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Are you excited about this next year of school?


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We still have a good month of school to finish up this years work. We will be working mainly in the mornings for 2-3 hrs and play in the afternoon.

I am so excited about this next year though. We have already started a couple of things that seem to be working really good and have a couple more that will be added that are new. I think the thing for me is I feel like I finally have it figured our curriculum wise and have things that I believe the kids are going to enjoy and I can enjoy along with them.

Am I the only one out there that feels an excitement about finishing up this year, with what has been accomplished and starting the next years plan?

I just have this "I want to go dance in the street" urge.:lol:

How about you!

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You are not alone. We have a few things to work on over the summer. Just some math to help get some facts cemeted and a little bit of learning to read and english work.


I am totally excited for next year though. I know just what you mean about feeling like you found your groove as far as what curriculum etc. I've been doing a lot of bouncing around on deciding for next year but I finally came to my senses and feel great about the final decissions.

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Same boat here. I'm planning to go until July this year and I'll be starting back on August 12th when my son starts back to school. He goes to year round school so he gets several long breaks in the fall, winter and spring so my daughter and I follow his schedule for her homeschool. I'm very excited about this next school year. I have a lot of new curriculum to try that looks promising as well as some old faithfuls that have worked well for us. I'm really excited about doing science. I will be buying a microscope and the science kit that goes along with BJU life science and I'm really excited about doing the science experiements. :) Ay, it makes me want to finish 6th grade sooner so we can start 7th. :)

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I can barely stand it! Tomorrow it ends, officially. Math (I will never let them skip that again over the summer.) and vocabulary and, of course, a good book or two over the summer will be their only school work.

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Yes! Although I do always like the planning and choosing part. The real come-down is when the curriculum you were wild about comes in as a crashing failure by the second week of September. :glare: But, ever the optimist, of course I am certain there are none of those in my plan for next year! :D:D


I just got my CAT test results back for dd12. She did fantastic! And this was her first-ever standardized test. I'm just one big, walking grin.

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I am just about finished purchasing for next year and I just can't wait to start :) Today was my dd's last day in public school (she wanted to go there "one more year") and so this will be her first year to homeschool with her brothers. I can't wait to get started, but we have such a busy summer planned that we won't get to actually start until the first week of August.:glare:

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I am so excited! I'm also incredibly proud of all the work we've done over the past year, and proud of making it a whole year, and in general feeling really great about homeschooling. :D


I could have written the above. I'm on a homeschooling-high right now. Nervous about adding 1st grade dd into the mix, but excited, too!

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Yes! Although I do always like the planning and choosing part. The real come-down is when the curriculum you were wild about comes in as a crashing failure by the second week of September. :glare: But, ever the optimist, of course I am certain there are none of those in my plan for next year! :D:D


I just got my CAT test results back for dd12. She did fantastic! And this was her first-ever standardized test. I'm just one big, walking grin.

Oh I know what you mean by the come down when a curriculum doesn't work! I spent big money on a LA last winter for my dd and she HATED it. We stuck it out for 3 months but I finally couldn't handle the tears every day. I know now that it was just to much for her. We needed to get some more foundation in place.

I guess some of the things that I am excited about are ones that we have already started using and like and the 3 that we haven't just seem to be those kinds that you can go slow and easy or if dc is really getting it speed them up to match.

The AAS is one that I have been looking for but didn't think existed. When I found it and took a look I just knew that it was going to be great for us.

I am glad to see so many others that are ending with an excitement for next year.

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I am chomping at the bit to start next year's school, it's going to be so much fun! And it's exciting that we're approaching those last few pages of everything we've been working on this year...this morning my 5yo and I sat and reminisced over all the different things we've this year and what she knows now that she didn't last year. Good times, good times.


Life is good.

