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Would you get a tubal ligation?

Would you have a tubal ligation?  

  1. 1. Would you have a tubal ligation?

    • You couldn't pay me to do it!!!
    • Possibly depending on circumstance
    • Oh yeah baby!
    • Been there, done that, got the pin.
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I'm shocked to read the side effects of tubals here. I had never heard of these before.


It also makes me angry. The ob I saw for my recent pregnancy (my third) spent almost every appointment trying to convince me to have my tubes tied. There was no medical reasons... three easy peasy vag deliveries. I guess he just thought three kids was more than enough. I'm even more irritated now hearing the side effects. :glare:

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I didn't want to have a tubal at the birth of a child so we waited a year and then dh a v. I was always afraid that something may happen to the baby as an infant and then we wouldn't have a choice for another one. I also don't like making decisions like that under the influence of pregnancy hormones.


Dh ended up having a vasectomy (and I had endometrial ablation to reduce my cycle complications) and all has been well since.

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As an aside--you mentioned your doctor was pro-life? I thought the IUD was an abortificient?


I understand that this is controversial, but after reading on these boards, I did some other research. This is from WebMD:


Copper IUD . Copper is toxic to sperm. It makes the uterus and fallopian tubes produce fluid that kills sperm. This fluid contains white blood cells, copper ions, enzymes, and prostaglandins. 1


And from the New York Times: Copper-Releasing (ParaGard). This type of IUD can remain in the uterus for up to 10 years. Copper ions released by the IUD are toxic to sperm, thus preventing fertilization.


I believe my dr sees this IUD as a contraceptive, not an abortificient. I can't find it now (heading out the door), but I know someone else cited research finding no live sperm in the fallopian tubes of women having the copper IUD.

Edited by BamaTanya
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I really like how Janet put this.

This is definitely an area to tread lightly in.

Hear are my thoughts.

I answered never in the poll, although never is hard to say about anything.

Just some food for thought; take want you want from it (if any) and discard the rest. My place is not to judge anyone for the choices they make that are the best for their family.


My feelings have always been that we are made to be complete. As near as I can logically figure we are meant to have the organs and have them functioning. It sort of scares me to think of the long term ramifications of altering my natural state in such a way.


My pondering is also not only focused on the physical ramifications. I often wonder about the emotional/spiritual. I just talked to the wife of an OB last week who told a story of a woman who was VERY post menopause and she wanted to have the surgery to fix everything. She explained that she just never felt all the way complete since her tubal ligation surgery years and years prior. She was way beyond being able to have children and still went through the corrective process for her emotional health.


I have been pondering the issue of fertility awareness a lot over the past 6 monthes. I have been trying to figure out how it relates to our personal situation as well as greater societal, and even world, issues. I certainly have a lot more pondering to do. This is huge. It really is. For me, right now, I can't shake the fundamental issue of life and how that translates into dignity for all humans. This is where my faith comes into the equation though and that is a very subjective sort of thing, you know?


Have I just been ridiculously confusing?

My thoughts are with you during this very monumental time of decision making. These questions and the journey to the answers are monstrous, as you well know.




So, you'd never get anything removed/altered? No Lasix eye surgery, no cataract surgery? You still have appendix & tonsils, I presume.

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My mother is having problems, & her drs speculate that it's due to her tubal 26 yrs ago. She did not start having problems--really noticeable problems beyond the heavy periods--until the last yr or 2.


Just thought I'd throw that out there, fwiw.


I'm convinced that it would do something awful to my body eventually--cancer, early meno, something. But take that w/ a grain of salt, because I'm seriously paranoid. ;)

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So, you'd never get anything removed/altered? No Lasix eye surgery, no cataract surgery? You still have appendix & tonsils, I presume.

I don't think she meant in cases of life or death (appendix for instance).


I sort of agree with where she stands, totally if I'm right about the difference between life and death. I don't think that removing things or altering things without a real medical necessity are in our best interests. I don't really care if people do, but because of how I see it I would not. Now, if my appendix were about to rupture, or if having another child could threaten my life or the health of that child, then I would be willing to undergo surgery and permanent changes. All of the things you listed are things that I could understand people doing and for most I would do as well (if my doctor strenuously recommended it or my life hung in the balance), except lasix (and only because I would worry too much about complications making my sight worse than it was to begin with. Easy for me with 20/20 vision to say, I know).

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Had both tubes tied after my youngest was born via c-section. No problems, normal sex drive, normal periods, etc.


Me too. I was urged by my OB not to have any more due to health reasons, and since I was having a C-Section anyway we decided it would be easier for me to get the tubal than my dh a vasectomy. I have had no problems at all.

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I was highly advised against a tubal by two different specialists because I already have PCOS and miserable periods. I was told that the likelyhood of a hysterectomy in the following two years would be significantly greater because I already had problems with heavy bleeding/clotting.


The OB I had to see for my last pregnancy (long story) spend time each and every visit questioning me about and discussing a tubal, even though I had already made my wishes known. I did ask about the side effects and he never once had anything bad to say about them, little did he know what I had already been told...


