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how many children do you have

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Three grown dss, two grown step dss, one adopted dd (who is my bio grand dd) - and seven grandchildren.


Out of all these dear ones we only have our dd at home, who we are hs'ing. I always wanted one more child, and it was amazing that when she got here she was a girl!




Edited by HSMom2One
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We have seven.... nephew 29, niece 23, nephew 20, ds 14, dd 14, ds 10, ds 8.


We just started to homeschool the 14 yr olds for high school. May homeschool ds 10 next year starting 6th grade. Ds 8 will stay in public school for now... probably start hsing him in 6th grade. Really depends how things go this year with the high schoolers...

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We have 2 girls 2 years apart. We would have had 3 if the first two were opposite gender or there was a 100% guarantee the third would be a boy. I just wasn't willing to mess with the great relationship between the first two by adding a third girl (I can't imagine the drama) and I definitely didn't want 4 kids.

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We have seven; I'm 43. I don't know if we're done or not -- sorta think so, but part of me also wants one more little girl! We also have our home study done and can adopt out of the foster care system. We'll see! We LOVE, LOVE, LOVE our big family ............

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We have 6 children here. Ages are 26 year old boy, 21 year old girl, 11 year old boy, 9 year old girl, 6 year old boy and a 4 year old boy.


I'm going to be 44 real soon and I am very content with the number of children I have and I am all done in the baby making department.


Now I am looking forward to future grandchildren in the next 5 to 10 years.

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if this is to forward just whack me with a ruler but are they all yours or did you adopt?


I am pretty sure they are all hers. I once looked at her website and her family is absolutely gorgeous, btw.


There are a couple of ladies on this site with similarly big families. Impressive.


I have seven and am expecting #8. We don't plan on having more, so I am enjoying extra this time of my life. Also, in 10 years' time or less, I'd be expecting grandkids so that'll be fun and interesting!!

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4 combined and no more on the way. I wish we could have more, but I had that fixed and now regret it. Big mistake.


This is us as well. I wish, for my own foolish sake, that it was MUCH harder to have things 'fixed'. Like maybe some required counseling, or at least some encouragement to talk to a woman who had it done and then had regrets.


ETA: I don't think having things 'fixed' is a foolish mistake for everyone, or that everyone should or will regret it. Just for me.

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We have five children, ages 23, 12, 9, 6, and 4. My partner thinks five is enough. I'm not sure. We have no plans right now, though, except to focus on something besides babies for the next six years. Maybe there'll be another 11 year split between the current four-year-old and the next one, just like there is between the oldest and second oldest. That would be nice and symmetrical.

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