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Neighbor/friend has been sick for 48hrs. Nausea, aches, chills, general ick- as described by her. I took soup to her last night. She looked beat.


This morning called to check on her. Had an uncomfortable night. Still achy. Took lots of Tylenol so feeling better.


She's off to take her pre-schooler to story-time at the library.




*this* my friends is why I worry. And this is why I am being a freak and laying low for a while. Just until we know more.



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I. do. not. get. that.


Why do people do that?!?!


I do understand people who feel that they have to go to work when they are ill. I totally do. I've done it (and really regretted it). But I really do not get people who go to "fun" things when they are sick!!!:glare::glare::glare:

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I. do. not. get. that.


Why do people do that?!?!


I do understand people who feel that they have to go to work when they are ill. I totally do. I've done it (and really regretted it). But I really do not get people who go to "fun" things when they are sick!!!:glare::glare::glare:


:iagree:That infuriates me, story time is not a necessary trip. Stay home, especially now for goodness sake.


Right after I went through cancer tx and had no immune system I was working in an office where people who come to work hacking and coughing. I caught everything. I was sick at least once a month. "I" got in trouble for missing so many days of work, occurrences was their word. I told my bosses that if they wanted to fire me because other people came to work sick and I caught it, great go ahead but I was NOT coming to work when I was ill. You should have seen their faces and they never bothered me again.

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In hockey, there are kids who lie on the ice after a check, writhing and rolling and moaning. There are kids who curl up in a ball or lie as they fell after a check. All these kids get my fervent prayers.


But when they POP up and skate to the bench and then don't MISS A SHIFT, I want to...stamp my foot in frustration.


Your friend's actions remind of these kids. If you are THAT sick, you shouldn't be going to story hour!

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Neighbor/friend has been sick for 48hrs. Nausea, aches, chills, general ick- as described by her. I took soup to her last night. She looked beat.


This morning called to check on her. Had an uncomfortable night. Still achy. Took lots of Tylenol so feeling better.


She's off to take her pre-schooler to story-time at the library.




*this* my friends is why I worry. And this is why I am being a freak and laying low for a while. Just until we know more.




Oh my. Does she not know the CDC has been urging anyone with flu symptoms to not only stay home themselves, but keep their families home as well? Even if she doesn't have the swine flu (which I realize is unlikely), it's not nice to pass on any kind of flu!

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Neighbor/friend has been sick for 48hrs. Nausea, aches, chills, general ick- as described by her. I took soup to her last night. She looked beat.


This morning called to check on her. Had an uncomfortable night. Still achy. Took lots of Tylenol so feeling better.


She's off to take her pre-schooler to story-time at the library.




*this* my friends is why I worry. And this is why I am being a freak and laying low for a while. Just until we know more.



I don't have any patience for that either. My dd2 has immunity problems and we have almost completely given up activities like story time because so many parents and children come sick. What may be a small cold for their child could kill another child.
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I do understand people who feel that they have to go to work when they are ill. I totally do.


Oh, yeah. I used to work for a woman who would not settle for anyone calling in sick.

To one guy who called in with a stomach virus she said, "You can puke here just as well as you can puke at home. I'll see you in a half hour."



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Excuse my French, but, no, I better not say it.


A friend gave a terrible throwing up virus to my family about two weeks ago. Her little girl was vomiting on a Thursday and she dropped by to give me something on a Sunday and let her daughter play with my boys in our van.


I didn't put 2 and 2 together until after they left. They were only here for 10 mins.


1 a.m. my boy was throwing up. Three days later my other boy was.


I don't get why people do this under the best of circumstances, but to do it when the pandemic level is at a 4 -- now 5 -- is mind blowing.


I'm really old to finally be understanding that we all look alike on the outside, but we're all made of different stuff inside.



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Neighbor/friend has been sick for 48hrs. Nausea, aches, chills, general ick- as described by her. I took soup to her last night. She looked beat.


This morning called to check on her. Had an uncomfortable night. Still achy. Took lots of Tylenol so feeling better.


