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What is it about WalMart that brings out one's Inner Beast?

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Is it the brightness of the lights? The narrowness of the aisles? The general over-crowdedness? The dull background noise combined with the more pronounced sounds of crabby people and screaming children?


I went Christmas shopping today. Best Buy was fine - crowded, but generally fine. Barnes and Noble was lovely as usual - crowded, but every one was fairly quiet and it smelled really great in there. Then I had to go to WalMart. I needed to return an online order.


(pardon me while I take a deep, cleansing breath...)


Two children were SCREAMING at the top of thier lungs immediately as I walked in the door. And it all went downhill from there. Screaming children, yelling adults, nobody driving down the right side of the aisles. People grabbing, walking in front of others - and stopping. It was exhausting and frustrating and I just wanted to bolt, but I thought I'd check there for some of the gifts on my list. Just before I left, I decided I wanted to get a jar of Kalmatas (they have a really great price on the big imported jars), even though I knew I had to get out of there just to preserve my sanity. The aisle was crammed. I weaved carefully, said "excuse me", "pardon me" and "thank you". Then this man, who obviously saw me coming, slowly turned his cart sideways in the aisle and stepped over to peruse the shelves on the opposite side, blocking the entire thing. That was it. The pain behind my left eye literally shot down the back of my head as I made a face that had to have looked similar to this one: :angry: and I said, "Dude, you gotta get out of my way." (Now, just for the record, I really don't speak like that. Well, not out loud.) He stood there a moment, before deciding it was in his best interest to move, and move quickly. I grabbed my olives and nearly sprinted to the front of the store.


I still had more things to get, more places to go. But I came directly home instead and poured a glass of wine.

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I have no answers for you, but I feel your pain (that one that shoots through the eye, LOL). I haven't set foot in a WalMart in over 3 years for that very reason. I can't make myself do it.


Have you ever seen the People of WalMart website? I will not link it here as some may be offended, but oh, man. Pour another glass and check *that* out. :lol:

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It really depends on where you are. When I lived in Maryland it was just as you describe. One of the WalMarts where I used to live was in a town called Catonsville, but people called it the Satansville WalMart. You can guess why.


But where I am now (tiny town in PA) there's a different feel to the people. The WalMart isn't as crowded (because there are fewer people) and no one is rude.


I had stopped going to WalMart in my old neighborhood, but now I go again and there's no problem.

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One year I went to Walmart at 7:30 am the Saturday before Christmas. Now being the Saturday before Christmas you would think they would have plenty of checkers on hand by the time I was ready to check out after 8am. But no, they had hardly and checkers and I stood in line so long that I was about to add the people around me to my Christmas card list.


While I was in line this cute young thing walks up to the checker with a single pair of black, very high heeled shoes and asks to be checked out since she only had one item. And the louse did it! Now I'm usually pretty patient in lines but I seriously felt like throwing my canned pumpkin at them both.

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Our WalMarts are as you describe. Evil, evil places that I would never willingly go to. My Mom's WalMart in Alabama is great, clean, and friendly. I go into culture shock every time I walk into the store with her.


The only thing I can think of is that ours are overcrowded. No one seems to care. Toilets are overflowing, horrid garbage on the floors, half-naked babies screaming their heads off, people pushing & shoving their way through the clearance racks. Shiver. There is nothing I could ever possibly need that would induce me to go to WalMart in our town.

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I loathe, loathe, LOATHE Wal-Mart with a steaming hot seething passion of a million suns!


It makes me feel overstimilated and crazy and my response is to shut down. I don't want to speak, be spoken TO, etc. It is excrutiating.


I absolutely hate it. I would rather (and ususally DO) spend slightly more money to go somewhere else! YUCK! :glare:

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I hate Wal-Mart. Unfortunately, I live too far from Target to go on a regular basis, and the nearest K-Mart is almost as bad as Wal-Mart and has higher prices. I have seen people walking around in their pajamas, women who look like prostitutes and shirtless men, all in my local Wal-Mart. And people are so rude!!! We shop at Publix for our groceries. There is a Wal-Mart right across the street. If you go to one, then the other, it is like being in a totally different world.

