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If you let your pre K and K kids watch TV, what shows do you let them watch?

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We've been big Noggin fans for a long time. We keep the TV on that channel so whenever dc turn on the TV they see a show from Noggin. I don't have a problem with any show except one, and it's not for content, it's the quality (acting, singing, costume, scenery).


I also want to move more toward educational programming, so I've been recording shows from PBS: WordWorld, Between the Lions, Sid the Science Kid and Super Why. Lately, when they want to watch a show, those are the choices I give them.


So I was just wondering, if you're a TV household, what shows do you let your pre K and K kids watch?

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He's allowed to watch pretty much anything on PBS. We ditched cable, so that's all we actually have anyway, but it's OK b/c that's all he would watch anyway ;)

It just depends on what is on and when we are watching...he LOVES Curious George, Word World, Sid the Science Kid and Cyberchase.

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Is your problem show Yo Gabba Gabba, by any chance? That show makes me want to shove toothpicks in my ears :banghead: I know people who LOVE it, and supposedly it's written by and targeted at parents in my age range and demographic, but I cannot stand it. And if I see one more "commercial" for that awful Fresh Beats Band... :ack2:


We do lots of Noggin too, and we're lucky that we have a 24/7 PBS Kids channel (it's been a lifesaver on more than one long night up with a sick kid). I don't consider the PBS shows more educational, because I've found myself mentioning the Noggin shows, which seem to be more values/social skills-oriented, when discussing such issues with the girls. However, Cyberchase (PBS) has long been a favorite of my DD6, and we love love love Peep and the Big Wide World, which we usually only see online now. United Streaming, if you have a membership, has quite a few episodes of Cyberchase online, as does Netflix, and it has all the Peep episodes. Netflix has some Cyberchase episodes available for Instant Watch too.


Lately, more mainstream shows have been creeping in, including Ben 10 (which, I'm embarassed to admit, I really like), but I try to keep those to an absolute bare minimum. And I'm strongly considering dumping cable altogether, but I haven't quite been able to make that leap yet!

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Is your problem show Yo Gabba Gabba, by any chance? That show makes me want to shove toothpicks in my ears :banghead: I know people who LOVE it, and supposedly it's written by and targeted at parents in my age range and demographic, but I cannot stand it. And if I see one more "commercial" for that awful Fresh Beats Band... :ack2:

Yes! I haven't seen/heard anything wrong with it, I just can't stand the poor quality and the awful dialogue!

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My kids' favorite shows are Little Einsteins and Caillou. (Note that Little Einsteins is on the fantasy side and some episodes of Caillou have resulted in spiking some fears in my son...grrrr...)


They also like PBS in the afternoon - Wishbone (this is a great show, imo, all episodes revolve a classic work of literature), Word Girl, Cyberchase, etc.

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I really limit the TV watching time of my kids. My DD only started to watch TV when she was 23 months old and I needed a distraction for her so I could nurse her sister. Now that said sister is 18 months old- she is interested in TV. The only shows she's allowed to watch are on PBS. When DH is at home on Sat morning's she gets to watch the Mickey Mouse Club, but we don't watch Nikelodeon, Disney Channel or Cartoon Network- for the commercials.


DD loves Dragon Tales, Sid The Science Kid, Calliou (although I've thought about banning this one). Curious George was her first favorite and has the DVD's.


She's recently become interested in Word Girl and Martha Speaks.


She has a lot of DVD's to choose from. I have a set of Noodlebug DVD's that she likes. I try to limit Disney movies- the dead and/or absent mothers really bothers me. Either your evil and ugly, or beautiful and a princess. She loves to watch Buzz on Toy Story, and has recently showed an interest in Bolt- which I didn't even know we owned.

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We don't watch much TV and when the girls get to watch a show they like to watch DVD's. The favorite right now is Horseland which might be on network TV too. Don't know. Also we love Looney Toons and Scooby Doo.


Lately, more mainstream shows have been creeping in, including Ben 10 (which, I'm embarassed to admit, I really like), but I try to keep those to an absolute bare minimum. And I'm strongly considering dumping cable altogether, but I haven't quite been able to make that leap yet!


When we're over at my grandmother's house we'll watch Ben 10 sometimes. Yeah, we like it too!

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We're not a TV house anymore, but do watch some TV shows via the internet and DVD. My four to six year olds have enjoyed Inspector Gadget, Care Bears, Star Trek, Magic School Bus, Reading Rainbow, WordGirl and CyberChase. I'm not sure the first three can still be caught in reruns, but I'm pretty sure the last two are still on.


ETA: Oh, and Justice League Unlimited, I remember as I see my 3yo in my sig line.

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My four to six year olds have enjoyed Inspector Gadget, Care Bears, Star Trek, Magic School Bus, Reading Rainbow, WordGirl and CyberChase. I'm not sure the first three can still be caught in reruns, but I'm pretty sure the last two are still on.


