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How often do you sweep/mop/vacuum?

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Kitchen/DR floors are swept after breakfast and lunch by my 4yo and 6yodds, vacuumed and wet mopped after dinner by older dc. Living room carpet is vacuumed every other day. Tile floors in hallways/entry/laundry are vacuumed every night and wet mopped. Bedroom floors (laminate wood) are vacuumed and mopped twice/week. I don't do any of it, my dc have taken on the task. I supervise. :)

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The kitchen and dining room are swept daily. The foyer and bathrooms are swept about every other day. All of these areas are mopped at least once a week. Sometimes, more often is necessary, but this seems to keep them looking nice. We have ceramic tile flooring in all of these areas.



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Dd alternates vacuuming the family room carpet with sweeping and wiping down the foyer, so this happens every other day during the week.


I swish and swipe the bathroom every morning (toilet, vanity, floor) per Flylady. This takes less than 2 minutes and it works great! I sweep and spot-wipe the kitchen floor every day.


Bedrooms and living room get vacuumed weekly.


The rest of the cleaning is on the Flylady Zone system.


I would vacuum much less if I didn't have a dog. :glare:

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So, this is what I'm doing:


sweep kitchen: daily (bathrooms, other areas - once/week)

mop: once/week (spot clean spills other times)

vacuum: once/week


I can see that the den needs to be vacuumed more than once/week, but I'm just working on getting a handle on the basics now. I'll probably eventually vacuum 2-3 times/week.

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Sweeping - 2x's a day- we have wood and tile except in the bedrooms.

Mopping- 2x's a week in the kitchen, once elsewhere.

Vacuuming- 2x's a week, in bedrooms and hallway.


DC do this while I supervise, most of the time!:D


We do a lot of sweeping and spiffing due to the infant who can't keep anything out of her mouth!:001_smile:

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Not enough!:001_huh:


Good sweep & vacuum - every other day... but really as needed.... which can be often! (example tracking in sand, mud & leaves require more sweeping than normal day of school). During school days, I don't have to do as much... plus DS is 10 & is learning the job. He & DD (8) already do the routine vacuum work. I do the big job or deep, slow vacuum jobs.


Mop... I have hard wood floors... so not often. We get up spills & about 1x per month I do a "bucket job" and lightly clean the entire room. Some tell me that is too much... others think I am horrible.


I wish I had a better routine!

Edited by Dirtroad
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Vacuum once a week. More if it rains and we've brought in leaves or something. Sweep the kitchen when I notice the dirt--sometimes daily, sometimes every 3 days. Mop when I remember. About every other week or every three weeks.

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Guest Katia



Once a......


















There. I said it. I can't even imagine vacuuming once a day....or once a week even.....


Now, I do pick pieces of stuff up off the carpets all the time, and I run a paper-towel or a tissue around the bathroom floor every day to pick up hair, etc....but actually vacuum or mop?


Just once a month. Works for us!

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vacuum downstairs 3 times /day during blowing the coat season. vacuum every other day the rest of the year. Sometimes push that to every 2 days.


Mop occassionally or when needs it.


Sweep every day and sometimes mulitple times a day during blowing coat season or molting or shedding season.


Are you sensing a theme yet that pets can be very messy.:)

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Sweeping: Once a month or so or when it gets soooo bad that ds' feet are black underneath just from walking around in the house. Trying to work myself to once a week sweeping. I haven't scrubbed the floor since.. hmm.. probably a year and a half ago? Dh scrubbed our tile floors with our automatic floor scrubber ( a few rooms) about four months ago. We don't vacuum (no carpets. We have tiled floors).


I need help. The worst part is, it really doesn't bother me. I want it/need it to bother me. Sigh.

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Well, to be honest...


I sweep once a week and hand pick up all the food thrown onto the floors.


I think the last time I mopped was 3 months ago


I wipe down the kitchen cabinets as needed and scrub the dirty little finger prints off as needed too.


Bathrooms get done when company comes over.


