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Everything posted by Petie

  1. How about just saying, "She can't make it this time". No lying, and no embarassing her needlessly. As much as I understand the need for her to learn, I don't feel that embarassing her publicly will help with that. Of course, I have a 12 yr. old boy as opposed to a girl (my daughter is still young enough for time-outs to be the strictest form of discipline) and he doesn't worry about how many people know he's on restriction, but I still would avoid blatant embarassment as a tactic. For us, we don't believe it is beneficial for him.
  2. I'm shopping for a cover school right now and wondering who you all would suggest. We are not christian so we can't use one the requires a statement of faith. I've talked to a couple on the phone and they sounded nice and helpful, but how do you choose which one to use. We are not close enough to any that I know of for field trips, co-ops, etc. to be a deciding factor. Any suggestions???
  3. We're in lower alabama. Not far from the Georgia border, but we're south east. So depending on where in the east you are, we may be close.
  4. DD is 6 1/2 with ASD. So the other day, she is having a complete meltdown, I mean a bad one. Biting, kicking, screaming, scratching spitting, all of it. We finally managed to get her a little calm and then it would start over, so about an hour in, during one of the calmer moments she looks at dh and screams "I NEED TO BE ALONE NOW!" This is the FIRST time she has verbalized that. The first time that SHE decided SHE could calm herself by being alone. WOW!! I'm so proud. Of course I tell her psych and she has a way of bringing us down. "That is wonderful, I'm proud of her. But now you know, since we know she can do it, we need to expect her to continue. Oh and when she is consistently asking for alone time, we need to start working with her on asking BEFORE the meltdown." Well, yeah, but let me enjoy it for just a little bit please. :tongue_smilie:
  5. I like the sound of analytical grammar, especially the grade part. Considering I am not planning on hs'ing him longterm, I like the idea of being able to go to the school and show them that he did this over the summer. Hopefully that will prevent them from placing him in the slower class. He is a smart kid, just somewhere along the line, this got missed. Does analytical grammar come in different levels? If so, which level do I get? I'll probably figure this part out before you respond as I'm going to the website right after I post this. But just in case...
  6. My stepson is in 7th grade but is behind in language arts. This summer I want to catch him up before he starts 8th next year. He goes to ps. Any way, he has trouble with simple things like identifying a noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, direct object, indirect object etc. Bascially all the stuff you do when you diagram a sentence. His LA teacher here is concerned that he so far behind so I need some ideas on how to get him caught up. A curriculum that works specifically on this aspect would be best. He reads well, though not well aloud so we are working on that. His spelling is decent but this is his challenge. Any suggestions?
  7. Ester, I have to say, I was typing my reply as you were posting yours and yours has definately given me food for thought. Let me discuss it with dh and ds. I definately don't want to overload the kids but I definately see your point and actually agree greatly with it. I was looking more at the time issue than anything, but if we can fit it in, I am definately going to look at doing that. Maybe this year we'll start with roots based, and see if time allows us to expand to a full on study of Latin.
  8. I like the idea of Hebrew in depth and just a roots study in Latin. I think that's the way we'll go with that. Oh and thank you ladies for the Hebrew recommendations. We were planning on using Rosetta Stone, but I'll look into those options too.
  9. We used Phonics Pathways for ds when he was 3 and it worked well. We are now using it with my 6 yr. old and her ability has improved drastically. She has alot of difficulty in learning new concepts so to find anything that works is wonderful for us. I plan on using this with my now 3 yr. old when he matures a bit.
  10. DS 2 wants to learn to speak fluently in Hebrew, and we are actually excited about learning. But, this is going to be our first year homeschooling the kids (minus kindy for ds 2) and I know Latin is important in a classical curriculum. So the question is, do we focus on Hebrew, or go ahead and learn latin? DS wants to study to become a Rabbi and even has the high school he wants to attend picked out. But hebrew is VERY imortant for that. We also plan on going to Israel in a few years for a trip, so it would be helpful for that. On the other hand much of English is based on Latin. I am torn, so help me out. What would you do.
  11. What do you suggest for a good handwriting curriculum? I have a sun with developmental coordination disorder, which put plainly means he has trouble with his fine and gross motor skills. The neurologist says he may never learn to hold a pencil "correctly", tie his shoes properly, ride a bike, etc. but that he will learn to compensate for his weak areas. So I need a curriculum to help him out. He has ALOT of trouble writing (he's 8). It's not fatigue as he isn't complaining about his hand hurting or complaining about doing the writing, he just has trouble controlling the pencil. Any suggestions?
  12. 4 combined and no more on the way. I wish we could have more, but I had that fixed and now regret it. Big mistake.
  13. DD is 6 1/2 and has Asperger's and with that we have Receptive and expressive language disorder's but she also has actual speech issues. She can't pronounce S R L T F G K. So she is in PS right now and they are FINALLY going to get her into speech therapy. My question is, when I start to hs her, is there a speech program I can use at home? If not how much does therapy cost out of pocket as my insurance won't cover it because the school system provides it?
  14. I'm in Ozark, AL and wondering if anyone else is in this area???
  15. You know, my mother lives with us, and I actually have to deal with this often. She likes to spoil the kids. I have found that reminding her of her time as the mom helps. Usually I just say something like, "Mom, when I was young, what would you have done if I would have_____?" And then kindly explain that, "I'm the mom now and you need to respect that I'm going to discipline them when they act up. If you can't, then you are free to leave the room when I do." Alot of times turning it around on them helps, "Mom what would you have done if I did that and grandma yelled at you for correcting me?"
  16. OK, I figure I'd introduce myself and kind of explain my title. I am a mother of 4. 1 Stepson, and 2 boys of my own and one girl. I homeschooled my stepson for 3 years ending about 3 years ago. I homeschooled my next son for kindy and then sent him to ps. Well, the ps is failing my 8 yr. old and my 6 yr. old daughter in opposite ways. 8 yr. old is too advanced and they have no way to keep him engaged, and 6 yr. old needs some special help which they seem to be unable to provide. So I'm going back to hsing next year, actually we will begin as soon as this school year is out. I don't want to go through the hassle of pulling them out mid-year since I don't even know HOW to do that. So I figure this gives me time to plan and gather materials. So at any rate, I got rid of all my hs books and materials 3 yrs ago, so I'm back to curriculum shopping and WOW it is a challenge. Anyway, the only child I WON'T be hsing is my stepson who is almost 13 and has decided that he knows WAY more than I ever will, and thinks school is the greatest. So, I'm back to it, and now, tomorrow, I'm headed to B&N to pick up a copy of Well-Trained mind AGAIN. I can't wait to get to know all of you.
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