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Random Vents (feel free to vent here )


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I am tired of being pregnant. I hate that I still am not sure how I feel about this pregnancy and I only have 23 days left. I am pissed that because of others I am left with my hands tied and having a 4th c-section while my sister has her baby tonight in under 6 hours at home with no one telling her what she has to do. I get really pissed when well intentioned folk tell me that at least everything is going to be fine with the baby. Oh yes I know it will be all fine but what the HELL about me!!! I am a part of this equation to. But no it doesnt matter because I am supposed to just be greatful that everything is fine with a baby. Oh I am no doubt, but I really dont like having scar tissue grow so much it effects bathroom habits or intimacy with my dh. I hate that I have to be in pain in a dozen ways and no one gives a crap. I hate that I have to keep it all inside because after all I am one of those blessed with healthy children who just happen to come via c-section. I dont want to be cut open again and I am pissed that I have no choice in the matter and havent since the first one.





The same sort of thing happened to my dear friend. She wanted a VBAC, her OB said it was fine, the hospital told her she had to have a surgeon at the delivery "just in case" and NOT ONE surgeon in this town would agree to do it. Such a huge injustice. I'm really sorry!!

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I'm tired of dealing w/ difficult relatives, family members, etc. . .and the holidays are just full of that type of stuff. . .Ugh. . .


I'm tired of living from paycheck to paycheck.


I'm tired of bad drivers.


I'm tired of going to bed too late because i waste time online when I should be in bed! :lol:

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There is a woman at church who has fairly recently divorced. She has no job. Our church has been paying bills for her. She has had offers to get a job. She will not a job that is not Monday-Friday because "nobody to keep the kids" (the school has before/after care and she has friends/relatives in the area) So instead, she sits on the computer all day and chats with men she me on the internet. (that the church is paying for her to keep) She has two kids. They are ignored because mommy is too busy talking to her new men, so her kids are worse brats than before. She complains to me about her kids being hyperactive. She feeds them nothing but junk with artificial colors/sweeteners and MSG. I tell her to try some homecooked food. She says "I don't cook". ARGH! Driving me crazy. I have her son in two classes at church. He has always been bad, but now he is AWFUL.

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Guest janainaz
I have never heard of beamer lights before. Do you mean overheard lights or is there something special about them?


A "beamer" is any overhead light in a room that does not have a covering over it. Our ceiling fan is considered a beamer because it holds 4 bulbs that just give off light without something to filter it. Ick. It's like looking up at the sun.

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I hate that I have to be in pain in a dozen ways and no one gives a crap. I hate that I have to keep it all inside because after all I am one of those blessed with healthy children who just happen to come via c-section.


:grouphug: Oh, my goodness.


Someone wise once told me that after the baby comes, no one asks how mom is anymore. I make a point of it, and am always greeted with a startled and thankful response. One never knows how things will work out. The problem pregnancy and problem child of my mother's brood turned out to be the greatest succor in her old age. :grouphug:

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On my ONE day off after working 12-14 hour days on my feet in retail during this Thanksgiving weekend, my dh asks me this morning if I can pick up his dry cleaning and food for his poker game. Yeah, right. I'll get to that right after doing all the laundry, dishes, library run, paying bills, cleaning bathrooms, sweeping floors, kids' homework, making dinner, giving the kids a bath, and reading bedtime stories.


Oh, and I forgot about raking the leaves.

Edited by thescrappyhomeschooler
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I am tired of being pregnant. I hate that I still am not sure how I feel about this pregnancy and I only have 23 days left. I am pissed that because of others I am left with my hands tied and having a 4th c-section while my sister has her baby tonight in under 6 hours at home with no one telling her what she has to do. I get really pissed when well intentioned folk tell me that at least everything is going to be fine with the baby. Oh yes I know it will be all fine but what the HELL about me!!! I am a part of this equation to. But no it doesnt matter because I am supposed to just be greatful that everything is fine with a baby. Oh I am no doubt, but I really dont like having scar tissue grow so much it effects bathroom habits or intimacy with my dh. I hate that I have to be in pain in a dozen ways and no one gives a crap. I hate that I have to keep it all inside because after all I am one of those blessed with healthy children who just happen to come via c-section. I dont want to be cut open again and I am pissed that I have no choice in the matter and havent since the first one.