She's off to take her pre-schooler to story-time at the library.




*this* my friends is why I worry. And this is why I am being a freak and laying low for a while. Just until we know more.




Without knowing her, it might be ignorance more than that she doesn't care about infecting people. Once I had my oldest stay home from church because he was sick with a fever. While dh was gone to church I gave ds some Motrin so by the time dh got home, ds was feeling great, no fever, etc. Dh then thought it would be fine to go over to a friend's house to a lunch we'd been invited to. :001_huh:


I realized that he really equated fever with contagiousness but thought somehow that you weren't contagious if you didn't currently have a fever...even if the reason the fever was gone was because of meds. If I'd heard this about someone else I'd have thought they were an idiot. But I know dh isn't an idiot...just was wrong about this.


Anyway, she may just be cavalier about other people's health or she just may not realize what she is doing.

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This kind of thing drives me up the wall.


When dd was 3/4 and going to storytime at the library, I always counted on ending up sick. We got sick more during those two years than I could ever remember being sick. It seemed like all the moms figured they could go to the library with sick kids and let them share the computers and let them sneeze and cough on all the other kids at storytime. I was so glad when dd outgrew those programs!


My personal feeling is this: if dd has a runny nose, or a cough, or a fever, we stay home. My reasoning isn't entirely altruistic, either - I also worry that she might pick up something else and end up sicker. There is nowhere we have to go that's so important that we can't miss it.


Two years ago, dd ended up with walking pneumonia from going to class at The Little Gym. I knew that's where she got it because one of the coaches was bragging that one of the kids was so tough that he came to class with pneumonia, and not too longer afterward, dd got sick and so did a whole bunch of the other kids. I was furious at both the parent and the coach. If he didn't have the common sense to understand that the kid's "toughness" was putting all of the other kids at risk, then he was in the wrong profession!


Ooh, sick people not staying home is definitely one of my pet peeves!

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My middle child is a special needs kid. He tends to catch everything that comes down the pike. I can't get mad for kids coming over with a sniffle or two. However, we had this one family that would allow their kid to come over with a raging cold or a bad fever. I would meet him at the door and send him home. Are you kidding me? One time I didn't even let him in the door. I heard that he had lice....eeewww. Why on earth would you send your kid to my house when he was sent home from school with LICE?!? I was more than a little happy when they moved away.

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Follow up question:


Would you say anything?



I have to call her back later.




Yes. Something along the lines of "please keep your plague to yourself". Seriously, she can't know the health status of the kids and parents at story-time. What she has is more than the sniffles, and could be a serious hazard to one of them.

(And, yes, I have been the crazy, over-concerned person who has called people from co-op and told them they may NOT come if they or their children are ill)

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Some people just aren't as worried as others. I can get pretty beat feeling with a sinus infection, but I figure I am an adult and I can keep myself away from others, etc. Maybe she doesn't think she has the flu...or maybe she is feeling a lot better now. ??? I know I wouldn't be going to story time if I felt like crap though! More because I felt bad than anything else even...

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This reminds me of a mom in our twins club years ago who had a birthday party planned for her boys at the local Leap n' Bounds ball pit place. One twin woke up ill - fever, etc. She took him to the doctor and found out he had strep. She BROUGHT HIM TO THE PARTY as "it is his birthday" and "everyone gets sick anyway". She did NOT tell anyone ahead of time that one of her twins was contagious with strep. Of course, this also means the kid infected the entire ball pit play area. Grrr!!!!!

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This reminds me of a mom in our twins club years ago who had a birthday party planned for her boys at the local Leap n' Bounds ball pit place. One twin woke up ill - fever, etc. She took him to the doctor and found out he had strep. She BROUGHT HIM TO THE PARTY as "it is his birthday" and "everyone gets sick anyway". She did NOT tell anyone ahead of time that one of her twins was contagious with strep. Of course, this also means the kid infected the entire ball pit play area. Grrr!!!!!


Wow! What a jerk she was! Strep can be serious for some kids.

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Follow up question:


Would you say anything?



I have to call her back later.




