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Do you plan on sending your kids to PS for High school?

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It depends on if that's what they want to do.


My oldest tried public school in 9th grade (after being homeschooled since birth). She completed one semester and said she'd had enough! She ended up taking her placement tests at the community college in the spring of that year and passing with flying colors. So she started taking 2 classes per semester there. She just graduated last month and she's halfway to her AA degree! She'll return to the cc in the fall.


My 15 year old son has NO desire to go to public school! None what so ever. He wants to homeschool through 12th grade and then either go to the cc or go straight to a 4yr college.


My 9 year old may or may not decide to go to high school. I can see him deciding to stay home, but then...he may want to go to high school. His two older siblings will be gone, and his youngest sister already attends public school. He may be bored and lonely, being the only child at home during the day! I'll let him make that decision for himself...probably during his 8th grade year....so he has another 3-4 years to decide!


My 7 year old is already in public school. She has special needs. We plan on keeping her in public school through elementary. Not sure about sending her to middle school (I've heard horror stories about the middle school here!!!) and high school will be yet another decision to make. But we have several years before we get to that bridge! :)

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I choose the best educational option for my children at any given time. This year that was public school for part of the year, and that could happen again in the future. I'm really not against any type of schooling situation...my primary goal (besides academic excellence) is to have my child be learning in the best environment for them...whether that be homeschooling, a charter school, public school, private school, Christian school, and so on.

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No. No. Did I say no?? The answer to that question is no. I've really given this thing to the Lord, and I feel He is confirming regularly that this is to be all the way through. I am open to be redirected to a private school, but the public schools here, well, it would be so hard to learn because of all the drugs and gangs and fighting. No.

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No I don't. I have already graduated two and will school the rest through high school.


MamaT and the rest of you who have done this all the way through, did you ever have a kid who wanted to go to ps, and if so, how did you deal with it? Mine aren't just dying to go or anything but will randomly long for that thing they haven't experience if you kwim. At the very same time, I see in them that they'd miss the peace and the closeness of family if they did, and they do really enjoy our school here. I always wonder how those who have chosen this for the long haul have dealt with the kids who wanted to go to ps.

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I admire my SIL and look to her for much advice. I just pray that my children are just as blessed. :001_smile:







Thank you so much, Adriana, for that story. I feel so encouraged by your sil's stand and her idea that she was dumb...I feel that way too. I'm glad to see that story, that her dc DID want to go to ps and she chose that they not go and that they now appreciate it.

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I have no desire to use one of our public cyber charters while mine are little, but I may consider it for high school. I would also consider sending them to a performing arts magnet if they had the interest and talent, since the school would be able to provide things I simply cannot. I have a strong suspicion that I am going to end up using a mix of continuing at home and college classes through community college and dual enrollment. In PA, homeschoolers may participate in team sports, band, etc., so I would not have to factor those activities into my decision.

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Not planning on it, but really, who knows what life will be like ten years down the road.


I really really hope to hs high school, because the material they'll be covering will be so much more interesting to me, personally. :D

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I don't plan to ever send my dc to ps ever again. However, I didn't plan to be the One Armed Wonder either, so I know things change :lol:


I just hope if they ever have to change that much, it means I'm still above ground and sane enough to enjoy life, and accept the changes with an open mind and a willing heart.

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You all will probably think I'm crazy, but as a "math nerd" and certified secondary math teacher, I can't wait to hs for high school! We get to do algebra and calculus.......:drool5:
Mad. Bloody crazy, raving. Wanna do math with my kids?
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You all will probably think I'm crazy, but as a "math nerd" and certified secondary math teacher, I can't wait to hs for high school! We get to do algebra and calculus.......:drool5:

When I was in (private) grade school, I wanted to be a math teacher. When I got to (public) high school and saw how the students treated the teachers, I changed my mind.


Now, I get to be the math teacher. My dream come true. I love it. :)

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Nope. They'll go to government run public schools over my dead body, and dh's, and our godparents who would homeschool them.


I would consider private school if they really wanted to go and made a good argument for it and I could see that it was something they needed.

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Well, I never say never. But I don't intend to send them voluntarily.


