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How many people do you buy Christmas gifts for?

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I am thread-happy today, I guess. We buy for :


our three girls

my parents

Patrick's father

my two nephews

my step-grandmother

my daughter's horseback riding instructor


Patrick and I take each other shopping for something we really want. For him this year, it is a new fishing pole/reel. I want a new camera bag. So I guess that is 12 altogether.


Since I am not exchanging gifts with my siblings this year, I bought each of them a portrait of my girls (I am a photographer so I just had to pay for prints).


Our Christmas list is short, and I like it that way!!

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I buy for our 5 boys, my parents, and my dh. Sometimes dh buys for his parents, but I don't really get involved there. So I guess that's 8 total. However, in buying for the boys, I'm buying gifts from us to them, from my parents to them, from dh's parents to them, and from my brother to them. I like it that way, though, because we live away from everyone so they don't really know what the guys like/need/want.

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Of course my husband and our two kids

my parents

my two sisters

my sisters boyfriend

DH's dad and stepmom

DH's mom

DH's sister and her husband

our 3 nephews

my paternal grandmother

my maternal grandparents

my aunt/uncles (2 sets) get something small

my cousins - 3 of them

DH's cousins (only 3 of them, they are good friends with my girls)

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DH and I for each other

3 nieces/nephews

music teachers

brothers and SIL's

parents and step-parents

DH's colleagues (small group of them)

small homemade gifts for close neighbors


DH does not exchange with his sibs and their kids (thank goodness!) because they live a distance and we don't see them at Christmas, or much at all any other time.

We do an end-of year gift for Sunday School teachers of the kids, but not at Christmas.

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My parents, usually a small individual gift (2)

Dh's parents usually get a joint gift (2) or should that be (1..?)

Dh's Grandma gets a token gift, she loooooooves junk and knicknacks so she's easy to buy for! (1)

Our 3 teenagers (3)

I buy for Dh from my gift budget (as well as those noted above) (1)

He buys for me from his own budget, shall I count him here? (1)


Total: 10


If I have any professional photo's they get sent out according to how many I have to give. Grandparents are top of the list, then Dh's aunts/uncles, then my siblings, etc. I don't think of those as gifts and we rarely have the kids photographs taken professionally anyway.

If we have something to give to extended family we do so at the Christmas gathering. One year I had tried my hand at candle making, another year the kids and I made a lot of different cookies, and a couple of years ago Dh transferred a video'd interview of his Grandfather onto dvd's for all his aunts and cousins. Best gift ever! More often than not we don't give anything.


I did send two of my friends a small gift each this year. I didn't count them because I don't usually exchange gifts with friends and don't plan to do so in future, however I just taught myself to knit and needed a couple of victims to pawn my efforts onto. ;)

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too many...


2 sets of grandparents, 3 sets of parents, 3 siblings, our kids, each other


I don't really see the point in exchanging gifts with the siblings and their spouses as it is always gift cards of equal amount (and I have to run around to get them).

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Our list:


4 kids


My parents

My 5 siblings and their spouses

8 nieces and nephews

Aunt/uncle on dad's side (Dad has 3 siblings. I only buy for 1.)

Aunt/uncle on mom's side (this is a hostess gift. My mom has 5 siblings and they rotate Christmas each year. I only buy a hostess gift for the person throwing the party.)

One Great aunt who is my favorite and I love to remember her.

Karate instructor

Piano Teacher


Then, I make small gifts for WAY too many people at our church (dh is the priest). I usually make fudge or toffee.


This includes:


Sunday School teachers

Altar Guild


Vestry members

Plus about 20 leaders of the church who lead the different organizations.

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Guest janainaz

We buy for all the kids in the family - not so much older kids (like older than 18). If we can afford it, we'll buy gift cards for them. It just depends on the year. There are so many of us, we just can't. I think it's crazy to rack your brain trying to figure out what to buy for someone and end up buying gift cards. In the end it seems everyone should just enjoy each other and keep their own money! It's crazy.


I figured out that we really can't afford to buy our BIL and SIL a $50 gift, but we used to in the past. They would get us a gift card somewhere like Home Depot, but really we'd have been better off just to cancel the gift-buying and pay bills. It's non-sensical.

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immediate family


on dh's side: niece/nephews that are full time students or younger

a long time close friend

school toy drive

toys 4 tots


fudge or peanut brittle or something small and thoughtful for the musical instrument instructors and an ass't scoutmaster or two


food for community Christmas basket food drive

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My husband

Our 5 kids

My mom

My dad


My brother's family of 4

BIL's family of 5

SIL's family of 5

SIL's family of 6

The occasional teacher, coach, etc...but none this year

I usually exchange something small with a few friends


We used to get individual gifts for all those "family of's" up there, but now we just get one family gift, usually some kind of game or entertainment (Wii stuff this year)

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our 4 - well, er, I guess 6 kids (we are buying for the babies assuming they will be here)

my parents

my grandmother

my 2 nieces

dh and myself will buy for each other


Small list. My dh's siblings have dropped out one by one from gift giving. Last year my brother requested that we stop doing adult exchange and this year My dh's parents requested that we not exchange gifts (they don't plan to buy for our children either). So it's not too big a group - which is fine because buying for 4/6 kids is a lot.