I would; but, I'm kinda direct like that. We just had the 1st confirmed death from Swine Flu here in TX today (or yesterday). A 23 month old boy. Whilst I'm definitely not in panic mode, I'm realizing that my shifts are going to get a LOT busier in the coming days and possibly weeks.


Anyway, yes, I would mention to your friend that going out in public with these types of symptoms is probably not the best idea. Ever. Let alone in what *might* be the beginnings of a pandemic. Like Alice said, she truly may not know that feeling better because one took lots of meds does not mean one is not contagious.

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Gently to her, yes I would say something like... "I sure wish you wouldn't expose all those moms and little ones just to be safe and you can always go next week."


Follow up question:


Would you say anything?



I have to call her back later.



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Excuse my French, but, no, I better not say it.


A friend gave a terrible throwing up virus to my family about two weeks ago. Her little girl was vomiting on a Thursday and she dropped by to give me something on a Sunday and let her daughter play with my boys in our van.


I didn't put 2 and 2 together until after they left. They were only here for 10 mins.


1 a.m. my boy was throwing up. Three days later my other boy was.


I don't get why people do this under the best of circumstances, but to do it when the pandemic level is at a 4 -- now 5 -- is mind blowing.


I'm really old to finally be understanding that we all look alike on the outside, but we're all made of different stuff inside.




I'm confused about this one, though I totally agree with the principle of not going out when sick. If the girl was sick on Thursday, wasn't she well four days later on Sunday? My rule of thumb is to wait 24 hours after the last vomiting session, then the kid is well. Same with fever--I give it 24 hours to "settle." So by my rule of thumb your friend's child would not only be well on Sunday--the illness would be old news at that point. Was the child still sick throwing up on Sunday???


Not attacking, just confused . . . .

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I. do. not. get. that.


Why do people do that?!?!


I do understand people who feel that they have to go to work when they are ill. I totally do. I've done it (and really regretted it). But I really do not get people who go to "fun" things when they are sick!!!:glare::glare::glare:




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I think it comes from a feeling of obligation toward our kids, much as we often have that feeling toward our boss.

Not sure what that means, in the long run...bossy kids? :D



Ok, I totally understand feeling obligated to my kids......but come on, lol....a preschooler is going to have no concept about whether library storytime day is today or yesterday or next month. Skip a week and the kid woudn't have a clue.


I had three kids under the age of 3 when my DH was shipped off for a 4 month assignment.....that was rough enough.....coming down with the flu (and having no family in the same state, and we'd only been there about 2 months so no true friends yet).....THAT was really rough. All I wanted to do was sleep (and gack)......but those kids needed watching. So....I baby proofed my room by moving everything remotely dangerous into the laundry room.....shut and locked my bedroom door with the babes and me inside......and turned on the television. My kids watched more Pooh bear and other cartoons for about 3 days than they've seen in the decade since then! But...they were safe and nearby....they were occupied and happy.....and I slept off the worst of it. When I woke I fed them easy finger foods. I felt guilty. When my DH made his weekly call and realized what I'd gone through he thought I was a hero for figuring out how to do....he says he'd have called neighbors he didn't even know and farm the kids out, lol.


And of course that was when the flu was just the flu....you gacked, you slept, you coughed, you got better eventually. NOT like right now when you could be infecting every toddler in your community and their moms.


Heavens.....maybe you need to print out the advice from the CDC's website saying "IF YOU ARE SICK STAY HOME" and tape it to her door for her.


The ONLY way that this thing is going to get better is if enough people stay away from everyone else and the germs die a lonely death. As long as we keep passing it around it will only get worse.....and even scarier than that is that the longer it goes around the more chance it will mutate....and they rarely mutate into something better.


As for me and mine.....we're concentrating on schoolwork right now....and staying home....and dropping off the library books tomorrow in the drive up slot and not bothering to get more this week. We certainly have enough at home and available free online to keep us going for a long long time. I think I'm going to do the grocery shopping at midnight, lol.

