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What is your husband/spouse/sig. other getting for the holidays

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  • Cool wool socks from SockGuy (stripes and Bigfoot)
  • Nifty Gregg's Greenlake Cycle bike jersey (picked up on our visit to Seattle at Thanksgiving)
  • Yet another uber-bright flashing light to attach to his person while riding his bike to boost his visibility (sense a theme here?)
  • Two boxes of Clif bars
  • A political novel
  • New electric shaver to shave his legs (he's a pretty serious cyclist) -- TMI I know :lol:


He usually gets kind of ripped off at Christmas, so this year I showered him :)


ETA: this list got me thinking, and I posted a poll thread about it...he knows EVERYTHING that he is getting except for the Clif Bars...

Edited by BikeBookBread
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So far, dh is getting (from ds and I):


The heaviest down comforter I could find

Heavy winter jacket (he really hates being cold!!)

reciprocating saw

a book on finishing attics and basements

lego chess set designed by my son

travel bag for his phone, ipod, etc that has it's own power strip

some clamps he wants for his work table

Guitar Hero 5

some kind of shooter game for ps3 that I can never remember the name of

an enormous Reese's peanut butter cup that I've been drooling over:drool:



He's a bit spoiled, but he spoils the heck out of us and is worth it!!

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Carbon pedals and shoes for his bike

A jersey and bib (I think that's what it is, cycling clothes)

An ipod shuffle since he always complains about jogging with his nano


A new wallet

A handful of little things (book, movie, box of socks, box of protein bars)

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Since dh is going to freeze when he comes home we got him tons of warm clothes.


5 pair of new jeans

3 lambs wool sweathers

5 turtlenecks

2 pair of flannel pj's

shearling slippers

ragg socks

I basically bought everything I could think he would need from Lands End. ;) We are going to the Alps just a few days after he arrives. It's still in the 60's there..here our high is 32*.:001_smile:

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A Roman costuming resource.




Strangely enough, my son was requesting a Roman costume yesterday. We aren't even doing romans this year!?! (However we did aquire new couches for the living room, one of which is the kind with only a back and one side. He says it's just like the Roman couches. Good thing he doesn't know how to make a toga, there'd never be sheets on the bed again!)


My husband usually ends up getting exactly what he asks for, which is usually a books, music or DVD's. He is impossilbe to buy for. He grew up 1/2 jewish, so there was no 'well let's wait and see what you get for chirstmas.' Just if you want it, go get it then. So he just goes and gets what he wants when he wants it. Certainly makes Christmas and his birthday (end of September no less!) hard.


This year, since we are still building a cold weather wardrobe he is also getting long underware, slippers and pajamas. Super exciting I know. I did get a hands free phone jack for his car. There are a few other little things tossed in as well. He'll also get his yearly big box of chocolate truffles from Godiva. He gets those every year.


To me it's all boring, but I can't come up with anything better. With the exception of the chocolate, even my 7yo must think it's boring. He keeps voting that we get Daddy Legos.:tongue_smilie:

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Books he asked for, and gift cards to B&N and Borders.


The dog always gives him a 2 lb. Whitman's Sampler. DH loves American, mass-produced, chocolate.


His new winter coat was going to count as a Christmas present, but it got very cold, so we gave it to him last week. I inspected his old coat, and he really did need a new one, so now it counts against the clothing budget instead of being a Christmas gift.


I wanted to give him a remote car starter, but the Ford dealer said his car is too old. So, I thought about a car cover, but he said he'd rather have books.

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Stratego! I recently discovered it was his favourite childhood game. I'm really looking forward to seeing him open it. Wish I were as excited about playing the game with him, I'm useless at strategy games. :tongue_smilie:

A utility light and retractable extension cord for the workshop/garage. Boring but things I know he wants.

Gift certificates to a massage place across town, (no, not THAT kind of massage place!) He was in a vehicle accident day before THanksgiving and suffering residual hip/neck problems. Chiropractor and GP both advise massage in the coming months.

Maltesers and other sweeties for his stocking.

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Dh is making out like a bandit this year. So far he has a table saw, a miter saw, a new shop vac, saw horses, a set of those big stacking toolboxes and a variety of tools.


He also wants some kind of GPS thing. I don't know if I can bring myself to buy one. What ever happened to map skills?

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DH's birthday was Dec 3, so he got a big gift from the family (well, me mostly - I paid for 75% of it but his mom, dad and brothers chipped in as much as they could afford) -he got the Big Green Egg BBQ smoker and a bunch of accessories (I mean "egg-cessories") and wood chips.


That was supposed to be it for both Christmas and Birthday, but for under the tree I did get him a new waterproof bag for his camping trips - his old one had holes in it (and wasn't really waterproof). Oh, the kids got him "Punch Out" for the Wii with their own allowance they've been saving :)

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Dh is making out like a bandit this year. So far he has a table saw, a miter saw, a new shop vac, saw horses, a set of those big stacking toolboxes and a variety of tools.


He also wants some kind of GPS thing. I don't know if I can bring myself to buy one. What ever happened to map skills?


