are some we won't watch together yet for various reasons. We DID see the new Trek movie in the theater together and everyone loved it so much (a few really unfortunate PG13+ comments!) we saw it back to back in the theater then bought it the DAY it came out. I'd say watch a couple episodes then decide or preview them prior to letting your child watch and be prepared to discuss them. Steer clear of the books though they were written with an adult audience in mind and many would be R rated if you rated books like movies! (I only mention this because I had a friend who's 10 yo son was gleefully reading them without her being aware of the difference)

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If he finds the bad acting and very 60's sets and old technology to be unappealing, ....".


This is what happened to my oldest, when we were looking for something to fill the gap in between Star Wars. We started with the movies and those were pretty good for him, but when he got the actual series he hardly watched it. My younger daughter and I are the only ones who watch it.


I didn't explore any of the later versions and probably should have--he probably would have liked those more.

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I hated hated loathed detested ST when I was a kid.


But as an adult I very much enjoy anything ST.


In fact, I have been falling asleep to my new DVD of the latest Star Trek movie


Speaking of, do any ST fans know why Leonard Nimoy is so prominently featured but there is not hide nor hair of William Shatner?



Kirk died in one of the movies. Also, Vulcans are extremely long lived which gives them more flexibility with Spock.

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Oh, please! Jean Luc, hands down. Only now it's Sir Jean Luc. :tongue_smilie:


Not a chance. Kirk for sure!


I have to say though, for those NG fans touting the educational value of STNG the old series had much of the same kinds of plots and dilemmas. STNG was just carrying on the tradition.


As for the bad acting pot shots at the old cast I'm a little put out over that considering the STNG crew barely seemed capable of acting below the neck. Most scenes seemed to consist of head shot after head shot.


For the record, I much prefer the original series if no one had guessed that. :D

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We haven't had a who's hotter, Kirk or Jean Luc? thread yet, have we?


Picard, hands down.


My ds much preferred Next Generation to the original series. Then he moved onto Deep Space Nine, Voyager. Voyager is probably the family favorite, but ds learned a lot from watching Next Generation. We referenced the series a lot this year in science.


Don't forget the Beowulf episode on Voyager, or the WWII resistance episode.:lol:

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We haven't had a who's hotter, Kirk or Jean Luc? thread yet, have we?



  1. Picard when being tortured by Gul Madred in Chain of Command.

  2. Sisko.

  3. Picard in all other scenes


I adore Shatner, but don't find him the least bit sexy. I never watched much Voyager, because I can't handle Kate Mulgrew's voice.

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I just googled Uhura. Wow. Those boots, that bare belly button, making out with Kirk?

That Kirk and Uhura kiss was the first interracial kiss on television (unless you count all the aliens Kirk kissed). Quite a big deal back then. Some stations refused to air the episode.

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For anyone who drools over Captain Kirk, DO NOT look at any photos of William Shatner now. He has, um, not aged quite as gracefully as some people.


Personally, the Picard wins hands down. I love Earl Grey tea, I love Shakespeare, and the other literary references he does.

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