I am tired of school. Everyone in this house in some sort of school and I am tired of it. I love the kids school and learning with them but I am so burnt out on books that I dread even personal reading.


I am tired that I have no friends IRL because they all have super important and full lives while I live a simple life at poverty level. I resent that we still live like newly weds and yet we have nearly 4 kids. I just want to be able to buy them some freakin' pants without having to budget it. I hate that part of it is our fault (early stupid years) and the other has been totally out of our control. I hate not being in control and somethings are just out of my control right now. I love the holidays and this year I am having a hard time being happy about it because of the situation.


:grouphug: I had scar tissue from a previous surgery throw me into early labor with my ds. Had a fully opened c-section where they had to remove scar tissue, which created more scar tissue, which 12 years later gives me trouble.


I really hate the scar on my belly. I really hate the fact my abs feel like a jigsaw puzzle, and I hate the side effects of it. So more :grouphug:. I know it's just a scar, I know I am blessed to have a great child, and I know without the first surgery I wouldn't have him, but there are some days where it really gets me down.

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People who bring sick kids to church, when they know they are sick... I overheard a conversation at church between parents discussing taking the kid to the dr thinking he had chicken pox. They stayed a services and continued to let the child play with other kids. Yesterday I get a phone call, "It's chicken pox, watch your for symptoms, sorry".... so frustrating.


Now I am worried if we are going to make Christmas with my family, if they get it I don't want to spread it around the family.

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Sometimes I hate living in my house. It is so cluttered with crap all the time and I would just like to live in a clean house, even if it is only occasionally. In addition to hsing, I work nights, am chronically sleep deprived and I just can't get it done. I have asked dh for help, I cry, I scream and nothing ever changes except to get worse. I feel like I live in he**.


I know cooking from scratch/hormone free/organic etc is healthier for my children, but I just can't do it physically all the time and I can't afford it all the time either. Telling me that the hot dog my child ate is poison is not helping my stress level.

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Finally, FINALLY having the courage to tell *someone* that I've been sad, overwhelmed, stressed, and lonely for quite some time. So much so that I think there's something wrong with me. As in, I need help. Medical help. I can't do this anymore. I don't know who I am, I don't recognize myself, I don't know how to deal with it.


And being told by that *someone* that I should be happy for my blessings, that I should draw closer to the Lord. That *someone* implied that I just need to be 'happier', 'snap out of it', be a better Christian, or whatever.


Dude, I've tried that. I KNOW I should be fine. But I'm not. And I don't know why. And it's starting to scare me. And I should have known better than to say anything, because I knew it would just get me a lecture, and nothing would get better.


I don't know what to do. I miss the old me, and I don't have any idea why I'm different. I just know that I'm tired of feeling this way; feeling like crap all the time, and not having anyone care. No one. I have no friends, I have no fellowship, and the only *someone* I do have lectured me. Gee, thanks, that really helps. A lecture. That's what I needed. I needed help; I needed you to care. I needed you to give me the courage to GET help.


I hate Thansgiving and Christmas. We spend all the time with dh's family. My own family hates me; even my sisters. All because they think I'm some Jesus freak who won't compromise and tell them that their sin-loving ways are ok, that as long as you go to a church building once a week, that's all Jesus really wants from you.


I have no one. I'm sick of being so lonely. And sad. For no reason.

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Finally, FINALLY having the courage to tell *someone* that I've been sad, overwhelmed, stressed, and lonely for quite some time. So much so that I think there's something wrong with me. As in, I need help. Medical help. I can't do this anymore. I don't know who I am, I don't recognize myself, I don't know how to deal with it.