And if I am forced to put them in school, hopefully, I will have a job that pays enough for a private high school. I would not put them in the public schools in my district.


Here we have several co-op options, two nice community colleges, and a small possibility of doing something part-time at a private school that will be opening the year before we need it.

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I really can't say. Right now I guess I'm planning on ultimately taking it year by year. BUT I would like to HS through middleschool at this point. Highschool seems so far way for us right now.


To be honest, I'm very intimidated when I even think about HSing a high schooler. But there again, part of it is it's years down the line. My oldest HSed kid is only going into 3rd grade.


Ask me again in about 3-5 more years:001_smile:.


PS--I will say however, that when my kiddos hit 5th/6th grade and they wanted to give PS another shot, I would talk a lot with them about it and probably let the decision be theirs.


Also, if they did end up in PS high school, I would heavily encourage them to take college courses their Jr/Sr. years.

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I had always planned on putting my children in highschool, however, when I moved and discovered that the schools in the area were not only dreadful academically, but unsafe, I was forced to homeschooling my highschoolers. Now due to the economic downturn and another relocation, my dd & ds will be attending an outstanding fine arts public highschool in September. I will be going back to work to support the family. So, take each day as it comes. God knows what is best for each of us and for our dear children.

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I have no idea.


One of the reasons I homeschool is because of my oldest. He has Asperger's and doesn't do well in large settings of kids. He may mature a bit by high school or we may find a place that would cater to his needs well.


My younger 2 would thrive wherever we put them. That is just the nature/personality of those 2 particular kids.


That said, I would probably NOT put any of them in our local high school. It is top rated, has an IB program, etc....but there are several exceptional high schools in our area that are magnet or charter, one is even an Early College program where the kids graduate high school with an AA as well as a high school diploma, that I think would focus them better.


We take this one year at a time. Next year we are homeschooling. That is all I know! :lol:


I would like to return to work someday (I am a guidance counselor) and start saving for college for the kids, etc....so I probably will put them back in school at some point.



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Our local pss are very high performing and offer the International Baccalaureate program as well as a plethora of honors and AP classes.


I think of high school as "prep school" for college. I think leaning to learn from outside instructors, keeping up with course work, dealing with peers and the temptations of a school environment are real skills. I do think that these things can be taught while homeschooling, but it would be a significant challenge. I also can see my 12 year old yearning a bit to test himself in the larger world. High school maybe the right time to make that transition.


That said, if my boys would rather stay home and take some outside classes via online programs or the community college, that would be okay as well. A lot depends on how self directed they'll be. What I won't be willing to do is push a 14/15 year old through school, as sometimes I feel I'm doing now. Support and direct - yes, push and prod - no.


We'll see. :001_smile:

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And I can say that with certainty now. Oldest went to public high school and it was a mistake. Middle one was going to go, but when it came time, I couldn't bear to, the middle one himself had ideas for his education that didn't mix with public school, and we knew it wasn't working for the oldest. Youngest has now reached the point where we know that if he weren't able to homeschool for some reason, he could just switch to our community college, so we can definately say no. I just wish I hadn't sent the oldest. There are definate advantages to school, but they don't outweigh the disadvantages of our public high school, excellent as it supposedly is.


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We plan to continue with the Virtual Academy through High School, plus Community College courses.


If all goes as planned, they should graduate from HS with Associates Degrees and enough credits to transfer to a UC as juniors. (Our local JC even has a program designed to help HS students do this.)

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Apparently I'm the odd ball but thats ok.



We homeschooled the oldest through high school via duel enrollment. We are currently looking for a new house near a top high school (ranked 200 out of 1447 in California in both Gate & IB testing & so far has a 100% grad rate w/ 73% being accepted into a UC school) because of that.



I will homeschool the others alone through elementary, duel enroll for Jr high & public for high school. That is the plan, well today anyway..... ;)

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I did put my ds in high school, which I can say was one of the biggest mistakes I ever made. He started him in 10th grade. He did great through most of 10th, but everything downhill since then. He just took his placement tests at the community college and it basically confirmed he learned almost nothing in math after he started ps. He did do well in language arts. My dd is staying homeschooled through high school.