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We have friends who homeschooled because their youngest daughter has cystic fibrosis (didn't want her or her siblings exposed to all the junk in classrooms). Even a common cold is life-threatening for her. I always think of them when deciding whether to go into public when I'm sick or my children are.

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My dh and I don't understand why people go to church sick. We seem to get sick everytime we go to church. One of us will pick it up, and then it will cycle through each member of our 6 person family. One cold can put us out of commission for up to two weeks. Our latest is I picked up something at church on Palm Sunday. My dh and youngest son caught it 1 week later. Last Wednesday my 3 year old caught it. My 5 year old got it Thursday. My 9 year old began getting sick yesterday. Nasty cold. (At least we hope it's just a cold.) Fever. Sore throat. Stopped up head. Coughs. Chills. My dd9 and ds5 were throwing up. My dh and I are STILL coughing. My ds5 has a severe ear infection and is now on antibiotics. We're out $153 for my Dr's visit and strep test (negative thankfully), and another to be determined amount for my ds5. Not to mention extra Kleenex, OTC meds, and takeout meals brought home by dh while I was down for the count. All because we went to church on Palm Sunday and somebody decided to come sick. I know it was church because I hadn't been anywhere else in the several days prior to going to church. My dh said he's ready to give up on trying to find a church (we're in the midst of a church hunt atm)....he's half kidding....

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My dh and I don't understand why people go to church sick. We seem to get sick everytime we go to church. One of us will pick it up, and then it will cycle through each member of our 6 person family. One cold can put us out of commission for up to two weeks. Our latest is I picked up something at church on Palm Sunday. My dh and youngest son caught it 1 week later. Last Wednesday my 3 year old caught it. My 5 year old got it Thursday. My 9 year old began getting sick yesterday. Nasty cold. (At least we hope it's just a cold.) Fever. Sore throat. Stopped up head. Coughs. Chills. My dd9 and ds5 were throwing up. My dh and I are STILL coughing. My ds5 has a severe ear infection and is now on antibiotics. We're out $153 for my Dr's visit and strep test (negative thankfully), and another to be determined amount for my ds5. Not to mention extra Kleenex, OTC meds, and takeout meals brought home by dh while I was down for the count. All because we went to church on Palm Sunday and somebody decided to come sick. I know it was church because I hadn't been anywhere else in the several days prior to going to church. My dh said he's ready to give up on trying to find a church (we're in the midst of a church hunt atm)....he's half kidding....


Do you know this is a new angle to this story. The financial cost. I hadn't really thought about that. Duh. So next time someone says, "everyone gets sick" quote them this:


"A new study published in the February 24th edition of Archives of Internal Medicine reports that the cost to the U.S. economy is $40 billion a year - substantially more than other conditions such as asthma, heart failure and emphysema.From the University of Michigan Health System:The common cold coughs up a $40 billion annual price tag"


I just pulled that off the first believeable website I clicked on. :D I'm popping in and out of this thread trying to look like I'm paying attention to my children's assignments. I'm sure there are better individual cost statistics, but I don't have the time right now. :tongue_smilie:


As for the church thing- I'm giving you a big ol' "Amen!" We don't use any of the child care- it's not worth it on so many levels, sickness potential at the top.



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My dh and I don't understand why people go to church sick. We seem to get sick everytime we go to church. One of us will pick it up, and then it will cycle through each member of our 6 person family. One cold can put us out of commission for up to two weeks. Our latest is I picked up something at church on Palm Sunday. My dh and youngest son caught it 1 week later. Last Wednesday my 3 year old caught it. My 5 year old got it Thursday. My 9 year old began getting sick yesterday. Nasty cold. (At least we hope it's just a cold.) Fever. Sore throat. Stopped up head. Coughs. Chills. My dd9 and ds5 were throwing up. My dh and I are STILL coughing. My ds5 has a severe ear infection and is now on antibiotics. We're out $153 for my Dr's visit and strep test (negative thankfully), and another to be determined amount for my ds5. Not to mention extra Kleenex, OTC meds, and takeout meals brought home by dh while I was down for the count. All because we went to church on Palm Sunday and somebody decided to come sick. I know it was church because I hadn't been anywhere else in the several days prior to going to church. My dh said he's ready to give up on trying to find a church (we're in the midst of a church hunt atm)....he's half kidding....



