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What is a MUST clean for you?

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My bf thinks I am just a cleaning freak. Honestly, I think it's because I am not a clutter type person and she is. I don't have a ton of knick knacks, I do have a big plastic tote for every holiday with decorations so I do have stuff...lol


I must clean the bathrooms every day, toilet, tubs, windex glass and faucets, the whole shebang.

I must sweep and mop my kitchen, bathroom and dining room floors every day.

The beds are made as soon as everyone gets out of them, they all make their own beds, it's a habit now. Rooms are picked up and laundry sent downstairs.

I must do ALL the bedding weekly.

I must do my laundry daily, folded and put away. I go to bed with an empty hamper and I have been know to creep out of bed at 1 am to fold and put it in the kids rooms if I left a load in the dryer.

Dusting, vacuuming, gets done 2 x's weekly as well as a closet a week.


I truly spend about 45 minutes a day cleaning, if that. It doesn't take up my entire day. Am I insane???;)

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Am I insane???;)


Um... yes. But, you sound very efficiently insane. ;):lol:


(It does sound like a lot of daily cleaning, but I suppose that keeping on top of it each day is what makes it a 'quick' clean each day -- more maintenance rather than regular cleaning.)

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I'm impressed that you can do that all in 45 minutes. By my standards you are insane, but if that makes you happy I certainly wouldn't call you insane. ;)


LOL....we have 3 kids in competitive sports and I don't have evenings and weekends to get it done. On the kids breaks and lunch is when I can do it and if I have been extra efficient I can come here and ask if you think I am insane...lol

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You might possibly be a little cracked, but I'm really in no position to judge. ;)


Must clean: my kitchen every night before I go to bed.


But, that's pretty much it. My general rules of thumb are: if it's full, empty it; if there is visible dirt, wipe/vacuum it up; if there are piles, I tell the kids over and over again to remove them... That sort of thing works until people come over (like MIL) and I actually notice all the cobwebs and dust.

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Pongo, I don't think you're insane. It sounds like you have found a system that works for you and requires minimal maintenance. I bet you feel great going to bed knowing it's all done. I wish I was like that!


I just tend to get more accomplished when it's done. The house cleaning is one of those things that when it's not done it is like a dark cloud over my head, and when it's done I don't even think about it.

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Uhm . . . I do think you're a tad bit insane . . . but it sounds like a heavenly insanity to me. Can you do all that on video and post it so we can see how you do all of that in 45 minutes? I've just GOT to see that for myself . . . you must move like Bewitched or something, LOL.


I MUST have a clean kitchen. I literally CANNOT sleep if there are dirty dishes in the sink. The guest bathroom gets thoroughly cleaned (by DS) once a week, mine gets cleaned as needed and I usually sweep/mop/vacuum once every week or two.


I actually thought my house was pretty clean, until I heard your lineup, now not so much :lol:.


Luckily I only have one child, who's older and pretty neat and we don't get guests very often . . . or ever . . . because I don't like house guests, LOL, because it means I'll have to clean. :glare:

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If it works for you and takes under an hour a day, who cares! Quit getting up at 1 am though. The clothes will still be there when the sun rises.


Yes. I purchased a dollar store spray bottle to keep on the dryer. In the morning, simply mist the dry clothes and tumble for a few minutes to get the wrinkles out. No probs.

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We could be best friends! I keep and clutter-free and clean house. It makes me feel great. Friends like to come over and sit because they say the house feels so fresh and calm. :001_smile:


Good for you!



Yaaaa, I knew you were out there:D


I just ran upstairs to finish the floors...lol

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My bf thinks I am just a cleaning freak. Honestly, I think it's because I am not a clutter type person and she is. I don't have a ton of knick knacks, I do have a big plastic tote for every holiday with decorations so I do have stuff...lol


I must clean the bathrooms every day, toilet, tubs, windex glass and faucets, the whole shebang.

I must sweep and mop my kitchen, bathroom and dining room floors every day.

The beds are made as soon as everyone gets out of them, they all make their own beds, it's a habit now. Rooms are picked up and laundry sent downstairs.