My dh is really not home during the week and I am always so worn out. I can live with the little dust bunnies and crummys. I think it gives the house a little character. :tongue_smilie:

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DH just brought me home a new Oreck from Costco, bless him! We had been crawling around using his ShopVac since our old vaccums started spewing dust and smelling of burnt rubber :( We NEED to vaccum daily, but every other day is more doable. Sweeping likewise. Our ranch house seems more like a barn the way we track dirt in!

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I have a stick vac that we use to "sweep" up our hardwood floors. The kitchen and dining area are done twice a day. The rest of the hardwood/tiled areas are done 3-4x a week. I mop once a week; unless there are spills/messes to be cleaned.

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I vacuum as needed to get the dog hair up. Mop? I have asthma, so I have a hard time mopping, unless I can open the windows. That isn't often in Texas. I really hate cleaning, but I try to keep up. DH would like it done much more often. He was raised in a house that was never cleaned unless him or his dad did it, then it didn't last a day. It was, and still is, pretty nasty. Anyway, my dad always reminded my mom that we lived there. It is ok for it to not look like a museum, as long as underneath, it was clean. Her mom is a little OCD and used to dust everything, every day. My aunt would even go over and clean the house before they came home from vacation! Like it was dirty when they left, and no one had been there! I really need to do a better job. Now that we will HS, maybe I should make the kids help out more! It's kind of hard when they are at school all day, then have activities in the evening.

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I vacuum a couple of times a week (we have hard floors so the roomba does my work for me :)). Mopping gets done once a week or when the floor needs it. I don't sweep thanks to the roomba. Each night the surfaces including phones and knobs get wiped down, but that is only because of health issues at our house. Once those issues are behind us I will go back to wiping things down once a week. Germs are good for us ;)

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I vacuum the family room/formal dining (a.k.a. school room) daily. These are the two rooms we spend most of our time in and I have an infant crawling around all of the time, so...


I sweep the kitchen every evening, mop it two or three times a week, more often if somebody spills something. Bathroom floors I do once a week. I vacuum the children's rooms once or twice a week.

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Dang! I thought I was pretty clean, but apparently not! :tongue_smilie:Turns out, we're filthy!


I can't believe how many people sweep every day. Every day. Really?!


I only sweep/mop/vacuum whenever I feel it's too dirty to take anymore; usually every couple of weeks or so.


Luckily we have just the one child and the one dog who doesn't shed, hallelujah, or I don't know what we would do. Move every 6 months, I guess. :lol:

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Vacuuming once a week for some areas, twice for others.


Sweeping is not done- vaccum is used on all floors.


Mopping. Now thats an interesting question. Not often. We have beautiful marble floors. Some are black marble- dont show the dirt- some are white marble but it has a sort of speckle through it so it doesn't show the dirt badly either. Im not good at mopping, but I no longer have small children, either. (Mmm, dont know why I added that, since I never was good at mopping when they were little either.)

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Once a......



There. I said it. I can't even imagine vacuuming once a day....or once a week even.....


Now, I do pick pieces of stuff up off the carpets all the time, and I run a paper-towel or a tissue around the bathroom floor every day to pick up hair, etc....but actually vacuum or mop?


Just once a month. Works for us!


Sweeping: Once a month or so or when it gets soooo bad that ds' feet are black underneath just from walking around in the house. Trying to work myself to once a week sweeping. I haven't scrubbed the floor since.. hmm.. probably a year and a half ago? Dh scrubbed our tile floors with our automatic floor scrubber ( a few rooms) about four months ago. We don't vacuum (no carpets. We have tiled floors).


I need help. The worst part is, it really doesn't bother me. I want it/need it to bother me. Sigh.


Let me just say wow! And add that I'm such a loser of a housewife.


I had no idea anyone cleaned their home that much...where does the energy come from because mine runs out around 1:00.



Nodding yes and agreeing to all of these.

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Well, to be honest...


I sweep once a week and hand pick up all the food thrown onto the floors.



This would take until the next meal at my house!


I used to sweep once every few weeks. (Before children.)


Now, I have to sweep 2 to 3 times a day, I should sweep more often than that, my children are messy eaters, especially my 4 year old.


I now vacuum once a week right before the piano teacher comes to our house! I used to vacuum as little as possible, my husband usually did it, he knows I hate it and it doesn't bother him much.

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