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One thing I love to do at the end of every school year, is dd and I make a "school newspaper" and we put in photographs of the things she did throughout the year and she writes up something to go with the photos. She gets very creative with it and it is fun to look back over the year and see all that we accomplished and had fun doing. We print it out and put it in a nice cover and have it as a part of her portfolio for her end of the year evaluation. :)

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Ooohhhh, yeah!


We returned to homeschooling in March after a year-and-a-half hiatus. I've been scrambling to "catch up" the last few months so we'll be ready to start fresh in the fall (or late summer...) I've had such fun buying new curriculum, reading the boards again, fretting over the curriculum I just bought...etc!


Can't wait!

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Yes!!!!:hurray: We are doing FIAR Volumes 1 & 2 & adding in the Trip Around the World books. I'm even excited about the year after this one, too. We're doing Winter Promise Children Around the World & I already have it!:hurray::hurray::party:YAY!!! We've got two great years ahead!

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Hmmmm... I'm half excited and half scared.


Until now, I have only had to teach one kid in grammar stage (with toddlers at first, then with two who were learning-to-read-and-doing-math-occasionally and toddlers). Starting July 1, I will have one transitioning into logic stage, one officially in grammar stage, one transitioning into grammar stage, a preschooler, and a toddler. :001_huh: How did that happen? :001_huh:


We school year round so that our calendar can be pretty flexible, but I'm afraid we may have to be more disciplined about our days now that I can no longer tell him "we'll just do school when the others are sleeping".


I can do this... right? :confused:

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I'm very excited! I have all the stuff but haven't planned it out yet. So, I'm looking forward to planning it out over the next month.


I was going to do review work and keep up with the three R's over the summer, but I'm not sure I'll be able to wait much longer to jump into the new stuff.

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I had in mind these perfect moments that never happened last year. I had an idea about what I thought would be GREAT curriculum. I did not find it until after the school year had begun. Once I got Tapestry of Grace I really wanted to say let's just do year round school. That is how excited I am about starting!! The kids are just as bad. I have caught my third grader to be reading his literature books for next year already. I had to take his older brother's science book away. Maybe we are just nerds :D

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We finished school last week, and I'm all ready doing my preliminary planning. My dh teaches school, so I like to take some of our summer to do as much planning as possible.


Here's what I do. I begin with a yearly plan by listing what chapter, units, lesson numbers, etc. will be done in each week. I make a spread sheet for each semester, listing weeks down the left column and subjects across the top. I then go through my books, putting sticky notes on things that are important, don't want to forget, etc. I'll do more detailed monthly plans, then weekly assignments in fullest detail.


I've got a lot to do to plan out our history for this year because I'm condensing the logic stage history to the 3 years of middle school. I'm trying to bring little brother gently along since we're pushing it. I also want to do some geography and traditional social studies with him, so I've got to plan that out as well.


We're on my sister's on the way to our vacation, and I can't wait to get back home to do more planning. I am looking forward to the vacation as well.

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Oh, YES! I can scarcely wait.


We have been finished with 2008-09 since mid-April. This will be our first year for two official students, not to mention a new baby who is waiting a few more days to appear. LOL.


I had zero research to do this year for curriculum. I already know the materials I have work so well. We got a nice full goody box yesterday, which means once the 10 books on our backorder list (lit based studies here) arrive, we'll have everything for the whole year!

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I am! The area where we are moving has American Heritage girls, scouts, the Y, a very active homeschool group with a co-op, $10 guitar lessons for my 11yo...the list goes on.


I have a better handle on what to do with my 6 and 8yo boys.


My 11yo seems to be finally "blooming" and is making progress.


My 5yo dd is easy to teach and learns quickly (I am so glad considering that I have had 3 to teach that are more difficult!)


I am going to plan the whole year in advance. My mother is going to help me make all the copies I need for this year.


I have hope that this year will be much, much easier than the last two.

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Renee, Sounds like things are going your way! I'm so happy for you!


I have enjoyed reading how excited everyone is about next year. I have to say, I'm very thankful I stumbled across this forum. Not only for my peace of mind, but I truly think my children have benefited from what I've learned from you all!


