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Post here if you love tattoos

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I don't have any, but there are some I like. I could never decide on a place, and I'm not a big fan of prolonged pain, but I thought about getting an angel tatoo in memorial of my daughter.


I'm not a big fan of multiple jumbled tatoos. I just don't think it looks nice. But I know lots of nice people with them.

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I would love to get one, but too scared at what its going to look like when I am seventy.


Get a small one on th eshoulder or something. A small one won't grow as much. lol And shoulders aren't exactly the saggiest part of the body.


I wonder if I could get some pain meds beforehand.


The shallowness of what I have read here today makes me want to make sure I am never seen as someone like that. Maybe I should get a big one on my upper thigh...something to encorporate the hair I feel like letting grow and braiding now.

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I adore mine. And I'm not worried what they will look like when I'm 70 because they will have grown and changed and matured along with me. I can point to one and say, I remember the time in my life when I got that one. I'm looking forward to my next, and the one after that and the one after that. The pain is temporary, but the artwork is stunning and all mine. I'm just sad that my dh is next in line for a new tattoo (we alternate turns, otherwise it gets a bit spendy)!

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Post a picture - please!


I think tattoos are fascinating. I enjoy them and find the stories that are behind them as interesting as the tattoos themselves.


I don't have a pic on my computer, but I did post a pic on my blog along with the story behind it.


Here is the link: http://chickymomma.blogspot.com/2007/12/my-tattoo.html


ETA: I have my next two planned out! I love them!!!!

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As for the pain, I know it is hard to believe, but it is not that bad. The only part that hurt, for me, was the part right on my spine. I laughed and cut up with artist and my brother during the whole thing.


And I don't care what it looks like when I get older. I figure my eyesight will go at some point, so I won't even be able to tell what it looks like. :D

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Just met someone who had tatoos done in white ink across the inside of their wrists. It was very interesting. I didn't know they could do that. She also said you could get glow in the dark ink. That would be kinda fun. Ruby

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I have four and I think I'm done. There are stories behind them of course.


My 23yo son has many more than I do and they are all very cool. We went together on his 18th birthday and got a tattoo together. It was his birthday present from me.

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I like henna. It comes off and I can have a different one :) There used to be a lady at the local market who did them, but one week she stopped coming so I haven't had one since :(




Edit: Just looked at your pic, Nakia. It's gorgeous!!!

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I would love to get one, but too scared at what its going to look like when I am seventy.



I like them on other people, especially brightly colored ones. But, like Newbie, I wonder what happens as it ages. Do the colors fade? Does it look bad when the skin gets loose?


I've always wanted a ladybug on my upper thigh. But, I don't hardly even have time for a haircut. I don't think I'd ever make time to do it, unless I was spending a weekend with some crazy girlfriends who wanted to do it too. I don't see that happening anytime soon, so I don't know if I'll ever get one.

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Yes. Me. I'm just saving up my money. I want one like a mother's ring only around my ankle with a cross in the middle, dh's and my birthstones/beads on either side and then a bead for each child. Maybe with their initial - not sure about that. My family.


I know quite a few people that have tattoos, and in each case they are private with a very personal story.



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I have a vine around my ankle. Ankles are not subject to gravity and skin sagging to the degree that, say, the chest is.


Colors can fade and it is recommended that you use sunblock. Some colors - red and yellow, IIRC - are more prone to fading than others.


The pain... well, it felt like someone was trying to take my foot off with a thumb tack. Not terribly painful. My nose piercing hurt more.

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I like some tattoos, I don't like others. Depends on what it's of and where it's placed ;)

I've been thinking of getting one for several months. I'm waiting longer to make sure it's something I could live with forever :D


I really like yours Nakia, and I love the meaning behind it.

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Love mine! I have one around my left ankle - purple flowers and greenery - and then one on my right upper arm that is by far better and my favorite. It's Bastet - an Egyptian mother goddess - wearing an ankh (symbol of life) and guarding blue and red pillars symbolizing my boy and my girl. I want another one but can't work out where to put it where I'll be happy, so for now I'm holding off.


One of my friends got his kids' names done in sort of a jumbled up calligraphy, and another friend got traditional Maori tattoos while he was down in New Zealand (though I think he used modern equipment to get them lol). His symbolize his family and his life.

