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S/O: *Where* would you build your dream house?

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Right exactly where I live now. I love my location. My house needs a ton of work; it would be best to gut and start over.


I'd do a small-ish house, but well planned. With the extra money, I'd move next door to my SIL in FL from Jan through March. I wouldn't go anywhere exotic,as I need to have family around. I can't do a condo, because I need a garden. As long as we are speculating. :D

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Honestly? I'd love to build a new house on the lot we currently live on! This house just does NOT work for our family very well, but I love our location. I've been trying to figure out ways to torch it so we can start over <cough> I mean, make it work. :D


ETA: Laurie! We have the exact same thought. <high five>

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Well, I love my house, my lot and my location. But if I had to move somewhere else and the connections here were not a factor, it would be the Shennandoah area of Virginia. I contemplate, and sometimes carry out, looking at property there. Those mountains take my breath away. But the roots we have here are of utmost importance to me at this time and I don't see that changing soon. So, here we remain.

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I doubt I'll ever leave NJ and I like my location but I don't love it. It has it's benefits but I'd like to move somewhere that I didn't have to drive everywhere I want to go. If I were in Central/South Jersey, then my family still wouldn't be too far away up in Bergen County.


I think I'd like Colts Neck. Country life, central to many things.


Or Rumson! Nice town, nice beaches.

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I'd love to have a lake front home. The lake would need to be big enough to boat and ski but small enough that it was a local attraction not a tourist attraction. And I'd like our property to have access with a dock &/or beach area. I'm not sure where the lake should be, I love NC, VA, TN, KY, WV, IN, GA, SC. I like having four seasons but I don't want winter to be the longest season.

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I honestly don't know. I have family in GA and family in TX and my remaining kids have ties here but who knows where they will end up. My calling is more to my family than a particular place so I will always be where family is. TX has more claim to home than anywhere else but if money was not an issue and I could take all my family with me, then Boston would surely win.

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I have no idea.


We would like a place that...


Gets plenty of snow in the winter...as in it snows a decent amount, sticks, and stays a while.


Gets plenty of sun during the summer without being too hot


Has mountains, lakes/rivers, and beaches


Has easy homeschool laws (I'm not against declaring and annual testing)


Has a decent-sized, conservative (but not too conservative), friendly homeschooling community


Plenty of work for DH


Is safe for the kids to play without too much worry



Does that place exist?

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In rural WI, but not near a lake. I dont' like lakes, I would never be caught in one, and I don't like boats either. LOL


I can also tell you the one place I'd never want to put one, RI, you couldn't pay me to move back there (the Navy's tried and I won't go, that's the one place dh has to go on his own if stationed there again)

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My hometown, Accident, MD. It has gorgeous mountain views. But it also has over 100" of snow per year, so I wouldn't move back until I retire so that I don't have to drive to work in the snow all winter. But to sit by a warm fire with a book while looking out at the snow....that is a piece of heaven.

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I want a least 40 acres, most of which would be wooded. I would like a river running through the property OR I would like it to be on Lake MI (right, 40 acres bordering Lake MI :lol: - although, I would settle for less acreage, but no visible neighbors if the opportunity so presented itself). I would like to be about 30 min from the nearest city that has everything I need, including entertainment. I want to keep all 4 seasons. Other than that, I really don't care what state (or country, for that matter) it is in.


We have been actively looking for this for the past several months - MI has some very promising properties lately...

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I would love to live in Northern Maine, Northern Minnesota, or the Pacific Northwest. I love snow, rain, and green stuff. :) If I could take my current home (with a few improvments) and plunk it down on 20 acres in those places I would be one happy camper. Anywhere close to a beach or lake would be even better but I wont get to picky.

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I think I would build it on the beach in Rhode Island. Of course, if I'd like to get away from the cold winter, I would probably spend a bit of time in Aruba. :tongue_smilie:


LOL! We owned our nightmare house near the beach in RI! Actually, it was not a nightmare, but it certainly was not a dream house either. I have to say, I am missing the quick access to lobster boats on New Year's Eve that we had there.


I have no idea where my dream house would be - I love the beach, but I am not sure which one. Nice, France maybe?!

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Northern Aroostook County Maine. I'd like 50+ very secluded acres.



Oh I would die if this ever happened!! :) I have links upon links saved for the area. We have attempted to move there twice now but something always happens and we stay here in Idaho.


Someday thats what I have to tell myself!

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Neat! I lived in Fort Fairfield for almost 4 years. Beautiful country. You couldn't pay me enough to move to NYC :D

We are in Houlton

Oh I would die if this ever happened!! :) I have links upon links saved for the area. We have attempted to move there twice now but something always happens and we stay here in Idaho.


Someday thats what I have to tell myself!

You guys have to move here and keep me company.

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We built ours on a golf course. It's absolutely gorgeous, lots of big trees, but sometimes I feel like I need to put bike helmets on the kids before I send them out into the back yard. We're on the second hole, and we find golf balls everywhere---in the front yard, in the back yard, on the porch, in the pool, in the dog yard...ugh. Our school room is all the way upstairs, as we call it, in the 3rd story, and I just about had a heart attack one day last spring when a ball hit the back of the house where we were sitting.


We have dents in the bronze-metal window trim and the copper guttering. It drives me totally insane.


I guess the views make up for it. Our lot is huge and pretty private, too.


Okay, I feel really guilty for complaining! I wouldn't trade this house for anything.

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It would be about 5 miles form here in a little town called New Hill. It's close enough to all our school stuff and church and shopping. But it's still "out in the country" enough to be able to get a bit of land. Also not too far from dh's office.


If it were to be built after kids and "grown and gone"... probably still New Hill. Same reasons as above. Still close to the things I enjoy.

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I honestly don't know. We haven't found that place yet. One big requirement, NO SNOW! We grew up in it, just got stuck in a storm visiting family, don't miss it at all. Near a nice beach would be a big plus.


We move about every 4-5 years and our next one will be to Texas, but I'm not sure that would be our "forever place".

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I want to live in the mountains -- close enough to some sort of civilization where we could get what we need without too much hassle but no neighbors within spitting distance. I would love to get away from the urban sprawl that is taking over every inch of green and/or wooded space in our area. If not the mountains, I would also take the Hill Country of Texas.

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