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This year I have only asked dh to pay for sending packages to relatives and not buy for me... I ordered him a photo book to take with him on trips out of town with pages of me, the children and him out enjoying his hobby... boating and fishing... he has no idea...


We bought for our 9 kids at home

We bought for our grandson, though very small gift (the boy is saturated with toys and gifts)

We bought for nieces and nephews, but small gifts... like holiday pencils, erasers, cute holiday straws, bibs for babies, little toys, etc.

I made microwave heating pads for all parents and siblings and grown nieces... and my kids insisted on me making one for each of them, but that was last month when I made all of them!


I ordered a poster, professionally printed from Creative Memories with a poem I wrote to honor my dad's life with his photo (he is still with us and in sound mind, I wanted him to see my love before he passes on).


I had to mail boxes to family... and I haven't done that in the past, but when my niece died suddenly last year, I decided I would do this, even if it's just small things or homemade gifts... I want my family to know I care.

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4 kids

my parents

dh's parents

my grandparents*

my sister, bil, and nephew

my aunt & cousin*

my aunt & uncle*

dh's 2 brothers

daycare parents* & two daycare kids


so that's 19 gifts, 24 people(couples with an * are a single gift); the majority of the adult family gifts are a calendar for the couple (plus something else small for each of our parents and my sister and bil) and photos of the kids - I take all the pictures for the calendar and the kids' pictures, so I pay to print & ship them


plus we bake cookies for the mailman, UPS man, landlord, and various coaches if they are in a sport around Christmas time

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My 3 sons at home are at the top of the list...My SO is next...If we have any money, then we will buy for our 3 nephews, my SO's parents and brother and my 2 sisters...Usually it doesn't make it past the people residing in our house though...We've had a few bad years and we are slowly digging our way back out this year...Eventually I'd love to get everyone something but I love Christmas (or is that I love an excuse to spend money?)...

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My mom, her husband, dad, MIL, grandfather: 5

Our children: 5

Each other:2

My sister's family (8 kids): 10

My other sister and her boyfriend: 2

Our Japanese student, plus small made-in-Oregon gifts for her family since her father is coming the day after Christmas: 4


So shopping for 28 this year.


Plus the small/extra gifts...


Teachers: 3

Small gifts for my girlfriends: 4

We make up a small stocking for any extras who trickle to our house on Christmas Day. This year, our dd's boyfriend and our Japanese student's friend: 2


The children make gifts for friends: 6-8



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I'm afraid to start listing because our list is WAY too long. Extended family will not end the gift exchange and dh is the worst.


dh and I for each other

my 6 kids

my 2 about to be daughter-in-laws

my mother

dh's mother

my 2 sisters

my bil

my dh's 2 siblings and their spouses

dh's great aunt and uncle

21 nieces and nephews

9 great nieces and nephews

7 coach/dance teacher/guitar teacher gifts


That is 58 gifts. No wonder I am a grinch around Christmas.

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Brother's girlfriend


Young cousin

Dh's niece

Dh's nephew

Dc's godmum


Small token to my great uncle, great aunt and dh's parents. Photos to my aunt, baked goods to the others.


That would be 16



Usually my sister, but she moved to Kenya and is broke. I'm pretty well broke too so we agreed not to exchange presents this year. Usually dc's godfather, but he's not coming for Christmas and has hardly spoken to us all year, so I'll probably just send a card. Hopefully he feels more communicative next year, but he's an Aspie so we never know and I try not to take it personally. I'm glad the days are gone of buying for *all* the cousins, aunts and uncles. As a child, my Christmas list was about 30! That's a lot of "best drawings," iced biscuits and pocket money spent on terribly expensive trinkets :)



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For people 'at home' in NC:


1. us and our three kids

2. one couple who is very close to us and for their two kids

3. one special lady at church who is always tending to our children while I participate in the music ministry and my husband runs the soundboard.


I also bake treats for 9 different families in our church.


For family 'out of state', it depends which family (mine or dh's) we visit.......we usually buy for nieces/nephews that we will be visiting....we alternate each year...


For this year:


My mother

My father and stepmother (1 gift together)

My 5 nieces/nephews

My sister


We also always buy a gift for my MIL, regardless of whether or not we're visiting her at Christmas.


So, outside of our immediate family, this year we bought 13 gifts, plus I'm making treats for some church families...

