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Why did you pick your Avatar?

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Yes many peoples are or you would think it would be easy to figure out why they have selected their alter TWTM hive ego...the Avatar.

Mine is pretty easy I adore Jane Austen and honestly I like to just go stand my the edge of the pond in our neighborhood and watch the wildlife etc. Of course, the scene in the Avatar is Keira Knightly playing Lizzy in Pride and Prejudice. I looked at a lot of Pride and Prejudice Avatars before I selected this one.

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Because I play pirates with the kids, love Johnny Depp as an actor (don't want to marry him or sleep with hi;) ) and I love the idea of the romaticized pirates- complete freedom- no house to tie you down, don't like where you are anchored them sail on, etc. :D And, I'm a non-conformist by nature, :-)~~~~~

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Because I can't find my old photo of me in white face. It's an old photo, of course, and, as I mentioned in the other avatar post, people close to me disagree as to whether or not it looked/s like me. But since it, so far, has been an unremarkable one, I'm likely to change for something else soon. Plus, I can't think of one that will cut it for me.

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I tried to find one to fit my name but it was very hard to find one of a helicopter that I liked, then of one being worked on [copter doc = mechanic ~ which is what dh used to be]. So then I tried to find one of a miltary spouse and stumbled across the one I have now. I liked it, and I think it fits.:)

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At first I just had a picture of me, b/c I wanted to "own" my comments, you know? I wanted to remind myself not to post anything that I would be ashamed to have associated with myself.


But then I caught this silly, silly picture of ds. And I figured no one would take me seriously with such a silly face as my avatar. So I still try not to post anything that I would be ashamed of, but the silly face is so people won't take me too seriously.

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I didn't really put much thought into it at all except that I do love flowers. I thought about putting a pic of me up but I'm usually the one behind the camera so the pics of me are few and far between. So I just did an internet search and found the flowers one (there are certainly some raunchy avatars out there which I discovered when doing a search).

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I like Jenny's idea so I changed mine to one of my favorite summer pasttimes. The tail-end of winter in New England is a tough time for me.


I also changed my profile picture to a more recent one of my family. (I'm the one on the left).

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Because it's a chiguirre! Chiguirre is the Venezuelan term for capybara, and Capyboppy was the best picture I could find that reduces enough to be an avatar. The name comes from a running joke when I was in grad school in Caracas because I didn't know what a chiguirre was. That's sort of like not knowing what a possum is in the US and gave rise to lots of general jokes about being the only gringa in the school.

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I tried to find something "sunny". Every sun rise or real sunny picture didn't look right, so when I found this one, I decided to use it. I also found a cartoon of a sunshine, and like it too, but decided to stick with this one... is it any good? I can switch, I'm not that partial to it.

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Great responses all.

Karencaivo I think yours is wild thanks for explaining

Gothicgyrl - I have to agree with you about John Taylor, we have a lot of guitars in our house and someone is usually playing one. My ds keeps trying to talk all his friends into playing the bass.

Copter Doc - very cool

jailwarden - very funn my ds son likes yours

PariSarah - I promise to never take your seriously the picture is very cute

Cadam - what a sweetheart you have

Judo Mom - yours makes me crack up everytime I see it

Capybara I can't even tell you how many times I read my ds Capy

Sunny I really like it. We get amazing sunsets were I live

To all that used real photos you are far braver than I am

The one of the children in the pool, what a lovely story

The one of the crochet is a very sweet story to

I know I have let a few out as I type this, sorry my brain can only retain so much at one time. If we ever all got together we would each have to wear a button with our Avatar on it.

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I am loving this thread!


I chose mine because I think it looks like I used to look when I was little. My mother always kept my hair short (even though I was dying to have it long), she had me dressed to the nines with the little patent leather shoes, and my nose was always stuck in a book! And it was a VERY happy time in my life.


And yeah, so far? No way I've found a picture good enough of me that I'm putting on here!

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Because it's the Bass God John Taylor.. there is none other like him ;)


Ok, I am going to come out of the closet as a steadfast Duranie and fellow admirer of John Taylor in particular.


I do love his bass lines.


Do you play too? It's been a while, but bass was my instrument. John was probably my very first and sweetest influence, though there is a soft spot for Flea in my admiring heart as well. :)


(Oh yeah, and my avatar is my mustang. He's awesome too!)

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I wish I could play. I play nothing except "on my husband's nerves" ;)


I used to play piano.. bah... can't play anything really. And if you really want to hear his bass lines, get their new album.. ;)


Oooh, ooh... just checked it out at itunes... "Falling Down" and "Box Full O'Honey"... there he is!!! :D

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It's me but it's me with my Mike's because sometimes that's just how I feel at the end of the day. I actually took this photo with my webcam when my hubby was deployed last time (it was taken at our old house). There's a matching one of me with a cupcake. I was sending him pictures of my dinner. It was one of THOSE days (points downward to sig).

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I had been using a picture of a Surfing Santa because it was fun and I used it on my blog.


But I have now changed it to one of the pictures that I took at Place of Refuge on the Big Island. :)


Our goal is to retire to Hawaii because we love it so much and feel so much at home and at peace when we are there. We have travelled lots of places and this is the first place that really felt like home.

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The inspiration for mine was rooted in a testimony of sorts - years ago now (15+?) I was invited to speak at a ladies' retreat in Myrtle Beach, SC. While there and during one of the small group/prayer times, one dear attendee paused the session to share with the group that in her mind's (spiritual) eye, she sensed that I was like a waterfall in that just as one droplet of water in a fall would go on to infuence or touch so many different places, my life ministry in walking with the Lord would be the same. I'd always appreciated the beauty of waterfalls and, certainly, since that day they've held even greater meaning for me. Thus, when it came time to choose an avatar, I decided I wanted to use a waterfall to symbolize what I desire to here on the boards - someone who can touch/bless others in a significant way.


Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess for God who promises is faithful!


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