GPS is awesome! :coolgleamA:


It does way more than you ever could with a map. It lets you know when to keep left/right etc and exactly how far until your turn. I also find it to be a lifesaver teaching my 15 yo ds to drive. Someone else gets to do some of the nagging! He has driven both to Traverse City and to Detroit recently using our Garmin GPS. I barely had to say a word (None of us knew where we were anyway...). He even managed I696 at rush hour!! :auto:


Map skills have their place but now that I've owned one, you'd have to pry my GPS out of my cold dead hands. :D

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GPS is awesome! :coolgleamA:


It does way more than you ever could with a map. It lets you know when to keep left/right etc and exactly how far until your turn. I also find it to be a lifesaver teaching my 15 yo ds to drive. Someone else gets to do some of the nagging! He has driven both to Traverse City and to Detroit recently using our Garmin GPS. I barely had to say a word (None of us knew where we were anyway...). He even managed I696 at rush hour!! :auto:


Map skills have their place but now that I've owned one, you'd have to pry my GPS out of my cold dead hands. :D


I agree. The kids and I got my dh a Garmin GPS for his birthday/Father's day. We use it all the time. My dh has to travel occassionally for work to places he is unfamiliar with and uses it then. We even take it to TN when we visit my dd. We know the way, but if we want to stop at a certain restaurant or at a park, we can find one on the GPS. Also, the trip just seems to be shorter with the GPS, looking how many miles you've gone and have yet to go. We love it! Most of my adult kids have one too. They make great Christmas presents for older kids.

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Strangely enough, my son was requesting a Roman costume yesterday. We aren't even doing romans this year!?! (However we did aquire new couches for the living room, one of which is the kind with only a back and one side. He says it's just like the Roman couches. Good thing he doesn't know how to make a toga, there'd never be sheets on the bed again!)



Be grateful he doesn't know how to do it properly. ;) We finally saved enough to make dh a toga this year. $100 of white wool!! It's the most expensive garment in the house, shoes and jewellery excluded (and we don't have many of them.) Would have been cheaper if he wanted a Republican toga, but no, he wanted Imperial :) Horribly annoying things to wear, but he actually looks great in it! Heheheh


Make your son an outfit for Christmas. Two white single bed sheets, and minimal sewing. What's Latin for "voila!?" ;) It'll make great pics for the rellies on Christmas morning, as he lounges on the sofa!



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Loverboy is hard to buy for because he is not terribly materialistic, but if he wants/needs something, he just buys it. Last year I got him a couple of robot kits for he and dd to play with. Loverboy got to do sodering/building, and dd got to play with the robots with her dad afterward.


I asked dd if we should get her dad another robot kit this year for Christmas: "No. THREE robots."


The set up:

Loverboy's birthday is December 10th. The robots didn't arrive in time, so he got a book: The Breadmaker's Bible and these things:

1 can of root beer (his favorite)

2 bottles of 1-liter of club soda (my favorite)


a scrub brush

and NO explanation


The prestige:

For Christmas, Loverboy will receive this "recycled robot" kit that requires the items above.




There is also a physics building set and some minor stocking stuffer things.


--Laura in Iowa

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DH is THE hardest person to buy for. He has no hobbies, doesn't like to read, doesn't really work in the yard or garage. All he really likes is football. He's already got season tickets to the local NFL team and has all the shirts/jerseys he needs. And we have cable for him to watch games.


So, he is getting the following:


Prison Break Season 1

a nice button up shirt with T-shirt to go underneath

The Shining Sword book (he has mentioned several times in the ten years that we've been married that he read this book as a young teen and really enjoyed it. He mentioned he would like to read it again sometime. So I found it online and got it.)


an alarm clock that shines the time on the ceiling....DH says he cant read our alarm clock in the middle of the night without his glasses because it is across the room...so hopefully this will help.


I feel like all my gifts are lame LOL. But he tells me that he doenst want/need anything. :confused:

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A cd from Vision Forum. Again!! Not sure what else he is getting. He is getting me sand and lead. Yep, he told me so. And finally after I got upset and told him I should get something better than stuff that comes from the earth he fell on the floor laughing. No, he said, sand and lead. What it really is is some ankle weights I asked for which is the sand and the lead is really 9mm rounds for target shooting because he is getting tired of me going to the range and using all his bullets up. He said it's time I get my own. I'm much happier now but before I was a little distressed!!!

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For as long as I can remember, I have painted dh a tshirt each Christmas and Birthday. He loves and values them, and even when the tshirts get worn and holey, he then wears them for pjamas. Last year, I got a bit tired of them and dont remember what I got him- possibly even nothing. This year I have bought the tshirt already, just have to think of what to paint on it.

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For as long as I can remember, I have painted dh a tshirt each Christmas and Birthday. He loves and values them, and even when the tshirts get worn and holey, he then wears them for pjamas. Last year, I got a bit tired of them and dont remember what I got him- possibly even nothing. This year I have bought the tshirt already, just have to think of what to paint on it.


His device?



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