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I loathe, loathe, LOATHE Wal-Mart with a steaming hot seething passion of a million suns!


It makes me feel overstimilated and crazy and my response is to shut down. I don't want to speak, be spoken TO, etc. It is excrutiating.


I absolutely hate it. I would rather (and ususally DO) spend slightly more money to go somewhere else! YUCK! :glare:


You must be my long lost twin. I couldn't have said it better.

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God bless my dh. I loathe grocery stores in general and wacko-mart as I call it in particuliar. Actually I hate nearly all kinds of shopping.


You think going in solo is bad.


It'll make you phobic to do it with 5+ kids in tow. *shudder*


AND it's the "winter has frozen the last marbles bouncing around in their brains season.


No way.




Since I was pregnant with my 5th dc, I am very nearly phobic about it. I won't go without dh and most of the time he goes with a list and without me.

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I braved WalMart today and it was as last resort. My mom bought my dd a bed skirt that was the wrong color at WM and it was what we needed to set up her bed. I went to the one closest to my home for them to only tell me that they no longer carry those because the WM on the other side of town does. They feel it is best for each WM to carry different items. What???


In the corner where bedding was (at the WM across town), there was music playing for the baby items - some lullaby something over the loud speaker. My aisle had some classical playing very loudly, and literally 2 aisles over was more modern music from the electronics section playing loudly. I couldn't even think. I left with a massive headache. I went ahead and picked up a couple of other things we needed and every single one was not priced correctly in the system. I checked very carefully before putting them in my cart by comparing UPC onthe tag to the one on the price sticker. I finally told the lady not to bother. I would shop somewhere else.


The nearest KMart and Target are 50 miles away. When we still had a KMart I often paid their higher prices just to avoid the chaos at WalMart. Now I spend a lot of money at the Dollar General and Family Dollar just to avoid WM. My time and sanity are worth more than any avings I get at WM.


Then I saw a friend who works for WalMart and she said they no longer receive paychecks. They have debit cards with their pay added to it each month. They can use it to shop all they want, but they can only make one cash withdrawal a month or fines will be charged as well for each transaction after that. I understand save a tree, but to penalize someone for taking their pay out as cash is just wrong IMO.

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Then I saw a friend who works for WalMart and she said they no longer receive paychecks. They have debit cards with their pay added to it each month. They can use it to shop all they want, but they can only make one cash withdrawal a month or fines will be charged as well for each transaction after that. I understand save a tree, but to penalize someone for taking their pay out as cash is just wrong IMO.


Can they deposit a debit card in the bank and use it from thier checking acct? Wierd. I've never heard of that before!

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I intentionally don't shop at big box stores ~ including Best Buy and Barnes & Noble ~ and highly recommend this lifestyle choice. Since Wal-Mart grates on your nerves, vote with your feet and don't shop there ~ not even online since, as evidenced by your post, that may result in a visit to the store anyway.

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Can they deposit a debit card in the bank and use it from thier checking acct? Wierd. I've never heard of that before!

She said she removes almost all of it as soon as the pay is placed on it. She can't take it all off for penalties. The money she takes out she puts into her other account or savings.


I had never heard of it before but a cashier at McDonalds today said they were going to the same method in the next month or two when I made a comment about not having any cash.

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I think your friend is slightly misinformed. Yes, employees can get their pay on a debit card but paper checks and direct deposit to your bank account are still available and are not being discontinued. The debit card option is great for people with no bank accounts and that's one reason it was introduced.

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When I lived in Northern CA, I did not shop at Walmart. It was like Daisy described. Same in Albuquerque except in always had no stock of anything I did want. After a stint in Europe, we moved to an island in Florida. The Walmart there was fine, stocked and friendly cashier and no gigantic problems. Here the Walmart is miles away in a direction I don't normally go and is also unpleasant. I went once and haven't returned,

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We live in a pretty isolated area and I drive the hour to get to Target without a glance at the Walmart that I can get to in 30 minutes.


We've lived in five states and IME most Walmarts are the same. However, I will say that in hubby's hometown (about 2 1/2 hrs from us) there is a new Walmart that doesn't make me feel like I need a shower as soon as I get home.