Care Bears is on CBS once a week, maybe Saturdays, but there's the normal amount of commercials. We have 3 Care Bears tapes, so I quit recording Care Bears from TV. It's just more convenient to pull it up from the DVR than to put in the tape, make sure it's rewound, etc... But then they had to watch the commercials, and I didn't want to jump up every 5 minutes to fast forward through them.

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But...but....but Yo Gabba Gabba has so many amazing life lessons!


How can you discount a show that teaches:


Don't, don't don't bite your friends

There's a party in my tummy, oh yeah, oh yeah



Seriously, have you people seen the episode with Jack Black? Soooo funny!



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My 3 yr old watches mainly Noggin and some PBS. I'm pretty lenient with TV but there are a few shows I say no to (Fairly Odd Parents is one my kids constantly ask to watch)


My next oldest is 6 (1st grade) and is starting to want to watch the "older" kids shows like ICarly, Hannah Montana, etc. I do allow it sometimes but he doesn't watch that much TV (and big sister likes those shows too).


I have to add, the Jack Black episode of Yo Gabba Gabba was hysterical :D

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We didn't have cable back then - but dd12's fave show when she was that young was Barney, which she watched on VHS over and over.. she gets SO mad when I remind her of that. ;)


Oh my, look at what it says on the wikipedia entry for Barney...


Barney's famous song "I Love You" (as well as songs from Sesame Street and Metallica) has been used by interrogators at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to coerce the detainees.



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My kids' favorite shows are Little Einsteins and Caillou. (Note that Little Einsteins is on the fantasy side and some episodes of Caillou have resulted in spiking some fears in my son...grrrr...)



I sure am glad you wrote that, I now know I'm not the only one. I had to veto Caillou after a "monsters" episode. DD started whining that there were monsters in her room, just like Caillou. The stories and animation were cute, but the whining was constant with that kid!


DD likes the PBSkids shows, Max and Ruby and Magic Schoolbus.

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I really limit the TV watching time of my kids. My DD only started to watch TV when she was 23 months old and I needed a distraction for her so I could nurse her sister. Now that said sister is 18 months old- she is interested in TV. The only shows she's allowed to watch are on PBS. When DH is at home on Sat morning's she gets to watch the Mickey Mouse Club, but we don't watch Nikelodeon, Disney Channel or Cartoon Network- for the commercials.


DD loves Dragon Tales, Sid The Science Kid, Calliou (although I've thought about banning this one). Curious George was her first favorite and has the DVD's.


She's recently become interested in Word Girl and Martha Speaks.


She has a lot of DVD's to choose from. I have a set of Noodlebug DVD's that she likes. I try to limit Disney movies- the dead and/or absent mothers really bothers me. Either your evil and ugly, or beautiful and a princess. She loves to watch Buzz on Toy Story, and has recently showed an interest in Bolt- which I didn't even know we owned.

I can't believe I forgot Martha Speaks!!! The world stops here at 5:30 for Martha!!

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Mine love watching Barney (gag!), Curious George, Elmo's World, and Dragon Tales but they are too young to understand that the shows are only on at certain times so I just put in 30ish min videos; then I don't feel like I have to finish school by a certain time so that a certain show will be on.


We like Richard Scarry videos (songs, abcs, #s) and Noodlebug (by the makers of the Babybug books).

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I just have to bite the bullet and ban Calliou completely in our house too. There are a few episodes that I will let her watch- when Calliou goes to the library for example.


Ada whines that there are monsters in her room. I had wondered where she got it from. I don't like that he whines and is constantly telling his parents "I don't want to" whenever he's told to do something. It is the show she watches the least yet imitates the most. She wants to do things "like Rosie".

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Let's see........ I'll look at our tivo list for what we have recorded.


Super Why, 64 Zoo Lane, Prehistoric Planet, Magic School Bus, Peep, Pinky Dinky Doo, Sid the Science Kid, Diego, Wonder Pets, Between the Lions, Reading Rainbow, Toot & Puddle, and Blue's Clues are what's on there. Catherine LOVES Diego and Wonder Pets, and has picked up the odd Spanish word and a good deal of animal knowledge from them.


That's what they can choose from. We have some dvds too: Veggie Tales, Signing Time, Mustard Pancakes, Yoga Kids.


They don't watch tv every day; it's usually 2 or 3 days a week. When they do watch, they do tend to do an hour (or more), though. (sigh)

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popular mechanics for kids (PMK) on video. My kids love, love, love this one.


Magic school bus.


Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe



My 7 and 5 year old girls also LOVE Dirty Jobs. As for the more traditional kids fare, my kids adore Peep and the Big Wide World. On DVD, they still enjoy Bear and the Big Blue House, Muppet Show and Veggie Tales. I also checked out DVD's fof the original Electric Company series and they love those too. For TV, when they do watch, it is on PBS although they occasionally watch some things on our Netflix instant queue like Kipper (my 5 year old loves Kipper).

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I am pretty picky about the TV my children watch. I want quality programming - not just entertainment. Even much of what is considered edutainment doesn't pass my muster.


Now, when the chidren are a little older, I know I'll get more lenient on this. But, then, they'll be older...


Right now we watch TV for 1hr a day - 30 minutes in the morning, 30 minutes in the afternoon. (The exception to this is when Daddy comes home from work early and puts on MASH or The People's Court. I try to herd the kids outside then.)


Acceptable shows:

Mighty Machines (via Netflix!)

Curious George

Sid the Science Kid

Word World


The Wiggles

Elmo's World (we have videos)

Sesame Street (very rare, and even then usually not the entire hour show)


I do not care for SuperWhy. I don't like the way they slice and dice the story from the book, dumb down the characters, and sing every 30 seconds about nothing. But, I've occasionally let my kids watch a show. They seem to like it.


Then of course there's the October black-out period where everything on TV goes Halloween. Why do we have to scare the bujeebers out of three-year-olds??? on PBS, no less???


Also, when we're on vacation at Grandma and Grandpa's I am more lenient. We don't live under a rock.

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I loved Mr. Rogers as a kid, and I also liked 3-2-1 Contact and the math version when I was a bit older.


My kids watch ZERO commercial kids' TV shows and very few other shows.


My kids like Zula Patrol, which I allow in small doses. It is science-themed. I cannot stand Caillou -- but on a few occasions, they've sweet-talked me into watching it. They also like Lomax, the Hound of Music; I find it to be hilariously "folksy."


My kids wish they could watch Curious George, but I also find it annoying. They've seen it a few times, though. I watched many episodes of Arthur without my kids, and I basically dislike that show. (Although the funniest thing was getting an old Arthur book from the library about glasses, and in it Arthur, and indeed all the characters look totally different, much less people-like.) In my experience, many PBS shows depict somewhat hostile sibling relationships, even if the "theme" is getting along. I don't like to promote that as normal family dynamics. So I keep that in mind. It's a Big Big World has mostly cooperative story lines.


Also, I dislike the mock-commercial style of Sesame Street (what's with the parodies of late night TV?), so I avoid that, especially with the Elmo gear everywhere, although I always liked the diversity of the cast.

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In my experience, many PBS shows depict somewhat hostile sibling relationships, even if the "theme" is getting along. I don't like to promote that as normal family dynamics. So I keep that in mind. .


It's very difficult when books are depicting siblings that are kind of hostile to each other. I love the Box Car Children because they are always respectful of each other.


I agree about PBS depicting that kind of relationship too. It really makes me cringe. I am sensitive to it because my kids actually get along and I'd like to keep it that way. :)

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Before we moved we had Noggin and I loved Yo Gabba Gabba! Ds1 is a difficult eater and we would sing " Try it, you'll like it!" and " There's a party in my tummy" and he would gobble his food right up. I was so sad when we moved and didn't have Noggin anymore.


Now he'll watch:

Sid the Science Kid

Between the Lions

Super Why

Curious George



Occasionally we'll do Playhouse Disney shows, like Imagination Movers or Handy Mandy. Both kids love Little Einsteins but I can never figure out when it comes on anymore.

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My kids get 2 or 3 shows a day. They usually watch 2 as soon as they wake up (oldest picks one and youngest picks one). Then sometimes I let them watch one more show in the late afternoon.


So they rotate between Oswald, Curious George, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Martha Speaks, Dragon Tales, Miss Spiders Sunny Patch, Scooby Doo, Super Why, Diego, and Clifford. There's the occasional Dora or Wonder Pets sometimes too.


And my kids are eagerly awaiting the new show Dinosaur Train that debuts in the fall on PBS. They love dinosaurs and they love trains LOL. Your kids can watch a clip here to see if they like it: www.pbskids.org/dinosaurtrain .

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I think Charlie and Lola is charming. We've seen it in hotels when on vacation, as we don't have cable at home. We all thought it was adorable.


Oh, I love Charlie and Lola too, but we never seem to be able to catch it! The kids who do the voices capture the characters so perfectly. Lola absolutely cracks my DD6 up.

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My youngest likes Curious George, Elmo videos, Sesame Street, and Clifford.


The oldest loves Magic School Bus (in fact, he's watching an episode right now), Zoobomafoo, Preshistoric Planet, Mighty Machines videos, and anything Planet Earth (can you tell he loves nature/science?).


We don't watch much TV in our house, but these are the shows I'll allow if they ask to watch something.

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