Same here. We haven't gone to church in about three months. We can pretty much count on our youngest being sick the Tuesday following any Sunday we go to church. The last time we were there my youngest was sick by Tuesday as usual and the whole family ended up sick for two months. My youngest ended up with a cough, ear infections, and three visits to the doctor. I had a sinus infection and needed two antibiotics as I ended up being allergic to the first one. My older son ended up with severe ear infections and a sinus infection. My daughter coughed for weeks. My husband felt horrible. Although we've been better, I really don't feel much desire to go to church and be sick again.


Yesterday, my husband took my older son to taekwondo. He tweeted that one of the other students was, at that moment, puking in the bathroom. I immediately told him to keep both himself and my son away from the kid, the bathroom, and anything the kid touched. The first thing I told my son when he got home was to drop his gear and go wash his hands very well. My reaction is not because I'm worried about the swine flu, though. It's because I've never recovered from the fact that my youngest caught RSV when he was 2 weeks old from his brother who got it from a classmate who went to school when his mother KNEW he was sick.

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The other thing that bothers me about the whole church=disease situation is that last year my family DID come down with a flu. We were totally out of commission for over a month total since my children ended up with secondary infections after the flu itself was over. (Bronchitis, ear infections) We actually got an e-mail from our old pastor (he heard we hadn't been going to church for a few weeks) exhorting us to come to church. And by "exhorting", I mean he insinuated we were well enough to go, or we should go separately leaving the children who were still sick with the other parent. Ummm...taking care of flu-ish kids is a bit of a disaster. I was thankful for any help my dh could give me when he wasn't at work. It seems kinda legalistic to me to require folks to come to church when either they or their children are sick. We actually got more grief for missing church from that pastor than my dh did from his employer for missing work. :glare:

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My dh and I don't understand why people go to church sick. We seem to get sick everytime we go to church. One of us will pick it up, and then it will cycle through each member of our 6 person family. One cold can put us out of commission for up to two weeks. Our latest is I picked up something at church on Palm Sunday. My dh and youngest son caught it 1 week later. Last Wednesday my 3 year old caught it. My 5 year old got it Thursday. My 9 year old began getting sick yesterday. Nasty cold. (At least we hope it's just a cold.) Fever. Sore throat. Stopped up head. Coughs. Chills. My dd9 and ds5 were throwing up. My dh and I are STILL coughing. My ds5 has a severe ear infection and is now on antibiotics. We're out $153 for my Dr's visit and strep test (negative thankfully), and another to be determined amount for my ds5. Not to mention extra Kleenex, OTC meds, and takeout meals brought home by dh while I was down for the count. All because we went to church on Palm Sunday and somebody decided to come sick. I know it was church because I hadn't been anywhere else in the several days prior to going to church. My dh said he's ready to give up on trying to find a church (we're in the midst of a church hunt atm)....he's half kidding....



I hear you! I stopped being a Sunday School teacher because I was tired of dealing with kids so sick that all they wanted to do was lay on the floor and sleep. But mom/dad felt they "needed" to be at church (and Sunday school) because it was Sunday. Pastor's gentle requests went unheeded. Me...I wanted to shout...Yo...people....God will still love and bless your child if they stay home on Sunday with a cold! Yep, he will. And it means that the rest of us can continue our good works throughout the week instead of being sick all winter long.


I'll tell you....I used to spend most winters with more sick days than feeling good days....then I quite Sunday School and we eventually also stopped going to church (not due to the sick folks, but because of the politics and other worship-interferring junk). Now that we "church at home".....the last two winters I've had a single cold the first year....and this past winter....not a single day of being in bed due to illness. Not one day.


Consider home church with like minded folks......ones who feel the same about worship and want to bring the blessings not the illness and politics to the event. It's truly as close to heaven as I can get right now.