Edited by Veronica in VA
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I started reading this thread yesterday and couldn't finish. Last Friday, I took my middle dc to the local high school to register. Afterwards, neither of us was happy. R. has home schooled for 1.5 years and loves it. The ps has 2600 students. My ds is 4'8". Everything and everyone looked huge to him.


Why are we doing it? I can't get over the "socialization" issue. We just havn't found enough outside activites to keep him connected to his peer group. He has a couple of good friends in the neighborhood. That's it. How did there get to be more emphasis on socialization rather than education?


Reading this thread has left me feeling sad and ...gulp...rather envious of those of you who are home schooling for high school.

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Gosh, never thought I would do this, but today I phoned our neighbouring districts highschool and asked if they would have a place for dd15 either now or next year. I was sure they would say no as they are one of the state's top schools and we are not in their district. I just wanted dd to know I would try, so we could drop it, as she had been asking. They said yes. Darn it!

So now dh and I are arguing about whether to even consider the possibility. He says no, we need to make it work for her at home. I said I want to at least consider it and keep her in out discussions because she is old enough to have a say in her life.

It wouldnt be till next Feb- so we have some time to see if we can make it work for her better. She is an intensely social child and she jsut wants to try highschool. We are hoping that adding in one or two more social activities will do the trick, and it may.

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I have an eight grader so I know there has to be a question. We get a lot of pressure from well-meaning friends to put our son in ps because they have an IB program, and they can't understand why I don't think it is the "it" thing.


I know it may be hard, and I will have to work hard to put together online classes, cc classes, etc. to do it. But I don't like the idea or the allowing that pressure to make me feel like I have "give."


However, I don't want my son to regret not going to high school--what the prom, homecoming, more classroom experience? More friends? Though he has friends from scouts, the neighborhood, church. He doesn't say he wants to go now, but he may feel the pressure. Anybody have a child who did regret not going to ps or a private school for high school?


Did you kids participate in things like going to the local hs football game or whatever that they could participate in?

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Anybody have a child who did regret not going to ps or a private school for high school?


Did you kids participate in things like going to the local hs football game or whatever that they could participate in?


Mine were in ps until the oldest reached 9th grade (he's going into 12th now). All of them tell me they prefer homeschooling... mainly due to the behavior of the others kids at school and the lack of desire of most of the students there to do more than the basics for learning.


The older two are on the ps Chess Team, but that's all they've shown an interest in doing. Our family (as a whole) is not into sports nor fancy dress up affairs, so my kids might have inherited that "gene" from us. They don't care to do those things... though they do enjoy a pick up game of Ultimate or Soccer when they get together with the youth from church or other similar groups.


Hubby just got back from signing up my oldest for an English cc course for next year. Via their testing he's tested out of all lower levels of English and math that many kids start with when they go there... I'm convinced that mine is getting the better education... which is what I feel any type of "school" is for. Hence, we're sticking with homeschooling. He could skip his senior year and go straight to college, but I don't want that for him. Our plan is for him to do a 4 year college after next year.

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We only have one approaching that point. DH and I have no preference either way so we're allowing Yacko to decide for himself. We really only intended to pull him for middle school since the one we're zoned for is known for being, shall we say, less than stellar. :p

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Do you plan on sending your kids to public school for high school?


Heck no! I'm not going to invest nine years of my life creating a superior academic experience for them so they can get dumb in a public high school!!!



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Heck no! I'm not going to invest nine years of my life creating a superior academic experience for them so they can get dumb in a public high school!!!




I think that is the funniest thing I have heard all day. My new quote of the day.


If I can muddle through this, anyone can.

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DH and I take it year-by-year, but the more time I spend homeschooling, the less I can see myself sending them to a public high school. I think they will be too far ahead by that time. I don't have a firm plan, but I imagine we'll do some combination of VCS or an online academy, possibly some classes at the local high school, and classes at a local community college. As mine will be starting first grade in August, I have a long time before I need to have firm plans in place :)

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We plan on Calvin going to (private) school at age 14 and Hobbes at age 11 (so both at the same time). I think that home education has been great for them up to now, but that there are also opportunities that we want to give them at school.




As with Calvin and Hobbes, there are opportunities for Molly in private high school that we feel would be beneficial.



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