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do you live in South Georgia? You have just about described the walmart in Fitzgerald, just don't forget the migrant farm workers that come every sunday in the summer by the bus loads. I don't like going to Wal-mart but where I live you don't have any other options so Walmart or bust



Oh. Yes, let's jump on the "busloads" of certain kinds of people. Well at least you don't think you're too good to shop where the migrant workers shop. :rolleyes:

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Since he lost his job a year ago, my dh has been working at Walmart. He can not get a paper check, but we have direct deposit, so we don't have to worry about the cash cards. I think they offer them for those without bank accounts.


I shop regularly at 4 different Walmarts around here, and I have never had an experience such as those described here. I have also stopped at many while traveling in the northwest, and none have been dirty, or awful. Actually on Black Friday I had a blast waiting in line at Walmart for almost two hours. I chatted with those around me and it was great. The only rude people I encountered during 10 hours of shopping that day were at Macy's and the mall.

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I intentionally don't shop at big box stores ~ including Best Buy and Barnes & Noble ~ and highly recommend this lifestyle choice. Since Wal-Mart grates on your nerves, vote with your feet and don't shop there ~ not even online since, as evidenced by your post, that may result in a visit to the store anyway.


Colleen- Thanks! I totally agree. I used to shop at our Wal Mart because I felt I could not afford the other options. One evening I totally broke down after witnessing an episode of spousal and child abuse in the Wal Mart aisle (and it was not the first I have seen there, believe me). My husband wisely told me that we could do without if it meant being exposed to that. I now go to the more expensive but locally owned store. Strangely enough, our budget stretched just fine. Sure, we do with less, but the quality of goods is higher, so I think it evened out over the long run. I believe in prayer, so I continue to pray daily for the people who live in the darkness of an abusive situation. Local stores contribute to the life of the community; I hope that by supporting local businesses, maybe I can put a slight dent in the poverty and ignorance that keeps the abuse cycle going.


Whew. Thanks for listening to that folks, I still get choked up about it.

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Guest janainaz
I still had more things to get, more places to go. But I came directly home instead and poured a glass of wine.


Why not hire a designated driver, have the wine first, then go to Wal Mart? :D

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I think your friend is slightly misinformed. Yes, employees can get their pay on a debit card but paper checks and direct deposit to your bank account are still available and are not being discontinued. The debit card option is great for people with no bank accounts and that's one reason it was introduced.


Direct deposit is also available.

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Add me to the list of Walmart-haters. The people are okay, but it's always crowded and there are never enough checkers so the lines are 20 minutes long. I stick to Target and (even better) Amazon.


My dh, on the other hand, would much rather go to Walmart than Target. I have no idea why, and he can't explain it either. After 20 years of marriage, the man still has the ability to mystify me. :001_smile:

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Ok - you absolutely have to check out the People of Walmart blog.


One of my favorites is at the link.


I detest Walmart. They buy new items from vendors on a one year contract and, at the end of the year, agree to renew, but only if the vendor drops the wholesale price. They keep doing this until the vendor cannot afford to continue producing the product, and Walmart offers to buy them out. And then Walmart ships production of the item overseas.


This is why you no longer see all of the "Proudly made in America" signs in Walmart. And why I refuse to shop there.


That, and the fact it is an Aspergian hell.




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All I can say is they could get me to stay longer if they didn't use fluorescent lights with so much green in them. I can honestly say I can't go into WM at night. The difference is more like a sting to my eyes.


So, as the OP suggested, yes I think it's the lights.

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Is it the brightness of the lights? The narrowness of the aisles? The general over-crowdedness? The dull background noise combined with the more pronounced sounds of crabby people and screaming children?


I went Christmas shopping today. Best Buy was fine - crowded, but generally fine. Barnes and Noble was lovely as usual - crowded, but every one was fairly quiet and it smelled really great in there. Then I had to go to WalMart. I needed to return an online order.


(pardon me while I take a deep, cleansing breath...)