I must do ALL the bedding weekly.

I must do my laundry daily, folded and put away. I go to bed with an empty hamper and I have been know to creep out of bed at 1 am to fold and put it in the kids rooms if I left a load in the dryer.

Dusting, vacuuming, gets done 2 x's weekly as well as a closet a week.


I truly spend about 45 minutes a day cleaning, if that. It doesn't take up my entire day. Am I insane???;)


45 min. of cleaning a day doesn't sound unreasonable and you sound like you're efficient. However, all the "musts" sound obsessive. If you can't not do it , then it's obssessive not just a helpful habit.

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Wow -- I thought I was crazy! I like things clean, but I just don't feel the need to clean our shower/bath everyday, etc. The boys clean the tub once a week and the bathroom twice a week. I wipe down the toilet with a Lysol wipe almost daily and the sink when I go to bed.


I do laundry every evening after everyone is ready for bed, and I run the dishwasher every night when I go to bed.


I wash towels once a week because we all have our own towel, and sheets are definitely not done weekly. I also wash small rugs (the ones in front of sinks and the back door weekly). Kitchen towels are washed nightly.


The house is all picked up every night (the boys have to put all toys and stuff away), and I vacuum the living area and hallway every night after that. The kitchen is neat and tidy as well. So, we start the day with everything being in its place. I sweep the kitchen a couple of times a day but only mop about once a week.


All beds are made in the morning by the person who slept in it, and the laundry is put away. I usually fold it and put it on the table before I go to bed, but everyone grabs his own and puts it away in the morning.


I dust while I'm waiting for the boys to finish their math or such.


We have a small house, though. (1,100 sq ft)


PS -- I am a fanatic about paperwork, mail, etc. being dealt with or filed away. I cannot stand clutter or junk drawers.

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My daily must-do's: Laundry, since DH only has 2 wearable pair of pants. Dishes, at least every other day (usually only 2 people making the dishes mess). Um...the kitchen floor when I notice stuff sticking to my feet?


Seriously, I could really use someone like you living with me, to keep me on track!

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Tell me you have a house 1800 square feet or smaller? Only 2 kids? Yeah, you are insane. I like it since it doesn't take a lot of time.


We actually just added on. It's 2600 sq. feet. 3 Kiddos, 1 dog (who gets bathed and groomed every month, nails clipped, ears cleaned every other week.), 1 guinea pig we just got him(He got his first bath and will get them once a month, and the cage is spot cleaned daily and completely cleaned and sprayed down every 4th day)

If I left it even for a few days it would take hours.

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45 min. of cleaning a day doesn't sound unreasonable and you sound like you're efficient. However, all the "musts" sound obsessive. If you can't not do it , then it's obssessive not just a helpful habit.


I can rarely let it go, so maybe a bit obsessive. I have to be bed bound to not do it. I was vacuuming 2 days after my third c-section.

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We actually just added on. It's 2600 sq. feet. 3 Kiddos, 1 dog (who gets bathed and groomed every month, nails clipped, ears cleaned every other week.), 1 guinea pig we just got him(He got his first bath and will get them once a month, and the cage is spot cleaned daily and completely cleaned and sprayed down every 4th day)

If I left it even for a few days it would take hours.


Wow. I have just recently crossed over to making my home a higher priority, and you're right it doesn't have to take a lot of time, just consistency. I will never be as clean as you though.


My baths get wiped down almost daily by the kids. I try to clean the tubs once a week. My kitchen is clean every night now and the whole house is picked up. I love it. The key for me has been not to leave a room empty-handed and leaving a room better than I left it.


Anyway, if you are all happy that's what counts.

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My bf thinks I am just a cleaning freak. Honestly, I think it's because I am not a clutter type person and she is. I don't have a ton of knick knacks, I do have a big plastic tote for every holiday with decorations so I do have stuff...lol


I must clean the bathrooms every day, toilet, tubs, windex glass and faucets, the whole shebang.

I must sweep and mop my kitchen, bathroom and dining room floors every day.

The beds are made as soon as everyone gets out of them, they all make their own beds, it's a habit now. Rooms are picked up and laundry sent downstairs.