Ok, sappy post over! :)

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Very excited! We have been on a 3 week break but will do a month this summer using our new materials, some vacation time, then back to work officially in the middle of August. This is our first year transitioning to a more year-round schedule and I'm hopeful about smoother transitions. I'm right in the heart of teaching dd5 her reading and I just love this part!

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YES, I am super excited right now! I had a major ah-ha moment, or momentS, over the last few weeks, which caused me to completely re-think everything I was doing. Now I am changing things up, leaving our co-op, and everything feels more focused. We'll be doing math and botany over the summer, then adding everything else in the Fall.

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I guess I'm not excited that we'll be starting our seventh year in a few months.


We had a very burning-out sort of year. My kids are done with (notice I didn't say finished) grades 2,4,7, and 9 and I feel really pressured, tired, and burnd out.


I hate to pin blame on anyone, but my youngest sapped all the energy out of me. She was sick so often from October to now (today she has her third tummy thing in 7 months -- her carpet is so stained -- and she's had strep and respiratory things and a mycoplasma infection). If I could say, "Whew, it's summer and we're done with bugs," I'd say it, but I can't as it was just another year for her -- we need to take her in to a doctor that can evaluate her immune system. The last doctor said, after a blood test, "it's low" but she didn't say what to do.


And, when she IS healthy, she has a very independent attitude. We are "on it" but it tires me out. "We're going to read now" is usually answered with "Not now!" or "Why????" or "Can't we go play outside instead." Or an eye roll. Once, during Bible time, I was talking about how we were going to talk about Noah's Ark and all the miracles that lined up for it and she said, "Who cares?"


My son, he's 10, is a sweet boy but very distractable. It takes him all day to do school and the work isn't that much. And it gets him down. He's tired by the end of the day and depressed when he realizes, "I wasted a lot of time today, Mom." A real Eeyore.


My two teens are delights, for the most part, but the just-turned-13 is moody and quiet a lot. Never complains. Always obeys and volunteers to help where she can. Great kid. But I know she sometimes wishes she wasn't stuck her in a germ-pit, Eeyore-pit, etc.


My oldest turns 15 in a few weeks. Born prematurely, she's smart but ditzy. We'll talk about what we have lined up for the day and a few hours later when I say, "time to get in the car" she'll say, "Uh, where ARE we going?" Sweet but forgetful. The forgetfulness transfers into missed assignments (and not missed tears when she realizes).


We've also had a lot of vet visits lately. It hurts the pocketbook. We've got a parakeet dying of cancer and that's hard to watch but he's not sick enough to have put down. Each morning, I carefully look under his cover to see if he's still standing. And, our rat has cancer too and just had a hysterectomy (I guess you call that spaying for a rat) and perhaps still has the cancer. Poor girl. The other rat is terribly obese and the other bird is mean and pecks on the cancer-ridden bird too much.


As for me, the house is a mess, we've lost a library book, etc. I used to be on top of things, but feel I am not.


So, no, I am not excited. I'm tired.


Maybe I'll get refreshed over the summer. It will take a lot of refreshing to get to a nice place again.


I DO though remember the excitement those first few years and there is NOTHING else like it. I remember sitting out in the backyard or at the pool and reading textbooks, TMs, readalouds and getting all excited.


Oh well. I wish I could get that back.

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I guess I'm not excited that we'll be starting our seventh year in a few months...


Oh well. I wish I could get that back.


During our 6th year in 2007-2008, I had some similar feelings. The whole this-isn't-looking-like-I-thought-it-would feeling. I stepped back and looked at the school at home homeschool that we had become and thought- bleh, this isn't what I signed on to do and it isn't working.


I have always been drawn to CM, but had somehow drifted very far in another (and for us ineffective) direction. For our 7th year my middle ds and my little ds used WinterPromise and my oldest was pretty much outsourced. We will be going that same route next year and I plan to add in suggestions from Ambleside and to implement our day in an even more CM fashion.