Two children were SCREAMING at the top of thier lungs immediately as I walked in the door. And it all went downhill from there. Screaming children, yelling adults, nobody driving down the right side of the aisles. People grabbing, walking in front of others - and stopping. It was exhausting and frustrating and I just wanted to bolt, but I thought I'd check there for some of the gifts on my list. Just before I left, I decided I wanted to get a jar of Kalmatas (they have a really great price on the big imported jars), even though I knew I had to get out of there just to preserve my sanity. The aisle was crammed. I weaved carefully, said "excuse me", "pardon me" and "thank you". Then this man, who obviously saw me coming, slowly turned his cart sideways in the aisle and stepped over to peruse the shelves on the opposite side, blocking the entire thing. That was it. The pain behind my left eye literally shot down the back of my head as I made a face that had to have looked similar to this one: :angry: and I said, "Dude, you gotta get out of my way." (Now, just for the record, I really don't speak like that. Well, not out loud.) He stood there a moment, before deciding it was in his best interest to move, and move quickly. I grabbed my olives and nearly sprinted to the front of the store.


I still had more things to get, more places to go. But I came directly home instead and poured a glass of wine.


This is my Wal-Mart (and to be fair, all the grocery stores in my town) from Friday evenings to Sunday evenings!! It's like I've entered the Twilight Zone. :001_huh:


This is the reason that I do my shopping on Monday mornings.

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Ok - you absolutely have to check out the People of Walmart blog.


One of my favorites is at the link.


I detest Walmart. They buy new items from vendors on a one year contract and, at the end of the year, agree to renew, but only if the vendor drops the wholesale price. They keep doing this until the vendor cannot afford to continue producing the product, and Walmart offers to buy them out. And then Walmart ships production of the item overseas.


This is why you no longer see all of the "Proudly made in America" signs in Walmart. And why I refuse to shop there.


That, and the fact it is an Aspergian hell.







I heard of this many years back, about a pickle company. If I remember correctly, they were put out of business.

I avoid Walmart as much as possible, for the sheer principle of it. They drive small family, and even medium size businesses out of business.


If we shop the sales, our little local grocery stores can compete with the prices, it just involves a little bit more effort. AND they have boys to bag my stuff, and actually lift it into the car, while chatting nicely during the walk out!


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:iagree: I'm like Cinderella at the ball if I'm not out of there before 9:30 am.


We have 3 Super Walmarts in our town, and dang it if they aren't the least expensive places to shop. Sam's is good too.


Walmart is a reality of our lives too. I have rules about when I go though. never on Saturday, ds and I call that violating the second law of life. I grocery shop on Sunday morning and it's very peaceful. Unfortunately there isn't an affordable grocery store closer.
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Yesterday, I went to pick up Christmas cards I ordered online from Walmart. They asked if I needed envelopes. Yes, I plan to mail my 75 Christmas cards versus what? They had run out of envelopes. Offered me envelopes 2x too big. Got manager, asked for 2 free boxes from office supplies in store. No, he says, if I want I can get a refund. Yeah, like I am going to let you keep 75 pics of my kids. Finally, he gives me 2 free boxes of envelopes (total $3). Each box had 40 envelopes so he made sure sales lady took out 5 of the envelopes! Wow, I was even very nice the whole time. Much said for customer service.

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See, all the reasons provided in this thread are collectively why we rarely go there. After yesterday's trip (and it was to a nicer, newer one, compared to the others in town), and my own over-the-edge experience, I'm inclined to believe there is just something about the store itself that adversely affects all those who enter it.

Kinda like Dante's Hell - "All hope abondon, ye who enter in!"

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I loathe, loathe, LOATHE Wal-Mart with a steaming hot seething passion of a million suns!


It makes me feel overstimilated and crazy and my response is to shut down. I don't want to speak, be spoken TO, etc. It is excrutiating.


I absolutely hate it. I would rather (and ususally DO) spend slightly more money to go somewhere else! YUCK! :glare:


:iagree: I could not have said it better myself!

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See, all the reasons provided in this thread are collectively why we rarely go there. After yesterday's trip (and it was to a nicer, newer one, compared to the others in town), and my own over-the-edge experience, I'm inclined to believe there is just something about the store itself that adversely affects all those who enter it.

Kinda like Dante's Hell - "All hope abondon, ye who enter in!"