And being told by that *someone* that I should be happy for my blessings, that I should draw closer to the Lord. That *someone* implied that I just need to be 'happier', 'snap out of it', be a better Christian, or whatever.


Dude, I've tried that. I KNOW I should be fine. But I'm not. And I don't know why. And it's starting to scare me. And I should have known better than to say anything, because I knew it would just get me a lecture, and nothing would get better.


I don't know what to do. I miss the old me, and I don't have any idea why I'm different. I just know that I'm tired of feeling this way; feeling like crap all the time, and not having anyone care. No one. I have no friends, I have no fellowship, and the only *someone* I do have lectured me. Gee, thanks, that really helps. A lecture. That's what I needed. I needed help; I needed you to care. I needed you to give me the courage to GET help.


I hate Thansgiving and Christmas. We spend all the time with dh's family. My own family hates me; even my sisters. All because they think I'm some Jesus freak who won't compromise and tell them that their sin-loving ways are ok, that as long as you go to a church building once a week, that's all Jesus really wants from you.


I have no one. I'm sick of being so lonely. And sad. For no reason.




Bethany, go get a physical. Get some bloodwork done. Rule out any medical issues that could be causing your feelings. It could be something simple, or not, but just make an appointment and go. Tell the doc how you've been feeling and if you need a little medicinal help for now, there's nothing wrong with that.



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People who bring sick kids to church, when they know they are sick...


There was a little boy at choir rehearsal Sunday afternoon who had been throwing up the night before! :glare: And the mom was sick too! She kept getting up and running to the restroom. Do they want the church musical to be cancelled because the entire cast is home vomiting??? Her child has a very minor role. It wasn't like we couldn't rehearse without him. Keep your germs at home people!

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Finally, FINALLY having the courage to tell *someone* that I've been sad, overwhelmed, stressed, and lonely for quite some time. So much so that I think there's something wrong with me. As in, I need help. Medical help. I can't do this anymore. I don't know who I am, I don't recognize myself, I don't know how to deal with it.




Bethany - please go to a Dr. You are right, this isn't the kind of thing that you can just snap out of with "happy thoughts". Sometimes we need some medical help so that we can get to a place where we can help ourselves. :grouphug: I'm sorry that the person you confided in did not understand.

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Finally, FINALLY having the courage to tell *someone* that I've been sad, overwhelmed, stressed, and lonely for quite some time. So much so that I think there's something wrong with me. As in, I need help. Medical help. I can't do this anymore. I don't know who I am, I don't recognize myself, I don't know how to deal with it.


I agree--go to a doctor! :grouphug:I'm so sorry you're dealing with this.




My vent for the day is very minor: my FIL just sent me a friend request on facebook. I don't wanna have my FIL as my FB friend!! I have fun on FB with my college friends who all live far away. He will comment on my posts and post things and he's so hard to be in the same room with! It's not his fault--mostly--that he's annoying as all get-out, but I still don't wanna be his friend. And I'm going to have to. Sigh. Is there a resignation smilie?

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Finally, FINALLY having the courage to tell *someone* that I've been sad, overwhelmed, stressed, and lonely for quite some time. So much so that I think there's something wrong with me. As in, I need help. Medical help. I can't do this anymore. I don't know who I am, I don't recognize myself, I don't know how to deal with it.


And being told by that *someone* that I should be happy for my blessings, that I should draw closer to the Lord. That *someone* implied that I just need to be 'happier', 'snap out of it', be a better Christian, or whatever.


Dude, I've tried that. I KNOW I should be fine. But I'm not. And I don't know why. And it's starting to scare me. And I should have known better than to say anything, because I knew it would just get me a lecture, and nothing would get better.


I don't know what to do. I miss the old me, and I don't have any idea why I'm different. I just know that I'm tired of feeling this way; feeling like crap all the time, and not having anyone care. No one. I have no friends, I have no fellowship, and the only *someone* I do have lectured me. Gee, thanks, that really helps. A lecture. That's what I needed. I needed help; I needed you to care. I needed you to give me the courage to GET help.