I must do ALL the bedding weekly.

I must do my laundry daily, folded and put away. I go to bed with an empty hamper and I have been know to creep out of bed at 1 am to fold and put it in the kids rooms if I left a load in the dryer.

Dusting, vacuuming, gets done 2 x's weekly as well as a closet a week.


I truly spend about 45 minutes a day cleaning, if that. It doesn't take up my entire day. Am I insane???;)



You could be my long lost sister! Only I do laundry twice a week. :D

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My bf thinks I am just a cleaning freak. Honestly, I think it's because I am not a clutter type person and she is. I don't have a ton of knick knacks, I do have a big plastic tote for every holiday with decorations so I do have stuff...lol


I must clean the bathrooms every day, toilet, tubs, windex glass and faucets, the whole shebang.

I must sweep and mop my kitchen, bathroom and dining room floors every day.

The beds are made as soon as everyone gets out of them, they all make their own beds, it's a habit now. Rooms are picked up and laundry sent downstairs.

I must do ALL the bedding weekly.

I must do my laundry daily, folded and put away. I go to bed with an empty hamper and I have been know to creep out of bed at 1 am to fold and put it in the kids rooms if I left a load in the dryer.

Dusting, vacuuming, gets done 2 x's weekly as well as a closet a week.


I truly spend about 45 minutes a day cleaning, if that. It doesn't take up my entire day. Am I insane???;)


Yes, you do sound like a cleaning freak. But that's not necessarily a bad thing! :001_smile:

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I am considered a clean-and-neat freak here, and I don't clean this often.


My musts are:

Kitchen counters must be cleaned immediately after they are dirtied. I become very cranky if this is not done.

Regular dishes need to be done after every meal. Hand-washing dishes must be done at least once a day.

House must be picked up daily--no clutter allowed.

Cobwebs are gotten rid of immediately after I notice them.


All other cleaning gets done once a week, unless there is a mess and I need to spot-clean. Honestly, I think this is enough, because I have been very deliberate about teaching the children to clean up after themselves as they go. Laundry gets done when there's enough for a load or two, which I guess is 2-3 times a week.

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I am considered a clean-and-neat freak here, and I don't clean this often.


My musts are:

Kitchen counters must be cleaned immediately after they are dirtied. I become very cranky if this is not done.

Regular dishes need to be done after every meal. Hand-washing dishes must be done at least once a day.

House must be picked up daily--no clutter allowed.

Cobwebs are gotten rid of immediately after I notice them.


All other cleaning gets done once a week, unless there is a mess and I need to spot-clean. Honestly, I think this is enough, because I have been very deliberate about teaching the children to clean up after themselves as they go. Laundry gets done when there's enough for a load or two, which I guess is 2-3 times a week.


I could have written this. I don't think you are insane BTW, just efficient.

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Wow -- I thought I was crazy! I like things clean, but I just don't feel the need to clean our shower/bath everyday, etc. The boys clean the tub once a week and the bathroom twice a week. I wipe down the toilet with a Lysol wipe almost daily and the sink when I go to bed.


I do laundry every evening after everyone is ready for bed, and I run the dishwasher every night when I go to bed.


I wash towels once a week because we all have our own towel, and sheets are definitely not done weekly. I also wash small rugs (the ones in front of sinks and the back door weekly). Kitchen towels are washed nightly.


The house is all picked up every night (the boys have to put all toys and stuff away), and I vacuum the living area and hallway every night after that. The kitchen is neat and tidy as well. So, we start the day with everything being in its place. I sweep the kitchen a couple of times a day but only mop about once a week.


All beds are made in the morning by the person who slept in it, and the laundry is put away. I usually fold it and put it on the table before I go to bed, but everyone grabs his own and puts it away in the morning.


I dust while I'm waiting for the boys to finish their math or such.


We have a small house, though. (1,100 sq ft)


PS -- I am a fanatic about paperwork, mail, etc. being dealt with or filed away. I cannot stand clutter or junk drawers.