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I don't have any patience for that either. My dd2 has immunity problems and we have almost completely given up activities like story time because so many parents and children come sick. What may be a small cold for their child could kill another child.


AMEN! My youngest has cancer, and we cannot go to story hour and such, because of selfish people! I should not have worry about risking my son's life to enjoy life the way other kids do, so sad. We cannot even go to church for 5 months out of the year. :rolleyes:

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I can't stand it when people do that. I have a friend that does that to me. Wost is she does it when I'm pregnant. The first time I ended up in the hospital because of what i caught from her son and I was 7 months pregnant. The last time, I was pregnant again and she invited me over. When I was there I found out her son, the same one that got me sick the first time, had strep! I just find that to be so irresponsible.

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*this* my friends is why I worry. And this is why I am being a freak and laying low for a while. Just until we know more.




So out of genuine curiosity, because I'm trying to determine where my own freak factor is going to be (:tongue_smilie:), are you not going to church or putting your baby in the nursery?

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I can't stand it when people do that. I have a friend that does that to me. Wost is she does it when I'm pregnant. The first time I ended up in the hospital because of what i caught from her son and I was 7 months pregnant. The last time, I was pregnant again and she invited me over. When I was there I found out her son, the same one that got me sick the first time, had strep! I just find that to be so irresponsible.


I'm not trying to be mean but...are you still her friend after that? That is so reckless to knowingly come in contact with a pregnant lady when you(or your kids) are sick.


I took ds in to the ER about a month ago--he's fine. So, I get a call from the county health dept a week later. When ds and I were in the ER, there was a child present with the measles. Ds is up to date with his shots but he's got a weakened immune system. I *think* I had a booster after one of my pregnancies. A few teachers at ds's school are pregnant. I decided to not send him for a few days--just to be sure. I cancelled my GYN appointment-which is severely overdue--just to be sure. I have a child with severe disabilities and it would kill me if I ever caused that in another woman's child.

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Excuse my French, but, no, I better not say it.


A friend gave a terrible throwing up virus to my family about two weeks ago. Her little girl was vomiting on a Thursday and she dropped by to give me something on a Sunday and let her daughter play with my boys in our van.


I didn't put 2 and 2 together until after they left. They were only here for 10 mins.


1 a.m. my boy was throwing up. Three days later my other boy was.


I don't get why people do this under the best of circumstances, but to do it when the pandemic level is at a 4 -- now 5 -- is mind blowing.


I'm really old to finally be understanding that we all look alike on the outside, but we're all made of different stuff inside.




The problem is knowing how long someone is contagious after each and every bug, even if the bug is unknown. I was always taught to stay home for 24 hours after a fever. I probably would have applied that same idea to the vomiting and done the same as your friend. Sorry :blushing:

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Excuse my French, but, no, I better not say it.


A friend gave a terrible throwing up virus to my family about two weeks ago. Her little girl was vomiting on a Thursday and she dropped by to give me something on a Sunday and let her daughter play with my boys in our van.


I didn't put 2 and 2 together until after they left. They were only here for 10 mins.


1 a.m. my boy was throwing up. Three days later my other boy was.


I don't get why people do this under the best of circumstances, but to do it when the pandemic level is at a 4 -- now 5 -- is mind blowing.


I'm really old to finally be understanding that we all look alike on the outside, but we're all made of different stuff inside.




Just curious...was he throwing up at 1 AM that same night? I've never heard of a flu bug hitting you on the same day that you come in contact with it--except in the movies.

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My dh once missed a day's work because he had been battling an ear infection and finally went to the Dr. to get an antibiotic. When he returned to work, his supervisor asked him why he called in sick. My dh told him he went to the Dr. for an antibiotic. His boss said, "If you're well enough to go to the Dr., you were well enough to come to work!" I am sooo glad he doesn't work there anymore.

