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What is the population of your city?

What is the population of your city?  

  1. 1. What is the population of your city?

    • Less than 5,000
    • 5,000 to 20,000
    • 20,000 to 50,000
    • 50,000 to 100,000
    • 100,000 - 500,000
    • 500,000 - 1 million
    • over 1 million

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I chose 5-20,000 as the population of the town in my mailing address (I live in the country). However, that town is a suburb of a small city population something over 150,000. We are just 15 minutes away from the larger town which gives us access to, well, whatever. :D

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According to chamber of commerce......19,765 residents


My town has a very small town feel.


Our downtown is 2 streets long, we have no McDonalds, burger king or any fast food restaurants. We have no chain restaurants.


Its all very nice but you spend a lot of time driving to other towns.


Barely any traffic (and it really doesn't qualify as traffic).


Its nice but I look forward to moving someday.

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We're not actually in a town, but statistics say we have 32 people per square mile here. I think that seems a bit high. Perhaps some of them are seasonal residents who only come in for hunting season!


It amuses me that while I used to live in the heart of Tampa, Florida, I now drive the 6 mile dirt road to the highway and if I pass two cars, wonder what all the traffic is about. (And comment to dd that I am glad we don't live on such a busy road!)

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I'm not sure how to answer the question. We don't live in a town, but there are five towns that form a circle around us. The one whose post office delivers our mail had a population of 692 according to the 2000 census, but it is actually the furthest away of the five towns. The biggest of the five has a population of 25,000. Also, we live less than 15 miles from Raleigh, NC, which has a population of about 392,000, but 1,690,000 if you count the entire metropolitan area. Raleigh is the fastest growing city in the US, so we are watching our rural area rapidly changing to suburbs.

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Originally Posted by Janet in Toronto viewpost.gif

Toronto: population 2.5 million (5.5 million in Greater Toronto Area).


Interesting fact: half of the population of the city was born outside of Canada.


That is interesting! What country do most of them come from? The U.S.?


No, there are a lot of Indians, Middle Easterners, East Asians, Russians, and other Eastern Europeans. Some from Latin America, too, but Toronto's ethnic minorities are a different complexion than those found in most American cities.


I'm not from Canada, but I do spend a week every year in Toronto for a writing retreat.

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The city of Chesapeake is about 340.7 sq miles. Big enough to be it's own county and the only city in the "County" we are I guess considered an independant city LOL

The population as of 2008 was 220,111


We don't really consider it home though. Once the Navy is done with us we'll most likely move back to the midwest. I'd love to one of those on the poll in the under 5000 category.

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Well.... according to wikipedia: 79,810


But it's not a city. It's a "Regional municipality" and "urban service area" ...with the population of a small city, yet the appearance of.. a crowded town. Or something. Okay it's easier if I just link you :)


I don't know if the wikipedia pop. figures are counting all the work camps, and I highly doubt that they are counting all the people who are sleeping in rooms, basements, garages, sheds, campers, and whatever else. Or those who live here & back east, coming & going. We lost some in the whole economy downturn thing, but it's still hopping here. Not quite as bad as the other year - when I said sheds, I meant it. People were renting out their sheds to people. Others were (are) living in motorhomes/campers/vans parked around town. Bit nippy in the frigid winter, but that's what happens when there are more people than there are places to rent.


It's a strange place.


(We moved here from a town - that actually does call itself a city - of about 15,000. )

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We rural with the nearest closest borough (PA's version of a village) being far less than 5000. It's probably in the hundreds.


We're only 15 - 25 minutes from cities of 40 - 60,000 and around a couple of hours to cities of hundreds of thousands (Harrisburg, DC) to millions (Philly). Baltimore fits in there somewhere too at a little over an hour away.


I think it's absolutely perfect as I love rural living - with access to the perks of higher populations when the whim hits, but not having to actually live in it.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

Wow! I didn't think there would be so many of us from the lower population end. There are only about 6,000 people in my whole county. Our town (1 square mile) has about 300.

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Wow! I didn't think there would be so many of us from the lower population end. There are only about 6,000 people in my whole county. Our town (1 square mile) has about 300.


Sigh! It must be nice! I wish I could live a quieter life in a smaller place. Heck! I'd be happy if I could just see the stars at night! :p

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That is interesting! What country do most of them come from? The U.S.?


About half of the immigrant population is from Asia and the Middle East...large groups from China, India, Philippines. Another third is from Europe, with most from Southern Europe (Italy, Portugal...). Only about 2% of immigrants are from the US.


Here's the data.

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Ours is about 140,000. It was 80,000 when we moved here 18 years ago. The growth has been good and bad. Good - excellent library system. Bad - a victim of its own success - more traffic, more wealthy people who have exceedingly high standards, but expect my tax dollars to pay for them (really, why does our local high school have to have a more state-of-the-art AV system than most big businesses or the most expensive workout room?)


ETA: This is a suburb in a metropolitan area of over 6 million.

Edited by dirty ethel rackham
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448,000 as of the 2000 Census.


I grew up in a town of less than 25,000 and I would personally NOT want to go back to small town life. I've gotten too spoiled to having a variety of shopping, entertainment, museums, libraries, parks, etc. easily available. Sometimes I think I would like to experience a big city, but it looks like we're staying put.

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I'd be happy if I could just see the stars at night! :p


This is something I really treasure and would never want to give up. I've lived in a cities from large to small and have no desire to go back to crowded living. I have a crowd allergy... Fortunately, hubby and my boys do too. :)

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This is something I really treasure and would never want to give up. I've lived in a cities from large to small and have no desire to go back to crowded living. I have a crowd allergy... Fortunately, hubby and my boys do too. :)


It must be so nice! :) I would love to move to a smaller place, but financially were just not in a place to do it yet. Hopefully some day! :) I have a killer telescope and I cannot use it! It sits in its box in the closet because I would have to drive 5 hours north of where I live to be able to use it!

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I picked the one where I live *now*, which is 50,000 to 100,000, but when I was actually hsing, I lived first in San Diego, the second largest city in California, then in San Jose, the third largest city in California (which is just down the road from San Francisco, the *fourth* largest city in California). I'm just a big city girl, my Outer Banks roots notwithstanding, lol.

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I currently live in Sharjah (UAE).

The size of the emirate is 235 km2, and has a population of approx 800,000

( no wonder it feels like I am always stuck in traffic).


Next year, we will be moving back home to Australia.

We will be settling back into our home state of Victoria ( Melbourne), which has a population of about 3.9 million, but the town we will be settling in has a population of 1,000 ( can't wait !!)

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Close to 6,000 in the town where we actually live, but we are in a county of almost 170,000 (county seat has 66,000 though it had less than 20,000 when I was growing up here IIRC), and only a few minutes from a city of almost 700,000 (the county there is close to 900, 000). The bulk of our activities are in these two counties, so going by the size of our particular town is deceptive.

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My town has a population of about 3,000. Our whole county has just over 90,000 and is made up of over 20 little towns/townships/villages. The population is just over 9,000 in the county seat.


It's an hour's drive to the nearest large library, Sam's Club, community college or any other sign of civilization.

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I live "in town" - village of 500-some.


But we're 10 minutes away from a city of 35,000+ (where we do most of our shopping) and 30 minutes away from the "big city" of ~750,000 (1.8 million metro area).


We feel like we get the best of both worlds.

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