This sounds like me. My list of musts:


1. Wipe down bathrooms - sinks, toilet. Just with a washcloth though. Once/week, I do it with vinegar/water and get the showers/baths.


2. Vacuum main living area - that includes our kitchen and family room and entryway. The kids mop the kitchen/entryway 3x/week. The rest of the house gets vacuumed 2x/week and mopped 1x/week.


3. Laundry - I throw in a load every morning and get it hung up. The next day, I take that load down for the next load to go up. I only fold every 3 - 4 days because when I folded daily, the kids wore the same two outfits!


4. Kitchen - Dishes are done as they're used. Counters wiped down constantly!!


5. Clutter - as long as it's picked up once/day, I don't mind toys out.


6. Junk drawer - I have one, but it's very organized!


7. Dusting - once/week. This includes the ceiling as we have a TON of spiders and need to get their webs/eggs! Yuck.


8. Organizing - I spend Lent going through every closet and cabinet in my house.


I think that's it!!

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This sounds like me. My list of musts:


3. I only fold every 3 - 4 days because when I folded daily, the kids wore the same two outfits!



Sometimes this happens, when I told my mom, she (to whom I aspire to be like) said she rotated all of our clothes. So when she would put our clothes away (which I make my kids do) she would put the new laundered on the bottom, undies, socks, t shirts and such.

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My bf thinks I am just a cleaning freak. Honestly, I think it's because I am not a clutter type person and she is. I don't have a ton of knick knacks, I do have a big plastic tote for every holiday with decorations so I do have stuff...lol


I must clean the bathrooms every day, toilet, tubs, windex glass and faucets, the whole shebang.

I must sweep and mop my kitchen, bathroom and dining room floors every day.

The beds are made as soon as everyone gets out of them, they all make their own beds, it's a habit now. Rooms are picked up and laundry sent downstairs.

I must do ALL the bedding weekly.

I must do my laundry daily, folded and put away. I go to bed with an empty hamper and I have been know to creep out of bed at 1 am to fold and put it in the kids rooms if I left a load in the dryer.

Dusting, vacuuming, gets done 2 x's weekly as well as a closet a week.


I truly spend about 45 minutes a day cleaning, if that. It doesn't take up my entire day. Am I insane???;)



No you are not insane. You can do all that in 45min a day. I am impressed. It seems to take me about 2 hours + to do all you mentioned. I guess I'm flakey and get side tracked:tongue_smilie:

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Ummmmm....me. I must have a shower every day. :D Or some form of washing...bath, sponge, etc.


Other than that....yep, I'm pretty relaxed. As long as the floors, counters, dishes, and laundry are reasonable, I'm good. I can certainly sleep with dishes in the sink.


and I'm waaaaaaaaaay better at keeping things tidy than I used to be.


The ONLY reason I might get out of bed to tidy is if someone like the President was coming for a visit. I'd do laundry in the wee hours only if I were getting on a plane for Europe the next day.


Life's too short for me to do too much housework. ;)

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Pongo, I don't think you're insane. It sounds like you have found a system that works for you and requires minimal maintenance. I bet you feel great going to bed knowing it's all done. I wish I was like that!


:iagree: However, I don't even sorta thing it is NECESSARY to clean baths and floors every day. I just think it's a waste of time. I clean our baths and floors weekly and it's just fine with us. I need to sweep everyday, but just spot mop between cleanings.


The Laundry thing I agree with as long as you are not washing half loads and wasteing energy.


In addition, I have a TINY house and there is no way I could clean my 1 bathroom and sweep and mop my tiny kitchen and one bath floors and do the laundry, plus vac and dust 2X week my tiny living room in just 45 minutes a day. That's amazing.


That all being said, to each, his own. :001_smile:

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HOW do you do ALL that in 45 minutes or less? :001_huh:


I do the bathroom when I shower, the other one I do while the kids are getting breakfast. 10 minutes each, tops. I sweep before I go to bed, so I mop right after breakfast 10 minutes. That leaves me 15 minutes to fold laundry (always only 1 load) so it takes much less time.A few minutes here and there gets the other stuff done, it really isn't much time at all.:D

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