We are on the fence and have said we were "done" before but have no plans to make permanent changes, I know to many people who have had problems. I'd never say never but, if ever, my DH is next in line. :)

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I got one the day after ds(9) was born. Mine was done laproscopicly (sp?). I was sore for a day or so then fine. It doesn't seem to have effected my flow at all, but I have always had light short cycles. It may have made the cramping worse, but it is hard to say because my cramps got worse after each pregnancy, so it may not have been the tubal in my case.


Anyway no serious side effects here, and would do it again in a heartbeat. DH was willing to do the deed himself, but mine was 100% covered and we would have had to pay for his out of pocket.

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Unless my dh had a really good reason -- medically, morally, or whatever -- then it would be hard to swallow me having such a major surgery compared to dh having a much more minor surgery.


Exception: I think if it were ME wanting to be done with kids and dh WASN'T wanting to be done, well, then I think it's only fair to be responsible myself for the b/c, whether it be tubal, IUD, or whatever. That's not the story in my house, so it's on dh to get it done if it is getting done at all. . .

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I'm not comfortable with the surgery-- the permanency of it, the possible side-effects, however uncommon.


I'd get an IUD or just use plain ol' condoms. We've been using them 2 decades with complete success.


W/ my last baby a lot of the midwives/drs. I saw during the pregnancy and at the hospital asked if I was going to get the tubal and seemed surprised that I was not interested. I guess they figured at my age I'd want something permanent.???


My SIL had one during her planned C/S and seems happy w/ it. She's never mentioned any side effects.

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Based on my personal experience, I would NEVER recommend it.


I had one ...and it is a decision I regret SOOOO much that it brings me to tears. I have some heart problems, and my cardiologist thought that another pregnancy would not be a good idea, as my last two pregnancies really exacerbated my arrythmia. We had 4 healthy children, and so when I had to have surgery to remove an ovarian cyst... I asked my OB/GYN to tie my tubes.




I wish I had thought to get a 2nd opinion from another cardiologist,

because there is not a day that goes by that I don't pray...

"Please God...let me be one of those women who miraculously get pregnant even though she's had her tubes tied."


Now that my youngest is older...I would give anything for another baby. My kids beg for another sibling, and I admit...our family just doesn't feel 'complete' yet. (Dh admits it was a mistake, too.)


Now I struggle with 'contentment' (being grateful for the wonderful family that I have... vs. knowing that I could have had more children if I wouldn't have tried to take a decision into my own hands that should have been left up to God.)


I would really recommend thinking about other options before doing something permanent.


Oh...and yes...my periods have been much worse since the surgery. Heavier, longer, more cramps, and DH says that my PMS is waaaay worse too. :glare:


If it truly is something you are considering...I would highly recommend talking it over in depth with your DH...and possibly a pastor/counselor.

It is NOT a decision to be entered into lightly.

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My mom is starting to have issues now that she is older... the doctors reccommended a hysterectomy, but she's not sure if she should do it. I wonder how many women who have had tubal ligations have hysterectomy's later on.


Yes, and I wonder how that number would correlate to the number of women who have not had tubil ligation who end up having a hysterectomy because of similiar problems as they age.

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Just wanted to share a bit more about my story.

After our first two children I ended up having very severe Ectopic Pregnancy that almost took my life. After the ectopic we lost another baby and then I developed severe endomitriomis (this was diagnosed through a surgery. The doctor thought I had a large cancerous growth in my abdominal cavity. It was only a endomitrioma (sp)A lot of times they diagnose this through symptoms only).


The endometeriomis was horrible. I was almost constantly in pain and had such severe PMS type issues that I could not hear or see reality. My vision would go blurry and noises had a different affect on my than normal . I wearied of the pain and constant struggle with the disease. I was very young (early 20's). I would go into my doctor with my stuggles. I had one surgery where they sort of put everything back where it was suppose to and removed as much scar tissue as they could, lubed me up internally and hoped for a successful healing. I didn't work. Eventually, the only thing he could suggest was a hysterctomy. I made the date. I knew I could not live like I was any longer.


The day before I was to go in, I called and cancelled. I just COULD. NOT. DO. IT. I really didn't have any reason except, I did not feel peace about the decision.


To make a long story short, I suppose, I will fast forard to now. I now have 4 healthy children. Two more than "they" told me I was every suppose to have. AND......through yet another surgery, my body shows absolutely not signs of every having endometriosis.


I look at the two children I have had after the very suggested hysterectomy and I honestly get sick to my stomache thinking that they would have never been.


thanks for letting me share. \e

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Thank you for all the sharing and opinions. Having had this on my mind a lot I've definatly made it a matter of prayer. I can say with certainty that I am not comfortable having the procedure done. I still need to talk more with dh about a v. He has already said he would prefer to do it anyway so that isn't an issue.


I appreciate everyones thoughts on the subject. I do find it odd how some women can have such severe cycle/mood changes while others don't. I wonder what makes this different for each woman, hormones, health, age??? Hmm interesting.