If what you are doing isn't working, I strongly suggest looking into other educational philosophies. It made a world of difference here!


Oh, and I am so sorry about your dd's recurring illnesses.




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Excited, but nervous too. We are on break, but technically we haven't finished SOTW 1 yet, so we are still working on that. But even just the few days of no school and outside activities we have had so far have been a huge refresher. Being able to shop during the day because we were not trying to finish schoolwork before our afternoon activities is a luxury I have not had in 10 mos. I like it :)


I am nervous about next year for a couple of reasons. Number 1 is because it will be my first legal official year teaching 2. My younger is so different from my first too. I am starting in such a different place w/her, so I don't know 100% how it is going to go. I also promised them we could join a coop next year, which cuts into my educational week. And I am going to be leading their small hs group of brownies and daisies. So I am feeling a little anxiety over everything we have going on.


On the other hand, I am excited, because I love what I have chosen for next year and I truly love homeschooling. We will adjust to our new year the same way I adjusted this year! And by May or June next year I will be hanging on to my sanity by a very thin thread the same way I was this year :)

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I'm not! This is our 7th year and I am tired. I am tired of being teacher, nanny, cook, house maid, doctor, principal, nurse and driver . I just want to have a clean house , be organized and have kids who love to learn. I want to wake up in the morning and find them all dressed and eager to start school. I don't want to even raise my voice. I want well-behaved kids and I don't want to be constantly tired. Well, I can dream. Actually, this is the first year I still don't have all my purchases or know exactly what we are doing. I have signed my 8th grader up for 2 Veritas Press classes but the rest is still a mystery.

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I am so excited! I'm also incredibly proud of all the work we've done over the past year, and proud of making it a whole year, and in general feeling really great about homeschooling. :D


My sentiments exactly :D

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I am super-excited about our upcoming homeschool year. We are just finishing our 4th year of homeschooling and I finally feel like I know what I am doing! Our youngest just turned 2 in April and I fell like I'm coming out of that "sleep-deprived, new baby fog" that lasted way too long! I have purchased all of our curriculum for next year and am implementing some new, fun things. We had our end of year testing done yesterday (as required by the state of NC) and the kids did very well. I feel confident about what we've covered and excited about breaking new ground!

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You bet. I am excited to finish this year and begin a new year.

My younger two are with cyberschools and we are pulling them out. It will be nice to do many of the same things with all three of them instead of juggling three different curriculums. That's for sure.

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I have another Kindergartener this year. :001_smile: (Kindergarten is so cool.)


He's my last, and this means that all five are 'officially' schooling. (Yikes!)


The two oldest are doing two online classes (Memoria Press and OSU), and we're going to a co-op this year (one day for the Littles, one day and one hour on a second day, for math help, for the Bigs). So, lots of new experiences coming up.

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I'm not! This is our 7th year and I am tired. I am tired of being teacher, nanny, cook, house maid, doctor, principal, nurse and driver . I just want to have a clean house , be organized and have kids who love to learn. I want to wake up in the morning and find them all dressed and eager to start school. I don't want to even raise my voice. I want well-behaved kids and I don't want to be constantly tired. Well, I can dream. Actually, this is the first year I still don't have all my purchases or know exactly what we are doing. I have signed my 8th grader up for 2 Veritas Press classes but the rest is still a mystery.

:grouphug: Sounds to me like you need a big break! I have taken the last two weeks off to get the garden in, get caught up on laundry a bit and put some order into our home. I feel so much better! We will start on Monday and there are still things that I need to put some finishing touches on to really feel caught up but I can work on them in the afternoons. We will be doing a much shorter day for the next month and then be off for about 5 wks. I will use that for catch up again and to really get things in order for the next school year.

I hope you can get a breather/refresher soon and start to feel better about it all.

I will be praying for you.