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It used to be 30 people until I stopped the madness as it grew to 40. Some people weren't happy until I finally made them realize, that if I bought for one sibling...there were 12 others (not including their spouces-between dh and I), and while we do still exchange with 2 nieces, If I bought for all of my nieces/nephews...it would be another 15 kids for us. At that time we still had 7 living grandparents, and 5 great nieces/nephews too. Before our most immediate family we had 39 people to consider.....:confused:.


Now it is

2 grand mothers

1 grand father

2 nieces

our 3 kids

dh and I.


Grand total of 10 :0)

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Our kids 3

Parents/Grandparents 5

Nephews and Neices 12

My brother 1

Friends kids (we spend Christmas with them) 2


So total: 23

I make as many as possible. This year I've made 14 gifts.

Fortunately once our siblings have kids we only buy for the kids or the number would be really awful and we all agreed many years ago to a small budget for the kids.

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3 kids

3 grandparents

Toys for Tots

Music teacher who is giving dd lessons for free is getting 3 jars of jelly/jam/apple butter that she made


Usually I made a nice dinner for our elementary school teachers for them to take home to their families the last day of school before vacation. Since I'm that teacher this year, I think we'll order carry-out pizza tonight. ;)


Some years back I did away with exchanging with out of state relatives, as well as a SIL that we were exchanging gift cards with.

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Our 3 kids. Maybe a white elephant gift or two for a Christmas party, but, that's it.


Both our families and ourselves decided about 4 years ago to make it really simple on ourselves and stop giving to everyone. Before that we had decided to make it easier by drawing names for the adults and limiting the amount we could spend on the children. If we lived near family, we might still buy for nieces and nephews, but, we don't. They don't buy for our dc either.


DH and I don't buy for each other--usually--because our birthdays are right at Christmas (mine is the 23rd and his is the 30th) and then with Christmas thrown in it just seems like too much. So, we wait until Valentine's Day and do something really special for each other then. It works best.

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This year:

4 children

DS's girlfriend of 3 years

DH's parents

My mom

3 nieces & 1 nephew

(because we spend Xmas eve with them, other neices and nephews don't get gifts)


For the last 24 years:

Our kids

DH's parents

My mom

My little brother

4 sibling families

(8 parents and up to 8 kids!)

DH's employees (4)

3 close couples


We've cut way back this year. One thing we've always done is once nieces and nephews have kids, we stop buying for them and buy for the kids only.

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Dh and me (we sometimes exchange a gift but otherwise just gifts from the kids when they are young)

our 7 kids (three are niece and nephews who we raised for last 12 years)

my mom (lives with us)

our very very good friend who is part of our family since before the kids were born.

niece's boyfriend (almost fiance)

my sister (she lives in a nursing home so I get her things she needs and something that she would like)

Dh's parents

My dad/stepmom


Rest of family, we don't exchange gifts.... I am one of 8 kids (have 13 nieces/nephews), Dh is one of 5 kids (6 nieces/nephews). And all but the ones living with us and my sister... live hundreds of miles away so shipping costs are out of this world. Of nieces and nephews... we give to niece/nephews we raised as our own.

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In a "normal year" I buy for


My husband & Son

Mom & Dad

2 of my Aunts on mom's side

My 2 nephews & niece

My husband's brother / SIL

My husband's sister / BIL

My husband's father & his wife

My husband's mother & her husband

My husband's birth mom

A close friend of my husband's family ("Aunt Bev")

The 3 people we drew names for in my husband's dad's family


(My husband's family lives over 800 miles away and we only see them a few times a year so the gifting, in our opinion, helps keep our relationships strong and shows them how much we still care about them even when absent)


We sometimes draw names for my mom's side (which is huge!). She has 8 other brothers & sisters all of whom have kids and grands - and they ALL live within 50 miles of us. We're very close and see them often...the expectation of everyone giving gifts to everyone in mom's family flew out the window about 20 years ago. haha


In the years I was working, I also would give a favorite boss a gift and a few of my co-workers gifts.


In more prosperous years :) I'll also throw in gifts for aunts, uncles, & little cousins on mom's side.


I think the most we've spent is $700 total for christmas. Normal years are about $300. This year we probably won't do more than $150. (Amounts are for ALL gifts, including my husband and son).

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This year is bigger than usual for us. We buy something very little for my parents and for dh's parents. (somtimes theirs is bigger.) We buy for our 2 children. (Sometimes we get something for my neice, too.) This year we also have our exchange student and another girl from Malaysia, who is spending her college break with us. We also have invited 3 single ladies, who don't have family with which to celebrate. Things are tight for all three of them, so we try to bless them, too.


We are spending less on each person, but are spreading it around more. I am really excited about this Christmas. We will have 5 people who don't have their own family, so we will be our own big family without all the historical dysfunction. :)

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