Anyway thanks again.

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  • 1 year later...

I had a tubal ligation done with a c-section over a year ago. I had c-sections with all three children. It was a very hard decision to make, but in the end decided that it would be best for us. Now, I secretly wish that my tubes would "fuse" and heal back together, especially now that my values have changed slightly. I wouldn't have a reversal done, even if it was free. I haven't had any side effects from the procedure other than a slight regret. I don't recommend it (or any type of BC for that matter) to anyone other than NFP. I wish that this was the option that I had taken instead for myself and my family.

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No, I would not have a tubal. My dh had a vasectomy. The risks of a tubal are higher than that of a vasectomy. It is also statistically less effective at preventing pregnancy, though both are very effective. When dh was balking at the big V, I looked into the Essure procedure and would have chosen that if the permanent birth control decision was going to occur in my body.


I told dh that I had done my part for our reproductive health, and now he could do his.;) He agreed to the big V when I was 4 months pregnant with baby #4 and was sitting on the bathroom floor in front of the toilet after having thrown up so violently and repeatedly that I had tears running down my face and I had involuntarily peed my pants. I looked up at him all bleary eyed and asked him to have a vasectomy. He agreed.

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If you dh is willing to do a vasectomy, let him do that.


What made my decision is when my doctor, the one who would be doing my tubal if we went that route, told me that he urges every woman who is in a monogamous relationship and wanting to end her child bearing to have her dh get a vasectomy; that he never encourages women w/only one partner to have a tubal. Because the health risks are just that out of sync between the two surgeries.


So, when the guy who would be making $$ by doing my surgery told me not to do it, to have my dh find a doc and have the Vas., I figured that was the kind of info I should listen to, ya know? And he didn't give us a referral to a doc for dh, so I know it wasn't a kick-back kind of thing either.

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I am so wishy washy on this subject.


We will be having our 4th baby in Dec. This will be our last for many reasons. Dh is prepared to have a vastectomy but I have been considering a tubal instead for the main reason I will already be having a c-section. It makes more sense to take care of it at the same time. It also seems wrong to me to make such a permanant change to my body (or dh for that matter) but honestly at this point something has to be done as it is a health risk for me to have more children.


I have heard horrible things associated with tubal ligations but only a handfull of things about vastectomy.My main concern is that I will have worse periods than I currently do. I already will end up on the bathroom floor with cramps and bleeding, well we won't even go there. I have read that a side effect can be increased monthly cramping and flow. :glare: Who wants that ya know?


So would you have one? Have you had one? What was your experiance?

Are the side effects really as bad and frequent as all the research says?



I had a tubal ligation after my 4th c-section. I have had absolutely no problems with cramps since the procedure. In fact, I had little cramping before, and now I have none.

I've heard that some women do, but it came as a complete surprise to me to learn that.

I'm very, very happy with my decision! :)

Good luck.

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My mom is starting to have issues now that she is older... the doctors reccommended a hysterectomy, but she's not sure if she should do it. I wonder how many women who have had tubal ligations have hysterectomy's later on.


I was told to have a hysterectomy at 28 a few years after tubal ligation. I refused outright. Then they told me to take BC....I again refused. Why am I going to have to take BC when I got snipped?!??! I decided to do research and then came across Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome. I had every symptoms it listed for it. So I decided after prayer and research to do a tubal reversal. Once I did that three months later all of my systems went back to normal. Period went back to normal. All of the symptoms went away.


I now recommend to others NOT to get Tubal Ligation. I make sure my story is told to others considering this.


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I did get a tubal ligation when I had my 3rd c-section and if I could go back and redo it, I would definitely not do it again. I didn't have any side effects or complications associated with the tubal, but I had a very hard time emotionally afterward for the first year or so because I had had the tubal.


It wasn't that I wanted more children, but I struggled with the fact that I couldn't have any more children if that makes sense. My body was awash with hormones anyway and adding this compounded the problem. I suffered post partum depression for the only time after that delivery and I think a lot of that stemmed from the tubal.


There are other forms of birth control that are less permanent. I now have a Mirena IUD as well and I love it. I never have a period or the yucky stuff that goes with that. I wish I had just done that instead of the tubal.


Good luck with your decision.

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Didn't get a chance to vote. But If I had it to do over again I would never, ever, ever have ever had it done.

I'd be in the not in your life category.


Ever since having it done its done nothing but reek havoc on my body. I was never ready to have it done. I was pretty much cooerced by a doctor , who now no longer practices in our area and totally disappeared off the face of the earth. I completely totally regret every single day the moment I had ever agreed to have it done. Just don't do it!

P.s I had it done before I had ever converted to Catholicism ( just so you all know).

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Boy this had me confused:D! When the thread opened, I saw that I had already voted in the poll. I thought I was losing my mind because I did not remember doing it :lol:. Then I checked the date. No wonder I don't remember voting.



I wonder what she chose :001_huh:?

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