I hate Thansgiving and Christmas. We spend all the time with dh's family. My own family hates me; even my sisters. All because they think I'm some Jesus freak who won't compromise and tell them that their sin-loving ways are ok, that as long as you go to a church building once a week, that's all Jesus really wants from you.


I have no one. I'm sick of being so lonely. And sad. For no reason.



I believe you.

This is not right.

You are under attack, and this is not normal.

It's time to figure this out. Nothing is more urgent right now.

Please, go to the doctor and be very persistent. There are lots of organic things that contribute to the kinds of feelings you describe. Maybe it's thyroid, maybe hormones, could be a lot of things.

Try to figure this out, and let us know what you try and what you find. You are worth it! And we will help you sort this out.

Best to you,


Edited by Carol in Cal.
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This-too-shall-pass-vent: I am sick and tired of paying for other people's mistakes. Our realtor just lost the sale of our house because he didn't do one simple thing that my dh reminded him repeatedly to do. Now, instead of selling the house just at the perfect time so we could relax and enjoy the holidays, we get to spend Christmas sick to our stomachs because we now have two mortgages, with the worst selling months looming ahead of us. If he had just done his job, we probably would have closed on that house today and I might have been able to buy my kids a couple of simple Christmas gifts.


This-may-never-be-fixed-vent: I am sick and tired of church. I've had it. I'm done. I am sick and tired of going to church and hearing about . . . church. I am sick and tired of church coming first in my family, when I begged and pleaded with my dh not to take on any more responsibility, he responded by starting a youth group and teaching a Sunday school class. I am sick and tired of spending two weekends a month shopping, cooking, and cleaning up for that youth group when I can't even get my own grocery shopping and cooking done. I am sick and tired of wearing myself out entertaining children who have spent years treating my own children like crap. There is no way out of this for me, so I have to just keep smiling and pretending and being the dutiful wife of the youth group leader, while I resent every minute of time spent on other people's children to the neglect of my own.

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My vent for the day is very minor: my FIL just sent me a friend request on facebook. I don't wanna have my FIL as my FB friend!! I have fun on FB with my college friends who all live far away. He will comment on my posts and post things and he's so hard to be in the same room with! It's not his fault--mostly--that he's annoying as all get-out, but I still don't wanna be his friend. And I'm going to have to. Sigh. Is there a resignation smilie?


Easy to deal with. Create a "Restricted" friend list with him on it, then set your privacy settings so that people on your restricted list can't comment on your posts. Also, you can make it so that he can't write on your wall, see your pictures, read your status updates etc.

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OK. I have an awesome house on stilts. (We live on a canal on the gulf coast) It's really humid so everything is wet. I fell all the way down the stairs today and really messed up my back. I have something bulging next to my spine and my neck looks like I have a tattoo from the bruises. Can we stop school for the year?

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Dh brought home a free kitten for an early Christmas present and it has pooped and or peed on all of our beds. I HATE laundry.


And now my kids hate me because I am not willing to live in the crazy cat lady pee-smelling house and after consulting with a vet friend, need to get rid of the cat.


And it rained yesterday so every ant in the yard has come inside looking for something to eat. So now the house smells of cat pee AND ant poison.


And dd11 is about as slow as Molasses in January when it comes to finishing her work and has proved herself untrustworthy to the degree that I cannot go in the other room and trust that she is doing the work she has been assigned.


The end.


Thanks. I feel better!

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I am going to take a second swing at this because getting the first one off my chest made me feel so much better;


My household appliances are out to get me....there I said it. Out loud. I am not paranoid. They are trying to kill me.


Here is a list of appliances that have died, or are now working unpredictably since October, and because of our financial situation we are "doing without"


In chronological order of death:



clothing iron (taking with it a beloved blouse)


garage freezer

bread machine

oven (It turns off on its own if on for more than 10 minutes. you have to stand there & turn it back on)


in sink garbage disposal (fried the outlet to which it is connected)

washing machine

toaster (started smoking this morning)



My Dh is a handy guy who can fix almost anything so when he pronounces it dead, it is over.