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The shallowness of what I have read here today makes me want to make sure I am never seen as someone like that. Maybe I should get a big one on my upper thigh...something to encorporate the hair I feel like letting grow and braiding now.


:lol: I totally spit my drink out!


dh says he wants to get a batwing tattooed on the inside of each upper arm, that way when he's 70yo w/ flabby skin he can "flap" his wings... :lol:


:lol: Note to self: don't read these threads while drinking


I think tatoos are beautiful most of the time. I don't have any but am not opposed to them. I love that most tatoos have a story behind them and find those that represent a loved one that has passed on to be the most touching.

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I would like to get one on the small of my back. The kind you see on young women whose jeans are cut too low. Of course, mine would be covered by my jeans and I figured if it didn't look good when I was older, it wouldn't matter because I can't see if anyhow.


My dd plans to get a tatoo of all her sisters names around her ankle as soon as she is 18.

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I, too, like tattoos, but don't have any conventional ones, although I would like one. My eyeliner is tattooed on, though, does that count? I tried to have my lips done, too, but it didn't 'take' (twice!), so I gave up on that one. I just don't know what type of traditional tattoo I'd get. I'd like to incorporate my kids somehow....


For those of you who have the anklet style...how was that for pain? How about the back on the upper shoulder? I've heard some places are more painful than others. I'm not fond of pain. :tongue_smilie:


I'm not sure how my dh would feel about me getting a regular tattoo, though. He doesn't have any, and while he was totally creeped out about my eyeliner, he doesn't say anything about it (and it's been nine years since I had it done). Does that mean the door has been opened for me to get a real one???? :D

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For those of you who have the anklet style...how was that for pain? How about the back on the upper shoulder? I've heard some places are more painful than others. I'm not fond of pain. :tongue_smilie:


I'm not sure how my dh would feel about me getting a regular tattoo, though. He doesn't have any, and while he was totally creeped out about my eyeliner, he doesn't say anything about it (and it's been nine years since I had it done). Does that mean the door has been opened for me to get a real one???? :D


It was scratchy and slightly more painful over the bone, but not bad. When she was going over the tendon it felt... "deep" - not painful, just like the needles were deep in the flesh. Odd. Anyway, the sort of feeling that, if I wasn't paying someone to do it, I'd be telling her to pound sand, but I very nearly fell asleep while she was doing it (the buzzing noise and the fact that I had to keep moving prevented that).


My husband doesn't have any tats. He's thinking about getting one for his 40th this year, though. And he was with me when I had mine done. (I was there when he did Lasik eye surgery and was completely skeeved out by it, so I feel your husband's pain about the eyeliner, lol.) I did defer getting my nose pierced until he up and decided that he no longer found it objectionable... not sure what changed there, but I wasn't looking a ift horse in the mouth. :D

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I have one, a greatful dead bear on my thigh, that I got when I was 15. It's held up incredibly well and I used to want to get it redone, but now... well, I like it the way it is. Dh has Sonic on one arm, eagle on the other, dragon on a bicep, and a wierd design around one wrist. Most of his are like mine (indian ink done with a needle, but he was more creative and made a tattoo gun, mine was just a needle, lol).


I want to get another one this fall, we're talking about getting matching ones for our 10 year anniversary :)

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I'd get a tattoo if it would disappear on its own in a few years. I can't imagine getting something so permanent. Sometime in the next fifty years I'm sure I'd come to regret getting one.

I think it depends on the reasons surrounding why you have one. IOW, if you want one to be "cool" or "cute" then you might repent its presence later. Then, I think regret is usually based in perspective.


Mine is just a reminder of the silliness of my youth, dh's are starting to fall out and every one has a great story to go along with it.

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I really want a black-eyed Susan (my nickname as a baby) on my left shoulder with my husband's name on a petal - kind of like the 'he loves me...he loves me not' game. It would signify the fact that he loves me! The only reason I don't have it is because my hubby doesn't want me to get one - and he has one!!

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Hey, I missed this thread somehow! I love my tat! I've been thinking about what to get next. It's such a big decision and it has to be absolutely perfect like the one I have now that I got 14 years ago. She's gorgeous!

Edited by Night Elf
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