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Yes I'm excited and a little nervous! Why I have no idea? We will have two official school age boys next school year(K&1st). We have all the basic down back except math for my 1st grader, I'm not sure what to buy for him, MUS Alpha or Singapore?

They are only 16 months apart which means they can learn the extras together when we get to them(History, Science, Memorization, etc). And we are going to try schooling year round again with 4xw, 3wks on 1 wk off. :lol:

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I guess I'm not excited that we'll be starting our seventh year in a few months.


We had a very burning-out sort of year. My kids are done with (notice I didn't say finished) grades 2,4,7, and 9 and I feel really pressured, tired, and burnd out.


I hate to pin blame on anyone, but my youngest sapped all the energy out of me. She was sick so often from October to now (today she has her third tummy thing in 7 months -- her carpet is so stained -- and she's had strep and respiratory things and a mycoplasma infection). If I could say, "Whew, it's summer and we're done with bugs," I'd say it, but I can't as it was just another year for her -- we need to take her in to a doctor that can evaluate her immune system. The last doctor said, after a blood test, "it's low" but she didn't say what to do.


And, when she IS healthy, she has a very independent attitude. We are "on it" but it tires me out. "We're going to read now" is usually answered with "Not now!" or "Why????" or "Can't we go play outside instead." Or an eye roll. Once, during Bible time, I was talking about how we were going to talk about Noah's Ark and all the miracles that lined up for it and she said, "Who cares?"


My son, he's 10, is a sweet boy but very distractable. It takes him all day to do school and the work isn't that much. And it gets him down. He's tired by the end of the day and depressed when he realizes, "I wasted a lot of time today, Mom." A real Eeyore.


My two teens are delights, for the most part, but the just-turned-13 is moody and quiet a lot. Never complains. Always obeys and volunteers to help where she can. Great kid. But I know she sometimes wishes she wasn't stuck her in a germ-pit, Eeyore-pit, etc.


My oldest turns 15 in a few weeks. Born prematurely, she's smart but ditzy. We'll talk about what we have lined up for the day and a few hours later when I say, "time to get in the car" she'll say, "Uh, where ARE we going?" Sweet but forgetful. The forgetfulness transfers into missed assignments (and not missed tears when she realizes).


We've also had a lot of vet visits lately. It hurts the pocketbook. We've got a parakeet dying of cancer and that's hard to watch but he's not sick enough to have put down. Each morning, I carefully look under his cover to see if he's still standing. And, our rat has cancer too and just had a hysterectomy (I guess you call that spaying for a rat) and perhaps still has the cancer. Poor girl. The other rat is terribly obese and the other bird is mean and pecks on the cancer-ridden bird too much.


As for me, the house is a mess, we've lost a library book, etc. I used to be on top of things, but feel I am not.


So, no, I am not excited. I'm tired.


Maybe I'll get refreshed over the summer. It will take a lot of refreshing to get to a nice place again.


I DO though remember the excitement those first few years and there is NOTHING else like it. I remember sitting out in the backyard or at the pool and reading textbooks, TMs, readalouds and getting all excited.


Oh well. I wish I could get that back.

:grouphug:It sounds like you have truly had a difficult year. I do understand what you mean by your one child have a very independent spirit. My ds can be a challenge. I have found some things that helps. One of the things is to remind him that we have to accomplish this amount today and it can take 20 min. or all day but we don't get to go play(or what ever) until our school work is completed. I then turn my back on him and do something with my dd. It normally helps. After waiting a few minutes he is ready to go to work and make it happen so he will be able to do whatever else it is that he wants. It can be very tiring though.

I hope you can find some solutions for your little one that has been sick so much. That is not fun for anyone. We have been so blessed the last couple of years in not having any bugs come bug us. I personally believe that it is primarially from the diet we follow.

I hope you can get some time to help rejuvinate yourself. We have just taken a 2 week break and I have been able to catch up on some things. That does help so much. Life doesn't feel quite so overwhelming when you can look around and see some of the things in the house that have needed to be done accomplished.