I don't know who to call. An exorcist?


I think it is a tie between missing the dishwasher & the clothing washer the most. Because my darlings have been helping me hand-wash the dishes they have broken or chipped almost every glass in the house. And don't even get me started on the amount of laundry for six people. The kids have taken to having funerals (with professional wailers) for the dead appliances. The dead appliances are lying in state in the garage for the Spring when our local congressperson sponsors a free dumpster day.


In the meantime does anyone know where to get a washboard, cheap?


Amber in SJ

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I'm tired of trying to keep my house clean for showing with 5 people here ALL THE TIME.


I'm tired of all the up in the air I don't knows of our situation.


I'm tired of being an absolute grump because I can barely handle this 'land of the perpetual unknown' that I have been in for two months.


I'm tired of cooking.

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Since the water spilled on my laptop, my eph key doesn't work. I phixed the phive key, but I can't get the stinking eph key to work at all. Its driving me crazy because my name has ephs in it and I can't log into a lot ov stuphph; I have to use my kids' computer, but the some ov the things - like the bank phor instance - doesn't recognize me logging in on thier computer and gets all picky about it. And its absolutely killing me to have all these darn spelling mistakes, especially because I've got to do it on purpose. And it makes me pheel like I've got a lisp.



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Getting the kids their own scissors resulted in an unplanned, unwanted, self imposed haircut by Princess. That was MONTHS ago, and we still put a hat on her if we're going anywhere! :lol:


I was always worried about Bailey cutting her hair, or worse, her brother doing it when he was angry with her. As a result, the scissors were kept WAY up high until very recently.


Now that Owen's 2, the scissors have been put back up pretty high, where he can't reach them, but the older two can with a chair.

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My rant for this week...


This year I am homeschooling another child with my own, picking up a child from a preschool in the area every afternoon to stay with us until her mom picks her up, and working part-time. Our choir is going to sing at the local women's prison this weekend, and I am tired. I just want to have one day to stay home all day, take a nap if I want to, and just be responsible for my family. It is cold outside, which I hate. We just moved into our home, so when I have free time i feel like I should be doing 'something'. Unpacking a box, painting a wall, whatever!



I am tired, and I have no time to really rest.

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And it rained yesterday so every ant in the yard has come inside looking for something to eat.

Woof, don't I know how that is!


Vile creatures, nearly impossible to get rid of, and with all the rain we've gotten (under ANOTHER flood watch) it just seems like an ongoing pestilence.

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I am tired that I have no friends IRL because they all have super important and full lives while I live a simple life at poverty level. I resent that we still live like newly weds and yet we have nearly 4 kids. I just want to be able to buy them some freakin' pants without having to budget it. I hate that part of it is our fault (early stupid years) and the other has been totally out of our control. I hate not being in control and somethings are just out of my control right now. I love the holidays and this year I am having a hard time being happy about it because of the situation.


I can really relate to this. I do have a few friends IRL, but I often feel like I can't have a "grown-up" conversation with them, or join in their conversations. I didn't go to college, I don't have a mortgage, I don't have a house to decorate, I'm broke because of stupid mistakes with credit years ago, and my husband and I are separated so I don't really have a husband anymore either...


Gosh, that really sounds like a pity party, doesn't it? Oh well, it felt good to let it out. I don't think I'd ever speak it out loud.

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You're getting rid of the dog and her puppies? Really?


You only got her, because your dh wanted a shepherd. Really.


And she's an Aussie and he wanted a German, really.


You kept her, because you felt bad? Really?


Now that she's on her second litter you're tired of cleaning up the mess. Really.


You didn't get her fixed, because you didn't have a chance? Really?


So now, half bald from stress and along with seven puppies you're dumping her at the pound where she's nearly garunteed to be put to sleep before Christmas. Really. Really? I mean really?


You disgust me. Really.

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