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i was actually telling dh tonight that this is why i'm glad we homeschool...that i can choose exactly where we go and when, and i am in total supervision of who my kids come in contact with. i can tell you that we won't be having my dd's birthday in a public place, but have decided to have a party at home. i'm not even taking my kids to the grocery--play dates at friends' houses, as long as their parents haven't travelled to mexico recently. :tongue_smilie:

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I'm not trying to be mean but...are you still her friend after that? That is so reckless to knowingly come in contact with a pregnant lady when you(or your kids) are sick.


I took ds in to the ER about a month ago--he's fine. So, I get a call from the county health dept a week later. When ds and I were in the ER, there was a child present with the measles. Ds is up to date with his shots but he's got a weakened immune system. I *think* I had a booster after one of my pregnancies. A few teachers at ds's school are pregnant. I decided to not send him for a few days--just to be sure. I cancelled my GYN appointment-which is severely overdue--just to be sure. I have a child with severe disabilities and it would kill me if I ever caused that in another woman's child.


Call me crazy, but ... yes. I'm still her friend.

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My dh and I don't understand why people go to church sick. We seem to get sick everytime we go to church. One of us will pick it up, and then it will cycle through each member of our 6 person family. One cold can put us out of commission for up to two weeks. Our latest is I picked up something at church on Palm Sunday. My dh and youngest son caught it 1 week later. Last Wednesday my 3 year old caught it. My 5 year old got it Thursday. My 9 year old began getting sick yesterday. Nasty cold. (At least we hope it's just a cold.) Fever. Sore throat. Stopped up head. Coughs. Chills. My dd9 and ds5 were throwing up. My dh and I are STILL coughing. My ds5 has a severe ear infection and is now on antibiotics. We're out $153 for my Dr's visit and strep test (negative thankfully), and another to be determined amount for my ds5. Not to mention extra Kleenex, OTC meds, and takeout meals brought home by dh while I was down for the count. All because we went to church on Palm Sunday and somebody decided to come sick. I know it was church because I hadn't been anywhere else in the several days prior to going to church. My dh said he's ready to give up on trying to find a church (we're in the midst of a church hunt atm)....he's half kidding....



My church broadcasts all of its services live online. It is a non-denominational Bible teaching church. They have services on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. The link is calvaryftl.org if you're interested. :) I know that Greg Laurie's and Chuck Smith's church services are also online. :)


I quit going to church too for awhile when my daughter was a baby/toddler for the same reason. I got tired of cleaning up the all night puke fests and of catching everything that she caught. She was sick so much when she was 2,3,4 that a lot of times I just stayed home from church for weeks and listened online.

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Krogers is open 24 hrs here in TN. So is Walmart.



GRRR we don't have Krogers down here where I live. Just Publix and Winn Dixie and some latin markets. I have a Walmart by my house, but it's not a Super Walmart. They don't sell groceries. :( sniff

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Girl at gymnastics practice tonight is running a fever. Her mom got home from New York yesterday, her dad from Dallas Sunday. She complained of not feeling well (I was sitting right there), mom felt her head, said she was hot but "needed to practice for regionals".


I swear to Pete, if my kid gets sick and misses *her* regional meet, I am getting my fees refunded from the gym. I have asked them repeatedly to follow their *own* sick policy, and they never do. We got strep, and stomach flu TWICE, from this same family. They are clearly not going to keep their precious Germ Factories home unless the gym makes them adhere to the sick policy, so I hold the gym responsible at this point.


Can you tell I'm more than a little pi$$ed off??????????????


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Girl at gymnastics practice tonight is running a fever. Her mom got home from New York yesterday, her dad from Dallas Sunday. She complained of not feeling well (I was sitting right there), mom felt her head, said she was hot but "needed to practice for regionals".


I swear to Pete, if my kid gets sick and misses *her* regional meet, I am getting my fees refunded from the gym. I have asked them repeatedly to follow their *own* sick policy, and they never do. We got strep, and stomach flu TWICE, from this same family. They are clearly not going to keep their precious Germ Factories home unless the gym makes them adhere to the sick policy, so I hold the gym responsible at this point.


Can you tell I'm more than a little pi$$ed off??????????????




It boggles the mind..... just... boggles the mind! :eek: :blink: :thumbdown:

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