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I am too tired to get excited about next year yet. I just want to sleep for a week, get my house clean, weed my garden, read some books for FUN, sew and goof - off. THEN, I will get excited about next year.

:grouphug: I hope you have all those things planned for the next while. You have some real littles and that can be a handful when you aren't doing homeschool.

Give yourself permission to get in some extra naps(rest when the two littles take a nap and ask the two older to stay in their rooms and have a read time.) My schedule is such that I get up most mornings before 5 and rarely get to bed before 10:30 or 11. Many nights I am up in the middle of the night for an hour or so. It is part of our routine for 'mom' to rest in the afternoon. My two get to watch a movie of choice while I do this. It makes life so much more doable.

My two are 8 and 9 and last year was the first year we had a garden. I had made them a big part of planting it and quess what. They would come in a beg for permission to go weed the garden. I always said, "Oh, I guess you can if you really want to." I never did have to go out and week. I watered and harvested and we all worked at the canning part. It was great. Help your two olders want to do the weeding. Maybe a bit extra allowance or a trip to the icecream shop when it is finished.

I am hoping that you get the time to read those fun books, sew and goof off a bit real soon.

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I'm quite excited. Our last package of curriculum just arrived today. I wish DD would open it so I could take a look! (We have a deal; all packages are addressed to her.)


I need to get out the planner I made and start penciling things in. We're starting our new school year after Midsummer.

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We have already started SOTW 1 and the next Saxon math. It has been a really good first year of homeschooling! He learned to read!!! I am a bit nervous for the Fall when we add science, bible and get more specific with geography and fit in more fun free time read alouds. It's a bit overwhelming! It all takes time, planning and fun! Plus, figuring out extra curricular activities! Plus, doing more regular work with my 5 year old. And, keeping my to be 3 yo buys too. So, yes excited and yes overwhelmed with it all.

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I am glad we homeschool and I am excited about the opportunities and growth that a new year affords us. Being excited to get it started, back into the grind, etc....Not yet. We just started summer school (light work - math, english, etc) and I am ready to enjoy some down time before I get excited about starting back up again. :)

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I'm really looking forward to next year because DD10 will have reached the logic stage. This will be a much more challenging academic year for her and I'm pleased to see that she is ready for the challenge.


I get quite giddy when I look over some of curriculum I've chosen for next year - Classical Writing, History Odyssey, Junior Analytical Grammar. Everything looks great. I hope DD10 likes it as much as I do.:)


Although I'm excited about next year, I'm also glad to be winding down this year's work. It has been quite a challenge doing schoolwork with a 2 year old who doesn't nap. Luckily, DD10 has reached a stage where she can work on her own quite a bit, so I'll have time to tame the 2 year old.

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I am so excited! I'm also incredibly proud of all the work we've done over the past year, and proud of making it a whole year, and in general feeling really great about homeschooling. :D


:iagree: Same here too! Although, I cannot deny a bit of nervous anticipation as well as excitement for our K5/G1 year. :D

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I can't wait to start. I actually pushed the start date up by a week:)

Oh, I would love to do this. We normally have taken about 3 wks off between the end of year and beginning of new year. This year we are finishing about a week earlier and not starting till a week later just because of other things going on. I am looking forward to the time off though too. I have a feeling I am going to need that time to get everything really set up and going the way I want it and the way it works best for us. I have learned that I need to be able to simply pick up the materials I need for that day without having to think about it so I try to have projects, copy sheets etc. ready for the next several months to year. It is a lot of work to start with but is wonderful when we are in the middle of the year and I may not be feeling quite as excited :tongue_smilie:

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I am. I'm always excited to start new books, new projects, new classes. I love homeschool!


Yep. That's me as well. I love folding in new finds, but keeping the oldies and goodies that have worked so well. Nothing like fresh, white notebooks and new school supplies. It revs the enthusiasm so well!



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