Okay, now that's funny. I wonder if we printed signs and taped them to the door...:lol::lol: Nah, that would just be another homeschooling family in the news.

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I always hear how much people dislike Wal-Mart.....yet we have three WalMarts within 15 minutes of us and I've never had a problem at any of them. And to tell you to the truth, even Black Fridays are just fine. So I dunno. :confused:


The Super Walmart in Minot, ND is a veritable Nordstrom of good service. Pleasant, clean, well-mannered staff, nice patrons...well, Minot ND is the most well-mannered place I have ever lived. I LOVED going there. But the Walmart here in the desert is the 5th Circle of You Know Where. The People of Walmart blog would have an eternal source of material.


My pet peeve about WM is the tendency of people to drive the wrong way down one-way parking lanes. They do this at EVERY SINGLE WM I have EVER been to. WHY?????????? They don't do this anywhere else....

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I lived about 15m from the scuzziest Walmart in town. We found one 45m away in a neighboring town that was clean, bright, friendly, and empty. Great criteria. We were thrilled to find out we were getting a brand new Walmart in our new shopping center five minutes from our house. Within one month the scuzzies had found our new Walmart and invaded. Devestating! So we are now back to the one in the other town. Which by the way just got brand new carts. They are a thing of beauty. LOL

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I frequently drop in at Walmart since it's so close. I've never felt negatively about the store, anymore than any other large department store. Some of the checkers have been there since it opened. They're always friendly and have a smile. I have several friends who finally found employment at Walmart after months and months of looking for jobs. I'm thankful for Walmart employing people. Who knows? The way things are going I might be asking them for a job real soon.

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Migrant workers that come every Sunday in the summer by the busloads??? Oh, the HORRORS!! How dare migrant workers enter a public store, how dare they spend their hard earned money, how dare they try to buy food and essentials for their families on Sundays when respectable people are trying to shop. This is why the South has such cruddy stereotypes...perhaps you could mosey in on a Saturday, unless the Muslims or blacks or Italians or Germans shop that day.


Thank you!

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Migrant workers that come every Sunday in the summer by the busloads??? Oh, the HORRORS!! How dare migrant workers enter a public store, how dare they spend their hard earned money, how dare they try to buy food and essentials for their families on Sundays when respectable people are trying to shop. This is why the South has such cruddy stereotypes...perhaps you could mosey in on a Saturday, unless the Muslims or blacks or Italians or Germans shop that day.



:thumbup: Go, Dot!

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Migrant workers that come every Sunday in the summer by the busloads??? Oh, the HORRORS!! How dare migrant workers enter a public store, how dare they spend their hard earned money, how dare they try to buy food and essentials for their families on Sundays when respectable people are trying to shop. This is why the South has such cruddy stereotypes...perhaps you could mosey in on a Saturday, unless the Muslims or blacks or Italians or Germans shop that day.


Thanks for your response, Dot. Excellent.


And of course they'd be there on Sundays, since the other six days of the week they're working 12 hour shifts cleaning the houses of the WalMart shoppers, picking and shipping the produce that those WalMart shoppers are buying, and performing any number of other cruddy jobs, most likely in deplorable conditions and for ridiculously low pay. And hey, their kids need pencils and notebooks for school, too.



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Hmmm. I think at this point it would bother me if I didn't clarify that my problems with this particular chain of stores really have nothing to do with social class or its employees. I really think it has to do with the general atmosphere of the joint. More people go there than not, evidently myself included (albeit rarely). However, I will shamelessly say that the one closest to my house is downright frightening - I mean, its literally not a safe place to be. That point cannot be argued by any sane individual. The other 2 are not as bad in that capacity. But that really isn't what I meant when I said what I said originally.


Acutally, I think the employees must have nerves of steel to be able to endure whatever it is about that place, which is an admirable quality, imo, one I certainly do not possess. Once we were at the scary one and ds leaned over to the cashier and said over a screaming toddler behind us (who, btw had just been shoved rather violently down into the cart by its mother and told to "shut the h*ll up"), "How can you stand working here?" I was aghast! Then she leaned over and said, "Because I get to feel really good about myself when I leave every day. Everyone should experience it. Believe it or not, I'm richer in more ways than one because of it."



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